


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 investigation of whether charismatic species are indeed a key attractor of ecotourists to protected a
2 se results suggest that such TPT simulations are indeed a promising approach to overcome the practica
3  we determine that screened magnetic charges are indeed a result of local energy reduction and appear
4 techniques have led to the findings that PAH is indeed a cascade of diseases exploiting multi-faceted
5 solated CNS preparations revealed that there is indeed a corresponding change in spinal efference cop
6 at the physiologically relevant binding site is indeed a denuded glycan, and that denuded glycans are
7                Here we demonstrate that ThrR is indeed a DNA-binding transcription factor that regula
8 ystal form that has previously been prepared is indeed a frustrating and potentially serious problem
9 pe control; this strongly suggests that YeaJ is indeed a functional DGC.
10 the intensity of the carotenoid Raman signal is indeed a good indicator of fruit freshness and introd
11                       Here, we show that IPK is indeed a member of the plant terpenoid metabolic netw
12 ted SMOX activity and concluded that miR-124 is indeed a negative regulator of SMOX.
13 y for known metabolic and signaling pathways is indeed a predictor of interspecies genetic rewiring d
14 ining the physical compactness of the genome is indeed a primary factor among ssRNA viruses' evolutio
15 conducted at full scale and to this aim, ABM is indeed a promising approach, as it allows identifying
16 e that the sequence can be a protein, and it is indeed a protein sequence, then its identity as a pro
17 Negative charge "freezing" at the boron atom is indeed a result of complex formation with di- and pol
18 s that demonstrates that asteroid 2015 BZ509 is indeed a retrograde co-orbital asteroid of the planet
19                             We show that TPP is indeed a signal of trustworthiness: third-party punis
20 ations demonstrate that the A1492/3 flipping is indeed a specific response to the binding of cognate
21 mbrane shows that IL-4R subunit dimerization is indeed a strictly ligand-induced process.
22 is largely causal, suggesting that pregnancy is indeed a strong intrinsic motivator for drug abuse ce
23           Furthermore, we confirm that CIB1a is indeed a substrate of PKD2 also in intact cells using
24 urified components, we demonstrated that Isu is indeed a substrate of the Lon-type protease and that
25 that C5-functionalization of LNA pyrimidines is indeed a viable approach for improving the binding af
26             Our results show that plasmonics is indeed a viable path to an ultracompact, highest-spee
27 mulated reads to ensure that every SNP found was indeed a false positive.
28 tion experiments confirmed that this protein was indeed a lipoprotein.
29 NOGO-A were depleted, suggesting that NOGO-A is, indeed, a biologically relevant target of praja2 in
30 g has been established, indicating that CTCF is, indeed, a NFkappaB p50-targeted and effective gene p
31  Here we report that "wait anaphase" signals are indeed able to diffuse outside the confines of the m
32 lecular modeling confirms that these ligands are indeed able to interact with the arginine residues.
33 upports the hypothesis that Escherichia coli is indeed able to measure its glycolytic flux and uses t
34                                           We were indeed able to delineate an early-developing Nr4a2-
35 f the slr1270 mutant showed that the S-layer is indeed absent.
36 om fast to slow evolution of drug resistance was indeed accompanied with the expected transition from
37 ndicate that transference work interventions are indeed active ingredients (for better or worse).
38 ects on metabolite concentrations and ratios were indeed additive, which verifies the practice of usi
39 l Regions of the PEG3, MEST and GNAS domains are indeed affected in breast, lung and ovarian cancers.
40                   The murine melanopsin gene is indeed alternatively spliced, producing two distinct
41 der physiological conditions, the C-terminus is indeed an alpha-helical bundle, located near the five
42 e simulation results show that our algorithm is indeed an effective genome compression algorithm that
43 Cre), and whether the compensatory mechanism is indeed an increase in mitochondrial biogenesis.
44 uts and demonstrate that higher fluorescence is indeed an indicator of higher product titer.
45         This data suggests that canine mda-7 is indeed an ortholog of human mda-7/IL-24, its protein
46 BOV interface, suggesting that this mutation was indeed an adaptation to the human host.
47 This could indicate that H. neanderthalensis was indeed an additional ecological barrier for modern h
48 EGFR2lo/intracellular endothelial population was indeed an endovascular progenitor (EVP) of an interm
49 supported the contention that the ALBI grade was indeed an index of liver (dys)function.
50  expectation, although 4-methylumbelliferone was indeed an inhibitor of hyaluronan biosynthesis, this
51 ng evidence indicates that histone methylome is indeed another major epigenetic determinant for gene
52 e homo-interaction signal observed for FGFR1 was indeed as robust as that obtained for epidermal grow
53 at almost half of the 96 genes in these loci are indeed associated with abdominal subcutaneous adipos
54 that depletion of Rbf1 in Drosophila tissues is indeed associated with polarity defects in the wing a
55 study has examined whether network structure is indeed associated with the longitudinal course of MDD
56 ating that the reduction in neural responses was indeed associated with reduced awareness of the soun
57 uclear pore complex, used by these proteases were indeed attacked at different rates and with differe
58 onsciously activated by spontaneous emotions are indeed automatically selected from a small number of
59 , which lack the phosphate binding residues, are indeed beta-mannosidases that hydrolyze beta-1,2-man
60 controversial whether larger-brained animals are, indeed, better problem-solvers.
61 l, particulate, dissolved, freely dissolved) is indeed bioactive.
62          Thiamine uptake mediated by feTHTR1 was indeed blocked by FeLV-A infection, and in feline fi
63 d fragmentation was used to confirm that DC9 is indeed bonded with the lipids.
64                         Although these cells are indeed capable of generating polyploid MKs, they are
65 validation confirmed that all detected lines were indeed carriers of the predicted mutations.
66                             If hyperoxaluria is indeed caused by fat malabsorption, magnitudes of hyp
67                        Balancing on two legs is indeed challenging for humans under optimal condition
68 as perturbed by timed electrical stimulation were indeed characterized by increased SPW-R occurrence
69 whereas the feedback from the SLu to the TeO is indeed cholinergic, the feedback from the Ipc has a m
70 eal genomes show that our proposed algorithm is indeed competitive and performs better than the best
71  raising the question whether the checkpoint is indeed completely inactivated by the time of anaphase
72  we show that although H3S10 phosphorylation is indeed compromised in the H2Av null mutant, chromatin
73  first experienced under general anesthesia, is indeed compromised.
74 w that the dorsocentral sector of the insula is, indeed, connected with the cortical circuit involved
75 trate that many rare codon cluster positions are indeed conserved within homologous coding sequences
76 hioester bond formation exhibited by SUMO E1 is indeed conserved in Ub E1.
77 iments, we show that kinetic isotope effects are indeed consistent with published models, including a
78 parent exponential decay coefficients (kexp) was indeed continuous.
79 opment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and are indeed correlated with Tak1-deficiency-induced HCC d
80 rate that the main source of these electrons is indeed CRAND, and that this process also contributes
81                   Because facial expressions are indeed created by moving one's facial muscles, it is
82     We show that this explaining-away effect was indeed crucial for the units in the face submodel to
83  to claims that putative cultural traditions are indeed cultural (rather than genetic) in origin, and
84 s to test whether Ethiopian wing development is, indeed, decanalized.
85 ify common structures and confirm that these are indeed degraded by SOX in vitro as well as predict t
86 t, in contrast with the unreacted diene that is indeed degraded under these conditions.
87                        Abnormal cytoskeleton was indeed demonstrated by immunohistochemistry to occur
88 nship experimentally, determining that there is indeed density-associated mutation-rate plasticity (D
89 nduced quiescence in detail and show that it is indeed dependent on components of EGF signaling, prov
90 cell viability of one of the compounds, CPX, were indeed dependent on chelation of intracellular iron
91 a-E2 measured in the plasma of the male fish was indeed derived from the external environment, most l
92  whether the regulation of the Hippo pathway is indeed different between Drosophila and vertebrates o
93       Evidence suggests that our preparation is indeed different from that of other methods.
94  unconscious influences on complex decisions is indeed difficult, relevant awareness in relatively si
95 thesis, the multi-quantum-well active region is indeed divided into multiple sections having distinct
96 oving this claim and that the ICA algorithms are indeed doing what they are designed to do: identify
97 T2D donors in response to cdk6 and cyclin D3 is indeed dramatically impaired.
98 -199 and found that acquired drug resistance is indeed driven by the upregulation of MCL-1 and BCL-XL
99 onstrate that the current densities reported are indeed due to the species under consideration and no
100 uble-deficient mice to show that this effect is indeed due to uncontrolled IL-22 activity.
101 the anticancer effect of NDI/2DG combination was indeed due to LMP and glycolysis block.
102 a subpopulation of human RBC actin filaments is indeed dynamic, based on rhodamine-actin incorporatio
103 e results suggest that the core/shell design is indeed effective for optimizing nanoparticle catalysi
104 was shown in clinical studies that prodrug 2 was indeed effective in addressing the pH-dependent abso
105                       The described approach is indeed endowed with a very large number of advantages
106 ations show that the Lewis acidity of MV(2+) is indeed enhanced by photoexcitation.
107 e sheet, we confirm that adsorption capacity is indeed enhanced on flatter surfaces.
108  Relative expression of Ltbr and Cxcr2 genes was indeed enhanced in patients with IFNbeta-resistant m
109   This study aimed to determine whether murI is indeed essential and can serve as a possible target f
110 n primary and secondary modules they propose is indeed essential.
111 fore familiarity with this rare complication is indeed essential.
112 ted in vitro that WNT/beta-catenin signaling was indeed essential for the expression of Lhx8 in the m
113                                   New trials are indeed evaluating treatments at prodromal and precli
114 es are a simulation artifact, although there is indeed evidence for alternate valine conformers and v
115 tory analysis to conclude that the particles were indeed explosive included HPLC-MS, Raman spectrosco
116 ject database confirms that that these genes are indeed expressed in the brain, with the expression p
117 ssion, we observed that Piwi-like Miwi2 mRNA is indeed expressed in epithelial cells of the lung in a
118 tamase fused to residue 40, 100, 150, or 300 was indeed expressed and translocated into host cells, b
119  Regional quantification of lung ventilation is indeed feasible and may be a useful technique for ima
120 upled cells demonstrate that such a scenario is indeed feasible.
121 es to travel terrestrially, and whether they are indeed forced to the ground primarily by anthropogen
122 r arc crust must occur, if continental crust is indeed formed from island arcs.
123 perimental demonstration that random spectra are indeed found at ultralow temperatures.
124 g to one of the helix-sheet-helix structures is indeed found to be fast on the NMR time scale while i
125 imentally proved that predicted expressologs are indeed functional orthologs, while nonexpressologs o
126 e heme transporter B. malayi HRG-1 (BmHRG-1) is indeed functional in B. malayi In addition, BmHRG-1 l
127 NA biogenesis pathways, suggesting that this is indeed functional.
128 it remains unclear whether or not the trimer is indeed functionally relevant.
129      This study shows that hydroxyl radicals are indeed generated by using tBuOH as the OH radical sc
130           Our findings suggest that face-FPs are indeed generated in the underlying inferotemporal co
131          To determine whether face responses are indeed generated within macaque auditory cortex, we
132 specific antibodies establish that PTHrP1-17 is indeed generated by cancer cells.
133 e tolerance varied, as we would expect if it was indeed governed by parameters controlling the sensit
134 econstruction of the yeast metabolic network is indeed gradually improving through the iterative proc
135  that the L-type current and channel density are indeed higher in the somata of rat SNc DA neurons an
136                         T-cell proliferation was indeed higher after macrophage exposure to mannobios
137 r CD4(+) T-cell count, revealed that the VRC was indeed higher in the Mexican cohort (mean, 1.13 vers
138  the levels of proinflammatory cytokine-IL-6 were indeed higher in people carrying D431E-IRAK2 than t
139 lly, we show that attacks by single sailfish are indeed highly predictable, but predictability rapidl
140  raises a potential paradox: if phosphatases are indeed highly promiscuous, how do cells insulate the
141 utput power by 42.3%, proving that the wings are indeed highly reflective.
142 eory, we found that the MBR breakage process is indeed highly dependent on DNA methylation at the CpG
143 lot analysis shows that the CD147-98 complex is indeed immunoprecipitated by VH4-34-encoded IgMs from
144 found that assay sensitivity and specificity were indeed imperfect, and we were able to draw several
145 YP3A4 Asp/Glu/Ser(P)/Thr(P) surface clusters are indeed important for its intermolecular electrostati
146                     We respond that faulting is indeed important but cannot alone explain the bathyme
147 te that the first layer water on BaF(2)(111) is indeed in a unique local structure that resembles hig
148 his study, we confirm that UBA, UCA, and UEA are indeed inactivated through genetic defects at the pr
149 d to lignin units, demonstrating that tricin is indeed incorporated into the lignin polymer.
150  We confirm that 48 of the FXIIIa substrates were indeed incorporated into the insoluble fibrin clot
151  confirms that the net force in the ensemble is indeed increased.
152                 In the septum, regional work was indeed increased in MI rats compared with sham (medi
153 ics, we verified that many of these peptides were indeed increased post- vs. prechemotherapy in addit
154 hile in many cases the full quantum dynamics is indeed indistinguishable from classical ballistic mot
155     However, it is unclear whether these Abs are indeed induced by DENV NS1.
156 hose studies did not clarify whether T cells were indeed induced by low-level HCV exposure without se
157 ions in Drosophila melanogaster cryptochrome are indeed influenced by magnetic fields of a few millit
158              The cleavage between p10 and CA is indeed inhibited in the assembled lattice, a finding
159 dation, providing evidence that mitochondria are indeed integrated within the endomembrane system.
160 iding direct confirmation that the chirality is indeed inverted below Dirac point.
161   Our data proved that OsPIP1;3 and OsPIP2;6 are indeed involved in both influx and efflux of boron t
162 ant protein folding, and protein aggregation are indeed involved in several diseases including cancer
163 CO2 concentrations, which confirms that HLA3 is indeed involved in Ci uptake, and suggests it is main
164                            We show that LRP2 is indeed involved in definitive hematopoiesis and by do
165         These findings indicate that CaMYB31 is indeed involved in the regulation of structural genes
166     Kinetics analysis show that the HYH gene is indeed late induced by low R/FR and that its up-regul
167 data and that nucleosome positioning signals are indeed learned by a network trained on chemical clea
168  computationally to have reduced frustration is indeed less GroEL-dependent.
169  or limit its dynamic range of conformations are indeed likely to block its helicase function.
170           Furthermore, we show that caveolae are indeed likely to bud directly from the plasma membra
171 sts suggests that increasing moisture-stress is indeed likely to drive significant changes in florist
172 e loss of GIP-induced actin depolymerization was indeed limiting insulin exocytosis.
173  observations demonstrate that these pulsars are indeed local sources of accelerated leptons, but the
174                Our analysis shows that Myo19 is indeed localized to mitochondria and that its silenci
175 ted to be retained within the bacteria, NrdB is indeed localized to the chlamydia.
176  connections from fast conducting CST fibers are indeed made exclusively from new M1 and its border w
177  innervated digits in carpal tunnel syndrome is indeed maladaptive and underlies the functional defic
178 mental set-ups justifying that CSL diffusion is indeed measurable with the current technology.
179 ing that the beneficial effects of rapamycin are indeed mediated via inhibition of mTOR.
180 idence that the heavy-fermion Cooper pairing is indeed mediated by f-electron magnetism.
181 The results demonstrate that spinal networks were indeed modified after a hemisection with a clear as
182            Here we find that CaV1.4 channels are indeed modulated by PKA phosphorylation within the i
183                          The novel gene sets are indeed more correlated than the conventional ones, a
184 illogenesis by the mechano-enzymatic pathway is indeed more potently inhibited by tolcapone than by t
185 s confirmed that putative inhibitory neurons were indeed more active during desynchronized cortical s
186 he conclusions of industry-sponsored studies were indeed more enthusiastic than warranted by their da
187              The indazole-paroxetine analogs were indeed more potent than their respective benzodioxo
188 mouse mutants to establish that SHH and Gli3 are indeed necessary for mammalian mouth development.
189 mental open question is then how many layers are indeed necessary to accurately represent the structu
190  that highly complex communication protocols are indeed necessary to fully harness the information-th
191 al membrane reorganization, and two flippers are indeed needed to "really swim," i.e., achieve high m
192 ge is not fully obligatory, or (ii) exchange is indeed obligatory, but an unforeseen initial concentr
193 a-like protrusions and retrograde actin flow are indeed observed in cells moving in 3D ECM.
194                    Phototriggered H2 release was indeed observed from 1 in the presence of various or
195 nd posited to occur at island boundaries, as was indeed observed in the case of phenylacetylene.
196 pylene oxide (PO) or cyclohexene oxide (CHO) were indeed obtained.
197 lude that if coronal mass ejections and jets are indeed of physically identical origin (although on d
198                                  Conjugation is indeed of great interest because it can be used not o
199 that the activation of glycan polymer growth is indeed one of the relevant functions of LpoB in vivo.
200 RGD peptide leading to fluorescence recovery was indeed operative depending on the tumor-related angi
201 er fauna, suggesting that pressure tolerance is indeed oxygen limited.
202                                  These cells were indeed p110beta dependent, whereas OSEs expressing
203 fication revealed that fibroid blood vessels were indeed perfused and stained with the lipophilic mem
204 negative regulation of reprogramming process is indeed poor in contrary to the identification of posi
205                      We now report that FabK is indeed poorly expressed and that the expression defec
206 on enhancement analysis showed that the R696 is indeed positioned close to the center of the bilayer,
207  that the duration of carriage of a serotype is indeed positively correlated with the prevalence of r
208 a; however, class 1 and class 2 test results are indeed possible in the setting of a nonmelanoma mali
209 riments are then used to demonstrate that it is indeed possible to create stable single-crystal blue-
210                                           It is indeed possible to estimate the anatomic location of
211 d operational terms, suggesting that privacy is indeed possible under surprisingly weak assumptions.
212 ifferent estates (120 wines from 23 estates) is indeed possible using accurate elemental data and mul
213         Our findings show that tropical EBPR is indeed possible, highlight the translational potentia
214 iting shows that single-atom magnetic memory is indeed possible.
215 quired for axonal outgrowth and myelination, are indeed posttranslationally modified at their ICDs.
216 ell-defined carcinogen mutational signatures are indeed present in tumour genomic DNA from a variety
217 ce show that Kir6.1-containing KATP channels are indeed present in vascular endothelium.
218                        We conclude that CB2R is indeed present in the retina but exclusively in the r
219 al CoV receptors and virus-priming proteases were indeed present in TEMs.
220                     We found that motivation was indeed primarily driven by personal utility, which w
221 by mass spectrometry analysis that P1N-PISPO is indeed produced in SPFMV-infected plants, in addition
222 thylenebis(phosphonic acid)) in D2O at pH 10 are indeed readily distinguishable.
223              The use of these nanostructures was indeed recently demonstrated in various fields inclu
224 g and unusual properties of this 2D material were indeed recently investigated and exploited in sever
225 d significantly deregulated subnetworks that were indeed recognized to be involved in two well-studie
226 plied, the periodicity in the binding energy is indeed recovered.
227          We find that Pol delta bound to DNA is indeed redox-active at physiological potentials, gene
228 ture (EXAFS) spectroscopy showed that Hg(II) was indeed reduced in FeS suspensions.
229 ese compounds confirm a mode of binding that is indeed reflective of the transition state at the CARM
230                                  The overlap was indeed regulated, with a value close to that predict
231 s indicate that many genes in driver modules are indeed related to metastasis, and our methods have i
232 , suggesting that higher order consciousness is indeed related to synchronous oscillations around 25
233                         If the JE-91 isolate is indeed representative of GI-b, an increased multiplic
234 ration of those high-level cognitive factors are indeed represented in the lPFC.
235  mice, we show here that Nedd4-1 and Nedd4-2 are indeed required for axonal growth in murine central
236 rategies, we demonstrate that PIM-1 activity is indeed required for HIV-1 reactivation in T cell line
237 4-phosphate and that the basic surface patch is indeed required for phosphoinositide binding.
238 perimental evidence indicates that this flow is indeed required for symmetry breaking.
239 dy with Stat1(-/-) mice confirmed that STAT1 is indeed required for the IFNgamma mediated Ncx1 gene r
240 e points, we show that the dpp stripe source is indeed required for wing disc growth, also during thi
241             An extra in-plane magnetic field is indeed required to achieve deterministic switching, a
242  katB mutant from H2O2, suggesting that KatB was indeed responsible for detoxifying the externally ad
243                          The internal clocks are, indeed, responsible for regulating a variety of phy
244 show that selinexor-induced thrombocytopenia is indeed reversible when TPO agonists are administered
245 n EMMPRIN, postulated to be a marker of EVs, was indeed secreted from all cell lines studied here.
246 trate that the strength of actin association is indeed sensitive to the ABD conformation, predict the
247 ymers, we show that crystallization pathways are indeed sequence dependent.
248                                           It is indeed shown that H-bond formation of the reacting NH
249 soft thermal emission and spectral curvature are indeed signatures of supercritical accretion.
250                          We found that there are, indeed, significant changes in characteristics of r
251 ong drawback: polarized fluorescence imaging is indeed spatially limited by optical diffraction, and
252                          The trimer variants were indeed stabilized in the closed conformation, with
253  The full-length, membrane-bound CH120.6 Env is indeed stable and conformationally homogeneous.
254  demonstrating that the community of nations are indeed stronger together.
255 and magnetism in FeSe under applied pressure are indeed strongly coupled.
256  the images demonstrated that the candidates were indeed strongly enriched in condensation genes, inc
257                 We found that these proteins are indeed subject to proteasomal degradation.
258 d's persuasive argument that suicide bombers are indeed suicidal, the next question to ask is why ind
259 wledge, that Li-decorated monolayer graphene is indeed superconducting, with Tc approximately 5.9 K.
260 ted here for the detection of semen fructose is indeed superior to the existing methods in the sense
261 at about two-thirds of the novel annotations were indeed supported by the available ribosome profilin
262 ittle variation has been lost and such rates are indeed sustainable in the future.
263 ugh there is convincing evidence that BIBDAV are indeed the etiological agent of BIBD, the BIBDAV res
264 ated that the first oocytes to enter meiosis are indeed the first to be ovulated, but the association
265 7 and Th17 cells, suggesting that Th17 cells are indeed the major target of Treg17 cells.
266 results imply that the promoter polymorphism is indeed the associated as well as in itself a causal v
267                       Here we show that this is indeed the case by demonstrating that the human motor
268 robe transient absorption, we show that this is indeed the case for deoxy-Mb.
269                                         That is indeed the case in the absence of mechanical load.
270                  A study now shows that this is indeed the case in the Drosophila sensory organ precu
271             The strongest evidence that this is indeed the case relied on the observation that the ox
272                                         This is indeed the first fluorescent peptide biosensor which
273          Our findings confirm that the liver is indeed the main source of circulating ApoL1.
274  by periodic activation of the Notch pathway is indeed the mechanism maintaining cell synchrony durin
275 eral reasons though, it is unclear that TMC1 is indeed the MET channel pore: 1) in other animals or t
276 the postulated active state of the LBD dimer is indeed the preferred configurational state, which rem
277 rature effects confirm that the dissociation is indeed the result of mechanical activation.
278 elation among association summary statistics is indeed the same as that among the corresponding genot
279 the particles that contributes to the signal is indeed the same as that of the applied field, indicat
280 ctive gyrase enzyme, nor whether that enzyme is indeed the target for the quinolone and aminocoumarin
281 emains controversial whether such reservoirs were indeed the source of the carbon that drove the warm
282              Results revealed that economics were, indeed, the primary barrier to implementation/expa
283  common conjugal plasmids, even when costly, are indeed transferred at sufficiently high rates to be
284 matory and autoimmune diseases, whether this is indeed true has been uncertain.
285 esses assumed to be unconscious and superior are indeed unconscious.
286 l power in neuroscience: on average, studies are indeed underpowered-some very seriously so-but many
287 adduct formation and protein ion suppression are indeed unrelated effects that may occur independentl
288 examples suggesting that allosteric proteins are indeed used in this capacity: allosteric proteins pl
289 of evolutionary information between residues is indeed useful in DNA-binding residue prediction and e
290 of evolutionary information between residues is indeed useful in DNA-binding residue prediction.
291 ish that the lower-energy conformers of TnIC are indeed varied, but that the highest-sampled clusters
292                    This interesting property is indeed verified from a comparison of the reactive and
293 ect topological sector we find the landscape is indeed very funneled: Thermodynamic landscape analysi
294             The use of 1D and 2D NMR spectra is indeed very helpful to investigate the covalent graft
295 ctrochemical and two spectroscopic responses is indeed very useful, providing essential advantages in
296 e found that the bSi wafers with nanopillars were indeed very effective in rupturing and killing the
297              It was shown that this approach is indeed viable in cellulo.
298 trate that the actions of the IFITM proteins are indeed virus and cell-type specific.
299 -scale field data to show that honeybee EIDs are indeed widespread infectious agents within the polli
300 l stewardship to determine if implementation is indeed worth the added costs.

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