コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 boratories and industrial sites where SWCNTs are handled.
2 iffer by the way RNA pseudoknot interactions are handled.
3 ays with 2DG (200 mg/kg) or saline (0.9%) or were handled.
4 d to an alteration in which emergent surgery is handled among a multitude of problems, including abdo
5 ds within the channels so that microPADs can be handled and operated more easily, and reduces evapora
9 on levels, ability to self-regulate, need to be handled, and response to novelty preference in infant
10 licated quality issues of DNA typing need to be handled appropriately, the matches between every samp
16 d questions; determine how information is to be handled at the beginning of the patient-physician rel
18 irgin Long-Evans rats showing vaginal estrus were handled briefly (control) or received VCS (75g pres
19 studies illustrate how these two challenges are handled by combining state-of-the-art molecular, ana
21 aper, Dudziak et al. reveal that these tasks are handled by distinct populations of dendritic cells i
24 aphical user interfaces (GUIs) of equipment, are handled by means of image recognition tools provided
25 em is difficult to assess because most cases are handled by private health providers who are not requ
29 ach step in the secretory pathway appears to be handled by a distinct set of evolutionarily conserved
30 The 'impaired' normal pediatric airway may be handled by anesthetists experienced with children, wh
31 ure proteins denatured by stress may instead be handled by chaperones acting in branched, reversible
35 a full Cartesian basis set was too large to be handled by the available computer memory, we used a b
38 and sophisticated genetic models that cannot be handled by the permutation and theoretical methods.
39 easing rate of data production can no longer be handled by traditional methods, especially human cura
41 ion-to-the-mean bias and small caseloads can be handled by using hierarchical models to extract more
42 rovide new molecular insight into how Ca(2+) is handled by acidic organelles and link this to migrati
43 damental differences in the way chemotherapy is handled by females compared with males and by childre
44 S-acylation of peripheral membrane proteins is handled by Golgi zDHHC enzymes, we investigated inter
45 nvolved in salt movement and how mutant CFTR is handled by the cell and leads to the pathophysiology
49 rtion of missing values, such as GBS, should be handled carefully because the imputation method will
50 tone disease when unsuspected cancers cannot be handled definitively and tumor is often violated.
52 nder study suggests that the two DNA strands are handled differently in the generation or processing
53 e taken up by the cells through transporters is handled differently from the mannose released within
54 mer industrial facilities where coal tar-oil was handled, e.g., wood treatment plants, high concentra
55 er phase fraction at which the emulsions can be handled easily, while allowing them to obtain their f
57 t methods can be grouped by the way the data are handled (genes considered separately or combined int
58 simulated discretely, while other processes are handled in a continuous simulation by differential e
63 h have Sn in the 2+ oxidation state and must be handled in an inert atmosphere when fabricating solar
66 distinctive fluorescence patterns which can be handled in the same way as the signals collected from
67 D to pharmaceutically relevant compounds has been handled in an ad hoc fashion, relying on fragment a
68 he goal of explicating how these issues have been handled in psychiatric discussions as well as in br
69 was obtained from all patients and all data were handled in a manner consistent with institutional r
72 rise to a reduced brittleness; membranes can be handled manually without support structure and thus m
77 ilitated this evolution by allowing shape to be handled precisely without the need to reduce down to
79 ow that in mice, circulating mononucleosomes are handled similar to DNA, and they do not avidly local
80 trates that this peak position variation can be handled successfully and also often provides addition
86 analytical performance and can successfully be handled using straightforward procedures over the wid
90 large differences of molecular brightness to be handled which turns out to be critical to the fidelit
91 ty and diversity of sequence information can be handled, while discriminative learning allows the per
94 the treatment of uveal melanoma that cannot be handled with ruthenium-brachytherapy and therefore is
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