


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 activity when vesicular and plasma membranes are interchanged.
2                   In the second, these roles are interchanged.
3 DLP1 chimeras in which correlate domains had been interchanged.
4  Dpo4 and Dbh in which their LF domains have been interchanged.
5 which various domains of the two transducers were interchanged.
6 arge ECD of the Ca2+ receptor and the mGluR1 were interchanged.
7 ilic bacterium Clostridium pasteurianum (Cp) were interchanged.
8 esidues on pRB and the acidic residues on E7 were interchanged.
9 e, p10-ZF' in which the positions of Y and W are interchanged, also are reported.
10 Ps, in which the amino and carboxyl portions are interchanged and rejoined with a short spacer connec
11 y charged substituents are important but may be interchanged and combined with hydrogen-bonding group
12       Alternately, the acid and ester groups were interchanged and heated with diphenylphosphoryl azi
13  Furthermore, functional TCR contacts cannot be interchanged between the two epitopes, indicating tha
14         Our results demonstrate that when E3 is interchanged between alphavirus species that belong t
15 CC1-hNKCC1 chimeras in which N and C termini were interchanged between species.
16                         These tools can then be interchanged, compared and reused without making modi
17 ich the positions of two amino acid residues are interchanged, exhibits a 35-fold lower Kd value for
18 nc coordination are each critical and cannot be interchanged; folding also requires conserved aliphat
19 erent functions but that these functions can be interchanged in different APOBEC3 family members.
20 tudies have shown that Fe(II) and Mn(II) can be interchanged in enzymes from different organisms to c
21  in which a nonacidic hydrogen on one carbon is interchanged with an electron-withdrawing group on an

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