


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                               It might also be beneficial for other spectroscopy approaches which require
2                      We expect that this protocol will also be beneficial for gene prediction in any organism with bimoda
3  not only useful for ovarian cancer treatment but will also be beneficial for the therapy of many other solid tumors.
4 ause of its wound-healing and antimicrobial properties, can be beneficial for wound treatment.
5 e find that the ethnically relevant consensus reference can be beneficial for efficient variant detection.
6       Whereas severe stress is detrimental, mild stress can be beneficial for health and survival, known as hormesis.
7                   Blocking toxic amyloid beta (Abeta) could be beneficial for AD and represents a promising therapeutic s
8 -independent manner and suggests that KOR antagonists could be beneficial for decreasing stress-induced compulsive behavi
9 n be observed with this technique which in the future could be beneficial for studying intermediates or contribute to the
10 me based screening of key HPVOPC associated molecules could be beneficial for early cancer diagnosis, monitoring and surv
11 rophils would imply that targeting adhesion molecules could be beneficial for preventing exacerbation of disease in the n
12 gical compounds that promote oligodendrocyte survival could be beneficial for neuroprotection in MS.
13  recently been introduced for PET/CT even though they could be beneficial for interpretation, segmentation, and quantific
14 ry and to the miniaturization of the probe head which could be beneficial for special applications, e.g., where access to
15 al, abundant RNA/DNA hybrids, form naturally and can indeed be beneficial for transcription regulation at certain loci.
16                          Tumor necrosis factor blockade may be beneficial for IRIS and warrants further study in clinical
17 nmental changes after inflammation, such as pH changes, may be beneficial for treating periodontitis.
18 that targeting IL-1beta with clinically available drugs may be beneficial for symptomatic treatment of the disease.
19  The reduction of sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) intake may be beneficial for weight management and other related health
20         Future school-based environmental interventions may be beneficial for this important public health problem.
21  of an efficiently cleaved membrane-bound Env, 4-2.J41, may be beneficial for immunization studies using various prime-bo
22   Hence, these additional trimer sequence modifications may be beneficial for immunization strategies that seek to minimi
23 hat PTC suppression in combination with CFTR modulators may be beneficial for the treatment of CF patients with PTCs.
24      Therapeutic approaches that target aging processes may be beneficial for halting the progression of disease and impr
25 d suggests that this fungus and the enzymes it produces may be beneficial for skin health.
26                     This study suggests that retirement may be beneficial for blood pressure, waist circumference, and al
27  FTY720 and suggest that targeting S1pr3 simultaneously may be beneficial for the patients receiving FTY720 treatment.
28                                                   Slit2 may be beneficial for BBB protection during elective neurosurgeri
29             More potent and longer antiplatelet therapy may be beneficial for patients undergoing SVG PCI.
30 ity at an oxide heterostructure interface and therefore may be beneficial for future nanoelectronic devices and for the e
31 It was estimated that skin fermentation up to 1-3days might be beneficial for monoterpenol varietal aroma, which should b
32 ctors for cardiometabolic diseases showed that lutein might be beneficial for atherosclerosis and inflammatory markers, b
33 lishment of a physiologic gastrointestinal microbiota might be beneficial for this condition.
34 rgetic frustration is needed for fast-translating codons to be beneficial for folding.
35 terfacial transport attributes of the SEI are also found to be beneficial for Li-S cells and stable electrochemical cycli
36         A patient-professional partnership was not found to be beneficial for patients' HRQoL through a direct pathway, b
37 st during the electrochemical reaction has been proposed to be beneficial for its catalytic performance, but the role of
38 ted here that treating or even preventing ARCH may prove to be beneficial for human health.
39  automatic adjustments of the sample stage in xyz proved to be beneficial for analyzing nonplanar samples and for simulta
40  position 4 bearing large phenylalkyl side chains proved to be beneficial for MRP1 inhibition.
41  medicine Bu-Shen-Jiang-Ya decoction (BSJYD) is reported to be beneficial for hypertension.
42  the 30% ACN/urea extraction, indicating the role of SDS to be beneficial for protein solubility.
43                  Hemostatic resuscitation has been shown to be beneficial for patients with trauma, but there is little e
44 pathways that involved in these prognostic biomarkers would be beneficial for the regression to NGR and the early prevent
45           However, it is still not known whether GHRH would be beneficial for life-threatening pathological conditions, l
46 s enhances neural differentiation of hMSCs and hence, would be beneficial for neural tissue engineering scaffolds.
47 e been reported in left heart failure, but whether it would be beneficial for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) remai
48 ynaptic activity within a controlled microenvironment would be beneficial for the characterisation of compounds proposed
49 d dosage of local anesthesia according to their needs would be beneficial for perioperative pain and perhaps obviate the
50                   Controlling lung-targeted pathology would be beneficial for anthrax treatment.

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