


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ted deadenylation, but this contribution can be modulated by 3'UTR sequences.
2                            B-cell activation was modulated by 9cRA, reducing the expression of CD86 a
3 between multivalent components (TOG and RNA) are modulated by a bivalent adaptor molecule (hnRNP A2).
4   G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which are modulated by a variety of endogenous and synthetic l
5 minescence (PL) of QD bioconjugates can also be modulated by a combination of FRET and charge transfe
6                         The SOT strength can be modulated by a factor of four within the accessible g
7 ggered by NIR light and the release rate can be modulated by a magnetic field.
8 e of single neurons, correlated activity can be modulated by a number of factors, from changes in aro
9 ttling' models in which the BMP distribution is modulated by a Chordin-mediated increase in BMP diffu
10            Processing in higher visual areas is modulated by a combination of the visual stimulation
11 w of information from sensory regions, which is modulated by a feedback drive.
12                           Cullin neddylation is modulated by a scaffolding DCN protein through intera
13 any ring-shaped motor proteins, Rho activity is modulated by a variety of poorly understood mechanism
14 n untrained rats, the majority of GC neurons were modulated by a single modality.
15  and consequently its cellular function, may be modulated by accessory proteins.
16 s it known whether responses to spatial cues are modulated by active spatial listening.
17 opic properties of phenylmethylenepyrans can be modulated by adequate variation of the substituting g
18 th, protein synthesis has long been known to be modulated by adjusting the ribosome content, with the
19 s activity and acquisition of resistance can be modulated by administration of pro- and antiquorum-se
20  Of the multiple patterns observed, only one was modulated by adolescent alcohol consumption and show
21 OLD) signal in the temporo-parietal junction is modulated by adviser's current level of influence on
22 hesized that NCC and ENaC interactions might be modulated by aldosterone (Aldo).
23                   Transcriptional output can be modulated by altering burst fraction or burst size, b
24 ial dysfunction and microvascular injury and are modulated by amylin transport in the brain via plasm
25            For encryption, each optical beam is modulated by an optical mask containing either the fi
26 a repression at the Bmal1 promoter appear to be modulated by another cellular factor(s), at least one
27              The availability of ARNT itself is modulated by another basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)-Pe
28 tum Zeno blockade on chip, where a lightwave is modulated by another in a distinct "interaction-free"
29 l bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling is modulated by antidepressant treatment, and that the c
30 ow that the HCV-specific CD8 T-cell function is modulated by antigen expression levels, the percentag
31 s physiological levels of Nrf2, and this can be modulated by apigenin, resveratrol, and piceatannol.
32 chip, the effective bilayer permeability can be modulated by applying shear stress to the droplet int
33  two-thirds of all recorded neurons in dl-FC were modulated by at least one of the two task variables
34  the Mot1 ATPase, the detection of which can be modulated by ATP analogs as well as DNA sequence flan
35  that representations in many of these areas are modulated by attention.
36 t stimulus-evoked neural responses, known to be modulated by attention, can be tracked for groups of
37 us, and posterior superior cerebellar cortex are modulated by atypically high phasic noradrenergic in
38 ls of secreted IL6, IL8, and other cytokines were modulated by autophagy.
39               Ligand/metal orbital alignment is modulated by auxiliary phosphine donors and selective
40 ect GCs and gall development, where miRNA172 is modulated by auxins.
41 onitoring, and the therapeutic target should be modulated by balancing the risks and the benefits to
42        Cortical responses to sensory stimuli are modulated by behavioral state.
43 IGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Sensory perception can be modulated by behavioral states such as hunger, fear,
44 how the mechano-regulation of actin dynamics is modulated by biochemical signaling molecules, and sug
45  rates suggest that day/night Abeta patterns are modulated by both production and clearance mechanism
46 CORP-1 (determined by spectrophotometry) can be modulated by both the concentration of 1 in the hydro
47 t concentration and temperature, implying it is modulated by both electrostatic interactions between
48 itivity to fear, and amygdala BOLD responses were modulated by both fear and emotion ambiguity (the u
49       Gene expression controlled by ER-alpha is modulated by Ca(2+) via calmodulin (CaM).
50 n that Akt activation in breast cancer cells is modulated by calmodulin (CaM).
51 f SL constitutive composition, which instead was modulated by CB2 agonists to reduce cell motility.
52 ay include signal transduction pathways that are modulated by changes in intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+
53 g that gene regulation over a distance could be modulated by changes in the length of internucleosoma
54 tasks commonly used to assess finger agnosia is modulated by changes in hand posture.
55                         The stretch response is modulated by changes in RLC phosphorylation, pinpoint
56                                    Reversals were modulated by changes in light intensity and precede
57 ia, the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks is modulated by Chi sequences.
58 overned by cation-pi interactions, which can be modulated by choice of base and accompanying additive
59                          In conclusion, LAT1 is modulated by cholesterol impacting on its stability a
60 ing of GALC correlates with GLD severity and is modulated by cis-polymorphisms.
61 cal regenerative drive to the brain that can be modulated by clinically available agents.
62 ehavioral evidence suggests that the PLR may be modulated by cognitive processes.
63 dence suggests that the magnitude of the PLR is modulated by cognitive factors.
64                        Rolling phenotype can be modulated by common disease risk modifiers (metformin
65                                If spike rate is modulated by common regulatory factors as seizures th
66 st that CTCF-dependent boundary function can be modulated by competing forces, such as the self-assem
67 tment, activation, and down-stream signaling are modulated by components of the mural basement membra
68 unctional connectivity of children with ADHD was modulated by COMT polymorphism, with Met-carriers ex
69 e to which expression of restriction factors is modulated by conditions such as CD4(+) T cell differe
70 r structure and temperature, suggesting Javg is modulated by conformational dynamics that impact the
71  neuronal response to stimulation of one eye is modulated by contrast in the other eye, but in monkey
72  a pre-registered design and test whether it is modulated by cultural ingroup-outgroup boundaries.
73 act on separate networks of PFC neurons that are modulated by D1 or D2 receptors and in turn interfac
74  signal predicted performance beyond age and was modulated by D1 availability in nucleus accumbens.
75 ted frequencies, sustained synaptic activity was modulated by DCS with polarity-specific effects.
76 RTs is inflammation, which has been shown to be modulated by diet.We aimed to investigate the associa
77 een the rs4343 variant and glucose tolerance is modulated by dietary fat intake.
78  principally in the plant order Brassicales, are modulated by different post-harvest processing opera
79                    Activation of the TNF-RSC is modulated by different types of ubiquitination and ma
80        We propose that the surface potential is modulated by direct charge donation from the ligand t
81 r receptors, vesicles and mitochondria - can be modulated by DISC1, and therefore is susceptible to D
82 hromatin binding for both KDM2A and HP1 that is modulated by DNA- and H3K9-methylation, and suggest a
83 ity and propose that European dust emissions were modulated by dominant phases of the North Atlantic
84 gulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32+), known to be modulated by dopamine.
85 ighlighted by PIN1 protein localisation, and is modulated by dorsoventral gene activity.
86 urbed in disease states, such as cancer, and are modulated by drug therapies, our understanding of ho
87                     However, GLI1 expression was modulated by either inhibition or activation of the
88 ins are cell-surface adhesion receptors that are modulated by endo-exocytic trafficking, but existing
89                  Fear and emotional learning are modulated by endogenous opioids but the cellular bas
90 tants and revealed that their phenotypes can be modulated by environmental conditions that increase t
91 samples, suggesting that the gene repertoire is modulated by environmental conditions.
92                                  Root growth is modulated by environmental factors and depends on cel
93 hese results underscore that DNA methylation is modulated by environmental stress and can also be an
94 e of muscle to a hypertrophic stimulus could be modulated by epigenetic mechanisms, including histone
95 and the C. neoformans-macrophage interaction is modulated by exogenous lipids, providing a new tool f
96 Circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior are modulated by external factors such as light or tempe
97 dels of movement generation and the way they are modulated by external information.
98 bunits establish communication pathways that are modulated by external stimuli like ligand binding.
99                 Importantly, clutching of RF is modulated by extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and
100 godendrocyte development and myelination can be modulated by extrinsic signals including neuronal act
101 out affecting performance; hence, the RT may be modulated by factors other than computation time.
102 s in several (though not all) of these areas were modulated by feature-based attention in a similar f
103 fferent synaptic activity in the hippocampus was modulated by focal microinjections of potassium chlo
104 served somatic expansion of repeats that can be modulated by genetic manipulation of DNA repair in di
105  time course of the CP for OD plasticity can be modulated by genetic/pharmacological interventions ta
106 ress of a premature extrauterine environment is modulated by genetic factors, and that PPARG signalin
107       Here, we aimed to identify miRNAs that are modulated by glucose in mouse pancreatic islets.
108 s highly expressed in GCs and its expression is modulated by gonadotropin stimuli.
109 ctures possess plasmonic resonances that can be modulated by graphene gating.
110 ion of PRPS1 and CHLD with protein complexes is modulated by GUN1.
111                     These signaling pathways are modulated by heterotrimeric G proteins and the scaff
112 eract in HEK 293 cells, and this interaction is modulated by His183 in TOMT.
113 ite ornithine transporters, one of which can be modulated by histidine, but both of which affect sens
114 arly recorded cells in CA1 and dentate gyrus were modulated by HRR and theta oscillations.
115 wed components of the LEP signalling pathway are modulated by hypoxia.
116 eveal how the Th1 phenotype and function can be modulated by IL-4.
117                Corneal surface glycosylation is modulated by IL-1R and Pseudomonas aeruginosa challen
118 ing the WM task at 2-4 s after sample onset, were modulated by individual differences in load-related
119       It is questionable if this association is modulated by intake of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).
120 nstinctive behavioral responses to odors can be modulated by interactions in the brain among signals
121  to stimulus sizes and stimulus orientations are modulated by intraregional lateral connections.
122 two-dimensional (2D) MoS2 semiconductors can be modulated by introducing specific defects.
123  affinity, selectivity, and agonist activity were modulated by introducing bulkier N-substituents, a
124 e-I IFN mediated innate immune response that is modulated by IRF7 and IRF1.
125 nzymatic function of PS1/gamma-secretase can be modulated by its 'phosphorylated' and 'dephosphorylat
126 dimeric molecular chaperone and its function is modulated by its interaction with a large variety of
127 ocated in its microtubule-binding domain and is modulated by its projection domain.
128 low activity (ISA) is plastic in that it can be modulated by learning and experience, suggesting heig
129 ytoplasmic surface, and its binding affinity is modulated by light.
130 l neurons located in layer 3, whose activity is modulated by local inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid
131 distal coordination is also observed and may be modulated by long-range chromatin contacts.
132 a Y-shaped nerve guide with sealed ends, can be modulated by luminar release of nerve growth factor (
133 ate that E. coli TopA catalytic activity can be modulated by lysine acetylation-deacetylation, and pr
134               We found that the binding mode is modulated by magnesium ion and NaCl concentration, bu
135 he fraction of SSA produced by jet drops can be modulated by marine biological activity.
136 e alternative RNA splicing of Bcl-x pre-mRNA was modulated by MDA-7/IL-24, which would suggest that s
137                     Furthermore, this effect was modulated by medication.
138 rtex persistent activity, on the other hand, was modulated by memory load and task set but was not st
139 to a metabolic enzyme and whose activity can be modulated by metabolic cues.
140 pact of changes in management practices will be modulated by meteorological variability and climatic
141 c (arsenite, As(III) vs. arsenate As(V)) can be modulated by microbes.
142 ynthesis, transport, and signal transduction is modulated by microRNAs and epigenetic factors such as
143 s and responds to stress; such responses may be modulated by MisRS (NGO0177 and NGO0176), a two-compo
144  temperature-induced volume transition could be modulated by modifying the chromatin compaction state
145                            Synaptic strength is modulated by multiple factors including assembly of d
146                               NKCC2 activity is modulated by N-terminal phosphorylation and dephospho
147 ective correlation time of the bound protein are modulated by nanoparticle size, thereby permitting t
148 disposition for social behavior and how this is modulated by narcissistic personality features associ
149                             Arterial CO2 can be modulated by natural fluctuations in breathing patter
150  intake and energy homeostasis; its activity is modulated by neuropeptides and endocrine factors.
151                   The activity of NMDARs can be modulated by neurosteroids.
152 C) underlies higher cognitive processes that are modulated by nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR
153  articular chondrocytes to lysis by NK cells is modulated by NKR-P1A/LLT1 interactions.
154 ous females the variable phenotypic severity is modulated by non-random X-inactivation, thus making g
155 etworks with overlapping feedback loops that are modulated by nuclear hormone receptors (NHR), miRNAs
156 ria, chromosome dynamics and gene expression are modulated by nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs), bu
157                 The size of nearly all cells is modulated by nutrients.
158 resent in human and rat skeletal muscle, and is modulated by nutritional status: exercise and fasting
159  whereby the interaction between two species is modulated by one or more other species.
160 altruistic decision-making has been shown to be modulated by other-regarding attention (e.g., focusin
161   CVD risk as a function of HDL-C phenotypes is modulated by other components of the lipid panel.
162                     Whether AZD1775 efficacy is modulated by other molecular contexts remains poorly
163 g of developing central auditory neurons can be modulated by paracrine ATP signalling, as shown for t
164 results demonstrate that tactile sensitivity is modulated by perceived self-motion, as provided by a
165 ich endogenous alpha oscillations (8Hz-12Hz) are modulated by periodic stimulation.
166                      During locomotion, they are modulated by phase to generate functionally appropri
167  suggest that the expression of renal Klotho is modulated by phosphaturia, whereas the FGFR1 expressi
168  RNA and that its intracellular localization is modulated by phosphorylation and methylation.
169  determined that the AQP2/14-3-3 interaction was modulated by phosphorylation of AQP2 at various site
170                        H-NS activity in vivo is modulated by physico-chemical factors (osmolarity, pH
171 rigger of brain endothelial dysfunction that is modulated by plasma apolipoproteins and represents a
172 ctivities of PSP-GPD multidomain enzymes may be modulated by post-translational modifications/mechani
173 e site-directed inhibitors, caspase activity is modulated by post-translational modifications or meta
174 llow a power law of precipitation depth that is modulated by precipitation system morphology.
175 ression of certain immunoregulatory proteins is modulated by prosurvival transcription factors, such
176              AMPH-stimulated dopamine efflux is modulated by protein kinase C (PKC) activation.
177 s and the kinetics of their inter-conversion are modulated by protonation of an aspartate residue, es
178 in), which are coupled to ECM signaling that is modulated by protrusion/contraction.
179 cteroides gene expression inside the gut can be modulated by providing the inducer in drinking water.
180 hat genes involved in N- and O-glycosylation are modulated by radiation, and in silico analyses give
181 vioral experiment, we observed that accuracy was modulated by reaction time, bias and sensitivity, bu
182 la, and activity in OFC but not the amygdala was modulated by recent reward history.
183 a local conformational change ("catch") that is modulated by receptor activation.
184 it is unclear whether sweet taste perception is modulated by reduced sugar intake.
185 ting the means by which Dbp5 and mRNA export is modulated by regulatory factors.
186                 Competitive interactions can be modulated by resource availability and we hypothesize
187 nction microcircuits during development that are modulated by retinal waves; these circuits determine
188 proteins in pre-mRNA splicing and processing are modulated by reversible phosphorylation.
189  Further experiments in which mTOR signaling was modulated by RNA interference (RNAi) revealed that B
190            GLRB gene expression was found to be modulated by rs7688285 in brain tissue, as well as ce
191 nical Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in osteoblast is modulated by Runx2.
192 rmone salicylic acid (SA) and the UPR, which is modulated by SA via unknown mechanisms.
193 ow that migration under the agarose spot can be modulated by selective small molecule antagonists pre
194 he encoding of speech in the auditory cortex is modulated by selective attention, it remains debated
195                                        Sleep is modulated by several factors, including sex, age, and
196 ically that olfactory identification ability is modulated by sex in older adults.
197          The secretion of type I IFN of pDCs is modulated by Siglec-H, a DAP12-associated receptor on
198                             This interaction was modulated by sigma1R ligands.
199 he gene expression and signaling events that are modulated by SINE ncRNAs, particularly during gammah
200  controls when a near resonant driving field is modulated by Slepians, and how the desired narrowband
201                                  Gamma power was modulated by slower theta rhythms, and this theta mo
202 tivity between these and other brain regions is modulated by smoking withdrawal and may contribute to
203 he effects of management practices on soil C is modulated by soil aggregate sizes and their associate
204                           The Langmuir waves are modulated by solitary waves in the linear stage and
205                                       Others were modulated by specific transcription factors binding
206  and nonprimary auditory cortical activation is modulated by spectrally directed attention in a manne
207  space known as the receptive field, but can be modulated by stimuli outside of the receptive field.
208 s studies have shown that neuronal responses are modulated by stimulus properties and also by the sta
209 a stimulus in a neuron's receptive field can be modulated by stimulus context, and the strength of th
210 bouts, and the peak frequency of this rhythm is modulated by stimulus parameters.
211 independent of de novo protein synthesis and is modulated by stress conditions and gene-expression le
212  well as how synaptic plasticity in the BNST is modulated by stress, resulting in long-lasting change
213  cholinergic parasympathetic innervation may be modulated by suggested intraocular axonal collaterals
214 t study, we identified infection events that are modulated by T2S by comparing the behaviors of wild-
215  that neural activity in the caudate nucleus is modulated by task-relevant action values [6, 8].
216 n reward outcome, and two brain regions that are modulated by the brain chemical dopamine are sensiti
217 tion is whether hippocampal mismatch signals are modulated by the degree to which predictions differ
218 ther, our findings suggest that OFC dynamics are modulated by the feature cue and its associated cond
219 onents of human group psychology rest on and are modulated by the hypothalamic neuropeptide oxytocin.
220                 Cellular iron concentrations are modulated by the iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) IRP
221 sonance theory suggests that our preferences are modulated by the mere act of choosing.
222  repeatedly demonstrate that our preferences are modulated by the mere act of choosing.
223 aviour and altered levels of aggression that are modulated by the neurotransmitter serotonin.
224 suggesting that the dynamics of BR signaling are modulated by the PP2A-mediated feedback inactivation
225 is demonstrates that BSRs are not fixed, but are modulated by the real-time physical distances betwee
226 ational, regional, and individual level, and are modulated by the specific contexts within which they
227 , additionally, viral infection was found to be modulated by the abundance of m(6)A in viral RNAs.
228 lized cancer medicine, but their effects can be modulated by the activities of other genes or molecul
229  and migration of GRPs, an effect that could be modulated by the adhesion molecule laminin.
230                   Reward function appears to be modulated by the circadian system, but little is know
231 ate that plasma membrane water transport can be modulated by the coexistence of different tetrameric
232 tioselectivity of the oxidation products can be modulated by the electronic and steric properties of
233 r1 and that repressive activity of SHREC can be modulated by the expression level of the HDAC-associa
234 lation of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN can be modulated by the expression of other miRNA targets ac
235  The kidney-specific expression of genes can be modulated by the extracellular osmolality.
236       Integral membrane protein function can be modulated by the host bilayer.
237                           This asymmetry can be modulated by the kinetic parameters of the photosensi
238 ylase (PNPase), has previously been shown to be modulated by the Krebs cycle metabolite citrate in Es
239  the duration of this steady state phase can be modulated by the nature of the substrate and its conc
240 sm is determined by the threshold, which can be modulated by the PO2 and intramitochondrial [NAD(+) ]
241 the proton conductance of these channels can be modulated by the presence of Ca(2+) ions.
242               These timing relationships can be modulated by the properties of spontaneous activity,
243 roperties of the surface lipid monolayer can be modulated by the underlying neutral lipids.
244                                       It can be modulated by the voltage applied on the electrode or
245 hosphorylates ATG13 on Ser-258 while Ser-224 is modulated by the AMPK pathway.
246 secretion of IL-22 in the regenerating liver is modulated by the ATP receptor, P2X1.
247 Q1 is a voltage-gated potassium channel that is modulated by the beta-subunit KCNE1 to generate IKs,
248 tromeric LacO array, and this decondensation is modulated by the condensin II complex.
249                 The formation of the complex is modulated by the conformational and functional states
250 s and estimate the breakdown strength, which is modulated by the electric field distortion induced by
251 probe bunch traverses the wake, its momentum is modulated by the electric field of the wake, leading
252 mediates exist in a dynamic equilibrium that is modulated by the electronic properties of the support
253 and circuit mechanisms by which sleep timing is modulated by the environment are unclear.
254 culture and 3-dimensional (3-D) systems, and is modulated by the extracellular matrix.
255 ence, the photoluminescence of the test line is modulated by the formation of sandwich-like immunocom
256 egral hard-X-ray-induced photoemission yield is modulated by the Fresnel reflectivity of a multilayer
257 y between AAT, NE, and lipoprotein particles is modulated by the gate region around position 213 in A
258 an elevated object, the spike burst activity is modulated by the height of the object, and the rate o
259 d neurons indicated that Nf1 RasGAP activity is modulated by the highly regulated alternative splicin
260           We show that the Notch1 expression is modulated by the interaction of Nkx6.1 with a 139 bp
261           The decadal variability in IO SSTs is modulated by the IPO-induced atmospheric adjustment t
262 fore, the guanylate cyclase activity of BRI1 is modulated by the kinase while cGMP, the product of th
263 00 Hz), while the detected maximal frequency is modulated by the light rearing conditions, thus enabl
264    This interaction with LRP1 is direct, and is modulated by the LRP chaperone, Receptor-Associated P
265 sulting above-chance classification accuracy is modulated by the magnitude of noise correlations.
266  show that the clamp in elongation complexes is modulated by the nontemplate strand and by the proces
267 vity of the gating of memory by this circuit is modulated by the norepinephrine-glutamate loop descri
268 e action selection and that this information is modulated by the PF-pDMS pathway.SIGNIFICANCE STATEME
269 rate with bottom-up signals in a manner that is modulated by the predictability of the sensory input,
270 s previously been reported and its magnitude is modulated by the probability with which self-generate
271  the cardiac tube grows between fixed poles, is modulated by the progressive breakdown of the dorsal
272   Here we show that the timing of SWR events is modulated by the respiratory cycle, with a significan
273 the standard HF deep brain stimulation (DBS) is modulated by the smooth feedback signals.
274  CD80 ligands for their respective receptors is modulated by the steady-state number of agonist pMHC:
275  The equilibrium between dimers and monomers was modulated by the binding of ligands; whereas antagon
276 e positive C fluxes-climate warming feedback was modulated by the changing N and rainfall regimes.
277               Both ML and AL neural activity was modulated by the frequency content of the stimulus.
278 he event, the BOLD signal in the same region was modulated by the personal significance and emotional
279                In particular, gamma activity was modulated by the phase of the alpha oscillations.
280  4A, where the dimerization of BRAF and CRAF was modulated by the RAF inhibitor PLX4720, but not GDC-
281 tress induced a single Ca(2+) elevation that was modulated by the strength of the stimulus and origin
282  nitrogen dopants (i.e., graphitic nitrogen) were modulated by the calcination temperature.
283 lts showed that one-half of the recorded MNs were modulated by the gaze direction of the human agent.
284                          Third, the dynamics were modulated by the GC-content of the dsDNA.
285 oth the ssNAb response and the bNAb response were modulated by the presence/absence of the N332 glyca
286 ng experience on regional GM volume increase were modulated by this AQP4 variant, which was also asso
287 n Chinese disyllabic spoken word recognition are modulated by top-down mechanism induced by experimen
288 onceptual knowledge and how this computation is modulated by "top-down" goal-driven signals.
289                 We show that local order can be modulated by tuning the potential between monodispers
290 essor and its intracellular localization can be modulated by ultraviolet light, suggesting a potentia
291                   However, how MC1R activity is modulated by ultraviolet irradiation, why individuals
292 ong and that the strength of this prediction is modulated by uncertainty.
293 ndicate that the phenolic profile of tea can be modulated by using commercially available exogenous o
294                          The long-term trend is modulated by variability relating to the Pacific Deca
295 eractions, together with hydrogen bonds that are modulated by variation of electron withdrawing group
296                         These microbiota can be modulated by various environmental factors, including
297 electivity of the glycosylation was shown to be modulated by various factors such as promotor, solven
298 nt studies, the tumor microenvironment could be modulated by various nanomedicine approaches to overc
299                     Rather, feeding behavior is modulated by various contextual factors and by previo
300                          The electron branch is modulated by varying the BV dopant concentrations and

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