


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 contraction is a cum hoc fallacy that should be abandoned.
2 ty and we suggest that the term SWEDD should be abandoned.
3             The practice of MBP alone should be abandoned.
4 omoted by integrated operating rooms) should be abandoned.
5 ssels or the choroidal stromal spaces should be abandoned.
6 multiplets typical for (1)H NMR spectra must be abandoned.
7  This approach to fluid resuscitation should be abandoned.
8 les is of clinical relevance and thus cannot be abandoned.
9  evidence suggests that this practice should be abandoned.
10 not change sufficiently for the tradition to be abandoned.
11 se of the term demand characteristics should be abandoned.
12 o reduce fiber intake in this setting should be abandoned.
13 h for identification of a cancer cell should be abandoned.
14  to contribute to better outcomes and should be abandoned.
15 ogen atoms connected by a single bond should be abandoned.
16 sk of in-transit metastasis (ITM) and should be abandoned.
17 r and longer term studies, or if they should be abandoned.
18                 The term PSA response should be abandoned.
19 established, or this type of training should be abandoned.
20  responsiveness in cartilaginous fish should be abandoned.
21 trauma patients are not justified and should be abandoned.
22 me targeted lesions before further treatment is abandoned.
23 n amyotrophic lateral sclerosis pathogenesis was abandoned.
24 ate: 18%) and liver transplantation for CLMs was abandoned.
25 EPP was not started and in three patients it was abandoned.
26 ible malaria in Malawi after chloroquine use was abandoned.
27 ecause of the poor results, mesoatrial shunt was abandoned.
28 f transcriptionally inert noncoding DNA have been abandoned.
29 cerns, this treatment option has essentially been abandoned.
30  abscess and intrapancreatic pseudocyst have been abandoned.
31 ussions in children were inadequate and have been abandoned.
32 to use standard sleep scoring criteria alone were abandoned.
33 d experiment, distinctions between Cs and Vs were abandoned.
34  IRB approval, 7 were pursued while 24 (77%) were abandoned.
35 ealing-abutments and plaque control measures were abandoned.
36 expensive late-stage clinical testing before being abandoned.
37        Overall, 3.27% of index prescriptions were abandoned; 1.77% were RTS and 1.50% were RTS with f
38 iver packing, a practice that had previously been abandoned after World War II because of adverse eve
39 with an orange mix of goethite and hematite, was abandoned after breakage at Cueva Anton, 60 km inlan
40   Therefore we argue that the term ACOS must be abandoned and ultimately replaced when new phenotypes
41 tment was reversed, the previous growth axis was abandoned and a new axis was established in the oppo
42                     Drug therapy has largely been abandoned, and defibrillator placement, despite its
43 ea and settlement sizes declined, many sites were abandoned, and a significant shift in site numbers
44  organization was hypothesized, but the idea was abandoned as more dynamic models of chromatin behavi
45 nsufficient data to conclude that GGS should be abandoned, as the associated risk of band slippage ha
46 ars in a cohort of Romanian children who had been abandoned at birth and placed into institutional ca
47 iopathic LVOT VAs was unsuccessful or had to be abandoned because of anatomic obstacles, an anatomic
48 g 39 patients, it was unsuccessful or had to be abandoned because of anatomic obstacles.
49    Suture repair of parastomal hernia should be abandoned because of increased recurrence rates.
50 and etoposide intensification regimen should be abandoned because of toxicity.
51 f death donor after death is declared should be abandoned because, by restoring brain circulation, it
52               However, hydrides have largely been abandoned because of oxidative instability and slug
53 agents that had previously been used but had been abandoned because of toxic side effects.
54 lar volatile general anesthetic (VGA) before being abandoned because of its low therapeutic index.
55                       In 41 patients, bh-LGE was abandoned because of image quality issues, including
56  extensive cirrhosis was found and resection was abandoned because of the high risk of liver failure.
57 after little pioneering work, this technique was abandoned because of the high temperatures required
58 combinations of fludarabine and chlorambucil were abandoned because of increased toxicity from overla
59 ion: a) assurances that the patient will not be abandoned before death (p=.015); b) assurances that t
60 ested that the term borderline tumour should be abandoned but it is argued that this terminology shou
61 ecover E. coli O157:H7 by culture should not be abandoned but, rather, should be increased when the I
62 econd expedition of Christopher Columbus but was abandoned by 1498.
63 rs after this immunosuppression strategy has been abandoned, demonstrates that the risk of immunosupp
64 otheses of vagal-enteric organization should be abandoned for an integrative neural network model.
65 R based on human CD4 as a binding domain and was abandoned for a lack of efficacy.
66 wever, those trials failed, and the approach was abandoned for HIV-1.
67 f systems constructed in developing contexts are abandoned in the years following initial constructio
68 ya-originally proposed by myself and others--be abandoned in favor of the earlier Prokaryote-Eukaryot
69 t for the design of association studies must be abandoned in light of the experimental and theoretica
70                              FPTX should not be abandoned in patients with positive preoperative loca
71 l anticoagulants (vitamin K antagonists) has been abandoned in primary cardiovascular prevention due
72 y the 1930s, the term "filterable virus" was being abandoned in favor of simply "virus," meaning an a
73 surface in the A-LV summit in 6 patients and was abandoned in 14 with the B-LV summit VAs because of
74 hydro-4-methyl-4-thiazolecarboxylic acid (2) was abandoned in clinical trials as an iron chelator for
75 t, and coordinated changes when prior belief was abandoned in favor of exploration of alternative str
76 lecular signaling, or allosteric, hypothesis was abandoned in favor of the associative hypothesis, wh
77                          The former approach was abandoned in favor of the latter when more functiona
78                                  Rather they were abandoned in favor of more tractable studies made p
79  other hand, use of a separate GV should not be abandoned; in carefully selected patients (and if pro
80                    Early eradication efforts were abandoned largely because of the difficulty of dete
81 , and reassuring patients that they will not be abandoned may provide realistic hope.
82 s grypus) are typical capital breeders; pups are abandoned on the natal site after a brief suckling p
83           Scientifically, DFT testing should be abandoned only when prospective evidence demonstrates
84  donor responded that living donation should be abandoned or that he or she felt "forced" to donate.
85 r vascular surgery as an essential component is abandoned or training in catheter-based interventions
86 rtate antagonist development programmes have been abandoned owing to concerns about drug toxicity, pa
87 udies combining fludarabine and chlorambucil were abandoned owing to increased toxicity from overlapp
88         Surgical thrombectomy had previously been abandoned secondary to poor long-term results.
89                              This hypothesis was abandoned shortly afterwards because of the absence
90 and 4.68 times more likely, respectively, to be abandoned than prescriptions with no copayment (P < 0
91 lectronically were 1.64 times more likely to be abandoned than those that were not electronic (P < 0.
92 , though, felt traditional perspectives were being abandoned too readily.
93   Surgical castration of male pigs will soon be abandoned, turning a major advantage of this practice
94 n of paradigm shifts, an old paradigm cannot be abandoned until a new paradigm emerges to replace it.
95 igher organisms, the NLS of lower eukaryotes was abandoned, whereas the new NLS was evolved from an a

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