


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y 5-HT uptake system, and 5-HT release could be evoked by 100 mM K(+) and blocked in Ca(2+) -free med
2 depolarization and electrical activity could be evoked by 16 mM glucose with pipette solutions contai
3                                        P-LTF is evoked by 2 consecutive days of 5-HT applications (2
4 ganglia neurons, supra-additive stimulations were evoked by 2APB and capsaicin or 2APB and acid.
5                       Unitary current sweeps were evoked by 300-ms depolarizing pulses to 0 mV, from
6 withdrawals evoked by high rate skin heating are evoked by A delta fiber activation.
7 ration that Ca(2+) increases in CNS glia can be evoked by a natural stimulus (light flashes).
8                  These mechanical spikes can be evoked by a sinusoidal stimulus, leading to an amplif
9                      Although phosphenes can be evoked by a wide range of electrode sizes and current
10 y freshly isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates is evoked by a factor (i.e., a chemical agent) present i
11                                      The VOR was evoked by a highly repeatable transient whole-body y
12                              Brain responses were evoked by a 2000-Hz tone presented in intensity blo
13                        Two types of currents were evoked by acetylcholine (ACh): alpha-bungarotoxin-s
14  identify a postsynaptic depolarization that was evoked by action potential bursts and mediated by me
15 entry through voltage-gated channels but can be evoked by activation of membrane receptors that relea
16        Synaptic release of neurotransmitters is evoked by activity-dependent Ca(2+) entry into the ne
17   By contrast, opposing heart rate responses were evoked by adenosine (bradycardia) vs. hypoxia (tach
18 eticulospinal neuron, the Mauthner cell, can be evoked by afferent tetanization or local dendritic ap
19 also observed when interictal-like responses were evoked by afferent stimulation.
20 strictions and rapidly inactivating currents were evoked by alpha,beta-methylene ATP (0.1-30 micromet
21  an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), is evoked by altered glutamate homeostasis.
22 ant element of the immune response that must be evoked by an efficacious vaccine.
23                                   Fusion can be evoked by an incoming signal from a preceding neuron
24           The startle response (body twitch) was evoked by an abrupt decrease in light intensity.
25                   A similar set of movements was evoked by an air puff to the monkey's cheek.
26 ration: in some KCs, fluorescence transients were evoked by an odor at concentrations spanning severa
27 f whether the CMMC occurred spontaneously or was evoked by anal or oral mucosal stimulation.
28 ptionally active versus inactive nucleosomes were evoked by androgen deprivation or administration.
29  caused by scattered light, because it could be evoked by annuli that themselves caused little or no
30         In some MGC-PNs, triphasic responses were evoked by antennal stimulation with only one of the
31 icantly (P < 0.01) greater when the reflexes were evoked by applying hard (7.4 mN.s) as opposed to so
32 se in the fraction of the RRP, whose release was evoked by APs late in the stimulus train.
33 d the properties of [Ca(2+)](i) changes that were evoked by backpropagating action potentials in pyra
34  animals, a slowly-decaying excitation could be evoked by bending.
35 ction with an unfamiliar conspecific and can be evoked by blocking the endocrine stress response.
36 he PFC suppressed LAT neuronal activity that was evoked by both previously conditioned and neutral st
37       Ventilatory long-term facilitation can be evoked by brief periods of hypoxia in humans with chr
38 eotyped patterns of increased variance could be evoked by brief stimuli, such as a single 5 s depolar
39                                   Exocytosis was evoked by brief depolarizations and measured as an i
40 ng action potentials (bAPs) (three at 50 Hz) were evoked by brief somatic current injections, and Ca2
41 ong-lasting depression (LLD) resembling LTD, were evoked by [Ca2+]i elevations of comparable magnitud
42 channel activity, irrespective of whether it is evoked by carbachol, store depletion, lanthanides or
43 icans forms pathogenic mucosal biofilms that are evoked by changes in host immunity or mucosal ecolog
44                                     The VEPs were evoked by checkerboard reversal stimulation before
45                          Release of dopamine was evoked by chemical secretagogues delivered from micr
46 e show that NMDA receptor-mediated EPSCs can be evoked by climbing fibre stimulation, and appear to b
47 ew strategies for ultra grain refinement can be evoked by combining DT and DRX mechanisms, based on w
48 y stronger behavioral and amygdala responses are evoked by conditioned stimuli that are predictive of
49  these subjects, referred phantom sensations were evoked by contact in reference zones (RZ) that were
50 n all adult dLGN neurons, a single LTS could be evoked by current ramps.
51 vity operating even when postsynaptic firing is evoked by current injection, and reveal a complex dep
52 erthermia-enhanced glial-cell response could be evoked by D-Fen exposure.
53                               Spike doublets were evoked by depolarising DC currents, but only in bur
54                  RyR-independent release can be evoked by depolarization of a rod to a supraphysiolog
55  nor the calcium action potential that could be evoked by depolarization of spiny neurons was require
56 her show that such accelerated sintering can be evoked by design in other nanocrystalline alloys, ope
57                                    Secretion was evoked by dialysis with strongly buffered intracellu
58                      A short-term memory can be evoked by different inputs and control separate targe
59                             Visual responses were evoked by different directions of either full-field
60      We found that such Ca2+ responses could be evoked by direct activation of neurons releasing ATP
61 mmediate anti-inflammatory response can also be evoked by direct C-fiber nerve stimulation in infant,
62 uivalent percentage increases in CSNA and HR were evoked by disinhibition of the rostral RPa neurons
63                 LLDs occur spontaneously and are evoked by either orthodromic stimulation of the olfa
64 ced by noise in human subjects whose hearing is evoked by either normal acoustic stimulation or elect
65                                Adult anxiety was evoked by either 5-HT2A/C receptor stimulation or 5-
66 erpolarization or change in input resistance was evoked by either MTII or AgRP, suggesting indirect a
67                     Increases in [Ca(2+)](c) were evoked by either depolarisation (-70 mV to 0 mV) or
68  dendrites, so that release can subsequently be evoked by electrical and depolarization-dependent act
69 ting causality, (2) that fictive hunting can be evoked by electrical stimulation of the statocyst net
70 as reaching, grasping, and body defense, can be evoked by electrical stimulation with long trains of
71 olished spontaneous CMMCs, which still could be evoked by electrical stimulation.
72                                        Cough was evoked by electrical or mechanical stimulation of th
73                        Synaptic transmission was evoked by electrical stimulation of afferents from t
74                        Synaptic transmission was evoked by electrical stimulation of afferents from t
75                            The flexor reflex was evoked by electrical stimulation of the sural nerve
76 e target was invisible, involuntary saccades were evoked by electrical microstimulation of the fronta
77 Intraterminal Ca2+ transients (Delta[Ca2+]i) were evoked by electrical shocks to the presynaptic nerv
78 ) in ventral roots, presumably monosynaptic, were evoked by electrical stimulation of a dorsal root.
79                           Monosynaptic IPSCs were evoked by electrical stimulation of the cerebral pe
80 rons in a brain slice preparation, and IPSCs were evoked by electrical stimulation of the medial nucl
81 tic excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) were evoked by electrical stimulation of the nucleus int
82  of the triceps surae muscle of one hindlimb were evoked by electrical stimulation of the peripheral
83                                  Endocytosis was evoked by elevation of cytosolic [Ca2+]i, but once i
84 tile due to defective spermatogenesis, which was evoked by enhanced Mcl1 prosurvival activity.
85 g responses such as cardiac hypertrophy that are evoked by environmental stresses or disease.
86 o 0 Ca(2+), 0 Na(+) solution but appeared to be evoked by exposure to the laser light.
87                   Precise vibrissa movements were evoked by expressing ReaChR in the facial motor nuc
88                                 This process is evoked by extracellular signals and is regulated by d
89                               Isolated IPSPs were evoked by extracellular electrical stimuli in the p
90     When Grm6(nob3) OFF-centre RGC responses were evoked by full-field stimulation, significantly few
91 als (mean maximal amplitudes 135-200 microV) were evoked by group II afferents of the following muscl
92                            Adenosine release was evoked by high K(+), AMPA, NMDA and mGlu receptor ag
93 of miniature end-plate potentials (MEPP(f)), were evoked by high potassium depolarization in either C
94 ered qualitatively (flickering or fused) but were evoked by identical physical stimuli.
95 xyadenosine, while dose-dependent NO release was evoked by iloprost.
96 is unclear whether c-Fos-IR in these neurons is evoked by increases in sleep pressure or by increases
97  and steady-state plateau [Ca2+]i elevations were evoked by increasing agonist concentration.
98 cal dystonia (CD; spasmodic torticollis) can be evoked by inhibition of substantia nigra pars reticul
99 e optimized, and neurotransmitter exocytosis was evoked by injecting solutions with elevated [K(+)].
100 y similar long-lasting (>3-4 h) hyperalgesia is evoked by injection of a low dose of naloxone (10 mic
101 ity and the number of action potentials that are evoked by intermediate frequencies of stimulation.
102 ng cortical cells, because (1) it could also be evoked by intracortical stimulation in coronal slices
103 axant parasympathetic reflex responses could be evoked by intravenous histamine, laryngeal mucosal ap
104                                Activity that was evoked by iontophoretic ejection of excitatory amino
105 imal activation of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake is evoked by IP3-induced perimitochondrial [Ca2+] elevat
106       The effect of the hydrolysate on IL-10 was evoked by JNK, p38 MAPK and NF-kappaB dependent path
107 arization, and that FM1-43 dye uptake cannot be evoked by K+ stimulation at 32 degrees C.
108                                   The latter is evoked by K(+) efflux; however, the molecular identit
109                                           It is evoked by kainate, AMPA and the AMPA-selective agonis
110                       Virtually no secretion was evoked by L-783,281 in IRS-1-/- beta-cells.
111 RC and LEC neurons exhibit place fields that are evoked by landmark objects or the remembered locatio
112 etina that EAAT-mediated Cl(-) currents that were evoked by light inhibit rod pathway signaling.
113                  Both local and diffuse DRPs were evoked by light mechanical stimuli: von Frey hair t
114  of ionotropic glutamate receptors and could be evoked by local application of glutamate receptor ago
115 odel where brief epochs of rhythmic activity were evoked by local application of kainate.
116 he importance of neuropeptide release, which is evoked by long bouts of action potential activity and
117                                 Oscillations were evoked by manual stimulation of the vibrissae and m
118 xplanation for the uniform bitter taste that is evoked by many structurally unrelated toxic compounds
119  moderate buffer strengths, submaximal ICRAC is evoked by maximal InsP3.
120  performed two rhythmic tasks while reflexes were evoked by mechanical perturbations applied at vario
121                              Movements could be evoked by microstimulation from sites scattered over
122                    Anal sphincter relaxation was evoked by microstimulation in more restricted locati
123 irected (ipsiversive) saccadic eye movements were evoked by microstimulation in anterior SC, followed
124  Simultaneous increases in urethral pressure were evoked by microstimulation in the ventrolateral ven
125 st cells, repetitive Ca(2+) oscillations can be evoked by modest activation of cysteinyl leukotriene
126          When granule cell population bursts were evoked by mossy fiber stimulation in the presence o
127  of the four subjects, quadrupedal rotations were evoked by muscimol application into SNpr sites that
128                      Thus, Ca(2+) transients are evoked by Na(+)-dependent action potentials in axons
129        Here we show that dopamine transients are evoked by neural activity in the ventral tegmental a
130  distribution of the vascular responses that are evoked by neural activity.
131                                   Transients were evoked by nicotine, the alpha4beta2* nAChR agonist
132                                         ASRs were evoked by noise bursts; prepulses for PPI were 70 d
133 2+)-free external solution, Icat could still be evoked by noradrenaline.
134                          Both DRR and AR can be evoked by noxious stimuli.
135 e their discharge rates when reflex behavior is evoked by noxious pinch or heat.
136 ponse domains in the rat olfactory bulb that are evoked by odorant enantiomers are compared, some of
137 ng the olfactory bulb activity patterns that are evoked by odorants differing systematically in chemi
138 fast excitatory synaptic input that can also be evoked by olfactory nerve stimulation.
139                  Notably, these spike bursts were evoked by only a few quantal EPSCs, and yet spontan
140 a P-insertion allele of the singed gene that is evoked by other P elements, presumably because these
141 uritogenic stimuli, whereas normal responses were evoked by painful stimuli.
142                                        EPSCs were evoked by paired-pulse stimulation or by applicatio
143 at are appropriate to threat-predicting cues are evoked by perceptually similar safety-predicting cue
144 amplitude potentials, paroxysmal discharges, were evoked by perforant path stimulation in the dentate
145                                   No current was evoked by perfusion with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphat
146                                Calcium waves were evoked by photolysis flashes of similar strengths i
147                    In PV myocytes, I(Cl(Ca)) was evoked by pipette solutions containing up to 1 micro
148 er, hyperpolarizations as well as excitation were evoked by playback of the bird's own song, a stimul
149                      Similar depolarizations were evoked by postganglionic stimulation.
150        Ca(2+) spikes in periglomerular cells are evoked by powerful excitatory inputs from a single p
151                     Whereas dopamine release was evoked by presentation of a cue predicting reward av
152                            Cortical activity was evoked by presentation of pure tones, noise bursts,
153 ts LAT neuronal plasticity and activity that is evoked by previously conditioned stimuli.
154 ilitation was strong, strong motor responses were evoked by pyramidal stimulation with small currents
155                                     Currents were evoked by rapid application of long steps, brief pu
156 entially all-or-none manner when the current is evoked by receptor stimulation, dialysis with inosito
157                             Dopamine release is evoked by rewards.
158 ptokinetic response (tracking eye movements) was evoked by rotation of a striped drum.
159  Antidromic CAPs of C-fibers in dorsal roots were evoked by SCS at >or=90% of MT.
160 nomena in which dramatic emotional responses are evoked by seemingly innocuous perceptual stimuli.
161                    Empirically, KCs may also be evoked by sensory stimuli while maintaining sleep.
162 s decorrelation of mitral cell activity that is evoked by similar stimuli, even when stimuli have no
163 inct action potentials: complex spikes (CSs) are evoked by single climbing fibers that originate from
164 he C5 lesions, but since these effects could be evoked by single stimuli, had stable latencies and di
165 m was used as a voltage stimulus, exocytosis was evoked by single APs, maintained throughout AP train
166              During the swimming gait, which is evoked by small external loads, muscle power is prima
167 predicted by the superposition of waves that were evoked by spiking in a approximately 1.5-mm radius.
168 nnexin 43 hemichannels, the opening of which is evoked by spontaneous elevations of Ca2+ in trigger c
169 some personal meaning to unknown faces could be evoked by spurious signals of familiarity based on ir
170                         Similar bursts could be evoked by stimulating descending pathways at cervical
171                   Tetanic muscle contraction was evoked by stimulating L7-S1 ventral roots (n = 7).
172              CMMCs occurred spontaneously or were evoked by stimulating the mucosa locally, or by bru
173 w excitatory synaptic currents that can also be evoked by stimulation of the external plexiform layer
174 correspond to sites where thermal sensations were evoked by stimulation in patients without somatosen
175 and short-lasting excitations of Golgi cells were evoked by stimulation of cutaneous nerves at stimul
176 ves indicated ST-EPSCs on individual neurons were evoked by stimulation of single ST axons.
177  from inferior colliculus neurons, and IPSCs were evoked by stimulation of the commissure of the infe
178 on potentials (AP) in subiculum neurons that were evoked by stimulation of the pyramidal cell layer o
179 d; isometric twitch and tetanic contractions were evoked by stimulation of the sciatic nerve for 5 mi
180               In an alert rat, reflex blinks were evoked by stimulation of the supraorbital branch of
181 the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMNX) were evoked by stimulation of the vagus nerve.
182 es are more likely than nonrelayed spikes to be evoked by stimuli that match the receptive fields of
183 elivering an air puff to one eye as saccades were evoked by sub-optimal stimulation of the SC.
184                                      Rundown was evoked by substituting NMG+ for Na+, showing that it
185                      Spreading acidification was evoked by surface stimulation in the rat and mouse c
186  learning but, subsequently, activation here was evoked by surprise violations of the learned associa
187 ic stimulation of the chloride currents that are evoked by the binding of the natural ligand, GABA.
188 , when responses mediated by NR1/NR2A NMDARs are evoked by the partial agonist homoquinolinate, rathe
189  and [Mg(2+)]i increases, showing that these are evoked by the rise of [H(+)]i.
190                 We hypothesized that if SLRs are evoked by the sensory mossy fiber input to the IN an
191  secretion from mouse vallate receptor cells is evoked by the combination of intracellular Ca(2+) rel
192 tic cells and the change in capacitance that is evoked by the passage of individual cells across a 1-
193 y to the shaping of the motor output when it is evoked by the relevant sensory input, and (2) a CPG r
194               Release of both catecholamines was evoked by the electrical stimulation.
195                                         CICR was evoked by the glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) recept
196 activating, outwardly rectifying Cl- current was evoked by the inclusion of cAMP (200 microM) in the
197                             Dopamine release was evoked by the stimulation but also developed across
198  4 Hz EEG power in auditory cortex (AC) that was evoked by the vowel interruption.
199 oxinin-induced inhibition of currents, which were evoked by the activation of alpha2 homomeric GlyRs
200 n temporal piriform cortex, neural responses were evoked by the avCS+, which progressively increased
201                              Similar effects were evoked by the gliotoxin L-alpha-aminodipic acid (2
202                              Similar actions were evoked by the selective alpha2 adrenergic agonist c
203    Excitatory postsynaptic currents (eEPSCs) were evoked by the stimulation of the Im, intermediate c
204 stent with those of expressed TRPV4 channels were evoked by the TRPV4 agonist 4alpha-phorbol 12,13-di
205                            Glycinergic IPSCs were evoked by threshold stimulation of inhibitory neuro
206 that the small short-term cortical BF shifts are evoked by tonal stimuli without the association of c
207      Release of catecholamines by exocytosis was evoked by transient application of histamine.
208                                      The VOR was evoked by transient, whole-body yaw at 2800 deg/s2 p
209                              Similar effects were evoked by treatment of neurons with recombinant IL-
210                      Ca(2+) waves could also be evoked by uncaging IP(3) with a UV flash in the dendr
211 the membrane fraction when secretion of 5-HT was evoked by upward arrow[Ca(2+)](e) or phorbol esters.
212                          Synaptic DA release was evoked by using local electrical stimulation in slic
213 Matrigel on a polycarbonate micropore filter was evoked by vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP; concen
214 lar cross-orientation suppression, it cannot be evoked by very fast-moving stimuli.
215                                          VAB was evoked by vibration stimuli peaking at 35 Hz, blocke
216                     Specific brain responses were evoked by violating the operators' expectations to
217                        Prefrontal activation was evoked by violations of both repeating and alternati
218                   The synaptic activity that is evoked by visual stimulation during wakefulness is un
219  retina and monitored synaptic currents that were evoked by visual stimulation (flashing dark spots).
220 f experiments in which the calcium transient was evoked by voltage clamp depolarizations suggested th
221                       Focal field potentials were evoked by words in the posterior part of the fusifo

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