


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                These defects are accompanied with a reduced survival of Sox6(-/-) red
2 he prevalence of end-stage renal failure has been accompanied with a rise in the waiting list for ren
3                   The increase in iNKT cells is accompanied with a biased rearrangement involving Val
4 gnetostructural transformation, Tmstr, which is accompanied with a big difference in the internal ene
5 induced T-effector activity is transient and is accompanied with a CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T-suppressor cel
6             This transient CX3CL1 production is accompanied with a destabilization of CX3CL1 mRNA ass
7 than for Hsc70 in every condition tested and is accompanied with a gradual change in secondary struct
8 se in Ku80(-/-) cells is ATM independent but is accompanied with a higher activity of CHK1 kinase.
9 e that small intestine metabolic dysfunction is accompanied with a local amplification of low-grade i
10 e data also revealed that the Cs(+) exchange is accompanied with a rare topotactic oxidation of Mn(2+
11 the loss of beta2AR on neuronal cilia, which is accompanied with a remarkable reduction in cAMP level
12                       This "boosting" effect is accompanied with a significant increase of activation
13 om and find that the crystallization process is accompanied with a slight decrease of enthalpy.
14 mor volume over a period of 26 days and this was accompanied with a 32-fold increase in the level of
15 brane in the prostate of Mp(+/-) mice, which was accompanied with a changed pattern of matrix deposit
16                 8-Br-cGMP-induced relaxation was accompanied with a decrease in myosin light chain (M
17                                         This was accompanied with a decrease in neutrophil HO-1 level
18    However, this increase in relaxation rate was accompanied with a decrease in shortening amplitude
19 ic biopsies and mesenteric lymph nodes which was accompanied with a distinct amelioration of intestin
20                                         This was accompanied with a faithful maintenance of DNAme in
21  linear/linear pair, the exponential buildup was accompanied with a notable surface segregation which
22 d mRNA expression of CD9, and CD9 expression was accompanied with a reappearance of undifferentiated
23                                         This was accompanied with a significant increase in both medi
24                       Estradiol-only therapy was accompanied with a slightly increased risk of mening
25 ion of deuterated Met in the high-dose group was accompanied with a striking increase in the methylat
26 hagic cell death during reoxygenation, which was accompanied with activation of Akt and inhibition of
27 g protective autophagy during hypoxia, which was accompanied with activation of AMPK and inhibition o
28                                These changes were accompanied with acute axonal injury as characteriz
29           Data with lower mass accuracy must be accompanied with additional knowledge of chemical str
30 e binding of alpha-synuclein monomers, which is accompanied with alpha-helix formation and requires m
31 cells with activated protein kinase C, which is accompanied with alterations in cell proliferation an
32  enhanced susceptibility to hypertrophy that is accompanied with an increase in cdk9 activity via an
33                      The prolonged ER stress was accompanied with an accumulation of abnormal ubiquit
34 ), based on their continued viability, which was accompanied with an enhanced migratory capacity in t
35 eas a reduction in viral polymerase activity was accompanied with an increase in cytoplasmic relocati
36 ymerase activity during the heat shock phase was accompanied with an increase in Hsp70 and viral poly
37             Repression of the RECQ4 promoter was accompanied with an increased accumulation of HDAC1,
38                                These results were accompanied with an early increase in cytokine leve
39  lysine to glutamic acid change at codon 337 is accompanied with apparent loss of heterozygosity or n
40                              All information is accompanied with appropriate literature references.
41                 The altered regioselectivity was accompanied with approximately 10-fold increases in
42                                  This effect was accompanied with attenuation of proliferation and in
43 mportantly, PDGF-D/matriptase colocalization is accompanied with beta-PDGFR phosphorylation in human
44 ponses elicited from the aforementioned site were accompanied with bradycardia; this response may be
45            Here we show that atrial fibrosis was accompanied with cardiomyocyte apoptosis.
46 d cell survival independent of cell adhesion is accompanied with cell cycle arrest in human breast ep
47 and MAO B, cause functional alterations that are accompanied with changes in the cellular mechanisms
48 ia attention to high-profile untoward events are accompanied with concerns for patient safety and dev
49                               The conversion was accompanied with consumption of O(2) and formation o
50                                  This defect is accompanied with decreased activation of mitogen acti
51 t prominent in HUWE1 p.R4187C XLID cells and was accompanied with decreased DNA repair capacity and h
52 3 wild type) and Hep3B (p53 null) cells that was accompanied with decreased expression of CDK1 and cy
53 hat the reduced excitability of mSOD1 models was accompanied with decreased specific membrane resista
54    These cellular phenotypes in LMO4 KO mice were accompanied with deficits in hippocampus-dependent
55 proteins, including STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5, was accompanied with DeltaEtk:ER activation.
56                                This response was accompanied with down-regulation in the protein expr
57                                         This was accompanied with dramatic reduction of brain CD8(+)
58 isorder is caused by large deletions, it may be accompanied with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), c
59 antly compared with that in the control, and was accompanied with dys-regulated expression of core ci
60                 The CIRP-induced lung damage is accompanied with endothelial cell (EC) activation mar
61                                  OAD lesions were accompanied with enhanced accumulation of neutrophi
62             Moreover, the activation of FPR2 was accompanied with ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which could
63                               The resistance is accompanied with failure of antigen-specific CD8+ CTL
64                    These vasculature changes were accompanied with features of BSCB leakage, as asses
65 ulike symptoms were more prolonged when they were accompanied with fever, peaked on day 5, and resolv
66                                         This was accompanied with great reduction of NEP endopeptidas
67 ss of 4-unit cell LaAlO3 on SrTiO3 substrate is accompanied with head-to-head ferroelectric-like pola
68 ivation of pentose phosphate pathway as this is accompanied with higher cytosolic reduced glutathione
69 inding of intercalators to Okazaki fragments is accompanied with higher heats and lower binding affin
70 l as abnormal activation of Rho GTPases that was accompanied with impaired motility of glioblastoma c
71          Further depletion of ASC with siRNA was accompanied with improved NF-kappaB activation and e
72  HER2 overexpression, resulted in EMT, which is accompanied with increased expression of a known EMT
73 ity in the absence of myocardial Cav1, which is accompanied with increased inducibility of ventricula
74 ved in v-Src transformed NIH3T3 cells, which is accompanied with increased tyrosine phosphorylation o
75                  However, this basic pattern is accompanied with increased use of new genes in the tr
76   Surprisingly, increased protein expression was accompanied with increased cytoplasmic accumulation
77 ter injuries in the 7-day-old BCAO rat brain were accompanied with increased activation of microglia/
78 noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus is accompanied with increases in apoptosis, whereas the
79 ous seizures and neuronal degeneration might be accompanied with increasing frequencies of spontaneou
80                In addition, this association was accompanied with indications that beta-blocker treat
81 okeratin 10, and increased K5; these changes were accompanied with inducibility of cell-cell adhesion
82                Attenuated lesion progression was accompanied with inhibition of hyperglycemia-induced
83              The magnetization of the device is accompanied with large avalanche like noise that is a
84               Synaptic decline in the cortex was accompanied with layer- and region-specific reactive
85 ore pronounced in the absence of GOX1, which was accompanied with lesser ability to process glycolate
86 lood cells; and (3) terminal differentiation is accompanied with loss of both proliferation and tumor
87                                    This loss was accompanied with loss of small fiber axon counts and
88 re observed in samples from treated mice and were accompanied with lower or in some cases undetectabl
89                                         This was accompanied with marked signs of airway remodelling,
90 tosis (XIAP), c-FLIP long, and Bcl-x(L) that were accompanied with mitochondrial membrane depolarizat
91                     These phenotypic changes are accompanied with molecular aberrations, including fo
92                      These enhanced kinetics were accompanied with more depolarized dSK(-) photorecep
93                                  This effect was accompanied with neurite degeneration, loss of synap
94 ectable cell fusion, and the transplantation was accompanied with only a low incidence of teratoma fo
95 malformation of the aortic arch, which might be accompanied with other coexisting cardiovascular anom
96                                         This was accompanied with reduced serum interleukin-6 levels.
97  functions and decreased body weights, which were accompanied with reduced levels of brain derived ne
98 at the structural remodeling and restoration were accompanied with remodeling and restoration of Ca(2
99                These changes in treated mice were accompanied with restoration of their bone microarc
100                 Blinks evoked at later times were accompanied with saccades to the correct end point
101 e cancer cell lines, whereas silencing NDRG1 was accompanied with significant decrease in KAI1 expres
102               The enhanced tumor destruction is accompanied with significantly increased tumor infilt
103 ated dyslipidemia in Tgh(-/-)/Ldlr(-/-) mice was accompanied with significantly improved insulin sens
104 licits enhanced antiwithdrawal efficacy, but is accompanied with some cannabimimetic side effects.
105   In early visual cortex, the fixation onset was accompanied with suppressive neural signal, and dura
106      In four and three human studies, lasers were accompanied with surgical and non-surgical treatmen
107 nnings of gastric and esophageal cancers has been accompanied with the development of novel therapeut
108 d activation of the phagocytes, neutrophils, is accompanied with the extracellular release of active
109  Improved tolerance of sr1 seedlings to salt is accompanied with the induction of salt-responsive gen
110 ion in primary cultured rat PASMCs, and this was accompanied with the activation of calcineurin and s
111                   The inhibition of re-entry was accompanied with the age-dependent increase of p16 p
112                               This induction was accompanied with the concentration-dependent activat
113 3 at Ser-205 was reduced, and this reduction was accompanied with the generation of single strand DNA
114 matched control sample, and, in addition, it was accompanied with the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of
115                           These improvements were accompanied with the diminished myocardial no-reflo
116                  Intraluminal vWF deposition was accompanied with thrombus formation, whereas mesangi
117 events such as ovulation and ovarian atresia are accompanied with tissue destruction and repairing.
118 le to sustain recovery from T1D when Ig-GAD2 was accompanied with transfer of bone marrow (BM) cells
119  maturation both in vitro and in vivo, which is accompanied with upregulation of oligodendrocyte-spec

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