


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g material and the difunctional product have been detected by (1)H NMR spectroscopy.
2                               Adverse events were detected by (1) initial observation by participatin
3         Low abundance of potential pathogens was detected by 16S profiling and confirmed by qPCR.
4                      Neutralizing antibodies are detected by 21 d.p.i.
5 C in this cohort, significantly more lesions were detected by (64)Cu-DOTATATE.
6                     Glucose and other sugars are detected by a G protein-coupled receptor, Gpr1, as w
7                                     CNVs can be detected by a number of means, including chromosomal
8             The DNA hybridization events can be detected by a significant reduction in the sensor's r
9                 Tumor areas, which could not be detected by a single tracer and/or MRI parameter alon
10 n in Caenorhabditis elegans, which could not be detected by a traditional one-locus/one-transcript an
11  identified by WGS, only 87 (65%) would have been detected by a typical PCR-based approach.
12            The transit of ASC into the speck is detected by a decreased width or increased height of
13      The released, labeled, and purified RNA is detected by a sensitive and compact fluorometer.
14                                   Sour taste is detected by a subset of taste cells on the tongue and
15                    The shift of myosin heads was detected by a change in fluorescent intensity of a p
16 ion and replication inside the B lymphocytes was detected by a combination of in situ hybridization (
17 anges in the magnet angle as the eye rotated were detected by a magnetic field sensor.
18     The plasma concentrations of tanshinones were detected by a validated method and pharmacokinetic
19  LCs (38%) were detected by CT, and 38 (62%) were detected by AFB.
20 teins produced by a single infected cell can be detected by an ultrasensitive p24 assay.
21 a) was maximally internalized by 2 hours and was detected by an antiapo(a) antibody to be localized t
22      Only one significant LD-independent SNP was detected by analyses of unconditional FDR and tradit
23               Since then, most new loci have been detected by analyzing common [minor allele frequenc
24                        Spores of B. globigii were detected by anti-B. globigii (anti-Bg) coated senso
25 CHRNA9 to the risk for ND (SKAT-C: P=0.0012) was detected by applying the combined sum test in MSTCC
26 VIP) scores was achieved for all lipids that were detected by at least two instrument platforms.
27 sidentification is a common problem that can be detected by authentication testing; however, misident
28              No evidence of publication bias was detected by Begg's and Egger's regression tests.
29 with importin-alpha in N. benthamiana, which was detected by bimolecular fluorescence complementation
30 % of all HSILs diagnosed in the participants were detected by biopsies of normal-appearing transforma
31 ent aspects of neural activity, similar RSNs were detected by both imaging modalities.
32           Preassembled CB1-Galphai complexes were detected by BRET(2) Arachidonyl-2'-chloroethylamide
33       Although microvascular obstruction can be detected by cardiac imaging techniques several hours
34 tion and that spontaneous reactivation could be detected by cell culture of tears.
35 ses, and their rearrangements would not have been detected by cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening.
36 nical strains of Acanthamoeba that failed to be detected by certain individual assays included Acanth
37 es, whereas no change in secondary structure was detected by circular dichroism.
38 specific interaction between sigma1R and DAT was detected by co-immunoprecipitation and bioluminescen
39 raction between NCC and IL18r on macrophages was detected by co-immunoprecipitation.
40 raction between Dlx3 and Osx in odontoblasts was detected by co-immunoprecipitation.
41 he polarization of the incoming IR radiation is detected by comparing the received power levels in th
42 pography on the sediment element composition were detected by comparing the fixed effects caused by a
43                                           PH was detected by computed tomography (CT) after a minimum
44                     The majority of relapses were detected by computed tomography scan during routine
45                                     The ILMs were detected by computing the Shannon entropy of the pr
46 signals of intensities above rod sensitivity are detected by cones and transmitted to various types o
47  and cell surface expression of alpha7 nAChR is detected by confocal microscopy and flow cytometry us
48 ly 1.45 % of the chicken genome in each line were detected by consensus of results of both XP-EHH and
49 om their tarsi wherever they land, which can be detected by conspecifics.
50 ritical phenomena and mechanisms that cannot be detected by conventional ex vivo approaches.
51 rganic compounds in bottled water but cannot be detected by conventional mass spectrometry methods.
52 alized regenerative therapies, which may not be detected by conventional measures of global systolic
53  many variants are at too low a frequency to be detected by conventional next-generation sequencing (
54                       Twenty-three LCs (38%) were detected by CT, and 38 (62%) were detected by AFB.
55                           Mycoplasma hominis was detected by culture and qPCR in 2 unused vials from
56 s of a novel reovirus (genus Dinovernavirus) were detected by culturing mosquito pools on Aedes albop
57 nce mutation to be acquired, which would not be detected by current rapid molecular diagnostics emplo
58                                         IBDM was detected by cytokeratin-19 expression and proliferat
59 ms use extracellular peptide pheromones that are detected by cytoplasmic receptors to regulate gene e
60        Previously, we showed that each taste is detected by dedicated taste receptor cells (TRCs) on
61 from continuous search suggests that targets are detected by default, whereas distractors are process
62 filtration of gliomas into normal tissue can be detected by DESI-MS.
63      The presence of Ras dimers on membranes was detected by diffusion-based fluorescence techniques
64 tic smell when exposed to air, the compounds are detected by direct contact with the emitter in aquat
65                                 Mb rebinding was detected by direct electrocatalytic reduction of Mb
66                               Cell apoptosis was detected by EB/AO staining, and cell cycle was analy
67                                These adducts are detected by ECL from a RuPVP polymer that uses DNA a
68 e compounds present in the seed oil extracts were detected by effect-directed assays, like bioassays
69             Nonspecific ischemic alterations were detected by electrocardiography and echocardiograph
70     Hypoxia-induced superoxide release which was detected by electron spin resonance spectroscopy in
71 ed by HPLC-ESI-ITMS/MS, but could not always be detected by ELISA.
72 eumocystis antibodies in human serum samples was detected by ELISA and Western blotting.
73 ubjects' serum and condylar subchondral bone were detected by ELISA; bone and cartilage remodeling pa
74 els, proposed to be associated with AMR, can be detected by established quantitative real-time polyme
75 s assessed neuropathology, and brain atrophy was detected by ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging.
76 uld be known that this embryonic anomaly may be detected by fetal echocardiographic or newborn ultras
77 ilical or porto-systemic circulations should be detected by fetal or newborn ultrasound examinations
78 ore cell-surface MPL P106L localization that was detected by flow cytometry and [(125)I]-THPO binding
79 pression promoted SW480 cell survival, which was detected by flow cytometry, MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthia
80 ression on IFN-gamma-producing CD4+ T cells, were detected by flow cytometry.
81 the oligothiophene-aggregate interaction can be detected by fluorescence or surface plasmon resonance
82 ribution of IgG immobilized on SU-8 surfaces is detected by fluorescence microscopy measurement after
83 SCC cells, green fluorescence protein signal was detected by fluorescence-activated cell sorting anal
84 essing primary tumors and metastases in mice were detected by fluorescence imaging.
85 ex vivo gamma-well assay of (99m)Tc activity were detected by fluorescence mode imaging.
86                                 The analytes were detected by fluorescence.
87           Sepsis-induced lymphoid cell death was detected by fluorescent AV-750 accumulation in the t
88                                  Anti-Ro/SSA were detected by fluoroenzyme immunoassay, immuno-Wester
89 patients with end stage liver disease (ESLD) is detected by fNIRS.
90 l-induced Ca(2+) entry in these cells, which was detected by fura-2 Ca(2+) imaging.
91 n previously thought-a brightness that could be detected by future telescopes.
92 nd to produce 2-methyl pyrrole (2-MP), which was detected by gas chromatography.
93  tumor-normal sequencing that would not have been detected by guideline-directed testing.
94 , relatively little is known about how acids are detected by gustatory systems and whether they have
95   A total of 65 different phenolic compounds were detected by HPLC-PDA/MS.
96 r those orangutan MHC class I allotypes that are detected by human monoclonal anti-HLA class I Abs, t
97 ed HDM bodies, and the IgE-reactive antigens were detected by IgE immunoblot inhibition experiments.
98                                     Fibrosis was detected by IHC, hydroxyproline content, and by qPCR
99 ntibodies against recombinant laminin gamma1 were detected by immunoblot in 8 of 12 patients.
100 by quantitative PCR, only ABHD12 and ABHD16A were detected by immunoblot.
101                           Alpha-gal epitopes were detected by immunoblotting on antivenoms.
102 CR reaction, and antigen-specific antibodies were detected by immunocytochemistry of HBV-transfected
103           Nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB was detected by immunofluorescence.
104 ven though intracellular double-stranded RNA was detected by immunofluorescence.
105             Hepatic stellate cell activation was detected by immunofluorescence.
106 and neuronal precursor cells (BrdU+/Nestin+) were detected by immunofluorescence.
107 fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expressions were detected by immunohistochemical studies.
108                        Expression of MT1-MMP was detected by immunohistochemistry and tissue microarr
109               P53, SOX2, and CD44 expression was detected by immunohistochemistry in pretreatment tum
110               P53, SOX2, and CD44 expression was detected by immunohistochemistry in pretreatment tum
111                      EMT-associated proteins were detected by immunohistochemistry and western blotti
112 gs on day 2 postchallenge, and viral antigen was detected, by immunostaining, in the epithelium of br
113                               The latter can be detected by in situ IR and trapped by various amines
114 ferase enzyme complex is produced, which can be detected by in vivo bioluminescence imaging.
115    After 24 h of storage, enzymatic activity was detected by in situ zymography within the HLs of bot
116      Isolated HIV RNA-positive (vRNA+) cells were detected by in situ hybridization in LTs obtained b
117 -CpG administration, immune activation could be detected by increased Granzyme B and Interferon gamma
118               Hg(2+) in aqueous solution can be detected by instruments in the range of 0.5 to 150 mM
119                                          QMs were detected by laser flash photolysis and their reacti
120                           Traces of ethylene were detected by laser spectroscopy both in vitro in iso
121                          Myocardial fibrosis was detected by late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) MRI, a
122                                         HAdV was detected by LD-PCR in an additional 220 specimens th
123 lar formulas with a low number of oxygen can be detected by LDI.
124 compounds with masses between 300 and 900 Da were detected by LDI.
125                        A total of 40 species were detected by LESA FAIMS mass spectrometry imaging of
126                       A total of 34 proteins were detected by LESA FAIMS mass spectrometry imaging of
127                  The ortho-carbocation 4-o-C was detected by LFP in aqueous solution (lambdamax = 410
128                   Phototautomers 2-T and 4-T were detected by LFP with strong transient absorption ma
129 culation and shoot biomass deficiency, which is detected by long-term phenotyping.
130                    Conversely, HCV particles are detected by macrophages, but not by monocytes and DC
131                Body fat and intrahepatic fat were detected by magnetic resonance imaging and spectros
132 of case women reported that their cancer had been detected by mammographic screening and half that th
133     Although trace amounts of pheromones can be detected by many insects, context-dependent increased
134                 In two patients, progression was detected by marker increase alone.
135 (HIPs) are antigenic for CD4 T cells and can be detected by mass spectrometry in beta cells.
136 re toxic to primary hippocampal cultures and are detected by MC-1, an antibody recognizing pathologic
137                        Periprosthetic masses were detected by MDCT in 46 patients, and their attenuat
138 aining the labeled peptides with alkyne tags are detected by means of surface-enhanced Raman scatteri
139  to an increase of the faradic current which is detected by means of square wave voltammetry (SWV).
140 o associated improvement in retinal function was detected by means of ERG.
141                            Plaque components were detected by means of PC without significant differe
142           We demonstrate that this phase can be detected by measuring the collective excitation spect
143 belled probes allows the target molecules to be detected by measuring the fluorescence intensity of e
144 In experiments, these predicted phases could be detected by measuring the number of polaritons via re
145                          The single mismatch was detected by measuring strand displacement-induced re
146 ex-driven expansions of CMV-specific T cells were detected by measuring T-cell surface levels of 4-1B
147                  The oligonucleotide targets were detected by measuring the color change of AgNPs, gi
148 sruptive single-nucleotide variant (SNV) had been detected by microarray or whole-exome sequencing (W
149 HETE-CP) derived from the HSA-SM adduct that was detected by microbore liquid chromatography-electros
150  loads and were significantly more likely to be detected by micromethod.
151 re to T. gondii-containing seawater, oocysts were detected by microscopy in snail faeces and tissues
152  by nLC-MS, while only 1064 +/- 6 peak pairs were detected by mLC-MS.
153 from previously unrecognized viral pathogens were detected by mNGS (4 cases of herpes simplex virus t
154                          Overall, water flow is detected by molecular machinery that can vary between
155 individuals in the lowest endemicity setting was detected by molecular techniques alone.
156 ed into global conformational changes, which are detected by monitoring the solid-state (19)F nuclear
157  10 commercially known hazardous adulterants is detected by monitoring the changes in milk electrical
158          The presence of antibodies in serum was detected by monitoring the electrical properties of
159 e paradigm, it sometimes misses effects that are detected by more sensitive acceptability-judgment ta
160                    Of 40 cancers, 18 (45.0%) were detected by MRI alone.
161                  Similarly, of 14 DCISs, all were detected by MRI, whereas mammography and ultrasound
162                                  This change is detected by mucolipin TRP channel 3 (TRPML3), a trans
163 erpendicular to the bilayer, however no pore was detected by neutron in-plane scattering.
164 sweat, 3908 +/- 62 peak pairs or metabolites were detected by nLC-MS, while only 1064 +/- 6 peak pair
165 alytically active sodium-based intermediates were detected by NMR and HRMS analyses.
166             No apparent changes in cellulose were detected by NMR and synchrotron X-ray diffraction.
167 ssing oncogenic Ras (hereafter RasV12 cells) are detected by normal neighbors and as a result are oft
168 ll-length genomic and subgenomic RNA strands were detected by Northern blotting, and crystalline latt
169 ular biomarkers in lymphatic vessels and can be detected by OCT using a phase variance algorithm.
170 /=CIN2 results were found when the infection was detected by only one assay.
171 vement in sickle cell disease can now easily be detected by optical coherence tomography (OCT).
172 In conclusion, the active form of MMP-12 can be detected by optical imaging using RXP470.1-based prob
173 dney fibrosis; such an association could not be detected by other biomarkers for CKD.
174 connected in evolutionary local patterns can be detected by our work.
175 sorders and changes in liver tissue that can be detected by pathology analysis.
176 ression datasets revealed that ALV infection is detected by pattern-recognition receptors (TLR9 and T
177                                    When mecA is detected by PCR in the clinical laboratory, current g
178 loyees with eye complaints (62%); adenovirus was detected by PCR in 44 of 542 suspected viral conjunc
179 0(7) genome copies/ml), and no other viruses were detected by PCR and metagenomic sequencing.
180    Infections by three species of Plasmodium were detected by PCR followed by sequencing of a 201-bp
181 espectively), whereas both possible IA cases were detected by PCR.
182         Diverse T-cell distribution patterns were detected by PET/CT imaging, depending on the tumor
183 odic sources during cardiac fibrillation can be detected by phase mapping techniques.
184 d to illuminate the tissue, with Mie scatter being detected by PIN photodiodes at eight different det
185 thogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) are detected by plant pattern recognition receptors (PRR
186                          Respiratory viruses were detected by polymerase chain reaction in the same s
187                  RAVs in NS3, NS5A, and NS5B were detected by population-based sequencing.
188 rms of the N-terminal cleavage of methionine were detected by precursor molecular weight and top-down
189 eness of treatments for prostate cancer that is detected by prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing r
190 (HDC) and histamine receptor (HR) expression were detected by qPCR and HA secretion by enzymatic immu
191    Odontogenic-associated genes and proteins were detected by qPCR and immunofluorescence, respective
192 carboxypeptidase A messenger RNA transcripts were detected by quantitative reverse transcription-poly
193     Serum autoantibodies to FcepsilonRIalpha were detected by radioimmunoprecipitation.
194                                M. pneumoniae was detected by real-time PCR in 175 (5.8%) specimens.
195                        Group A rotavirus RNA was detected by real-time reverse transcription-PCR, and
196                 EBOV RNA and infectious EBOV was detected by real-time RT-PCR and virus culture out t
197 0, and H2030), PCFT transcripts and proteins were detected by real-time RT-PCR and western blots, res
198                      Olfactory sensory input is detected by receptor neurons in the nose, which then
199 alamuthia mandrillaris, a free-living ameba, were detected by recognition of severe unexpected illnes
200                               Evolved oxygen is detected by reduction at a Pt UME, allowing for the d
201 ation between ss DNA probe and target ss DNA was detected by reduction in current, generated by inter
202      The hybridization between PDNA and TDNA was detected by reduction in current, generated by inter
203       Beyond image formation, the light that is detected by retinal photoreceptors influences subcort
204 red within 1 year of screening, of which one was detected by ROCA but was managed conservatively afte
205  cause surgical site infections, and may not be detected by routine clinical cultures.
206 ocardial injury is asymptomatic and may only be detected by routine troponin screening.
207                            alpha7 nAChR mRNA is detected by RT-PCR and cell surface expression of alp
208 but neither the precursor nor mature product is detected by RT-qPCR.
209  10 mg b.i.d. T. cruzi deoxyribonucleic acid was detected by RT-PCR at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, and
210                              Gene expression was detected by RT-qPCR, and protein production or activ
211  acids HX (pKa >/= 7.0) that cannot normally be detected by SCAC to be measured by a second conductiv
212 t behaviors under various bending conditions are detected by scanning tunneling spectroscopy in a tra
213 naware that inconsequential disease can also be detected by screening, leading to overdiagnosis and o
214 standing of the etiology of cancers that can be detected by screening.
215 ve (SR) broadly neutralizing antibodies have been detected by screening antibody phage display librar
216 reeze drying, additional major peptide bands were detected by SDS-PAGE treatments as compared to the
217                       Three interval cancers were detected by self-examination, all in carriers of th
218                 InDels formed by CRISPR/Cas9 were detected by sequence analysis.
219 ost-treatment macrolide resistance mutations were detected by sequencing the 23 S gene.
220                        HSV-2 and T. pallidum were detected by serum antibody testing.
221                               Because it can be detected by simple visual inspection, this ubiquitous
222  expanded during disease progression and can be detected by single-cell analysis of peripheral blood.
223                                  GluN2D mRNA was detected by single-cell PCR and in situ hybridizatio
224 Although no overt changes in corneal opacity were detected by slit-lamp examination, the corneas of h
225              Activation of TGFbeta signaling was detected by SMAD2 phosphorylation and through use of
226                                       Ca(2+) is detected by specialized motifs on proteins that have
227 the presence of sulfite a product, which can be detected by spectrophotometry (S) and fluorometry (F)
228  Michael adducts in this mechanism have only been detected by spectroscopic methods in solution.
229 ainful) stimuli as well as innocuous stimuli are detected by spinal afferent neurons, whose cell bodi
230                     No other La or Pi phases were detected by SSNMR and EXAFS indicating the effect o
231  While irreversible phenotypic switching can be detected by studying the genome, reversible phenotypi
232 ported from prospective studies in which EAC is detected by surveillance.
233 ncreata were collected and extracellular DNA was detected by Sytox green staining, levels of CXC chem
234         Prioritized coding variants in SORL1 were detected by targeted resequencing and validated by
235 e and chronic changes in energy availability are detected by the brain to adjust iBAT activity and ma
236  cytoplasmic accumulation of viral DNAs that are detected by the DNA sensor IFI16, resulting in infla
237 changes during oxide formation and reduction are detected by the EQCN.
238 ptides remaining in stalled 60S exit tunnels are detected by the ribosome-bound quality control compl
239 any cases of infection in non-NN animals can be detected by the current confirmatory test (immunohist
240 d of these, TPS system 2 (TPS2) and TPS3 can be detected by the host's immune system.
241 le substances to their crystalline forms can be detected by the immune system and activate innate imm
242           Tumor-specific mutant peptides can be detected by the immune system through their interacti
243 at reactivation occurs much earlier than can be detected by the indirect method of sampling media fro
244 e show that more gene sets (or pathways) can be detected by the reduced mixture model with the exchan
245 urthermore, we show that more genes can also be detected by the reduced model.
246 rse-mode aerosol, mass changes of <10 pg can be detected by the sampling droplet as discrete coalesce
247 ode through an external circuit, which could be detected by the terminal multi-meter detector.
248 teins produced by a single infected cell can be detected by the ultrasensitive p24 assay.
249 ction and persists in infected cells without being detected by the host's immune surveillance system.
250                              This AI-2 mimic is detected by the bacterial AI-2 receptor, LuxP/LsrB, a
251 osed approach, first, the skin lesion border is detected by the density based lesion border detection
252 onfirm atmospheric N2 reduction, and ammonia is detected by the indophenol assay (yield approximately
253 , and a shear wave induced by ARF excitation is detected by the optical coherence tomography (OCT) sy
254 zebrafish have shown that wound-induced H2O2 is detected by the redox-sensitive Src family kinase (SF
255                  The peak enhancing activity was detected by the age of 2 months (P < .0001) and rapi
256                      M. tuberculosis complex was detected by the Genotype MTBDRplus 2.0 assay with 10
257  genes related to Wnt/beta-catenin signaling was detected by the microarray.
258 iation of the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) was detected by the naked eye and analysed using an imag
259 sociation of the magnetic nanobeads moieties was detected by the naked eye and analysed using ImageJ
260                        At least one organism was detected by the panel in 1,382 (88.1%) of the positi
261 rovements in several dynamic gait parameters were detected by the CatWalk system.
262    In this assay, cell surface-bound virions were detected by the colocalization of gD and its cognat
263 Capsids that have entered into the cytoplasm were detected by the colocalization of the virion tegume
264 nto formazan, and hydroxyl radicals (OH( *)) were detected by the hydroxylation of terephthalate.
265 ; no concurrent acute neurocognitive changes were detected by the MCCB.
266 onated form (hydroperoxyl radicals, HO2( *)) were detected by the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium
267 ly described serovars except 5 and 12, which were detected by the same pair of primers.
268 uman-like swine H3 influenza A viruses (IAV) were detected by the USDA surveillance system.
269 mildly deodorized low-quality olive oils can be detected by their alkyl esters concentrations.
270 contrast, no Chol- or Phos-recognition could be detected by these peptides in analogous liquid-ordere
271 and (closed minus-strand RC DNA [cM-RC DNA]) was detected by this approach.
272 ator of type I IFN production when pathogens are detected by TLR 7/9 in pDC.
273               MC infiltration and MC markers were detected by toluidine blue staining and real-time P
274 changes to seagrass condition that could not be detected by traditional approaches.
275  the papillary muscles and chordae, that can be detected by transthoracic and transesophageal echocar
276 ow from the hotter Au to the Al rear surface is detected by two simultaneous time-resolved diagnostic
277                                   This layer was detected by two independent pyroelectric analytical
278 ce, which was considered positive if malaria was detected by two or more methods.
279 reased intermediate filament phosphorylation was detected by two-dimensional immunoblotting, suggesti
280  BI (average:1), 41%(n = 14) and 44%(n = 15) were detected by UCP-LFA and Gold-LFA, respectively.
281                                   No cancers were detected by ultrasound alone.
282 1.5%) HCCs identified by surveillance, 43.8% were detected by ultrasound, 31.2% by AFP, and 25.0% by
283 mission of light from the catalytic reaction was detected by underlying flexible photodetector.
284 quired, as little as 1.2 fmol of trypsin can be detected by using the on-chip assay.
285           Second, potential novel miRNAs can be detected by using various computational methods for c
286 d net lipid accumulation in the liver, which was detected by using in vivo (1)H-MRS.
287                                  LV fibrosis was detected by using LGE in 11 cases.
288                             Hydrogen sulfide is detected by UV-assisted quantitative conversion of th
289 hange in the extracellular BTN3A1 dimer that is detected by Vgamma2Vdelta2 TCRs.
290 des (either local or extended coupled modes) are detected by vibrational circular dichroism and Raman
291 nges in the ST segment over time that cannot be detected by visual inspection.
292 ty-five lesions requiring clinical follow-up were detected by WBMRI in 173 participants.
293 rmore, unlabeled gM, but not glycoprotein B, was detected by Western blotting in isolated axons durin
294                            ADAMTS13 antibody was detected by Western blotting.
295 ssical and quantitative RT-PCR, and proteins were detected by Western blot analysis.
296 cation and interaction of STAT3 and NFkappaB were detected by Western blotting and immunoprecipitatio
297 and P62, and increased LC3b-II/LC3b-I ratio, were detected by Western blotting from whole retinal ext
298 er, typical activated (cleaved) C3 fragments were detected by Western blotting in extracts of IL-1alp
299 ins, and plasmalemma vesicle protein (PLVAP) were detected by Western immunoblot.
300 nOx(s) surface after reaction with triclosan was detected by XPS survey scans, while no Cl was detect

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