


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 onally expensive task, and many reads cannot be aligned.
2 s with a view to understanding how these may be aligned.
3 ragment blocks (HSFBs) among all proteins to be aligned.
4 l sequences without requiring the genomes to be aligned.
5 , although the flanking sequence cannot even be aligned.
6 isting and new rat physiological results can be aligned.
7 re largely conserved and pre-propeptides can be aligned.
8 much more conserved and thus, more likely to be aligned.
9 mers with whom physicians' interests may not be aligned.
10 the electronic spectra of the two electrodes are aligned.
11 applications only when the conjugated chains are aligned.
12  of the protein translocation complex SecYEG are aligned.
13 le alignments, in which several PPI networks are aligned.
14 e retina and primary visual cortex (V1) that are aligned.
15 tained only when sequences from many species are aligned.
16  cells whereby cellular and nuclear polarity are aligned.
17 -up of error and ambiguity as more sequences are aligned.
18 that spanned various evolutionary distances, were aligned.
19 e in all cases except when two bulky purines were aligned.
20 es can depend on the length of the sequences being aligned.
21 on protein similarities in pairs of networks being aligned.
22 unts of data stored for sequence reads which are aligned against a reference genome sequence.
23 ) obtained from the Human Microbiome Project were aligned against the NCBI bacterial taxonomy databas
24 entire viral coding potential for each virus was aligned, all possible amino acid covariances were id
25   The largest SLP is obtained when the wires are aligned along the direction of the AC field.
26                               Polymer chains are aligned along the fiber to facilitate intrachain cha
27 and while the quintet spin transition states are aligned along the ideal axis.
28                              Liquid crystals are aligned along the ITO line pattern and secondary spu
29 es (V approximately a few meters per second) are aligned along the symmetry axes of the lattice.
30  in the inter-band scattering channel, which are aligned along the wavevector Q = (pi, pi, pi), where
31 e (i.e. arched trabecular patterns appear to be aligned along tension/compression stress trajectories
32 dipole moment of the electron donor perylene is aligned along the axis of the electric field vector w
33 fic orientation, where the antibiotic dipole is aligned along the electric field inside the porin.
34 h a nucleoprotein structure in which ScMcm10 is aligned along the helical axis of the dsDNA.
35 ganese-calcium vectors at approximately 3.4A is aligned along the membrane normal, while the approxim
36 The observed low gravity beneath the caldera is aligned along the principal horizontal stress orienta
37 an islets, most beta, alpha, and delta cells were aligned along blood vessels with no particular orde
38 of the Mn(V)-nitrido and Mn(V)-oxo compounds were aligned along selected molecular vectors with respe
39          During each reaction, the reactants are aligned and activated by a heteronuclear four-metal-
40      We assume that fibrillar amyloid chains are aligned and further stabilized by steric zipper inte
41 ence: the spatial scales of the grids (which are aligned and have fixed relative sizes within each an
42 nd prevents anaphase onset until chromosomes are aligned and KTs are under proper tension.
43 ws exponentially with the number of networks being aligned and designing a multiple network aligner t
44 y Caenorhabditis elegans embryo, the spindle is aligned and centered on the anterior-posterior axis b
45 , we show that a subset of hindbrain vessels is aligned and/or in very close proximity to stereotypic
46 luidic device with nanoliter sensing volumes was aligned and sealed to a glass substrate with the sen
47 sites closely related to human P. falciparum were aligned and compared against similar sequences from
48  The vast amount of sequencing data produced were aligned and quantified by using our novel software.
49                          When the nerve ends were aligned and secured with fibrin glue, more motoneur
50                                   The images were aligned and stacked in a 3-D volume, within which t
51                                       Images were aligned and stacked to create 3-D reconstructions,
52                       Digital section images were aligned and stacked to create a 3-D reconstruction
53 of white matter structural integrity) images were aligned and tract-based spatial statistics performe
54 oved at constant rates in linear tracks that were aligned and were coincident with cortical microtubu
55 vity spread along axes where claustral cells are aligned, and 3), because of multiple axes for cell a
56   Topological pentagons in the cage and ring are aligned, and their corresponding rings of uranyl bip
57 ation in the neighborhood of two residues to be aligned, and is thus much more sensitive than the wid
58                                   Each image was aligned, and then the scleral canal wall, sclera, bo
59 s, 962,279 bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences were aligned, and regions of homology were selected to g
60                                   The images were aligned, and the decay-corrected ratio of the signa
61 deed work together when scientific interests are aligned; and finally, to encourage international col
62 fine atoms whose electronic magnetic moments are aligned anti-parallel to the magnetic field.
63 pestis (CO 92 and KIM), and Escherichia coli were aligned as maps to identify regions of homology and
64 that these three manganese-manganese vectors are aligned at an average orientation of approximately 6
65 ession borders of many transcription factors are aligned at interfaces between neural segments called
66 cing the spindle checkpoint when chromosomes are aligned at metaphase to allow timely anaphase onset
67 on when the normally incident electric field is aligned at 45 degrees to the slits.
68  parallels that are evident when development is aligned at conserved stages surrounding gastrulation.
69                    Platinum micro-electrodes were aligned at the bottom of micro-wells obtained by ph
70 ate a profile of constituent components that are aligned based on LC elution time and mass.
71 ferred into the z-score domain and the peaks are aligned based on the measure of their mixture scores
72      After en face images of the FD-OCT scan were aligned based on the blood vessels, circumpapillary
73 rally evoked patch-like responses in Crus II are aligned between parasagittal bands of EAAT4.
74 ling time points may be different or hard to be aligned between the treatment and the control time co
75 rsistent asymmetric magnetic field structure is aligned between the two stars.
76 erences for visual and inertial motion could be aligned but were just as frequently opposite.
77        The FabV, FabI and FabL sequences can be aligned, but only poorly.
78  protein interaction networks of two species are aligned by assigning proteins to sequence homology c
79 m-positive and cyanobacteria, FtsZ filaments are aligned by the protein SepF, which in vitro polymeri
80                                     Maps can be aligned by relating identical or synonymous markers a
81                   This enables these gels to be aligned by surface anchoring, shear, or magnetic fiel
82                         In this case the DNA is aligned by Couette flow (flowing the solution in the
83                                Videos frames were aligned by a combination of image and particle alig
84                                    Membranes were aligned by isopotential centrifugation, and rhodops
85         In total, 651 subtomographic volumes were aligned, classified, and averaged to obtain detaile
86 folded catalytic domain, Fn3, and Ig domains are aligned consecutively on the long axis of the molecu
87 at cortical microtubules ensure microfibrils are aligned consistently across the organ, thereby endow
88 LESS, 69% of initially unaligned reads could be aligned correctly.
89 , suggesting that the homologous chromosomes are aligned during CSR.
90 d for selectively exciting fluorophores that are aligned either parallel or perpendicular to the opti
91 nd polypropylene fibers (10-28 mum diameter) were aligned, embedded in water-soluble freezing agent,
92 onic health records, but the efforts need to be aligned explicitly with goals for patient safety.
93 mers is removed and the remaining two dimers are aligned face-to-face provides a model of the dimers
94 cterial phospholipids with a helix axis that is aligned flat on a lipid bilayer surface.
95 ex closed state in which the reactive groups are aligned for catalysis.
96  emission and transmission and CT image sets were aligned; half-life-corrected tomographic images of
97 ored under the assumption that the sequences being aligned have evolved by common descent.
98 spite a lack of sequence homology, the genes are aligned in a head-to-tail configuration and joined b
99          To produce the films, GO nanosheets are aligned in a magnetic field, immobilized by cross-li
100      We show that monomers in the Cph1 dimer are aligned in a parallel 'head-to-head' arrangement and
101  cells uniquely possesses primary cilia that are aligned in an apical orientation in direct appositio
102 maging that some ALH84001 magnetite crystals are aligned in chains.
103 work presented here, the triple-helix motifs are aligned in combinatorial fashion so as to detect fun
104 ts coiled-coil domain, in which all subunits are aligned in parallel orientation.
105 pharmacophore recognition when the compounds are aligned in steroidomimetic conformations.
106 ion: a substantial portion of FtsZ filaments are aligned in the cell-axis direction.
107 FtsZ filaments form the arcs of the ring and are aligned in the cell-circumferential direction.
108  The imidazolium groups of the ligand moiety are aligned in the channels.
109              The protein-containing bicelles are aligned in the static magnetic field of the NMR spec
110              Subventricular zone neuroblasts are aligned in tightly bundled chains within a meshwork
111  Long molecules such as fibrous proteins can be aligned in Couette flow cells and characterized using
112  provide further flexibility, the masses can be aligned in groups, which can resolve many de novo seq
113 y improve the scale of the networks that can be aligned in practical time.
114 ent report suggests that the domains may not be aligned in solution but rather diffuse independently.
115          The monomer diiodobutadiyne (1) can be aligned in the solid state with bis(nitrile) oxalamid
116 mponent of a resin and carbon fiber fluid to be aligned in three dimensions via controlled micro-extr
117 -l-methionine (AdoMet) radical proteins have been aligned in the first bioinformatics study of the Ad
118 d abundant fibrillar collagen, some of which was aligned in parallel arrays similar to those of strom
119 vel pattern, consisting of chondrocytes that were aligned in 2 parallel lines, building double string
120             Their binocular receptive fields were aligned in a specific push-pull manner for disparit
121 d the formation of micron-sized chains which were aligned in the direction of the applied field.
122 s in OR and OL does not require OR and OL to be aligned "in register", that is, CI bound to "out-of-r
123      Core antenna domains of 46 polypeptides were aligned, including the RC1 core proteins of helioba
124 r share a common alignment, but each cluster is aligned independently of the others.
125 ouplings were also measured when the protein was aligned inside either positively or negatively charg
126  the rising spectral edge of a notch or band was aligned near best frequency (BF).
127 he full-length protein, the N-terminal helix is aligned nearly parallel to the membrane normal and fo
128                       This amphipathic helix is aligned nearly parallel to the membrane surface (tilt
129 rittle film into narrow parallel strips that are aligned normally to the drawing axis.
130                               The layers can be aligned, offset, or rotated.
131              Translation and polyadenylation are aligned on a global scale with both the lengths and
132 events anaphase onset until all kinetochores are aligned on the metaphase plate.
133 Rh(2)(S-PTTL)(4), all four tert-butyl groups are aligned on the same face of the catalyst, and each C
134 ely 64 bp when as many as four Dda molecules are aligned on the same substrate, while the kinetic ste
135 elt around G65-P66 and G185-G186 hinges that are aligned on various-size particles, to confer two-dim
136                  As a second step, RNA reads were aligned on the genes encoded by the microbial commu
137     When the aptamer overhang and the spacer were aligned on the same side, adenosine-responsive disa
138                                    The spins are aligned oppositely along out-of-the-plane direction
139                           Mass chromatograms are aligned pairwise to one selected as a reference.
140                             As SF nanofibers are aligned parallel undergoing a transition from three
141 is consistent with a model in which the spin is aligned parallel or anti-parallel to the effective fi
142 -state NMR methods reveal that chrysophsin-1 is aligned parallel to the membrane surface and the lipi
143  the lanthanide 4f spin in Gd2Mn4 and Dy2Mn4 is aligned parallel to the Mn 3d spin.
144  an aqueous suspension showed that the SWNTs were aligned parallel to one another on the substrate.
145                                        Cells were aligned parallel to the long axis in the anisotropi
146         In animal cells, the mitotic spindle is aligned perpendicular to the axis of cell division.
147                When the polarized light axis was aligned perpendicular to the magnetic field, the bir
148  of two mirrored sets of microtubules, which are aligned perpendicularly to the division plane with t
149 olume to move into and the molecule needs to be aligned properly for the displacement.
150 or which no homologues have been identified, were aligned, revealing two distinct SH3b_5 subgroups wi
151 ility have largely succeeded when incentives are aligned: shrimp grow better in healthy environments,
152 n structure of RD3 revealed that the domains were aligned so that the binding regions were nearly cop
153 ociated virus, 72% of the C(alpha) atoms can be aligned structurally with a rms deviation of 1.8 A.
154 cal fiber (DCF) onto two piezo bimorphs that are aligned such that their bending axes are perpendicul
155                          These latter shifts are aligned temporally with changes in a major climate m
156 all rigid helices upstream of these 'pivots' are aligned, thereby decoupling their motion from global
157 enced, the redundant copies within each read are aligned to derive a consensus sequence of their init
158  processed, it is important that the spectra are aligned to ensure that the same protein intensities
159 nic tissues raising the question of how they are aligned to form a functional eye.
160 uctural elements of the kinase domain C-tail are aligned to form novel interactions to the nucleotide
161  in which modules composed of tandem repeats are aligned to identify repeat-specific features.
162 ure, the redox centres of the three proteins are aligned to maximize the efficiency of electron trans
163 Finally the sequences from PDB and UniProtKB are aligned to obtain a residue-level mapping.
164 m the manner in which the stimulus waveforms are aligned to one another during the calculations.
165 nment, where individual proteins in networks are aligned to one another, are performed to achieve hig
166                    Ideally, complete domains are aligned to protein subsequences, in a 'semi-global a
167  Here, we show that short sequence reads can be aligned to a genome assembly containing a single rDNA
168              The resulting DNA sequences can be aligned to a single family with two conserved stretch
169 y requirement so that a long read region can be aligned to at least one contig region, including its
170                   These DNA segments need to be aligned to build a PSSM.
171 edictive of other genomic CTCF sites and can be aligned to create a functional consensus.
172 organized inputs from the retina and V1 must be aligned to facilitate integration.
173 lion cells and neurons in visual cortex must be aligned to form a visuotopic map, but the basic mecha
174  annotations, no matter the granularity, can be aligned to genomic sequences and therefore annotated
175 d the most ancient duckweed genome, needs to be aligned to its chromosomes as a reference and prerequ
176 iamagnetism, graphene flakes can respond and be aligned to magnetic field like a ferromagnetic materi
177 quantifies how well one sequence residue can be aligned to one template residue based on context-spec
178  Mb of novel coding sequences that could not be aligned to the human reference genome, which include
179 put to ABACAS is a set of contigs which will be aligned to the reference genome, ordered and orientat
180 equence reads from NGS platforms, which have been aligned to a reference sequence.
181 , Ly6C(pos)/Ly6C(neg) subsets could not have been aligned to canonical M1/M2 profiles.
182 t also allows the analysis of data that have been aligned to custom genomes rather than to a standard
183 e assembled genomic islands (MAGIs) that had been aligned to ESTs.
184                                   These have been aligned to the 79,000 gene models predicted from th
185          In a typical run, a query structure is aligned to all structures in one of several databases
186 ignment, where whole subgraph of one network is aligned to subgraph of another, and protein-to-protei
187             The resulting ambiguity sequence is aligned to the genome, identifying one template seque
188   Thus the animal-vegetal axis of the oocyte is aligned to the nuclear axis of the bouquet.
189           The poly(dimethylsiloxane) channel is aligned to the transducers on the top surface of the
190 is, S100 calcium-binding protein A4 (S100A4) was aligned to a principal axis associated with metastas
191 er target sizes, more segment angle variance was aligned to kinematic deviations with the goal of mai
192 sion were stronger when the target frequency was aligned to neuronal best frequency.
193         Manually segmented prostate capsules were aligned to a BCR (-) template for statistical compa
194            To build DMDM, all human proteins were aligned to a database of conserved protein domains
195         The reconstructed time-framed images were aligned to a selected reference frame using either
196    The chromosomal DNA sequence duplications were aligned to each other by using MUMmer.
197       Locations of maximum PN concentrations were aligned to eastern, downwind jet trajectories durin
198                                Trial records were aligned to forearm rotation onset in order to compa
199 oated with polyethylenimine (PEI) and SWCNTs were aligned to form a 2 x 2 junction array, functionali
200 r which subthalamic and pallidal populations were aligned to phases that left beta-amplitude unchange
201                If federal and state policies were aligned to promote prairie strips, the practice wou
202                                    Sequences were aligned to SILVA database and Clostridiales and Ery
203                                          TBB were aligned to the closest TBB surveillance schedule.
204 erlaced PCR, and resulting product sequences were aligned to the recently published tomato genome.
205 toneurons and octavolateral efferent neurons were aligned to the reticulospinal scaffold by mapping n
206  beginning of the task, especially when LFPs were aligned to the stimuli.
207 tic mutation simulator and the perfect cDNAs were aligned to them using Pairagon and 12 other aligner
208 of the internal genes of ca B/Ann Arbor/1/66 were aligned to those of other influenza B viruses.
209                                   The piRNAs were aligned to transposons with a maximum of three mism
210 vely when the microgrooves and microchannels are aligned together.
211 ion is melted/disordered and the bound siRNA is aligned toward the surface of Dicer, suggestive of a
212  an axis more than 50 kilometers long, which is aligned up to 45 degrees to the ice flow direction.
213 s to their cart, and homologous proteins can be aligned using MUSCLE and viewed using Jalview within
214 ve the principal eigenvectors these can then be aligned using standard dynamic programming algorithms
215  tetraploid interspecific cotton populations were aligned using a reference map and depicted in a CMa
216            For each eye, the 2 fundus images were aligned using Heidelberg's AutoRescan feature.
217                          The simulated reads were aligned using various parameters such as unique ver
218 ces from the three strains of R. sphaeroides were aligned, using Mauve, to examine the extent of shar
219 quence data from 17 inbred mouse strains had been aligned, we identify and interpret 21 paired-end ma
220 pically occurred when responses to AM and PM were aligned, whereas suppression typically occurred whe
221 with favorable pharmacokinetic features that are aligned with a single-dose treatment.
222 oordinates of sensory information processing are aligned with axes controlling the natural modes of t
223 complexes (CSCs) at the plasma membrane (PM) are aligned with cortical microtubules (MTs) and direct
224 es identified in both leaf and fiber samples are aligned with cotton whole genome sequences and combi
225 tions terminate in a layered arrangement and are aligned with dendritic arbors of the predominant dis
226 esults show that gyral and sulcal structures are aligned with high but variable accuracy in different
227  effector domain (DED) and death domain (DD) are aligned with one another in an orthogonal, tail-to-t
228                      Furthermore, the orbits are aligned with one another to within a few degrees.
229 very early in life to hypothesize that words are aligned with prosodic phrase boundaries, thus facili
230 ptical bands of a photonic crystal waveguide are aligned with selected atomic transitions.
231 hroughout the central region of the cell and are aligned with similar structures in adjacent cells.
232  autoradiography film, the spots on the film are aligned with the beads in the gel, and the beads tha
233 inding regions for the starch binding domain are aligned with the catalytic domain in the three-dimen
234 to respond to ambiguous static textures that are aligned with the direction of motion.
235 s form 2D domains in which close-packed rows are aligned with the field.
236 odulated grid cells in rat entorhinal cortex are aligned with the grids, and that the spatial organiz
237 near the cuticle's boundary in which the IFs are aligned with the hair's axis, but additionally, they
238 inate primarily from columns of neurons that are aligned with the layer IV septa.
239 achieved through developmental programs that are aligned with the organization of muscle targets in t
240             In this way, metabolic processes are aligned with the periodic environmental changes and
241 ntified for vertical columns of neurons that are aligned with the septa.
242 nd show that the orbits of its three planets are aligned with the stellar equator.
243 ligomer such that the designed binding sites are aligned with the target sites.
244 y arises when inputs at successive locations are aligned with, and amplified by, propagating chemical
245 tar arc region; the anomalies are under, and are aligned with, the continental margins at depths grea
246           From 5326 unigenes, 4139 (78%) can be aligned with 5367 predicted rice genes and by taking
247 difficile and the archeon H. volcanii--could be aligned with accuracies comparable to alignments base
248 ant survival as potential recipients may not be aligned with community preferences.
249    This blurs the images so that they cannot be aligned with each other to calculate a three-dimensio
250 ntrol allows stimulus-response processing to be aligned with internal goals and is thus central to in
251                      Research funding has to be aligned with prevailing and projected global infectio
252 ome suggestions about where DSM-V might best be aligned with respect to the conceptual dimensions, th
253 rease organ donation, the incentive needs to be aligned with self-interests.
254 ptide-specific fragment-ion chromatograms to be aligned with that of precursor MS1 ion by nanoLC elut
255 e discuss ways in which this observation can be aligned with the current views on mechanisms of ABC t
256  help improve the quality of care, if it can be aligned with the goals of medical professionalism.
257          The polarization vector is found to be aligned with the spin axis of the pulsar for a polari
258            Approaches to elimination need to be aligned with these changes through the development an
259  other previously sequenced transcripts have been aligned with available genome sequences and have pr
260 e phase response systematically shifted from being aligned with contraversive head velocity toward pe
261  this mapping occurs only when the word form is aligned with a prosodic phrase boundary.
262 oles in acid-base catalysis, the nucleophile is aligned with a scissile phosphate positioned proximal
263 ect substrate-substrate interaction, Fru-6-P is aligned with AMPPCP in an orientation and proximity m
264 ithin the coding regions of eukaryotic genes is aligned with respect to transcriptional start sites.
265                             The CA.M network is aligned with rows of phosphorus atoms and forms large
266              When the MADH-amicyanin complex is aligned with the AADH-azurin complex, the amicyanin l
267 n a ring around the meiotic chromosomes that is aligned with the axis of the spindle at all stages.
268 pond only to the component of the error that is aligned with the balance direction and thus relevant
269 anical cues in determining how such polarity is aligned with the body axes.
270 rpendicular to principal component Vzz which is aligned with the C-2H bond (local bond z-axis).
271  NMR, yet it remains unclear how that domain is aligned with the heptahelical transmembrane bundle do
272 he previously known 6-AU asteroidal belt and is aligned with the inner warped disk.
273                  The chromophore's long axis is aligned with the long axes of the adjacent base pairs
274 key brain showed that [(18)F]MK-9470 binding is aligned with the reported distribution of CB1 recepto
275                     The ACC's strategic plan is aligned with the triple aim of improved care, improve
276 among parents whose prognostic understanding was aligned with concrete goals of care.
277 hich the daily otolith growth of N. bankieri was aligned with corresponding abiotic conditions.
278                 The deduced peptide sequence was aligned with RP2 orthologues from different species.
279 cle was prominent throughout development and was aligned with the actin striations in skeletal muscle
280 nses were greatest when the vestibular error was aligned with the balance direction and decreased to
281                                 Stretch that was aligned with the fiber direction increased expressio
282 ptically dense when linearly polarized light was aligned with the rubbing axis.
283  rRNA sequence reads of the V1 to V3 regions were aligned with 16S databases, identifying 3,531 bacte
284      The printed layout and its mirror image were aligned with an intermediary cut-through polyester
285 ere distributed uniformly across layer V and were aligned with both the barrel and septal compartment
286                              Vimentin fibers were aligned with fibroblast branching and migration dir
287   After 14 sessions, Arc and neuroplasticity were aligned with target-induced activity.
288 ween prokaryotic and eukaryotic transporters were aligned with the aid of a number of bioinformatics
289 the inner membrane under the outer membrane, were aligned with the cytoskeletal superstructure and oc
290 expressed sequences from GenBank version 124 were aligned with the genomic sequence from NCBI build 2
291                                Sequence data were aligned with the known reference sequence to assay
292 ue-stained spots on a 2D gel run in parallel were aligned with the phosphoproteins on the Western imm
293  largely overlapped with each other and that were aligned with the presumed isofrequency axis of the
294 sequences of 27 cAb variable regions (V(H)H) were aligned with the respective regions of 54 classical
295           The rubella elimination strategies were aligned with the successful measles elimination str
296 nces upstream of the genes in M. acetivorans were aligned with those in other Methanosarcina species
297   Microchannels in the top and bottom pieces were aligned with through-holes in the middle layer, res
298           The substrates and two Mg(2+) ions are aligned within 40 s, but the bond formation is not e
299 otease, and the C-terminal repeat region can be aligned within three domains of the SAXS envelope.
300 ccal or phage origin containing SH3b domains were aligned, yielding five highly repetitive groups of

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