


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r our proposed method has been developed and is freely available.
2 nally efficient implementation of our method is freely available.
3 incorporated into a searchable database that is freely available.
4 ftware underlying our method, Coalescenator, is freely available.
5             The BioNetFit source code (Perl) is freely available.
6                  The Cell Component Ontology is freely available.
7                        The relevant software is freely available.
8  integrated analysis and visualization tools are freely available.
9                                 All software are freely available.
10 ware and sample databases with documentation are freely available.
11                             All iAnn widgets are freely available.
12  The annotations, as well as the HPO itself, are freely available.
13      The datasets created in this paper will be freely available after publication.
14                         Annotations from GOA are freely available and are accessible through a powerf
15                                 The database is freely available and can be easily scaled and updated
16                                         pong is freely available and can be installed using the Pytho
17                                           It is freely available and encompasses stand-alone scripts
18                                      COCONUT is freely available and provides a graphical user interf
19                                        CLIME is freely available and should become increasingly power
20 nome-wide developmental enhancer predictions are freely available as a UCSC Genome Browser track, whi
21 e algorithm and a wealth of related features are freely available as R-package enviPat and as a user-
22                                Software will be freely available as the OriGen package in R.
23                        The HaploPOP software is freely available as a command-line software at www.ie
24                                        Twine is freely available as a compiled Java .jar package or J
25                            An implementation is freely available as a Cytoscape app.
26                Our framework, named METRADE, is freely available as a MATLAB toolbox.
27 mining K in complex biological datasets, and is freely available as a package for R.
28                                           It is freely available as a precompiled binary package for
29                                3 license and is freely available as a standalone program or as a tool
30                                       FTFlex is freely available as a web-based server at http://ftfl
31                                      DynaMet is freely available as an extension package for Python b
32                                     The tool is freely available as an R package (CorrectOverloadedPe
33                                      DMRMark is freely available as an R package at the CRAN R packag
34                                          FEM is freely available as an R-package from http://sourcefo
35                                    phenoVein is freely available as open-source software.
36                                         BEAT is freely available as part of Bioconductor at www.bioco
37          The updated version of TurboFold II is freely available as part of the RNAstructure software
38               The software and computed UHSs are freely available at github.com/Shamir-Lab/DOCKS/ and
39            customProDB and related documents are freely available at http://bioconductor.org/packages
40  documentation and installation instructions are freely available at http://epock.bitbucket.org.
41 on and source code for the HAL API and tools are freely available at http://github.com/glennhickey/ha
42  code, binaries, documentation and tutorials are freely available at http://johnmay.github.com/meting
43                              PFP/ESG servers are freely available at http://kiharalab.org/web/pfp.php
44                  The database and web server are freely available at http://prodata.swmed.edu/M2S/mut
45  the models for human and many other species are freely available at http://repeatmasker.org/garlic/.
46  of the proposed method, and its source code are freely available at http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~pier
47     The package and additional documentation are freely available at https://bitbucket.org/benhamlab/
48         The Java source code and the library are freely available at https://github.com/loopasam/Brai
49                PSIKO and accompanying manual are freely available at https://www.uea.ac.uk/computing/
50                           All tools and data are freely available at PATRIC.
51                             Our Python tools are freely available at www.cs.hmc.edu/ approximately ha
52  series and associated educational materials are freely available at www.rcsb.org.
53 ource code and a comprehensive user's manual are freely available at: http://crossmap.sourceforge.net
54 The algorithm and sample data described here are freely available at: http://opencobra.sourceforge.ne
55                            An R package will be freely available at CRAN and www.stjuderesearch.org/s
56 ++ with OpenMP (optional at compilation) and is freely available at 'www.stat.ucla.edu/ approximately
57  as a part of SPAdes genome assembler, which is freely available at bioinf.spbau.ru/en/spades.
58                                  The package is freely available at CRAN for easy installation, and a
59                                 The software is freely available at github.com/BioContainers/.
60 be accessed at www.foldatlas.com Source code is freely available at github.com/mnori/foldatlas under
61                                         TEMP is freely available at github: https://github.com/JialiU
62             DeconRNASeq is written in R, and is freely available at http://bioconductor.org/packages.
63                        The program of DRAGEN is freely available at http://bioinfo.au.tsinghua.edu.cn
64                      A SPOCS web application is freely available at http://cbb.pnnl.gov/portal/tools/
65                                     ChEpiMod is freely available at http://chepimod.org.
66                Source code and documentation is freely available at http://code.google.com/p/biopax-p
67 c software package including the source code is freely available at http://cssb.biology.gatech.edu/AP
68                         The SIOMICS software is freely available at http://eecs.ucf.edu/ approximatel
69 lemented in PHP, Java, MySQL and Apache, and is freely available at http://evpedia.info.
70                                    SAMNetWeb is freely available at http://fraenkel.mit.edu/samnetweb
71                                 Our tool VGA is freely available at http://genetics.cs.ucla.edu/vga/
72                                           It is freely available at http://magi.ucsd.edu.
73                                  The package is freely available at http://mnmccall.com/software and
74 d beta-barrel types of membrane proteins and is freely available at http://opig.stats.ox.ac.uk/webapp
75                                     ParseCNV is freely available at http://parsecnv.sourceforge.net.
76                                      NetVenn is freely available at http://probes.pw.usda.gov/NetVenn
77  as part of UCSF Chimera release 1.10, which is freely available at http://rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimera/down
78                      The DNAshape web server is freely available at http://rohslab.cmb.usc.edu/DNAsha
79                                     Arpeggio is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/p/arpeggio
80         GRASP is implemented in GNU C++, and is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/g
81                                    Kinannote is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/k
82          Software was implemented in C++ and is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/l
83                        The ValiDichro server is freely available at http://valispec.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/c
84 ependent Matlab implementation of the method is freely available at http://www.ee.kth.se/ctsoftware;
85                                     The code is freely available at http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/software
86                              The source code is freely available at http://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu/l
87           The method is implemented in R and is freely available at http://www.pitt.edu/~mchikina/BIR
88               The source code of the program is freely available at http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/researc
89                                        iPEAP is freely available at http://www.tongji.edu.cn/ approxi
90                                         TRES is freely available at http://www.tres.roslin.ed.ac.uk.
91                                  The package is freely available at http://zhoulab.usc.edu/Hi-Correct
92  and implementation: A Python implementation is freely available at https://bitbucket.org/wanding/dup
93            Hydra-Multi is written in C++ and is freely available at https://github.com/arq5x/Hydra.
94     A code package implementing the strategy is freely available at https://github.com/HongjieZhu/CIM
95  The C++ source code implementing TrioDeNovo is freely available at https://medschool.vanderbilt.edu/
96                                   FineSplice is freely available at https://sourceforge.net/p/finespl
97                                  Source code is freely available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/
98                        ASPeak implementation is freely available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/
99                                     Literome is freely available at literome.azurewebsites.net.
100                        The rMATS source code is freely available at rnaseq-mats.sourceforge.net/.
101                                      ToxDock is freely available at rosie.rosettacommons.org/tox_dock
102                Software for calculating UPCs is freely available at www.bioconductor.org/packages/rel
103                                    GeneSense is freely available at www.biomedsense.org/genesense.php
104 e high-throughput phylogenomic analyses, and is freely available at www.currielab.wisc.edu/downloads.
105                                         CLIC is freely available at www.gene-clic.org.
106 plemented in Python, Perl and Javascript and is freely available at www.genomegeek.com and www.sanger
107                                      Clonify is freely available at www.github.com/briney/clonify-pyt
108                                     DeepSite is freely available at www.playmolecule.org.
109                                  PLUMED-ISDB is freely available at www.plumed.org.
110                             The WGE database is freely available at www.sanger.ac.uk/htgt/wge
111                                         CPAG is freely available at www.sourceforge.net/projects/CPAG
112                                        BSeQC is freely available at: http://code.google.com/p/bseqc/.
113                           Our tool KmerGenie is freely available at: http://kmergenie.bx.psu.edu/.
114                                  The package is freely available at: http://lin.uestc.edu.cn/server/p
115                                       VisANT is freely available at: http://visant.bu.edu.
116    DCB is an open source Web-based tool that is freely available at: http://www.maayanlab.net/LINCS/D
117                          The Ragout software is freely available at: https://github.com/fenderglass/R
118                              Our source code is freely available at: https://github.com/kuleshov/Prob
119                                 The software is freely available at: tanto.bioe.uic.edu/m-DiSGro.
120                          All HPC-7 data sets are freely available both through standard repositories
121                                       QwikMD is freely available by download on group and personal co
122 nments like MATLAB, and all its dependencies are freely available for academic users.
123               GPMDB data and database tables are freely available for commercial and non-commercial u
124                                   These data are freely available for download and visualization onli
125       The DECIPHER R package and source code are freely available for download at DECIPHER.cee.wisc.e
126             The source code and binary files are freely available for download at http://a-kramer.git
127             Source code and compiled package are freely available for download at http://apps.cytosca
128                     Source code and binaries are freely available for download at http://apps.cytosca
129                                    The tools are freely available for download at http://bioinformati
130 code and binaries of the R package RVsharing are freely available for download at http://cran.r-proje
131                Source code and documentation are freely available for download at https://github.com/
132 ode and the datasets used in our experiments are freely available for future comparison at http://www
133 AB code and datasets used in our experiments are freely available for future comparison at http://www
134 nsive additional documentation and tutorials are freely available for Linux, Mac and Windows: http://
135           Executable versions of the program are freely available for Mac OSX and Windows operating s
136                          The implementations are freely available for non-commercial purposes.
137 lity and implementation: The implementations are freely available for non-commercial purposes.
138                          The implementations are freely available for non-commercial purposes.
139 ware downloads and installation instructions are freely available for non-commercial use at https://g
140 ded in ngsTools are implemented in C/C++ and are freely available for noncommercial use at https://gi
141            The gCMAP and gCMAPWeb R packages are freely available for UNIX, Windows and Mac OS X oper
142                                 The software is freely available for academic laboratories.
143                   The Pathway Tools software is freely available for academic research and is availab
144 he implemented multi-threading software FISH is freely available for academic use at https://sites.go
145                                       sgnesR is freely available for academic use.
146  1000 Genomes Project and other projects and is freely available for academic use.
147                                       pRESTO is freely available for academic use.
148                                      NetBioV is freely available for academic use.
149 s with the 64 bit Linux operating system and is freely available for academic use.
150 is a highly sensitive and accurate tool that is freely available for academic use.
151                               TCGA SpliceSeq is freely available for academic, government or commerci
152                                        fmcsR is freely available for all common operating systems fro
153                                  systemPipeR is freely available for all common operating systems fro
154  available web services, the code for ePlant is freely available for any other biological species res
155                                     Software is freely available for download at genetics.cs.ucla.edu
156                                 The software is freely available for download at github.com/sanger-pa
157 lign source code (implemented mainly in C++) is freely available for download at http://bioen-compbio
158                                 The software is freely available for download at http://genetics.cs.u
159                                     PhyloSNP is freely available for download at http://hive.biochemi
160                                  Source code is freely available for download at http://indra.mullins
161                                  Source code is freely available for download at http://lobstah.bu.ed
162                            The package TREAT is freely available for download at http://www.hanzhang.
163                                  HApredictor is freely available for download at http://www.ncbi.nlm.
164 ova is open source under the MIT license and is freely available for download at https://github.com/c
165 ented in a combination of Java and C/C++ and is freely available for download at https://github.com/m
166 ted in Perl, C/C++ and Java, the source code is freely available for download at the VISTA Web site:
167 r the GNU general public license (version 3) is freely available for download from http://smithlabres
168                                      SNPlice is freely available for download from https://code.googl
169                                 InterProScan is freely available for download from the EMBl-EBI FTP s
170                                 The software is freely available for download.
171                                       ATHENA is freely available for download.
172                                 Our software is freely available for non-commercial purposes from our
173                         The SinCHet software is freely available for non-profit academic use.
174                                     Our tool is freely available for noncommercial use at http://www.
175                  IsoMS for Windows running R is freely available for noncommercial use from www.mycom
176                               The web server is freely available for public use at: http://rna.urmc.r
177                    While XCMS-based software is freely available for untargeted analysis of mass spec
178                    The TargetRNA2 web server is freely available for use at http://cs.wellesley.edu/
179                                   WebProtege is freely available for use on the Web at http://webprot
180  thousand different tools and resources that are freely available from a large range of life science
181 e software, documentation and demonstrations are freely available from http://trinityrnaseq.sourcefor
182                     All information and data are freely available from our website at https://www.vec
183 urce code and documentation of the framework are freely available from the project web site.
184 rated the method into R package ENmix, which is freely available from Bioconductor website.
185                      The 'switchBox' package is freely available from Bioconductor: http://www.biocon
186  is part of R package InfiniumPurify , which is freely available from CRAN.
187 bly into existing metabolomics pipelines and is freely available from CRAN.
188 ed under the Lesser GPL, and the source code is freely available from GitHub.
189                                  GeneFriends is freely available from http://www.GeneFriends.org and
190               R code to compute the GRV test is freely available from http://www2.imperial.ac.uk/ app
191                                  Source code is freely available from https://bitbucket.org/andreyto/
192 ped with a graphical user interface, GENFIRE is freely available from our website and is expected to
193                              RCSB PDB Mobile is freely available from the Apple App Store and Google
194 d the method into the R package ENmix, which is freely available from the Bioconductor website.
195   EILA is implemented as an R package, which is freely available from the Comprehensive R Archive Net
196 proach is implemented in an R package, which is freely available from the corresponding author.
197                The cit open-source R package is freely available from the CRAN website with embedded
198                                       KODAMA is freely available from the R archive CRAN.
199                             EBglmnet package is freely available from the R archive CRAN.
200 mplemented using a combination of Java and R is freely available from the website at http://humangeno
201                                          TCW is freely available from www.agcol.arizona.edu/software/
202   The software tool, implemented in C and R, is freely available from www.popgen.dk/software.
203 om general English and biomedical literature are freely available; however, their validity as a subst
204                                     The data are freely available in a public resource to foster diag
205 -to-date collection of trait-associated SNPs are freely available in Bioconductor
206 ter research community, the genomic variants are freely available in different formats and from multi
207                   Tools to perform MultiBLUP are freely available in our software LDAK.
208      Currently >2500 foods in 22 food groups are freely available in various NZFCDB output products o
209                                    MIST will be freely available in the OASIS R package at http://www
210                                           It is freely available in 20 countries (iOS and Android pla
211                                   PINBPA app is freely available in Cytoscape app store.
212                                  Source code is freely available in Github at https://www.github.com/
213                   Modified Bin Aggolmeration is freely available in MSpire, an open source mass spect
214 ode for implementing lossless data reduction is freely available in the Appendix.
215                                 All programs are freely available on SourceForge.
216 h all source code and a detailed usage guide are freely available on Sourceforge.
217  package is written in R, is open source and is freely available on CRAN and from netweavers.erasmusm
218                                     FlowClus is freely available on GitHub (jsh58/FlowClus); it is wr
219                                  Source code is freely available on GitHub under a GNU General Public
220                                        KCMBT is freely available on GitHub:.
221             gKaKs is implemented in Perl and is freely available on http://longlab.uchicago.edu/?q=gK
222 samples and a simple software algorithm that is freely available on our laboratory Web site.
223                                     Software is freely available on request.
224                                         tcpl is freely available on the Comprehensive R Archive Netwo
225                                           It is freely available on the Ensembl browser, from the Ens
226                                 The software is freely available on the SourceForge website http://lu
227                                 GlycoPattern is freely available on the Web at http://glycopattern.em
228                                     INstruct is freely available on the web at http://instruct.yulab.
229                                    miRCancer is freely available on the web at http://mircancer.ecu.e
230                          STAR browser system is freely available on the web at http://wanglab.ucsd.ed
231                                       HippDB is freely available on the web at http://www.nyu.edu/pro
232                                        PEASE is freely available on the web at www.ofranlab.org/PEASE
233       R code to perform the RASTA procedures is freely available on the web at www.stat.purdue.edu/ a
234 arized factor graph for parameter estimation are freely available online at http://ctsb.is.wfubmc.edu
235             The Mobyle SNAP Workbench portal is freely available online at http://snap.hpc.ncsu.edu/.
236                                       T-lex2 is freely available online at http://sourceforge.net/pro
237                    The entire Database Issue is freely available online on the Nucleic Acids Research
238                    The entire Database Issue is freely available online on the Nucleic Acids Research
239 ogical, psychological and pathological) that is freely available online.
240                                  CRISPulator is freely available online.
241                                This software is freely available only for noncommercial users.
242                                   Goldilocks is freely available open-source software distributed und
243 lable to generate linkage map graphics, none are freely available, produce publication quality figure
244  we have collected and the phenotypes scored are freely available through the project website.
245                                       Census is freely available through our updated single-cell anal
246                                Our algorithm is freely available through our web server and solves mo
247                               gkmSVM package is freely available through the Comprehensive R Archive
248                                     Software is freely available through the Evol component of ProDy
249                                     The data are freely available to accessors either as single files
250              Java source and executable code are freely available to non-commercial users at http://p
251 genomic alignment data and computer programs are freely available to noncommercial users from http://
252           The GDI server, data, and software are freely available to noncommercial users from lab.roc
253  the biology of HGSC, and the ID8 cell lines are freely available to researchers.
254                            All MGD resources are freely available to the research community.
255                              All mutant fish are freely available to the scientific community through
256                                MGD resources are freely available to the scientific community.
257                    For millennia, seeds have been freely available to use for farming and plant breed
258 LIGSIFT software, including the source code, is freely available to academic users at http://cssb.bio
259  part of Pathway Tools (version 17.5), which is freely available to academic users, and for a fee to
260                       Pathway Tools software is freely available to academic users, and for a fee to
261                             The ZDOCK server is freely available to all academic and non-profit users
262 ion module of the Sfold RNA package, STarMir is freely available to all at http://sfold.wadsworth.org
263                          The ModFOLD4 server is freely available to all at: http://www.reading.ac.uk/
264                                This web site is freely available to all users and there is no login r
265 Tra v2.0 has an intuitive user interface and is freely available to all users without any login requi
266                                   The server is freely available to all users without restriction.
267                                 STITCHER 2.0 is freely available to all users without signup or login
268                                 The database is freely available to download from the ftp site: ftp:/
269     Our eQTL database based on these results is freely available to help define the function of disea
270 lementation of our user-oriented web crawler is freely available to non-commercial users via the foll
271     The Java implementation of the algorithm is freely available to noncommercial users.
272                                       NMRbox is freely available to not-for-profit users.
273                                     The AGRP is freely available to researchers through an imputation
274                                  The toolbox is freely available to the community under an open-sourc
275                                    This tool is freely available to the research community and can be
276 mpatible software package, MendelScan, which is freely available to the research community.
277  implemented in software called ReXpress and are freely available, together with source code, at http
278 assembly tools except CLC Genomics Workbench are freely available under GNU General Public License.
279                           Its implementation is freely available under a 2-clause BSD license, with b
280 d at http://rest.ensembl.org and source code is freely available under an Apache 2.0 license from htt
281                                     The code is freely available under Apache 2.0 license at www.gith
282 , along with a set of pre-compiled binaries, is freely available under GNU General Public License fro
283                     The source code for ICMA is freely available under MPL 1.1 or GPL 2.0 or LGPL 2.1
284                                   Circleator is freely available under the Artistic License 2.0 from
285                               This R package is freely available under the Gnu Public License (GPL-3)
286 ge, with detailed instructions and examples, is freely available under the GPL (> = 2) license from t
287                                  The package is freely available under the GPLv3 license through Bioc
288                              The source code is freely available under the MIT license at https://mgy
289                                  The package is freely available under the MIT license from CRAN.
290 GE (Scoring function for Assembled GEnomes), is freely available upon request.
291  empirical Bayesian algorithms in this paper is freely available upon request.
292              The benchmark data and software are freely available via two R/Bioconductor packages, mi
293 ntation is available online, and source code is freely available via GitHub.
294                                     The code is freely available via http://gtfold.sourceforge.net/pr
295 dependencies as a pre-configured system, and is freely available via the installation instructions pr
296                                       BISQUE is freely available via the web using any major web brow
297                                         Data are freely available without restriction.
298 otification, provided example submission and is freely available without any registration requirement
299                           LASAGNA-Search 2.0 is freely available without registration at http://biogr
300                                    CCBuilder is freely available, without registration, at http://coi

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