


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ich is most clearly seen in blood-though few are exclusive to a particular tissue and vary more acros
2 r; however, none of the identified compounds were exclusive to a particular honey/blossom combination
3 olymorphism associated with lower fibrinogen were exclusive to AAs; these include a newly reported as
4  Jun-N-terminal kinase, c-Jun, and NF-kappaB was exclusive to AlpAB from East Asian strains.
5                                   Thought to be exclusive to animals, they have recently been charact
6                    The themes do not seem to be exclusive to any particular country or cultural backg
7 wed by an alpha-helix on a surface area that is exclusive to ATG12.
8 mations reveals that this C-terminal pathway is exclusive to Ca(2+)-free E2 states, suggesting that i
9 mporal processing within the hippocampus may be exclusive to CA1 and CA2, but not CA3, and may occur
10  that temporal coding within the hippocampus is exclusive to CA1.
11 two distinct gene families, connexins, which are exclusive to chordates, and innexins/pannexins, whic
12 ls with the 11q deletion, the abnormal clone was exclusive to colonies with the FANCA exon 29 mutatio
13     We estimate that 36% of the tumour eQTLs are exclusive to CRC and show that this specificity is p
14 potential substrates; 80-200 protein targets were exclusive to each Ubl.
15 ral Europe (and likely older) and the second being exclusive to eastern Europe (primarily Lithuania a
16 ization and looping mechanism is unlikely to be exclusive to EcoKI, and offers greater insight into t
17 low cytometry, which detects antibodies that are exclusive to epitopes on the bacterial surface, reve
18 y the near-resonant below-threshold harmonic is exclusive to exhibit phase locked features.
19 iruses indicated that this mechanism may not be exclusive to Flaviviridae but may be used by viruses
20                      CPP-115-induced changes were exclusive to GABA and homocarnosine, and CPP-115 af
21 ve transcriptional start sites, one of which is exclusive to heat stress.
22 ally for this purpose, or even if their role is exclusive to information trafficking.
23 n post-dependent (vs nondependent) rats, and was exclusive to LH orexin neurons (not dorsomedial or p
24                                Allelic types were exclusive to lineages, except for a single gap alle
25 thoxyacetophenone, and 2-methoxybenzoic acid are exclusive to manuka nectar whereas lumichrome is uni
26 GTPase-activating protein (GAP) enzymes, and is exclusive to membrane-localized Rab1, suggesting phos
27 culations shows that the confined hole state is exclusive to NCs.
28 velopment (category 1) while 42 and 52 genes were exclusive to neurodevelopment (category 2) or highl
29  RNA, beta(2) expression has been thought to be exclusive to neurons and absent from cardiac muscle.
30  h p.i.); interestingly, most of the changes were exclusive to only one phase of virus replication.
31 ously undescribed type of flavin enzyme that is exclusive to oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes and
32 adhesives whereas the high inorganic content is exclusive to oysters.
33 me involved in bacterial cell wall synthesis is exclusive to prokaryotes.
34 ngiotensin-converting enzyme (18%, p = 0.30) were exclusive to SCS.
35 , Bmf activation and cytosolic translocation was exclusive to sensitive cells.
36  platforms; localized strut hypersensitivity was exclusive to SES, whereas malapposition secondary to
37                                 RET deletion was exclusive to seven cases, and RIT2 deletions were ov
38                               These findings were exclusive to SII.
39  were shared between both enzymes, while 37% were exclusive to subtilisin.
40 at postnatal day (P) 28, Sox2-CreER activity was exclusive to supporting cells demonstrating its util
41 2, and CG3); protein families within each CG were exclusive to that group.
42  the oxidative deamination and cross-linking are exclusive to the beta chains.
43 nia, but it was unknown if these alterations are exclusive to the glutamatergic system or due to a mo
44 12) and mucin (MUC5B and MUC16) genes, which are exclusive to the respiratory epithelium and goblet c
45 ping mandible, overlap with that of Fgf8 but are exclusive to the zone of Bmp4 expression.
46 e larva or adult worm tissues, it appears to be exclusive to the egg.
47 aevis, as an example of a non-dividing cell, is exclusive to the nuclear pore complex (NPC).
48 epidermis revealed that C/EBPbeta expression is exclusive to the nuclei of a three-cell cluster of su
49                            This binding mode is exclusive to the nucleocapsid, not the nucleocapsid (
50 ereas the exon 8-11 junction-encoded peptide is exclusive to the postnatal long ZASP isoform (ZASP-LD
51                                       Damage is exclusive to the skin and mucous membranes, with no k
52 iple roles for Sec63p, at least one of which is exclusive to the SRP-independent pathway.
53                                GFP induction was exclusive to the kidney, the site of spiggin protein
54                         Fibrosis essentially was exclusive to the lamina propria.
55                     The presence of 19q loss was exclusive to the long-term survivor (LTS) group.
56 rentially expressed clones (29%), expression was exclusive to the suppressed subline.
57                       The mutations detected were exclusive to the second LIM domain of FHL1 and were
58  demonstrate that, in solution, drug binding is exclusive to this domain.
59 rotein ions in rat brain tissue, 66 of which were exclusive to this approach.
60 t can be found and indicates which fragments are exclusive to tRNA space, and thus can be considered
61 ors was common to all disorders, and another was exclusive to TTM and SPD.
62                          Expression of BCAT1 was exclusive to tumors carrying wild-type isocitrate de
63  For a long time, hair cells were thought to be exclusive to vertebrates.
64 terineae, but methyl-branched acyltrehaloses are exclusive to virulent species such as the human path
65             Regeneration was once thought to be exclusive to young neurons.

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