


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to 20 mg/kg); however, tobramycin doses must be changed to 1.5 mg/kg intraperitoneally on day 1, then
2 rmed at enrollment, after which the TDF dose was changed to 150 mg once daily.
3 r first online publication: '10-20 days' has been changed to '20-30 days.'] Offspring from each of th
4             However, when the LK periodicity is changed to 3.0, corresponding to a 310 helix, the mor
5 n : ventilation rate for single rescuers has been changed to 30:2.
6  can be achieved if the loop volume (0.5 mL) is changed to 5 mL.
7  the energy content of the isoenergetic diet was changed to 50% fat, 14% protein, and 36% carbohydrat
8 (alpha(i+3))<7 A criteria for defining turns be changed to 6.5 A, identification of beta-strand and t
9 annel activity remained elevated when the pH was changed to 7.5, a reflection of CGB binding to the I
10          A plasmid origin of replication can be changed to a different origin by targeted replacement
11                Interestingly, human VKOR can be changed to a four-TMD molecule by mutating the charge
12  alpha-position to the CO(2)(-) group, might be changed to a larger group and lead to better binding
13  reductase in which the axial methionine has been changed to a threonine.
14              When the ethyl substituent of 1 is changed to a methyl substituent in 2, activity is onl
15 44Y, in which a phenylalanine at position 44 is changed to a tyrosine.
16    Once the MTD was identified, the schedule was changed to a 24-hour continuous infusion once weekly
17  (NLD2up), the sequence of 5' splice site D2 was changed to a consensus splice donor site.
18 ween 20-25 mV when the selenenylsulfide bond was changed to a disulfide bond.
19  the IL-18 precursor caspase-1 cleavage site was changed to a factor Xa site, and, after expression i
20 PA701-168, where the basic cleft residue R41 was changed to a glutamic acid (R41E), demonstrating tha
21               In a second point mutant, D513 was changed to a lysine residue (D513K).
22 f a cataract was delayed, and its appearance was changed to a more diffuse, pulverulent type.
23 of the 104 patients (27%); the surgical plan was changed to a nerve-sparing technique in 17 of the 28
24              In patients whose surgical plan was changed to a nerve-sparing technique, there were no
25                               When the probe was changed to a positively charged one, Ru(NH3)(6)(3+/2
26  which normally ends on the sequence ATC-5', was changed to a random position within the AATCCC repea
27 s included a mutant in which Env residue 767 was changed to a stop codon, a double mutant in which po
28 ration reached after 0.5 to 1 hr), treatment was changed to a twice-daily regimen.
29   When the animals weighed 20 g, their diets were changed to a high-fat (HF) diet (58% kcal), and a c
30 or up to 7 years, compared with patients who were changed to a placebo after about 5 years, experienc
31 C48 tertiary "Levitt base-pair" in tRNA(Ser) was changed to A15-U48; the number of nucleotides in the
32 on the G73 "discriminator" base of tRNA(Ser) was changed to A73.
33 protein of mutated Ndk (whose DTEV motif has been changed to AAAA) and the BFP.
34 w our explanation of dynamic instability can be changed to accommodate them.
35              Unit-wide nursing documentation was changed to accommodate a sedation scale (Richmond Ag
36  in the alpha and beta regions of the D-loop was changed to achieve the positioning of G18 and G19 th
37 ich the two regulatory phosphorylation sites were changed to acidic amino acids.
38 In addition, mutant ribosomes in which G1575 was changed to adenosine supported growth comparable to
39 me miscalibrated, Purkinje cell output would be changed to adjust the motor command and restore good
40           Cleavage is abolished when Arg(54) is changed to Ala (R54A) by in vitro mutagenesis.
41                                  When Phe438 is changed to Ala, the protein (F438A) retains nucleic a
42                 When Phe444 in this Phe-loop is changed to Ala, the resulting protein (F444A) is devo
43                                  When Arg393 is changed to Ala, the resulting protein (R393A) retains
44 tive T-loop mutant of PDK1, in which Ser-241 is changed to Ala, was also determined.
45 he and Ala, and Glu895 in polymerase motif A was changed to Ala.
46 ed two HIV-1 clones, in which Trp23 or Phe40 was changed to Ala.
47 hich individual cleavage site P1 amino acids were changed to Ala was performed to delineate their imp
48 hains in the active site, Lys111 and Arg120, were changed to Ala, causing an increased partitioning o
49 hosphorylation sites in the cytoplasmic tail were changed to Ala, did not internalize in response to
50 s of the catalytic triad, Asp107 and His207, were changed to Ala, with the resulting mutants lacking
51 D that form salt bridges with DNA phosphates are changed to alanine.
52  bacteriorhodopsin transmembrane helices can be changed to alanine with little structural consequence
53 artate residue at amino acid position 54 has been changed to alanine (D54A), consistent with this bei
54 ate and aspartate residues have individually been changed to alanine, all retain the ability to hydro
55 noncharged residues (Asn255 and Leu257) have been changed to alanine.
56 (N)protein in which an aspartate residue has been changed to alanine.
57 e aspartate and glutamate residues have each been changed to alanine.
58 as reinhardtii and a mutant in which ThrA739 is changed to alanine [TA(A739) mutant] were studied.
59                                 When Glu-214 is changed to alanine, Insig-2 becomes ubiquitinated, bu
60 erved glutamic acid (amino acid residue 582) is changed to alanine.
61 which the phosphorylation site at serine 133 was changed to alanine (CREB-S133A) upregulated cyclin A
62 n which the catalytic nucleophilic aspartate was changed to alanine (D204A) allowed visualization of
63 V(2) proteins in which this conserved serine was changed to alanine could activate the yeast two-hybr
64 ions in which the central tryptophan residue was changed to alanine did not have a significant impact
65                                 Each proline was changed to alanine to produce 8 avian HEV mutants co
66 important, an IRS-1 mutant in which Ser(312) was changed to alanine was found to be resistant to insu
67 ransgene (in which residue 16 on the B chain was changed to alanine) in NOD mice.
68 yr-12, Tyr-76, or Tyr-104 of the VPg protein was changed to alanine, but virus was not recovered when
69 the activase/Rubisco interaction, proline 89 was changed to alanine, which is not present in either n
70 ine, but virus was not recovered when Tyr-24 was changed to alanine.
71 ved asparagine residue in the sensor I motif was changed to alanine.
72 ants in which each residue of the Ly6 domain was changed to alanine.
73 tant xPlkk1 in which these three amino acids were changed to alanine (xPlkk1(SA3)) was unable to be p
74 ylation sites, threonine 14 and tyrosine 15, were changed to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively
75 harged residues located within the C2-domain were changed to alanine in clusters of 1-3 mutations per
76  in which glycine residues in two RGD motifs were changed to alanine residues showed the greatest red
77 ion sites, in which the Thr and Ser residues were changed to alanine residues, reduced the apoptotic
78 form a casein kinase II phosphorylation site were changed to alanine residues, reducing phosphorylati
79  I6 in which clusters of charged amino acids were changed to alanine residues.
80              Clusters of charged amino acids were changed to alanine to minimize mutations that affec
81   Residues D58, K121, C123, and H125 of PrpB were changed to alanine, and residue R122 was changed to
82 ids between residues 331 and 462 of sigma 54 were changed to alanine, and the mutant proteins were st
83 ers of 1-5 putative solvent-exposed residues were changed to alanine, ultimately changing 65 residues
84 aced by a positively charged residue or both were changed to alanine, viruses were recovered that con
85 r more of the residues comprising the groove were changed to alanine.
86 ants in which single or multiple amino acids were changed to alanine.
87 n of PLP in the ESB, T68, S69, N71, and Q142 were changed to alanine.
88 n which specific cysteines in the Ly6 domain were changed to alanine.
89 udy we used receptors in which these serines were changed to alanines (SA3) or to aspartic acids (SD3
90 ne residues at positions 12, 24, 76, and 104 were changed to alanines by mutagenesis of an infectious
91         A mutant in which histidines 117-119 were changed to alanines severely diminished ferrous, bu
92 amino acids from various extracellular loops were changed to alanines, and we examined their ability
93  These MutH histidines (His-112 and His-115) were changed to alanines, but the mutant proteins had wi
94                        Most targeted regions were changed to alanines, whereas rad9-S3 encodes a prot
95 ain in which the major phosphorylation sites were changed to alanines.
96 omain protein 1CSQ, with six of its residues being changed to all possible (20) amino acids, were scr
97 , each of the five base-specific amino acids was changed to alter binding at each site.
98  patients for whom an off-pump strategy must be changed to an on-pump procedure during surgery have n
99 roles in catalytic function, each lysine has been changed to an uncharged methionine or alanine, and
100 deficient mutant of eNOS in which serine 116 is changed to an alanine residue (S116A) shows significa
101 , which becomes a substrate when leucine 363 is changed to an alanine.
102 ls adjust rapidly, but when a figure display is changed to an ambiguous edge display, the signals dec
103  residue 48 in the periplasmic sensor domain is changed to an isoleucine, was shown previously to res
104  the 5'-end nucleotide G of the replicon RNA was changed to an A upon multiple rounds of replication.
105  safe and effective, the irinotecan schedule was changed to an accepted brain tumor regimen of four d
106    A mutant in which the catalytic glutamate was changed to an alanine crystallized in a closed compl
107                      Each surface amino acid was changed to an alanine.
108 (g7) molecule in which the beta57Ser residue was changed to an Asp residue.
109 ere changed to glutamates, and the glutamate was changed to an aspartate.
110                       During the chase, feed was changed to an unlabeled equivalent feed ("light"), a
111 c residues in the third extracellular domain were changed to an acidic residue and initially examined
112 uble mutant in which both Ile-86 and Ile-144 were changed to an alanine.
113 onding to Met-8, a highly conserved residue, is changed to Arg.
114 NA in which the conserved lysine at codon 71 was changed to arginine, thus impairing the catalytic ef
115 l in mice where the seven C-terminal lysines were changed to arginine (Trp-53(7KR)).
116 cifically, when at least two lysine residues were changed to arginine in the histone H3 tail, a hat1D
117  reaction such that the RGD in the pro-toxin was changed to arginyl-alanyl-aspartic or to arginyl-gly
118 secutive Asp residues of the "Ca-bowl" motif are changed to Asn, reduces (45)Ca(2+)-binding activity
119 compared with wild-type CthPnkp when His-189 is changed to Asp, Arg-237 is replaced by Ala or Gln, an
120                         In this study, Ile28 was changed to Asp and Glu.
121 nt of the pro peptide where Arg/Lys residues were changed to Asp, and Asp/Glu residues to Lys.
122         In the present study, these residues were changed to Asp, Gln, and Val or Ala in several sing
123  one of the three active site aspartates has been changed to asparagine (D211N), is still capable of
124 spartate-187 of cytochrome b (Asp(B187)) has been changed to asparagine (mutant B187 DN).
125 ant (DGK zeta S/N) in which the same serines were changed to asparagines.
126  coli ribosomal protein S5, in which glycine is changed to aspartate at position 28 [S5(G28D)], resul
127 -mimetic" eNOS mutant in which threonine 497 is changed to aspartate shows attenuated phosphorylation
128 ants, in which threonine 33 and/or serine 35 were changed to aspartic acid to mimic the phosphorylati
129                                  Pacing mode was changed to asynchronous for pacemaker-dependent pati
130                              The pacing mode was changed to asynchronous mode for pacing-dependent pa
131                                  Pacing mode was changed to "asynchronous" for pacemaker-dependent pa
132                    As possible, units should be changed to avoid sensitized mismatches.
133 n of opsin genes in the inner PRCs R7 and R8 are changed to become identical to those of outer R1-R6
134                    When the attached spheres were changed to biconcave discs by flushing with an iso-
135 ases of nafcillin discontinuation, treatment was changed to cefazolin; all 9 completed treatment with
136                         The primary analysis was changed to compare progression-free survival with ce
137                      First, the viral codons were changed to conform to the codon usage of highly exp
138                            When the catalyst was changed to copper(I) triflate, Mannich addition prod
139                The codons of essential genes are changed to create a DNA sequence as divergent as pos
140 xed amplitude: far and near target positions were changed to create an accommodative demand of 1.5 D
141 ) in which the carboxyl-terminal -CSIM motif was changed to -CSM.
142 steady-state kinetic assays show that it can be changed to Cys (A62C) and labeled with the fluorescen
143 ructure, the active-site nucleophile, Ser80, was changed to Cys, and the other members of the catalyt
144 , denoted Longmont, where the residue Arg166 was changed to Cys.
145 peptide substrate in which the target serine is changed to cysteine also gives rise to turnover, supp
146  possible perturbations of H by D as H-C-C-H is changed to D-C-C-H have been determined experimentall
147 (2)H-NMR spectra for KWALP23 in which Leu(8) was changed to deuterated Ala(8).
148 en the base pairing partner for hypoxanthine is changed to difluorotoluene, which cannot hydrogen bon
149 eks in culture, the astrocyte culture medium was changed to DMEM containing various concentrations of
150  the [DAsp(1)(betaAla), DOrn(3)] cycle of 21 was changed to [DOrn(1)(betaAla), DAsp(3)] of cyclo(1,1'
151  Y(46) was changed to E, A, and F, and K(84) was changed to E and A.
152 e their roles in lambda DNA packaging, Y(46) was changed to E, A, and F, and K(84) was changed to E a
153  aged 2-17 years when antiretroviral therapy was changed to either a dual nucleoside analogue regimen
154 r derivatives in which the regulatory serine was changed to either alanine or aspartate were construc
155    All six native cysteine residues of GLUT1 were changed to either glycine or serine residues by sit
156 h had begun in 79 (69%), including those who were changed to either itraconazole or posaconazole.
157                       At 2 min, mobile phase was changed to elute and separate PET radioligand and it
158 ch meningococcal disease is diagnosed should be changed to emphasise identification of these early sy
159 multiway analyses, four model variables must be changed to extreme values for the cost-utility of ann
160 tinuous collapse when the solvent conditions are changed to favor the fully folded native conformatio
161 al gastrointestinal disorders" (AP-FGID) has been changed to functional abdominal pain disorders (FAP
162                          When the CAAX motif was changed to GAAX and the mutant protein was synthesiz
163 f the gene, where GCC (alanine) in Mak-o has been changed to GAC (aspartate) in Mak(+).
164 therefore recommend that the jal designation be changed to Gata3jal, and suggest that this mouse vari
165  observed regardless of whether the contacts were changed to give devices with or without significant
166 volved in hydrogen bond formation with Cdk5, are changed to Gln, Gln, and Pro in p39.
167 re, the conserved active site residue His200 is changed to Gln, Glu, Ala, Asn, and Phe, and the react
168 d mutagenesis experiments, in which each Asn was changed to Gln independently, revealed that only asp
169 ce Glu(28), close to the metal binding site, was changed to Gln.
170 ch the active site ligand, aspartate (D) 84, is changed to glutamate (E) are capable of accumulating
171 ycine residue in the kinase catalytic domain is changed to glutamate.
172 , Tat, and TAR, these serines and threonines were changed to glutamate in a kinase-inactive Cdk9 prot
173                               The aspartates were changed to glutamates, and the glutamate was change
174 6, a potential catalytic residue in VPH, has been changed to glutamine, and the resulting E106QVPH mu
175 n which an invariant transmembrane glutamate was changed to glutamine integrated into the membrane bu
176 side chain requirements for activity, Glu117 was changed to glutamine or aspartic acid.
177 , in which a single or double lysine residue was changed to glutamine within the in vivo N-terminal t
178 nsfer deficiency in a mutant in which Trp 80 was changed to Gly, we determined the X-ray structures o
179 idue in the ATP binding site (glutamine 103) is changed to glycine, allowing this mutant to utilize a
180 S and 4028T.V, in which residue threonine-28 was changed to glycine, serine, and valine, respectively
181 significantly reduced when Grb10 tyrosine 67 was changed to glycine.
182   The gene symbol for the cpfl3 mutation has been changed to Gnat2(cpfl3).
183 er, Met-684 of PsaA and Met-664 of PsaB have been changed to His, Ser, and Leu.
184 ase intein improved when its penultimate Phe was changed to His, but splicing of the RNA polymerase s
185 ntein was inhibited when its penultimate Gly was changed to His.
186 e show that mutant CPRs in which Trp-676 has been changed to histidine (W676H) and alanine (W676A) ca
187 constructed in which this glutamine, Gln937, was changed to histidine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid,
188 akly suppressed by TBP mutants in which K239 was changed to hydrophobic residues.
189 ic medium in which the normal 5.6 mm glucose is changed to hyperglycemic 25.6 mm glucose greatly incr
190 national strategy for biosurveillance should be changed to incorporate data from the whole health rec
191                Although treatment guidelines were changed to indicate that some women could forego RT
192 ), where up to 50% of adenosine (A) residues are changed to inosine (I).
193 ting, in which genomically encoded adenosine is changed to inosine in RNA, is catalyzed by adenosine
194                   Mice in which this residue is changed to isoleucine are insensitive to zolpidem.
195                       However, the second LP is changed to isoleucylprolyl (IP) in TRPC1, -C4, and -C
196 ithin the P4-P2' region; the sequence ITLLSA was changed to ITLSSA to relocate the reactive site to P
197  integrin-binding RGD sequence in protein 1D was changed to KGE in two different chimeras.
198       When large-subunit Val-221 and Val-235 were changed to land-plant Cys-221 and Ile-235, they com
199                                 This residue was changed to Leu and Gln, and the structures, kinetics
200  Kinetic analysis of mutants in which Arg237 was changed to Leu, Lys, His, and Gln revealed that Arg2
201  in the hydrophobic core, valine-14 and -16, are changed to leucine and to the extensively fluorinate
202 ide in which two of the three phenylalanines are changed to leucine is considerably less structured,
203  Gln305, in the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit were changed to leucine and alanine, respectively.
204 inst voltage-gated potassium channels should be changed to limbic encephalitis associated with LGI1 a
205 1.5 +/- 2.5 cm, and 22 mastectomy candidates were changed to lumpectomy, with tumor size decreasing f
206 s residue of the R7Delta447 Gag-tMos protein is changed to Lys(62).
207 ariant in which five acidic amino acids have been changed to lysine (5K) (pI=10.2) was measured and c
208 rand or the C-terminal beta-strand (or both) is changed to lysine.
209 IS (structurally homologous to K274 in ADCS) was changed to lysine in an attempt to convert IS to an
210                                       Arg172 was changed to lysine, glutamine, and asparagine.
211 pB were changed to alanine, and residue R122 was changed to lysine.
212                             Residues in BenM were changed to match those of CatM in this hydrophobic
213  by histologic findings, and his medications were changed to methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine.
214                          Isoflurane sedation was changed to midazolam in two nonsurviving patients be
215                                   Ce(IV) NPs were changed to mixed (III, IV) NPs at high ionic streng
216  or more of the nine human residues in MHu2M were changed to mouse.
217 al hypertension occurred, all subjects on TG were changed to MP.
218  the mutant in which the five basic residues were changed to neutral glutamine (bvPLA(2)-Q5) with pho
219 ino acid, the alpha-carbon of the amino acid is changed to nitrogen.
220 yptophan residues present in the enzyme have been changed to nonfluorescent ones in various combinati
221 tants in which the Akt phosphorylation sites are changed to nonphosphorylatable or phospho-mimicking
222 n which the phosphorylation sites of cMyBP-C were changed to nonphosphorylatable alanines (MyBP-C(All
223 hylamino)pyridine, DMAP (1 equiv), the order is changed to O(2)CR > OR.
224     It is shown how these conditions have to be changed to obtain correct quantifications of the weig
225                    Current guidelines should be changed to offer testing to all pregnant women, not j
226 ed model is then described in which the drug is changed to one in which both strains are susceptible,
227 structures must be left intact and which can be changed to optimize biochemical and immunologic perfo
228  position 16 when wild-type C at position 17 is changed to other bases.
229 c, as no effect is observed when the uridine is changed to other naturally occurring nucleotides.
230 al mol(-1) loss of binding energy when Trp23 is changed to p65-derived Leu.
231             The recognized isotope ratio can be changed to permit a natural or artificial mixture of
232 ced with alanine, and/or the activation site was changed to permit activation by bovine factor Xa.
233 drogen bond to the 9-keto C=O group of P(A), is changed to Phe, a differential signal at 1653(+)/1638
234 tructure, we determined that Tyr286 in AeKAT is changed to Phe278 in human KAT I, which may explain w
235 eins in which either Y801 or Y854 of DOS has been changed to phenylalanine are unable to function dur
236 ivo expression of a Grb2 mutant where Tyr209 was changed to phenylalanine enhanced BCR/ABL-induced ER
237     Mutant proteins in which these tyrosines were changed to phenylalanine had reduced phosphorylatio
238  CD19 interaction with PI3-K, Y484 and Y515, were changed to phenylalanine.
239      It follows that "potential compression" is changed to "potential expansion" (i.e., a further sep
240  to answers to certain questions...." It has been changed to read, "As with any other product that cl
241 o searched for meditation adherence." It has been changed to read, "Because medication may be a compo
242 tional Research Council, Naples, Italy," has been changed to read, "Institute of Genetics and Biomedi
243 lvira Donnarumma, PhD, "SDN Foundation," has been changed to read, "IRCCS SDN, Naples, Italy." The in
244                                 Horer)," has been changed to read, "Klinik fur Herz-und Gefaschirurgi
245 n services, especially fee-for-service, must be changed to recognize the value of services performed
246 ure or content of the atherosclerotic plaque is changed to reduce the risk of subsequent rupture and
247                   The literature on SCD must be changed to reflect new information about the disease.
248 bitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) is changed to regulate the activities of MMPs after part
249     The processing of mfVEP signals needs to be changed to remove the relationship between the number
250  Accordingly, the symbol for this allele has been changed to restorer-of-fertility lethal 1 (rfl1).
251 ntive system for university researchers must be changed to reward research on problems of practice.
252 residue of the Sindbis virus nsP4 polymerase was changed to Ser, Ala, or Lys.
253 Zn-coordinating Cys residues of the ClpX ZBD were changed to Ser.
254 nt mutant eNOS (in which Cys(15) and Cys(26) are changed to serine).
255 nhibition in mutant yeast, each p53 cysteine was changed to serine, and the effect of the substitutio
256  serve as a ligand to the [4Fe-4S] center Fx was changed to serine, histidine, and aspartate.
257 n which the axial histidine ligand (HisA676) was changed to serine, were also studied.
258 idue of the [Fe(SCys)(4)] site, cysteine 13, was changed to serine.
259 ansforming activity if Cys(181) and Cys(184) are changed to serines, implying that palmitates make im
260    Mutant alpha(13), in which both cysteines were changed to serines, failed to localize to plasma me
261 o the Mg(2+) of the P(700) chlorophyll a has been changed to several different amino acids.
262 ich progerin's carboxyl-terminal -CSIM motif was changed to -SSIM) also develop severe progeria, rais
263 e., single-step two-electron transfer; 8-10) is changed to stepwise ETs of the Weitz type for two-pyr
264 double mutant in which positions 738 and 739 were changed to stop codons, another mutant in which a p
265 diated through the nigrostriatal system must be changed to take into account extrastriatal dopaminerg
266 ndicate that the HSV-1 latency phenotype can be changed to that of HSV-2 by substitution of a 2.8-kb
267 pecimens in seven, a diagnosis of malignancy was changed to that of another malignancy in four, and t
268 ein in which a 17-amino-acid segment of UpaY was changed to that of UpeY altered UpaY's specificity,
269 at on shorter substrates the cutting pattern was changed to that predicted for the activity of a 3'-5
270 ants in which each residue facing the pocket was changed to that present in CCK2R had no negative imp
271  in which amino acid residues M205-M210 have been changed to the corresponding L subunit amino acids.
272 eto and 10a-carbomethoxy groups of P(A) have been changed to the symmetry-related side chains present
273  E) and the QQ dipeptide insertion of LTBP-4 is changed to the FP in 8-Cys3(LTBP-1).
274 bjects to reach and grasp an object whose CM was changed to the left, center, or right of the object
275                      Parenteral voriconazole was changed to the oral formulation in 22 percent of the
276 ly alter BsoBI specificity, the D246 residue was changed to the other 19 amino acids.
277 et102, which forms part of the binding site, was changed to the polar residue glutamine.
278  assignment of 16,19-cis-murisolin as RRRSSS was changed to the RSSRRS diastereomer and murisolin A i
279 gnition sequence for carbohydrate attachment was changed to the structurally similar glutamine such t
280 ly, nine individual 2B1 active-site residues were changed to the corresponding 2C5 residues, and the
281 ctivities of mutants in which these residues were changed to the corresponding IGFBP-1 sequence were
282 brane spanning segments of the alpha subunit were changed to the corresponding residues common to gas
283 h the C2 domain hydrophobic amino acid pairs were changed to the homologous residues of the other pro
284 is, three residues of TM4 of the Na,K-ATPase were changed to their H,K-counterparts.
285                     When sites D139 and E391 were changed to their respective amide form, no SS activ
286 P-4) is achieved if the residues A, S, and R are changed to those in 8-Cys3(LTBP1) (D, D, and E) and
287                     When the reference group was changed to those who never used hormonal contracepti
288 ithin the nuclease domain channel of RNase R were changed to those found in RNase II.
289  within three previously implicated segments were changed to those in the alpha(L)I-domain, which is
290                                   Isoleucine was changed to threonine, serine, and valine, yielding m
291            This default sleep-like state can be changed to transient tonic firing reminiscent of wake
292                                  One residue was changed to Trp to provide a fluorescence probe for s
293 e; the point mutation results in cysteine-66 being changed to tryptophan-66 in the conserved 'twin CX
294 of C(4) PEPc in which this specific site has been changed to tyrosine or aspartate.
295 tutional editing in which encoded C residues are changed to U residues posttranscriptionally.
296 NA derived from tRNA1(Ile), in which G34 has been changed to U34.
297 ns, UA(1831)GUA(1834)G, in its kinase domain were changed to UG(1831)GUG(1834)G by RNA editing in per
298 y unchanged when up to four alanine residues are changed to valine.
299            Wild-type alanine at position 243 was changed to valine by PCR-based mutagenesis.
300 nature, essentially a catalogue of loci that were changed to varying degrees in different tumor types

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