


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                         Thirty-seven persons were excluded because of a history of a positive PPD ski
2 s were available for analysis, five patients were excluded because of a mean signal strength of <7.
3                     One hundred two patients were excluded because of a risk factor for liver injury
4                                          One was excluded because of aberrant metabolic phenotype.
5                                  No patients were excluded because of adverse events or laboratory ab
6                              Fifty-four eyes were excluded because of an incomplete horizontal or ver
7                         None of the patients were excluded because of central nervous system abnormal
8                                  No patients were excluded because of comorbidities or unfavorable an
9                                Four patients were excluded because of death (2 patients), graft failu
10 e received an alternative treatment, and two were excluded because of diagnostic error.
11  Although lungs from older donors should not be excluded because of donor age alone, surgeons should
12                               Seven patients were excluded because of early termination (n = 1) or un
13                         However, 16 patients were excluded because of either medical problems or refu
14             521 cancers were identified, 122 were excluded because of either no photographic images o
15  patients with PD and four subjects with MCI were excluded because of excessive head motion (ie, > 0.
16 ants (males, N=4/4; fragile X syndrome, N=3) were excluded because of excessive head motion during fM
17 poorly correlated (r = -0.081, P = .835) and were excluded because of image degradation secondary to
18                         Nine of 120 patients were excluded because of inadequacy of acoustic windows
19           The study included 94 patients; 21 were excluded because of incomplete data.
20                                Four patients were excluded because of incomplete data.
21 om were included in the primary analysis (17 were excluded because of ineligibility and 14 participan
22                                  Eighty-four were excluded because of insufficient case data.
23                  Of 851 patients, 7 patients were excluded because of insufficient data.
24 d (n = 19/13/15/13 in categories 0/1/2/3; 18 were excluded because of insufficient dosing), were incl
25 iopsies were collected from 165 subjects; 17 were excluded because of insufficient liver tissue or us
26  Of the 11 randomly selected participants, 1 was excluded because of intercurrent illness after the f
27                  Three transplant recipients were excluded because of known noncompliance with immuno
28                       Patients with del(17p) were excluded because of known poor response to bendamus
29 rtion of the potentially relevant literature was excluded because of lack of adequate DF characteriza
30                           One set of reports was excluded because of lack of clinical follow-up.
31 hree hundred twenty-nine additional patients were excluded because of lack of complete data or presen
32                                  One patient was excluded because of less than 3 months of follow-up.
33                         No studies needed to be excluded because of low quality scores.
34                                 Of these, 50 were excluded because of minimal MPD involvement.
35  patients with CL were identified, 5 of whom were excluded because of missing clinical data.
36 lar OAL were identified, of which 7 patients were excluded because of missing clinical data.
37 r inclusion in this cohort, 87 (8%) patients were excluded because of missing cytomegalovirus testing
38                From 6011 admissions, records were excluded because of missing data or if they were fo
39                       Of the 159 patients, 2 were excluded because of missing data, 79 underwent LDKT
40 with 2876 (4.3%) receiving NC; 7893 patients were excluded because of missing exposure data.
41 otal of 428 patients completed the study; 24 were excluded because of nasal hyper-reactivity.
42                                Five patients were excluded because of nephrectomy, ten for other reas
43                                    Two cases were excluded because of noninformative homozygous HUMAR
44                         Five patients (3.4%) were excluded because of perioperative mortality.
45                   Six patients in each group were excluded because of poor data quality.
46          Of the 2047 subjects recruited, 582 were excluded because of poor image quality or inability
47 Among the 61 eyes (61 subjects) enrolled, 31 were excluded because of poor LC image quality, and 30 w
48                                  No patients were excluded because of poor preparation or inadequate
49            Fifteen trials were identified, 5 were excluded because of poor randomization, and 1 was e
50                              Six individuals were excluded because of poor-quality electrocorticograp
51 sode of acute variceal bleeding; 20 patients were excluded because of portal venous thrombosis (n = 6
52                                Nine patients were excluded because of preexisting pneumothorax.
53 ity above the risk threshold, and 397 (2.4%) were excluded because of pregnancy or illness.
54                                    No trials were excluded because of presence of baseline comorbidit
55                                     No donor was excluded because of prohibitive anatomy.
56      Two patients abandoned the study and 49 were excluded because of protocol violation.
57 CO measurements were taken from 16 pigs, one being excluded because of severe aortic regurgitation.
58 ndividuals with overt thyrotoxicosis (n = 4) were excluded because of small numbers.
59  with acute PE who were also identified, two were excluded because of streak artifacts.
60                       Data from six patients were excluded because of technical errors.
61                                Four patients were excluded because of technical problems.
62                                  One patient was excluded because of the intake of a direct oral fact
63 ipants who were infected with HCV genotype 3 were excluded because of the genotype's reported steatog
64  missing cytomegalovirus testing and 24 (2%) were excluded because of their participation in cytomega
65  with pulmonary artery catheters, of whom 35 were excluded because of unacceptable pulmonary artery o
66              Of 546 SUDI cases, 39 autopsies were excluded because of viral or pneumocystis infection

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