


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 diated repression of AR signaling, which can be interpreted to a growth-suppressive event.
2 ) signals that immediately precede puffs and are interpreted to arise through opening of single IP(3)
3 ignal, referred to as the S3 EPR signal, has been interpreted to arise from an S2X+ species where X+
4 es elongated positive-density anomalies that are interpreted to be ancient vertical tabular intrusion
5          Thermochemical studies and analysis are interpreted to be consistent with transition state s
6  fossil shows fossilized skin membranes that are interpreted to be for gliding and a mandibular middl
7                                 These echoes are interpreted to be from the subsurface interface betw
8 Herein, six commonly observed terrace levels are interpreted to be generated by several punctuated se
9 ology, and the plates, spirals, and polygons are interpreted to be of volcanic origin.
10 ms of bound phosphate in the PNP.PO4 complex are interpreted to be phosphate positioned as the produc
11                              These materials are interpreted to be similar to those found on Europa,
12 linear anomalies that border Procellarum and are interpreted to be the frozen remnants of lava-filled
13                      The African anomaly has been interpreted to be a northwest-southeast-trending st
14                  Overall, these results have been interpreted to be consistent with a mechanism where
15                        The source of DJP has been interpreted to be deep groundwater.
16 lectron density found in the active site has been interpreted to be octanoic acid, which has been sho
17                             This feature has been interpreted to be the neutral component of a conden
18  mode waters from the 1960s to 1987 that has been interpreted to be the result of anthropogenic clima
19                One strain of EEHV1B analyzed is interpreted to be a modern partial recombinant with E
20                           The color boundary is interpreted to be a reduction front that releases As
21 rical phase decrease is also observed, which is interpreted to be driven by the decrease of surface c
22                     The line width narrowing is interpreted to be due to averaging of the exchange an
23   The frequency red-shift of the dangling OD is interpreted to be due to the perturbation imposed by
24                               Such a linkage is interpreted to be due to tropospheric circulation pat
25  incorporation of [(14)C]mevalonolactone and is interpreted to be isoprenylated L (L(i)).
26 tetrols from 60% (pH 8) to 29% (pH 11.2) and is interpreted to be the result of a partial change in m
27 of solar system materials share this feature is interpreted to be the result of a post-primary-accret
28       The genomic material from all subjects was interpreted to be "normal" by microarray analyses, a
29 led electron density for a sixth ligand that was interpreted to be a hydroxide ligand.
30 l reticular/circular membranous network that was interpreted to be a subdomain of the endoplasmic ret
31 (2)O to Fe(III)-OH transition of the mutants was interpreted to be consistent with rearrangement of t
32           In at least 4 cases, the condition was interpreted to be due to the underlying disease, and
33 f these children, a subsequent ultrasonogram was interpreted to be normal with a medullary pyramid.
34 mersibles (August-September 1999), the event was interpreted to be tectonic in nature.
35 s from a previous model in which the flowers were interpreted to be single layers of six monomers and
36                      Although these findings were interpreted to be the result of promoter proximity
37                                The complexes were interpreted to contain one or two VP5 molecules and
38                           These patches have been interpreted to correspond to areas where subduction
39         Subsequently, these coordinates must be interpreted to define particular tissues and organs.
40  proposed folding mechanism, the results can be interpreted to define the structural boundaries of I(
41 ication DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes have been interpreted to demonstrate a direct role for MMR in
42                           These results have been interpreted to demonstrate that the two homologous
43   These 2 temporal response epochs have thus been interpreted to encode first the presence and then t
44 ural and functional neuroimaging studies can be interpreted to explain part of the shared symptomatic
45  The threshold regions of the cross sections are interpreted to extract 0 and 298 K bond dissociation
46 modified sensory representation in the brain is interpreted to form a decision that guides behavior.
47 opment, how evidence from systematic reviews is interpreted to form recommendations, who is involved
48 n, but rather how the sensory representation is interpreted to form the decision that guides behavior
49 posterior axis, and investigate how this cue is interpreted to generate initial asymmetry.
50 te variables because changes in their status are interpreted to have an impact on the ultimate goal o
51 entral peaks, peak rings, floors, and walls, are interpreted to have been excavated from depth by the
52 ted from its shallower northern counterparts is interpreted to have extended from the Southern Ocean,
53 ock is 75% liquid, and therefore the network was interpreted to have formed at an early stage of crys
54                  Traditionally, these horses were interpreted to have fed on abrasive grasses because
55 ex dataset of oligomeric fragments that must be interpreted to identify and place modified nucleoside
56                                     The data are interpreted to imply that SMT2 is an important contr
57                              These data have been interpreted to imply a relay function for the claus
58                  Although its small size has been interpreted to imply the absence of a need for acti
59                              This phenomenon is interpreted to imply protection of the critical nucle
60                                         This is interpreted to imply varying degrees of interaction b
61  optimal TCR/costimulatory receptor ligation was interpreted to imply that PKCtheta focusing is requi
62  Fe-Fe separation (d(Fe-Fe)) of 2.5 A, which was interpreted to imply the presence of three single-at
63                                These results are interpreted to indicate that (a) long-range nonspeci
64                           These observations are interpreted to indicate that a major conformational
65                             Two observations are interpreted to indicate that bcl-3 is transactivated
66                                     The data are interpreted to indicate that GC-box elements do not
67                     Present and past results are interpreted to indicate that LI is (a) a failure of
68                                   These data are interpreted to indicate that NDR1 links ROS generati
69                           These observations are interpreted to indicate that nephronopenic individua
70                           These observations are interpreted to indicate that PDPr blocks or distorts
71                                  The results are interpreted to indicate that polyunsaturated fatty a
72                                These results are interpreted to indicate that the [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4
73 nucleotide tracts in several genes and often are interpreted to indicate that the affected genes norm
74                                These results are interpreted to indicate that the apo-MoFe protein pr
75                    The results of this study are interpreted to indicate that the egress of HSV-1 in
76                                   These data are interpreted to indicate that this carboxyl residue i
77                                 The findings are interpreted to indicate that UL36 and UL37 are the c
78                                      Results are interpreted to indicate the existence of a complex s
79                                   These data are interpreted to indicate the presence of major rivers
80                            These results can be interpreted to indicate that a continuum of reactivit
81                               These data can be interpreted to indicate that cTnC with IAANS bound to
82                            The red shift has been interpreted to indicate a major perturbation of the
83 disease discordance in monozygotic twins has been interpreted to indicate environmental importance in
84 on in oceanic and terrestrial reservoirs has been interpreted to indicate raised atmospheric carbon d
85 ry carbonate from the Bolivian Altiplano has been interpreted to indicate rapid surface uplift of the
86 f the flexible C-terminal tail segments have been interpreted to indicate that close confinement of s
87 ions in infants born to infected mothers has been interpreted to indicate that infection may be trans
88                             Earlier work has been interpreted to indicate that nitrogenous (e.g., N(2
89 nt neuronal death in different paradigms has been interpreted to indicate that the cell death process
90               Previous studies using CD have been interpreted to indicate that the DNA is converted f
91 accelerates anterograde transport, which has been interpreted to indicate that the opposing action of
92                    Experimental results have been interpreted to indicate that the substrate water is
93  sensed thermal emission data from Mars have been interpreted to indicate that the surface is compose
94 oral and ganglion cell sensitivity has often been interpreted to indicate that these biophysical even
95              The L13 phenotype has therefore been interpreted to indicate that WT U1C contributes to
96 rvations of Kosz-Vnenchak et al., which have been interpreted to indicate that, in sensory neurons in
97 igase-catalyzed cyclization experiments have been interpreted to indicate the absence of DNA bending
98                             This observation is interpreted to indicate that a hierarchy of motions e
99 th recent studies of other human cancers and is interpreted to indicate that a tumor suppressor gene(
100 e location of the alpha-Ser(69) substitution is interpreted to indicate that the 4Fe-4S face of the F
101                                         This was interpreted to indicate good retention of soft tissu
102  delta7 to an exon encoding a secretory tail was interpreted to indicate that membrane (deltam) and s
103                                         This was interpreted to indicate that phyllosilicate formatio
104                                  This result was interpreted to indicate that T cell activation invol
105             The resultant spectral densities were interpreted to indicate regions of fast motion (nan
106                               These findings were interpreted to indicate that area 32, but not area
107                                  The results were interpreted to indicate that HR can stabilize laten
108 to the wild type and R183E and R183D mutants were interpreted to indicate that the heme in the mutant
109 manner, wherein measured scattering patterns are interpreted to infer particle morphology.
110               Defining how epitope structure is interpreted to inform T cell function will improve th
111 -type TR (WT TR) is very complicated and has been interpreted to involve three parallel channels with
112                                  The results are interpreted to mean that a G2-M checkpoint is disabl
113                                These results are interpreted to mean that higher levels (effector-ind
114                                These results are interpreted to mean that most chromatin pattern form
115                                These results are interpreted to mean that the DNA ends flanking a gap
116 ur in vitro and in vivo experiments can best be interpreted to mean that there are three methods by w
117 boratory-based mock crime studies have often been interpreted to mean that (i) eyewitness confidence
118                              These data have been interpreted to mean that projections from MDmc to p
119 ed proteins since the 1950s, and it has long been interpreted to mean that proteins are featureless,
120                           This has sometimes been interpreted to mean that rare variants make negligi
121                          Their findings have been interpreted to mean that smoking duration is much m
122 ing studies of recognition memory have often been interpreted to mean that the hippocampus supports r
123 ing studies of recognition memory have often been interpreted to mean that the hippocampus supports r
124 lular responses in WASp-deficient cells have been interpreted to mean that WASp directly regulates th
125 alf-order dependence on that of LutHCl; this is interpreted to mean that LutHCl dissociates to give H
126 ivated FX(WT) and FX(PCEGF1) normally, which is interpreted to mean that the EGF1 domain of FX does n
127                   The selective dimerization is interpreted to mean that the monomers are preorganize
128                    This negative correlation is interpreted to mean that the pathways for double-stra
129                                         This was interpreted to mean that, during centrifugation, the
130                                         This was interpreted to mean that, in the wild-type strain, h
131                                These results were interpreted to mean that Fre was not responsible fo
132                                  The results were interpreted to mean that MTX-binding drives the for
133                           These observations were interpreted to mean that the phosphoryl transfer st
134                                         This is interpreted to occur because of temperature-dependent
135 known how graded levels of extracellular DPP are interpreted to organize a sharp boundary between dif
136 the inferior olive/climbing fiber system and are interpreted to provide additional evidence of a role
137 ts of Ft and Ds expression or activity might be interpreted to provide strong cellular polarizing cue
138         These systematic and common terraces are interpreted to record punctuated sea-level rise even
139 marine carbonates from the geological record are interpreted to record significant biogeochemical eve
140  delta(13)CDIC to typical thermocline values is interpreted to record a major oceanic reorganization
141  to 640 meters below the sea floor, and this is interpreted to record fluid pressures that reach 95%
142         The rapid responses of the Bph bands are interpreted to reflect electron transfer, while the
143 sfer, while the slower responses of the Bchl are interpreted to reflect slower relaxation events, pos
144                                These results are interpreted to reflect the sequence-specific stabili
145 n the level of functional disruption and may be interpreted to reflect a differential compensatory po
146                         This observation has been interpreted to reflect a replicative advantage for
147               These contrasting effects have been interpreted to reflect differential baseline levels
148 es across voxels that underlie decoding have been interpreted to reflect maps of functional architect
149 cherts and studies of protein evolution have been interpreted to reflect ocean temperatures of 55-85
150                               The dependency is interpreted to reflect the energetics of transfer of
151        This extensive proliferative capacity is interpreted to reflect the intrinsic ability of the s
152 date range of 90,000 to 235,000 years, which is interpreted to reflect the time scale of zircon cryst
153                                 This pattern was interpreted to reflect a history of introgressive hy
154                         This enhanced efflux was interpreted to reflect an increase in uncomplexed ch
155 to be scattered throughout the genome, which was interpreted to reflect the general genomic instabili
156                                         This was interpreted to reflect the operation of a feedforwar
157                           These observations were interpreted to reflect formation of the Moon and cr
158                    These surprising findings were interpreted to reflect functional compensation amon
159   The two rare events involved in initiation are interpreted to represent the homozygous loss of aden
160 bles nor should a specific aggregate measure be interpreted to represent the effects of what it is la
161                This change in Delta(34)S has been interpreted to represent the evolution from single-
162 conformation of the PRODH active site, which is interpreted to represent the non-activated conformati
163                                 The spectrum was interpreted to represent a thiyl radical coupled to
164 chemical shift changes for Cys 14 and Lys 15 are interpreted to result from a chi(1) rotamer transiti
165          These three different periodicities are interpreted to result from a single small in-plane r
166 als that date to the early Younger Dryas and are interpreted to result from an extraterrestrial impac
167 ion of the mesoderm and endoderm has largely been interpreted to result from epiboly and convergent-e
168 lipid analogs with the same polar head group was interpreted to result from differential partitioning
169             Changes in PSPs and firing rates were interpreted to result from glutamate activation of
170 cription as a holocomplex, but they can also be interpreted to say that formation of a DNase I hypers
171                     Collectively, these data are interpreted to show that the nuclear reorganization
172                            These differences are interpreted to suggest possible origins of the funct
173                                These results are interpreted to suggest that electrostatic interactio
174                                  The results are interpreted to suggest that five UL25 molecules are
175                 The results of these studies are interpreted to suggest that SKF-38393 may prove a va
176                                  The results are interpreted to suggest that the germ line produces a
177           These chemical shift perturbations are interpreted to suggest that the pi-electrons of the
178 ng properties and intercellular dye transfer are interpreted to suggest that two pathways contribute
179                                These results are interpreted to suggest that U1 acts to direct 5'ss c
180                                  The results are interpreted to suggest that VP1/2 is involved in spe
181        Recent DNA compaction experiments may be interpreted to suggest stronger Na(+) condensation ar
182                    Although these data could be interpreted to suggest that an ovine LH (oLH) binding
183                These mutagenesis results can be interpreted to suggest that Bcl-2 has separate bindin
184                 Taken together, the data can be interpreted to suggest that lamin A/C has a role in t
185                    These structural data may be interpreted to suggest that the bed nuclei posterior
186            Previously published data can now be interpreted to suggest that the cation regulates an a
187 l stimulation in the resting oocyte, and can be interpreted to suggest that the role of other factors
188          Alternatively, these findings could be interpreted to suggest that whereas radiation can ind
189                           These results have been interpreted to suggest a chemical reaction mechanis
190 nding, and light scattering experiments have been interpreted to suggest a propensity for soluble alp
191 R-based nascent-strand abundance assays have been interpreted to suggest a very narrow zone of initia
192 uid microjet photoelectron spectroscopy, has been interpreted to suggest that aqueous electrons at th
193                          These findings have been interpreted to suggest that correction of the mutan
194          Although other data have previously been interpreted to suggest that dipteran crop contracti
195 ty (kcal/g) and energy cost (price/kcal) has been interpreted to suggest that produce (fruit, vegetab
196                  However, a recent study has been interpreted to suggest that random mutations during
197  axons cause a loss of PF neurons, which has been interpreted to suggest that the PF cell loss seen i
198 vestigations using these ancient grains have been interpreted to suggest the presence of a hydrospher
199 n terrestrial sediments dated at 12.9 ka and are interpreted to support an extraterrestrial impact ev
200                                  The results are interpreted to support the view that pUL6 forms the
201       Biochemical data for E. coli PBGS have been interpreted to support both four and eight active s
202                           These studies have been interpreted to support the proposal that an RTPR-ba
203            These findings have most commonly been interpreted to support the view that transcriptiona
204 model CAIRs-->FAIRs synthetic transformation is interpreted to support a mechanism for the purE-catal
205  experimental induction of HCCs by chemicals was interpreted to support the hypothesis that HCC arose
206        The Trivers-Willard (TW) argument may be interpreted to yield a large class of true prediction

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