


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 well as non-target sequences that should not be amplified.
2 ference in the sulfide ion concentration can be amplified.
3 an patient tumors, where the FoxM1 signature is amplified.
4  water dissociation and local proton hopping are amplified.
5 their effect on FAO-dependent cell migration are amplified.
6 t increase after H-I, whereas another subset was amplified.
7 a perfect copy of the template from which it was amplified.
8 ted, the need for reference-free methods has been amplified.
9                 In contrast, these sequences were amplified 10-fold less efficiently in samples overe
10 Where there are hotspots, lateral inhibition is amplified; 2) Where no hotspots emerge, NE levels are
11 ated adjacent to the Myc gene, both of which were amplified 40-fold.
12 tic beads to capture PCA3 transcripts, which were amplified 97-fold and 7-fold higher than convention
13 ive cues, such that excitatory cue responses are amplified across learning.
14  V3-V5 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene was amplified, allowing quantification of bacterial load
15 eral early studies found that Aurora kinases are amplified and overexpressed at the transcript and pr
16  and further found that TRPV4 Ca(2+) signals are amplified and propagated by Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) re
17 mational changes in the protein motor domain are amplified and redirected by nucleic acid structures.
18  ensures that only double-digested fragments are amplified and sequenced.
19      All reassortant-defective viruses could be amplified and propagated to high titers in cells comp
20  DNAs with different lengths can selectively be amplified and purified together.
21  genes involved in lipid metabolism that had been amplified and/or had altered tissue expression patt
22 nsive p53 targets, whereas the NRF2 response is amplified and accelerated.
23                      We have found that ANO1 is amplified and highly expressed in breast cancer cell
24   In many GBMs, the EGF receptor gene (EGFR) is amplified and may be truncated to generate a constitu
25                      The EGF receptor (EGFR) is amplified and mutated in glioblastoma, in which its c
26 ector of the Rab11 GTPases, including Rab25, is amplified and overexpressed in 10% to 25% of primary
27                                     HER2/Neu is amplified and overexpressed in a large proportion of
28 e (NAPRT), a second NAD(+)-producing enzyme, is amplified and overexpressed in a subset of common typ
29 ter GRB2-associated binding protein 2 (GAB2) is amplified and overexpressed in a subset of primary hi
30            Recent studies indicate that MCM7 is amplified and overexpressed in a variety of human mal
31                                           It is amplified and overexpressed in a variety of human tum
32                                The HER2 gene is amplified and overexpressed in approximately 20% of i
33                   The H3K4 demethylase KDM5B is amplified and overexpressed in luminal breast cancer,
34  Growth Factor 2 mRNA binding protein 2/IMP2 is amplified and overexpressed in many human cancers, ac
35                             We found MACROD2 is amplified and overexpressed in metastatic tamoxifen-r
36 the transcription factor gene TFAP2C when it is amplified and overexpressed, suggesting that TFAP2C r
37 les are shown to occur when magnetic tension is amplified and transported upward through interactions
38 egant arrangement, in which weak PS of cones is amplified and tuned by retinal networks, allows for P
39 parametric statistics, the sample population is amplified and used to create a large number of virtua
40 sity where adipocyte-MR expression/signaling is amplified and vascular risk increased.
41 cancer genomic databases reveals that PHLDB3 is amplified and/or highly expressed in numerous human c
42 r tyrosine kinase ERBB2, also known as HER2, is amplified and/or overexpressed in up to 15% of breast
43                   Prokaryotic 16 S rRNA gene was amplified and DGGE was performed.
44     The target DNA fragment of 18s rRNA gene was amplified and hybridized with a QCM immobilized prob
45 ding region of bMSTN (bovine myostatin) gene was amplified and mutated (A224C and G938A) through fusi
46 specially in prostate cancer, in which SRC-2 was amplified and overexpressed in 37% of the metastatic
47 gion of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene was amplified and pyrosequenced, resulting in 370,849 hi
48 mal internal transcribed spacer region 1 DNA was amplified and sequenced and fungal load determined b
49                            The HBV core gene was amplified and sequenced from 148 patients with chron
50 il DNA was extracted, and fungal ITS1 region was amplified and sequenced on an Illumina Miseq.
51 was isolated, and the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was amplified and sequenced.
52 ne (RH1) and 9 microsatellite regions (SSRs) were amplified and analysed.
53   MiR200-b and its native flanking sequences were amplified and cloned into a pCAG-eGFP vector direct
54 n in season (n = 3) or out of season (n = 4) were amplified and pyrosequenced on the 454 GS FLX+ Syst
55 the rearranged immunoglobulin receptor genes were amplified and sequenced from pretreatment specimens
56                              The phs operons were amplified and sequenced.
57  genes (MF-HVR) from 53 MeV-positive samples were amplified and sequenced.
58     The VP1 gene from EV71 and CA16 isolates was amplified, and the sequences were analyzed.
59 itrogen cycle, and the impact was thought to be amplified approximately 1970.
60                            However, traction is amplified approximately fivefold in groups.
61 inoma tumors in which the oncogene ERBB2 has been amplified are routinely treated with a combination
62          When IgHPolyFab is used, the signal is amplified as a result of the binding of multiple poly
63 d for CRISPR guide RNAs targeting genes that are amplified at high copy number.
64 s of heme redox reactions, and these effects are amplified at low pH, where the proteins are less sta
65 uence specific of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is amplified at 65 degrees C, providing 3x10(6) amplific
66 1alpha directly, and the discovery that IRE1 is amplified at mucosal surfaces by gene duplication sug
67 ing subsystems, their isolated behaviour may be amplified, attenuated, or be subject to more complica
68                                      Genomes are amplified by a continuous unidirectional strand-disp
69                               The splittings are amplified by a factor of 3 as compared to the corres
70  deficits triggered by GR in the hippocampus are amplified by A2AR over-activation and were rescued b
71                              Resultant cDNAs are amplified by adapter-based PCR and subjected to high
72 hole genomes of the polar bodies and oocytes are amplified by multiple displacement amplification and
73                           These contractions are amplified by neuronal activity and acute or chronic
74 of events that lead to neurodegeneration and are amplified by pathogenic mechanisms related to brain
75                       Specific malaria genes are amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and man
76 d cell sorting (FACS), and V(D)J transcripts are amplified by RT-PCR.
77 mic transposon "junkyards" (piRNA clusters), are amplified by the "ping-pong" pathway, yielding secon
78 hallenges for therapeutic development, which are amplified by the highly polygenic and pleiotropic na
79 change, causing impacts on human health that are amplified by the microclimatological effects of buil
80          piRNAs targeting active transposons are amplified by the ping-pong cycle, which couples Piwi
81  where positive particle number fluctuations are amplified by trapping, leading to the formation of p
82 on-based resequencing of regions that cannot be amplified by a single primer pair, a directed graph a
83    Future temperature-related mortality will be amplified by aging populations.
84 s and metastases, and that these effects can be amplified by coadministration of sunitinib.Significan
85 itiates SR Ca(2+) release alternans that can be amplified by diastolic [Ca(2+)]SR alternans and lead
86 entrations triggered by nAChR activation can be amplified by GABA release.
87    The increased radiatively forced SAT will be amplified by increased dynamically induced SAT when t
88                 The thus selected phages can be amplified by infection of Escherichia coli.
89 selectivities, small energy differences must be amplified by reaction mechanisms such as autocatalyti
90     Signals in many biological processes can be amplified by recruiting multiple copies of regulatory
91 monstrates that small structural changes can be amplified by self-assembly and impact on nanoscale bi
92                       The effect is found to be amplified by space; in this scenario we find that sel
93  DNA lesions exist in low levels, and cannot be amplified by standard PCR because they are frequently
94               The success of this method can be amplified by the introduction of multiple Wolbachia c
95 oncolytic vaccinia viruses, all of which can be amplified by the multitargeted kinase inhibitor sunit
96 actions could offset carbon gains, which may be amplified by the shift toward forest plant communitie
97 in both cultured neurons and COS-7 cells can be amplified by their agonists.
98             For PPIP5K2, Pi sensing by InsP8 is amplified by a 2-fold activation of 5-InsP7 kinase ac
99 photodetector generates a photocurrent which is amplified by a transconductance amplifier.
100 ess exacerbates risk for TMD, and the effect is amplified by allelic variants in a gene, catechol-O-m
101 istic paracrine signalling via IL-6/8, which is amplified by cell proliferation and cell density, to
102 te, and the mechanosensory response of MyoII is amplified by chemical signaling initiated by cell adh
103 for core-projecting neurons; this difference is amplified by cocaine.
104                                    The trend is amplified by computational strategies that allow for
105 and colleagues reveal that insulin secretion is amplified by cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase-depen
106                      ErbB2 signalling, which is amplified by EphA2 binding, is an important therapeut
107 ctive inflammatory capability of macrophages is amplified by exposure to exogenous interferon-gamma,
108 (H2O2), and hydroxyl radicals, whose killing is amplified by iron via the Fenton reaction.
109  emerges in both normal and tumor cells, and is amplified by Met activation with hepatocyte growth fa
110 During traditional amplification, the signal is amplified by multiplying the signal carriers through
111                                         This is amplified by payment systems and policies that create
112 and support a model wherein Abeta production is amplified by plaque-induced axonal lysosome transport
113 pression of protective antiviral interferons is amplified by positive-feedback loops mediated by indu
114 ing an indirect competitive immunoassay that is amplified by secondary antibodies conjugated with Au
115 he motivational force of social mobilization is amplified by the fact that others benefit from the en
116 a suggest that, as in S1, the thalamic input is amplified by the recurrent excitatory connections of
117 n I close to the upconversion nanoparticles, is amplified by thermal cycling.
118 rt a model in which limiting IL-2R signaling is amplified by thymic Tregs to readily support their de
119 he fluorescence signal upon detection of LDH was amplified by 10 and 5-fold compared to that of a sin
120                                The summation was amplified by a D2-like receptor antagonist and exper
121                    The 5-HT-induced response was amplified by acute hyperglycaemia in control, but no
122  the 5-HT response and receptor distribution was amplified by acute hyperglycaemia only in control ra
123 of the typical solar dimming in China, which was amplified by approximately 20% by wind stilling.
124 r in those taking warfarin versus DE, and it was amplified by diabetes and previous vitamin K antagon
125 cting IFX in patients' serum, the SPR signal was amplified by employing gold nanoparticles functional
126             In this paper, the ZmaNAC36 gene was amplified by homology-based cloning, and its express
127 cells, induced cell-cycle progression, which was amplified by MCL-specific cytokines (insulin-like gr
128                  Norovirus complementary DNA was amplified by overlapping polymerase chain reaction (
129 racted from paraffin-embedded tissue, exon 1 was amplified by PCR and submitted to direct sequencing.
130          The highly variable region of MG192 was amplified by PCR from M. genitalium isolates obtaine
131                               The dru region was amplified by PCR, sequenced, and analyzed.
132  DNA extracted from paraffin-embedded tissue was amplified by polymerase chain reaction for detection
133                      The DNA of the bacteria was amplified by polymerase chain reaction using a quadr
134                                      MAGE-A3 was amplified by polymerase chain reaction using complem
135 G-protein-coupled receptor signalling, which was amplified by PTEN loss.
136                                   Ebola cDNA was amplified by rolling circle amplification (RCA) on m
137                                    Viral RNA was amplified by RT-PCR and confirmed by sequencing.
138      The pre-coded representation of context was amplified by training a feedback neuron to explicitl
139  component, located at the stimulation site, was amplified by visual attention.
140 umor, and antimetastatic effects of mpJX-594 were amplified by concurrent or sequential administratio
141          Seven breast cancer genetic markers were amplified by means of the MLPA reaction, which allo
142                                Seven markers were amplified by MLPA, which allows for the simultaneou
143                                  DNA samples were amplified by multiple displacement amplification (M
144 DNA polymerase and DNA topoisomerase I genes were amplified by PCR, sequenced and compared with other
145  sequenced, compared to 158/164 samples that were amplified by PCR.
146                  Target regions of IL-6 gene were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and ge
147     MicroRNAs (miRNA) in cerebrospinal fluid were amplified by quantitative PCR.
148 omalies generated shallow water waves, which were amplified by the resonance between the water column
149 ic field effect on flavin photoreactions can be amplified chemically by slow radical termination reac
150                              IgE transcripts were amplified, cloned, and sequenced using RT-PCR.
151 itation step, and we show that bound DNA can be amplified directly from the microparticle surface whe
152                     Bacterial 16S rRNA genes were amplified directly from the specimens and sequenced
153 , small vibrations of the sensory epithelium are amplified due to active electro-mechanical feedback
154                       Local warming may have been amplified due to simultaneous disappearance of cont
155 rferon (IFN) and IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) are amplified during HCV infection but fail to eliminate
156  this resource to characterize the DNAs that are amplified during MdBV replication using a combinatio
157 e DNA domains where proviral segments reside are amplified during replication and that segments withi
158  differences among trivalent lanthanides can be amplified during the crystallization of borates, prov
159 summer and that the resulting cooling effect is amplified during hot extremes, thus attenuating peak
160 ntromeres of nine chromosomes, indicating it was amplified during the evolution of modern humans.
161                 Negative conspecific effects were amplified during rainy years and at dry sites, wher
162 ncluding responses to one mutant neoantigen, were amplified effectively with therapy and generated du
163 anels of LISH probes ('LISH-seq'), which can be amplified efficiently and with negligible bias.
164 first time, that mechanically gated currents are amplified following in vivo tissue inflammation, and
165 le/gene for most genes) of full-length cDNAs are amplified, fragmented and short-read-sequenced.
166   Moreover, PHGDH has been found recently to be amplified frequently in human melanomas.
167                              Although Lrrc32 is amplified frequently in breast cancer, the expression
168 e organisms, small-interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are amplified from target mRNAs by RNA-dependent RNA pol
169 lt suggests that an OME-derived signal could be amplified from a few nonmotile producers to act on ma
170 estigated whether envelope (env) genes could be amplified from proviral DNA or RNA derived from brain
171 ing a specific exon are duplicates that have been amplified from the PCR step.
172                                ZIKV envelope was amplified from 4 samples.
173                DNA from Mycobacterium leprae was amplified from all nine skeletons but not from contr
174                                 Mutant STAT3 was amplified from different tissues and sequenced, and
175 hur-cycling Chromatiales, for which 16S rRNA was amplified from extracted RNA.
176             A conserved 200-bp gene fragment was amplified from genomic DNA with heterologous primers
177                              No PCR products were amplified from all nontarget control samples.
178 fragments covering these regulatory elements were amplified from B2 and C2 isolates to generate lucif
179 The 16s rRNA hypervariable regions V3 and V6 were amplified from Klebsiella pneumoniae genomic DNA wi
180 enomic sequences flanking the 3'-side of L1s were amplified from neuronal DNA, and neuronal L1 librar
181                          SIV(mac251) genomes were amplified from the plasma of 44 pig-tailed macaques
182 pervariable sites, the V4 and V8-V9 regions, were amplified from the total of eight lagoon samples an
183 igher than that of DNA polymerase and errors are amplified >1000-fold due to translation.
184 vely sample small amounts of DNA or RNA that are amplified (i.e. copied) before sequencing.
185                 Interestingly, the splitting is amplified if the spins are magnetically equivalent, m
186 T-1), were recently highlighted because they are amplified in a significant subset of human tumors, a
187 lular inhibitors of apoptosis (cIAP) 1 and 2 are amplified in about 3% of cancers and have been ident
188                                         Both are amplified in many human cancers and promote cell pro
189  some extent these pharmacoeconomic concerns are amplified in myeloma due to the need for multidrug r
190    Notably, these advantages of diazo groups are amplified in water.
191  silico analysis revealed the PTP4A3 gene to be amplified in 29% of basal-like breast cancers, and hi
192                In cancer, however, genes can be amplified in chromosomes or in circular extrachromoso
193 ng that disruptions at the HSC/MPP level may be amplified in downstream cells.
194 uations in transcription factor activity may be amplified in homozygotes, whereas it is buffered in h
195 alized in the 17q25 locus, which is known to be amplified in human cancers, but its role in tumorigen
196  suggests that signaling roles for Panx1 may be amplified in leukemic leukocytes.
197 re the only urinary cell population that can be amplified in long-term culture.
198 lineage history and that the barcode RNA can be amplified in situ, a prerequisite for in situ sequenc
199 t (a signature of the latter) is expected to be amplified in such nuclei.
200  their communities and transmission can then be amplified in the healthcare setting.
201   We finally show that market trends tend to be amplified in the portfolios identified by the algorit
202                       PHIP has been found to be amplified in wild-type melanomas, resulting in Akt ac
203                                         CDK4 is amplified in > 90% of well-differentiated (WDLS) and
204                      The MYCN proto-oncogene is amplified in a number of advanced-stage human tumors,
205 d in breast cancer cell lines, and its locus is amplified in about half of primary breast cancers.
206                             The 11q13 region is amplified in approximately 15% of breast cancers.
207 an epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is amplified in approximately 15-20% of human breast can
208 and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 3 (SGK3) is amplified in breast cancer and activated downstream o
209                                 Whether ANO1 is amplified in breast tumors, the extent to which gene
210                             In humans, FGF19 is amplified in HCC and its expression is induced in the
211 ctivity exhibits respiratory modulation that is amplified in hypertensive rats.
212  reported that p21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4) is amplified in pancreatic cancer tissue.
213                                 This problem is amplified in patients with obstructed airways.
214                               Although TTF-1 is amplified in primary human lung cancers, it inhibits
215 d reduced by the reductant; thus, the signal is amplified in situ during the detection period.
216 leads to a decoupling between RE and RG that is amplified in the absence of denaturants.
217  It has a strong climate warming effect that is amplified in the Arctic.
218                     Importantly, this subset is amplified in the FL context, unlike in other B-cell l
219 reatment, signaling from inflammatory niches is amplified in the presence of MAPK inhibitors.
220 ator for the standard IV estimator; the bias is amplified in the treatment effect estimate.
221 ast cancer (BLBC) and that its genomic locus is amplified in up to 38% of BLBC tumours.
222 cated in the 17q23 chromosomal region, which is amplified in up to approximately 40% of breast cancer
223                                 Angiogenesis is amplified in wound healing and cornea models in albin
224                          We found that MYST3 was amplified in 11% and/or overexpressed in 15% of brea
225                By genomic analysis, cyclin E was amplified in 19.0% of the EAC samples.
226 vince of Caceres, where viral RNA from ticks was amplified in 2010.
227                        This IL-4/CXCL12 axis was amplified in activated lymphoid stromal cells as sho
228           IL-17-related cytokines expression was amplified in bronchial/nasal mucosa of neutrophilic
229 emperature sensitivity of respiration, which was amplified in drier conditions.
230     Complement-mediated production of PGE(2) was amplified in GECs that overexpress iPLA(2)gamma, com
231 that the genomic region containing MCM7 gene was amplified in more than 80% of the present cases.
232                              This difference was amplified in obese subjects and reduced to normal af
233                       SFK family member YES1 was amplified in osimertinib-resistant EGFR-mutant tumor
234                                  The V3 loop was amplified in triplicate from cellular HIV DNA, and m
235 e of multiplexed PCR, the two mutation types were amplified in a single reaction.
236          Of the 80 genic-SSR primer sets, 62 were amplified in C. ensifolium successfully, and 55 sho
237                         Intraepithelial ILC1 were amplified in Crohn's disease patients and contribut
238  and splice site boundaries of all six genes were amplified in germline DNA from 2240 invasive EOC ca
239 P and mortality from all-causes, CVD and CHD were amplified in magnitude when using offspring BP as a
240 nsulin, and glucose tolerance; these effects were amplified in mice given lipopolysaccharide but redu
241 d p75KO EPCs, whereas delayed RBR (3-5 days) were amplified in p55KO EPCs, suggesting a possible role
242 tDNA damage, and apoptosis in wild-type mice were amplified in Sirt3(-/-) animals.
243  single-molecule array, where barcoding DNAs are amplified into in situ polymerase colonies (polonies
244 ferences in substrate-ligase interaction can be amplified into larger differences in net degradation.
245  successfully loaded with MV ex vivo, and MV was amplified intracellularly, without toxicity.
246                We found that short amplicons were amplified more efficiently than long amplicons both
247                             Driver oncogenes were amplified most commonly in ecDNA, thereby increasin
248 econstituted with wild-type, and this defect is amplified near body-temperature.
249                                       Signal was amplified nearly 25-fold for DON, 90-fold for ZEA an
250  resulting in the dTPT3(PA)-dNaM pair, which is amplified only slightly less well.
251  tumors harbor KIT mutations, but not if KIT is amplified only.
252                           The G1 kinase CDK4 is amplified or overexpressed in some human tumors and p
253 nhancers (SE), the LIN9 gene lacks an SE but was amplified or overexpressed in the majority of TNBCs.
254                The core of the neochromosome is amplified, rearranged, and corroded through hundreds
255 which a single stereoisomer out of seven can be amplified selectively.
256 ibosomal RNA gene sequences from each sample were amplified, sequenced, and analyzed with the UPARSE
257 ibosomal RNA gene sequences from each sample were amplified, sequenced, and analyzed.
258 , the small amount of starting material must be amplified significantly.
259 e L-R differences in mammary gene expression are amplified, sustained or inverted in a gene-specific
260 use cyclical deformations of the thorax that are amplified through the intricate wing hinge.
261 h, possible detrimental health effects could be amplified through their widespread use in foods, cosm
262 ations increased protein stability and could be amplified through ThreeFoil's structural symmetry to
263 iR214 activates an inflammatory response and is amplified through a feedback loop circuit mediated by
264 sepithelial migration, neutrophil chemotaxis is amplified through neutrophil production of a second e
265 vation via the classical and lectin pathways is amplified through the alternative pathway amplificati
266 nts leads us to propose that the ERBB2 locus is amplified through the mechanism that repeatedly gener
267 t domain motions accompanying ATP hydrolysis are amplified, through changes in electrostatic interact
268 xplain how small direct effects of microRNAs are amplified to generate striking phenotypes.
269 l in which initial inhomogeneities in inputs are amplified to produce robust place field activity, th
270  with externally injected seed pulses, which are amplified to similar levels at the highest pump ener
271 least five passages so that a single MNP can be amplified to 1 x 10(4).
272 h this strategy, the fluorescence signal can be amplified to as high as 70-fold.
273  is known that weak certified randomness can be amplified to nearly ideal randomness using quantum-me
274 atic process where a short DNA or RNA primer is amplified to form a long single stranded DNA or RNA u
275                        The pol gene sequence was amplified to ascertain the HIV-1 subtype.
276 o-B cell mobilization and localization in BM are amplified under inflammatory stress, that is, after
277 molecular mechanism by which AMPK activation is amplified under energy stress.
278      For DNA and RNA, low concentrations can be amplified using the polymerase chain reaction, but th
279            The HCV E2 hypervariable region-1 was amplified using nested reverse-transcription polymer
280 sandwich immunoassay format, the sensitivity was amplified using rabbit anti-mouse IgG-alkaline phosp
281                               The MTHFR gene was amplified using specific primers.
282                            BKV whole genomes were amplified using long-range PCR with four inverse pr
283 mpacts of climate change on biodiversity can be amplified via extinction cascades from plants to anim
284  attributed to "Arctic amplification" - that is, amplified warming in Arctic regions due to sea-ice l
285                             These challenges are amplified when more than one biomarker is used to se
286 ed direction enhancement, by which responses are amplified when stimuli move along the preferred dire
287 t the capability of IFN-beta to induce IL-10 is amplified when B cells are stimulated.
288 .3 knockdown, suggesting that the RNA signal is amplified when chromatin assembly is blocked and atte
289  subjects on suppressive ART, an effect that is amplified when combined with suberoylanilide hydroxam
290 cation and, that in some cells, value coding is amplified when subjects fixate near the cue.
291      Interaction between orthogonal orbitals is amplified when the energy gap between these orbitals
292 lecules located inside the nanocavity, which is amplified when the size/shape of the aldehyde substra
293 mes more Stx1a than Stx2a was delivered, and was amplified when Stx1a was delivered 3 hours prior to
294 l male and female mice, and such differences were amplified when mice of both sexes were exposed to S
295 ess, inputs from second auditory cortex (A2) are amplified, whereas the number originating in the dor
296 tions from the anterior auditory field (AAF) are amplified, whereas those from the DZ decrease.
297 -dependent way: low-contrast light responses were amplified, whereas high-contrast light responses we
298 e a contextual role in appetite control that is amplified with hypocaloric conditioning.
299                                      The DNA was amplified with primer pairs covering hypervariable r
300 ngly, rhythms in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) were amplified with no changes seen in the prefrontal co

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