


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                          The application of LCPs could also be important in the further development of new membrane prote
2                                                It will also be important to align resources and incentives to promote app
3             Recognition of these variable presentations can be important for TSC diagnosis.
4  variation and complexity of climate-driven variables could be important for understanding the potential responses of coa
5 ight that cathepsin S-mediated activation of IL-36gamma may be important in the development of numerous IL-36gamma-driven
6                                  We propose that Spt4/5 may be important to coordinate the mechanical movement of RNAPII
7 n-related, and disease-related molecular signatures and may be important in other human age-associated conditions.
8 lation rates have an effect on an individual's dose and may be important to consider in exposure-response relationships;
9             Identification of rare CFH variant carriers may be important for upcoming complement-inhibiting therapies.
10                                This suggests that GluA1 may be important for learning that is sensitive to the temporal c
11                                  Assessing liver health may be important for reducing the risk of future CHF events, part
12 oring biliary pH, rather than absolute bile production, may be important in determining the likelihood of posttransplant
13  in PUFA, and it has been hypothesized that these PUFAs may be important in the aetiology of allergic diseases.
14                           In contrast, revolatilization may be important for other SVOCs such as PCBs.
15         Therefore, information obtained from this study may be important for novel anti-HIV drug development.
16 and suggests that editing by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases may be important for survival under starvation/nutrient limitatio
17 wever, mass flowering crops create resource pulses that may be important determinants of pollinator dynamics.
18                                                   These may be important in ensuring that excessive chloride secretion, w
19                                                    This may be important in slowing disease progression and provides insi
20                                                    This may be important, since the administration of lactate during hypo
21  impaired in Themis(-/-) mice, suggesting that Themis might be important to sustain TCR signals during these key developm
22 ounced cross-banding of electron-dense material that should be important for the stiffness of the dendrite.
23 ing the mechanisms governing Treg homeostasis may therefore be important for development of effective tumor immunotherapy
24 t monocyte activation and microbial translocation appear to be important in IRIS pathogenesis.
25                                     Chlorogenates appear to be important markers that can be used to select for maize lin
26 transformation through diverse enzymatic systems appears to be important components of WRF efficiency toward TrOCs.
27 terior cingulate cortex (ACC, areas 24a and 24b) appears to be important for mood disorders and constitutes a neuroanatom
28 though cavitation-induced calcium responses are believed to be important for modulating downstream bioeffects such as cel
29 agnitudes of most physical mechanisms currently believed to be important to the pattern-formation process.
30         Dynein anchored on the nuclear envelope is known to be important for centrosome separation, but it is unclear how
31 or superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), a brain region known to be important for speech perception, is complex, with some reg
32  of preoperative temporal lobe white matter tracts known to be important in the generation and propagation of temporal lo
33  which contains a hydrophobic triad W1L4L8 that is known to be important in the interaction with centrin.
34 cting the directionality of other group members is known to be important to maintain cohesion, it is not clear how many n
35 d with consideration of subtype co-infection, was likely to be important for FIVPle transmission for the two major subtyp
36 rriers that protect primary human blood cells are likely to be important in protection against zoonotic infection with Fe
37 nd delta-cells (paracrine regulation) have been proposed to be important.
38 to contaminated equipment, vehicles, or personnel proved to be important for several livestock epidemics.
39 besity in women of reproductive age is widely recognised to be important both for their health and for that of their offs
40 actin toxicity in host bacteria and which has been shown to be important for bacterial viability.
41  proteins with proapoptotic function, Bim has been shown to be important for clonal deletion in several model systems, wh
42 ll immunological synapse, whose structure has been shown to be important for T cell activation.
43                                Demographic factors shown to be important in access to eye care likely influence PNVI and
44 ly wide particle size distribution of PLGA NMP was shown to be important in producing a compact structure in bilayer coni
45 ivation of vri disrupts multiple output pathways thought to be important for activity rhythms, including PDF accumulation
46                        Epigenetic mechanisms are thought to be important for balancing effector and memory differentiatio
47 l regulation, and the ACC has motor areas and is thought to be important for error detection, the dialogue between these
48                                                   This will be important in predicting extrusion hotspots and dynamics in
49 e these molecules, only sunlight and fluorescent tubes will be important to room-averaged indoor HOx levels due to the st
50 l hypoglycaemia also was increased in the study, which will be important to consider when incorporating these results int

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