


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                       Cells expressing S534N were more resistant to 5-FU-mediated toxicity compared w
2                           BRCA1-mutant cells are more resistant to 6-TG than BRCA1-positive cells in
3                  Hepatocytes exposed to COL1 were more resistant to a variety of hepatotoxins, in a d
4                  This dA nucleoside analogue is more resistant to acid-catalyzed hydrolysis than dA.
5 ectedly, the DeltaclpP and DeltaclpX mutants were more resistant to acid killing and demonstrated enh
6 ed that F1 has stronger binding affinity and is more resistant to acidic conditions than is F2.
7 cal concentrations of HMWM platelet-VWF that is more resistant to ADAMTS13, thereby facilitating plat
8 ce did not develop spontaneous infection and were more resistant to administered staphylococcal infec
9 hereas the 129 mouse represents a model that is more resistant to age-induced deterioration.
10                      The GILZ-silenced cells were more resistant to alcohol-mediated suppression of c
11                          TLR4-defective mice were more resistant to ALI, with significantly decreased
12   Obtained results suggest that DNT and DNAN are more resistant to alkaline hydrolysis than TNT.
13                           PD-1 knockout mice were more resistant to AML despite the presence of simil
14 of the peptide charge; (iii) the WT bacteria are more resistant to AMPs that are potent activators of
15 t the inducible NAD-overproducing nadC lines are more resistant to an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas
16       Moreover, Foxp3(+) Tregs were found to be more resistant to, and Foxp3(-) Teffs more sensitive
17 Notably, NQO1-silenced prostate cancer cells were more resistant to androgen deprivation.
18 neumococci exist in biofilm communities that are more resistant to antibiotics.
19  promote a residual microbial community that is more resistant to antibiotics and, given the altered
20 eptococcal bacteremia in cancer patients and is more resistant to antibiotics than other species.
21  isolates were oxacillin-resistant, and they were more resistant to antibiotics than their oxacillin-
22 ific CD8+ T cells in the nonlymphoid tissues are more resistant to apoptosis than those in lymphoid o
23 ncluding the peritoneal cavity and fat pads, are more resistant to apoptosis than those in the spleen
24 e demonstrated that HIV-specific CTL from EC are more resistant to apoptosis than those with pharmaco
25   Instead, we found that Treg from aged mice are more resistant to apoptosis than Treg from young mic
26 ted with the p53-activating drug Doxorubicin are more resistant to apoptosis than uninfected cells, a
27  Similarly, neurons with a NEDD4-1 haplotype are more resistant to apoptosis, largely due to expressi
28    Barrett's epithelium has been reported to be more resistant to apoptosis than normal esophageal sq
29                   Myc-overexpressing T cells were more resistant to apoptosis in the absence of E2f2,
30 vels of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and were more resistant to apoptosis induced by the Bcl-2/Bc
31 g phenotype but underwent greater growth and were more resistant to apoptosis than expanded T-regs.
32 eover, Arabidopsis lines overexpressing IOS1 were more resistant to bacteria and showed a primed PTI
33 nd bacterial infection, POP2 transgenic mice are more resistant to bacterial infection than wild-type
34 a heterodimer of S100A8 and S100A9 proteins, are more resistant to bacterial invasion.
35 phatase 1 (mkp1), an Arabidopsis mutant that is more resistant to bacterial infection, produces decre
36  The distal intestine contains IgA(2), which is more resistant to bacterial proteases than is IgA(1).
37 hat African slender-snouted crocodile skulls are more resistant to bending than an equivalent sized g
38 ed from individuals harboring SPOP mutations are more resistant to BET-inhibitor-induced cell growth
39                         E. coli MG1655 mot-1 is more resistant to bile salts and colicin V than E. co
40 ent stimuli, a continuous, periodic stimulus is more resistant to biological artifacts.
41  in naturally high-temperature microclimates are more resistant to bleaching because of both acclimat
42               Fibroblasts deficient in HDAC6 are more resistant to both oncogenic Ras and ErbB2-depen
43 s or Caucasians: African-Americans appear to be more resistant to both the accretion of triglyceride
44 ned from Klotho-overexpressing mouse embryos were more resistant to both cytotoxic insults, glutamate
45 et21N MYCN-regulatable system, MYCN(-) cells were more resistant to both Nutlin-3 and MI-63 mediated
46                            Transgenic plants were more resistant to Botrytis cinerea infection than w
47        Fibroblast cells from Ames dwarf mice were more resistant to cadmium than cells from nonmutant
48 cell lines produced higher levels of GSH and were more resistant to cadmium toxicity than the parenta
49 modified voltage-dependent anion channel and were more resistant to calcium-induced swelling than car
50 or-1alpha (PGC-1alpha) and its target genes, are more resistant to catabolic wasting than are glycoly
51    HIV-1 viruses from 6 months postinfection were more resistant to CD8(+)-mediated virus inhibition
52          Although immature neurons appear to be more resistant to cell death from hypoxia-ischemia th
53 addition, we observed that TK-/- hepatocytes were more resistant to cell death compared to TK+/+ hepa
54 ll embryos [mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs)] were more resistant to cell death induced by loss of att
55 tions or loss of PTEN expression (PTEN null) were more resistant to cetuximab than PIK3CA wild type (
56 cteria grown in the presence of antioxidants are more resistant to CFZ.
57 ressing the antigen, but the Foxp3(+) subset was more resistant to changes in number and TCR repertoi
58                              N-treated soils were more resistant to changes in the frequency of dryin
59                                         They are more resistant to chemical and biological damage and
60                      Lastly, HDAC6-null mice are more resistant to chemical carcinogen-induced skin t
61                               These polymers are more resistant to chemical degradation than their po
62 In addition, HCC cells in EpCAM(+) spheroids are more resistant to chemotherapeutic agents than 2D-cu
63 on bone marrow-derived stromal feeder layers are more resistant to chemotherapy, increase the express
64 sk disease suggests that this population may be more resistant to chemotherapy.
65           Functionally, single purified MPCs were more resistant to chemotherapy than non-MPCs.
66             Notably, deletion mutant strains were more resistant to ciprofloxacin treatment.
67 dispersed ERC under nonpermissive conditions were more resistant to cisplatin compared with B104-5 ce
68 ved by TEV, whereas sites within this domain are more resistant to cleavage.
69 idues 39-40, 56-57 and 79-80, with wheat LTP being more resistant to cleavage than its peach ortholog
70  [DIC] scenario and thus may allow corals to be more resistant to climate change related stressors.
71 tantly, transgenic mice overexpressing SR-BI were more resistant to CLP-induced septic death.
72                         DUSP3-deficient mice were more resistant to collagen- and epinephrine-induced
73 . faecalis strains of either serotype C or D are more resistant to complement-mediated opsonophagocyt
74 is producing a short form of the Vsa protein were more resistant to complement and gramicidin than my
75                                M40(-/-) HSCs are more resistant to cytoablative stress, and exhibit s
76                                  Because SCs are more resistant to damage than HCs, the effects of pr
77 N-terminal domain of TraR, which binds OOHL, is more resistant to degradation than the full length pr
78                                Wild-type htt was more resistant to denaturants.
79  isomer cannot promote microtubule assembly, is more resistant to dephosphorylation and degradation,
80  cancer cells with high PAT4 expression will be more resistant to depletion of serine and glutamine,
81                             The UL42 mutants were more resistant to detergent extraction than wild-ty
82                                           CA was more resistant to deuterons than CN, and similar res
83 d temperatures ( approximately 22 degrees C) are more resistant to developing GVHD than are mice hous
84 or without rs12325817) treated with estrogen are more resistant to developing such symptoms.
85                          Phosphorylated SaeR is more resistant to digestion by trypsin, suggesting co
86         Significantly, melanocytes appear to be more resistant to direct UVA effects compared with ke
87 ted with Arp2/3 hydrolysis-defective mutants were more resistant to disassembly by cofilin.
88 ween 5, 10, and 50 nm AgNPs, with the latter being more resistant to dissolution in oxic water on a m
89          Accordingly, GmMPK4-silenced plants were more resistant to downy mildew and Soybean mosaic v
90 oth lipid and protein phosphatase activities were more resistant to doxorubicin than cells transfecte
91                     Meanwhile, SNU-449 cells were more resistant to doxorubicin than Hep3B cells.
92 elial cells have been previously reported to be more resistant to doxycycline than normal productive
93                 Furthermore, Il21r(-/-) mice were more resistant to EAU development than wild-type mi
94                     Finally, VEEV appears to be more resistant to effectors of the preestablished ant
95 markedly reduced in Scythe(-/-) cells, which are more resistant to endoplasmic reticulum stress induc
96                                   Thus, rats are more resistant to ethanol-induced steatosis, endopla
97 sed mice indicated that the Cyp2e1-null mice were more resistant to ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis
98 roapoptotic Bcl-2 family protein BIM(EL) and are more resistant to etoposide and UV radiation-induced
99 Tg mice were more prone and Il17rb(-/-) mice were more resistant to experimental food allergy.
100             Glycosomes were also observed to be more resistant to external pH changes than the cytoso
101 ed, amphetamine-associated contextual memory is more resistant to extinction in socially isolated rat
102 delivers robust gene clusters and its result is more resistant to false positives than other state-of
103 s region help generate a stiffer clot, which is more resistant to fibrinolysis.
104                             L. monocytogenes was more resistant to garlic extract and diallyl compoun
105 ells with high levels of phosphorylated PDK1 were more resistant to gemcitabine-induced apoptosis tha
106 iple mutant are APE1 nucleolar deficient and are more resistant to genotoxic treatment than those exp
107 gly, cancer cells expressing mutp53 proteins are more resistant to glutamine deprivation than cells w
108                 The luminal progenitor cells are more resistant to glutathione depletion than the bas
109 ealthy-donor PBMCs, mature-activated T cells were more resistant to GX15 than early-activated T cells
110 ironments, we found that stream sticklebacks were more resistant to Gyrodactylus and had different ge
111  by RNA polymerase containing sigma(S) could be more resistant to H-NS repression.
112                 The luminal progenitors also are more resistant to H2O2 or ionizing radiation.
113                  Conversely, the pgdX mutant was more resistant to H2O2 due to increased catalase act
114 overaccumulating TAGs and oligogalactolipids were more resistant to heat stress.
115                                        Women are more resistant to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tha
116  studies indicated that Mir155 knockout mice were more resistant to herpes SK with marked suppression
117 lerance and improved insulin sensitivity and are more resistant to high fat diet-induced obesity.
118 ucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, and are more resistant to high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesit
119                         Epac1-deficient mice are more resistant to high-fat diet-induced obesity, hyp
120                  DeltaopuABCD mutant strains are more resistant to high-salt, low-pH and -hydrogen pe
121    CCA cells that expressed transgenic MIR21 were more resistant to HSP90 inhibitors than cells trans
122 elonging to the hypervirulent M1T1 serogroup are more resistant to human LL-37 than other GAS serogro
123                                Carp proteins were more resistant to hydrolysis by porcine enzymes tha
124                            This glycopeptide is more resistant to hydrolytic degradation and binds wi
125                                 MT-bound tau was more resistant to hyperphosphorylation compared with
126 mor cells expressing the protein kinase Akt2 are more resistant to hypoxia than cells expressing Akt1
127  and translation but that inhibition by VEEV is more resistant to IFN-alpha/beta priming.
128 ound Isd11p mutant, the Nfs1p.Isd11p complex was more resistant to inactivation by an alkylating agen
129                        However, B7-H4KO mice are more resistant to infection by Listeria monocytogene
130 11b(-/-) mice, revealed that CD11b(-/-) mice are more resistant to infection with WT but not Deltabcl
131 zed that Taconic mice treated with PBA would be more resistant to infection with Salmonella enterica
132 that overexpressed Bcl-2 in epithelial cells were more resistant to infection as measured by cecal pa
133      Male IL-3 KO mice, but not female mice, were more resistant to infection than wild-type (WT) mic
134                      We found that offspring were more resistant to infection when their fathers were
135 biofilms, is more sensitive to lysozyme, and is more resistant to ingestion by bacteriophagous nemato
136                     Macrophages lacking TLR2 are more resistant to inhibition by either strain of M.
137 ngly, the gain-of-function ADAMTS13 variants were more resistant to inhibition by anti-ADAMTS13 autoa
138                                         N43D was more resistant to inhibitory peptides than wild-type
139 arborization neurons were severed, dendrites were more resistant to injury-induced degeneration.
140                  Threitolceramide-pulsed DCs are more resistant to iNKT cell-dependent lysis than alp
141 ced on their focus of attention and why they are more resistant to interference from nonaffective con
142 is natural secretory IgA, the mutant animals were more resistant to intestinal colonization by Citrob
143 icient for type I IFN receptor (IFNAR1(-/-)) are more resistant to intradermal infection with F. tula
144  that received ATRA during Ad5gp vaccination were more resistant to intravaginal challenge by recombi
145 a treated cells, and these tetraploid clones were more resistant to ionizing radiation and cisplatin-
146 a miRNA which when deleted caused animals to be more resistant to IR, whereas cel-mir-237 overexpress
147                   The high-expressing strain was more resistant to killing in human blood.
148 red with OprD(+) strains, those lacking OprD were more resistant to killing by acidic pH or normal hu
149 eported for human PMNs, sialylated gonococci were more resistant to killing by murine PMNs, and sialy
150           We report here that Il22(-/-) mice were more resistant to lethal West Nile virus (WNV) ence
151        Notably, congenic caspase 3(-/-) mice were more resistant to lethal WNV infection, although th
152 ect than principal excitatory neurons, which are more resistant to light-induced depolarization block
153      Here we report that Per2-deficient mice were more resistant to lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced
154  defense is evident from the report that DCs are more resistant to Listeria monocytogenes than macrop
155 mory CD8(+) T cells while paradoxically also being more resistant to Listeria.
156 -/-) and BTLA(-/-), but not LIGHT(-/-), mice are more resistant to listeriosis compared with wild-typ
157  wild-type and MSKO mice; however, MSKO mice were more resistant to Lm infection, with significantly
158                           Fecal streptococci were more resistant to long-term freezing than the colif
159 esponses are impaired in NEMO-KR mice, which are more resistant to LPS-induced endotoxic shock than w
160 control macrophages; (ii) macLITAF(-/-) mice are more resistant to LPS-induced lethality.
161                  Accordingly, Akt2(-/-) mice were more resistant to LPS-induced endotoxin shock and t
162                           Mutant exsM spores were more resistant to lysozyme treatment and germinated
163 ts, which overproduce indole glucosinolates, are more resistant to M. persicae, whereas cyp79B2 cyp79
164 om patients with FH receiving statin therapy were more resistant to M. tuberculosis infection, with r
165 xposed to cigarette smoke extract (CSE-MRSA) was more resistant to macrophage killing (4-fold higher
166  type, and as a result, the all2Delta mutant was more resistant to macrophage-mediated killing.
167 cell somal fluorescence reinforces that they are more resistant to MeHg-induced elevations of [Ca(2+)
168                                   H(2)O will be more resistant to metallization than previously thoug
169 r cells ectopically transfected with miR-140 were more resistant to methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (
170  the most commonly expressed CFS, the FRA3B, is more resistant to micrococcal nuclease than that of t
171              A DeltasigG mutant was found to be more resistant to mitomycin C treatment than the wild
172 icity assays show that the LLC-MDR1-3H cells are more resistant to mitoxantrone than the LLC-MDR1-WT
173                    Conversely, a pfeT mutant is more resistant to Mn(II) overload.
174 monstrating that CXCR3-deficient BALB/c mice are more resistant to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, compar
175           We found HLA-B cytoplasmic domains were more resistant to Nef-mediated down-regulation than
176           A subset of envelopes was found to be more resistant to neutralization (by plasma and HIV-2
177 mutants showed increased fusion kinetics and were more resistant to neutralization by a fusion-inhibi
178  Plant mutants with altered GIPC composition were more resistant to NLP toxins.
179                      Here we show that BMP-6 is more resistant to noggin inhibition and more potent i
180                              These nanotubes are more resistant to nuclease degradation, capable of e
181         Moreover, Galphai2(-/-) erythrocytes were more resistant to osmosensitive hemolysis as compar
182 ipids and having higher levels of saturation are more resistant to oxidation and protect cells from o
183                                    Dyes that are more resistant to oxidation than pinacyanol chloride
184 6A had a greater thermodynamic stability and was more resistant to oxidation-induced destabilization
185  the margarines elaborated with peel extract were more resistant to oxidation than the margarine refe
186 ivities of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes are more resistant to oxidative stress.
187                    Moreover, PPI is found to be more resistant to oxidative degradation than PEI, eve
188                          Although the mutant was more resistant to oxidative stress and produced more
189 Overexpression studies demonstrated that Hya was more resistant to oxidative stress than Hyb.
190                                  Queens also were more resistant to oxidative stress than workers.
191 ARPE-19 cells that overexpress HO-1 or NQO-1 were more resistant to oxidative stress-induced cell dea
192 quadruple pyr/pyl mutant (pyr1pyl1pyl2pyl4), were more resistant to P. cucumerina than wild-type plan
193 eover, Arabidopsis lines overexpressing IOS1 were more resistant to P. syringae and demonstrated a pr
194 ed that HEC-1B cells proliferate slower, but are more resistant to paclitaxel-mediated cell death tha
195 lls in which BAK was down-regulated by shRNA were more resistant to paclitaxel.
196 ctions suggest that species-rich communities are more resistant to pathogen invasions.
197                        DEL1-deficient plants are more resistant to pathogens and slightly smaller tha
198 ors, in which most VEGF is from tumor cells, was more resistant to PDGF inhibition.
199   The Rho-0 variants of LNCaP and PC-3 cells were more resistant to PEITC-mediated ROS generation, ap
200 eated, the whey proteins in the panna cottas were more resistant to pepsin digestion than caseins; th
201 or the same scan rate, the wild-type protein is more resistant to perturbation than the mutant.
202                         The flv4-2/OE mutant is more resistant to photoinhibition of PSII and exhibit
203                  However, LHB and IHB crumbs were more resistant to physical breakdown during in vitr
204       Determine whether fibrin from patients is more resistant to plasmin-mediated lysis than fibrin
205        However, the rgtA, -B, and -C mutants were more resistant to PmxB, whereas the rgtD and E muta
206 nally, we show that diabetic red blood cells are more resistant to pneumolysin and the related toxin
207 ty, and isolated Fnip1-null skeletal muscles were more resistant to postcontraction fatigue relative
208 r cells), the tectorial membrane appeared to be more resistant to postmortem autolysis effects.
209 so show that the myxobacterial fruiting body is more resistant to predation by worms than are dispers
210 es exhibited a fitness tradeoff in which one was more resistant to predation (more digestion-resistan
211                          I(Ca) in adult IHCs was more resistant to progressive inactivation following
212                                 m01s and m01 were more resistant to protease digestion than CH2.
213                                Nrdp1 protein is more resistant to proteasome-dependent degradation wh
214        Moreover, proteins that unfold slower are more resistant to proteolysis.
215 to calcineurin with a KD value of 2.6 nM and is more resistant to proteolysis.
216 eripheral blood mononuclear cell culture and was more resistant to proteolysis than either T20 or T11
217 d gastro intestinal digestion, despite S-OVA was more resistant to proteolysis, particularly to pepsi
218 f Pathogen-related (PR) genes, scd1-1 plants were more resistant to Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tom
219 wever, the N(1575)Y + L(1014)F double mutant was more resistant to pyrethroids than the L(1014)F muta
220                     A549 cells were found to be more resistant to radiation-conditioned medium (RCM)
221 R(H) mutation together with a G140S mutation were more resistant to raltegravir than viruses containi
222 e found that hematite-bound aliphatic carbon was more resistant to reduction release, although hemati
223 al to atherogenesis, but established plaques are more resistant to reductions in monocytes.
224 he effector CD4 T cells from Apc(Min/+) mice were more resistant to regulatory T cell-mediated suppre
225 fibroblasts (HDFs) from older human subjects were more resistant to reprogramming by classic Yamanaka
226 ic features, an experience-dependent effect, is more resistant to reverberation degradation which may
227 ssociation indicates that the 'A-a' bond may be more resistant to rupture by applied force than to ru
228 erexpressing the MYB134 transcription factor were more resistant to rust infection.
229 ave enhanced in vivo bacterial clearance and are more resistant to sepsis when challenged with S. aur
230             Accordingly, GzmB-deficient mice are more resistant to serial 5-FU treatments.
231 have shown that cells containing HBV and HCV are more resistant to serine protease-dependent apoptoti
232                    Myocilin-expressing cells were more resistant to serum starvation-induced apoptosi
233                        Mice deficient in p21 were more resistant to serum transfer-induced arthritis
234 microtubules in dendrites and fibroblasts to be more resistant to severing by katanin in a manner tha
235 tudy demonstrates that mangabey-derived MDMs are more resistant to SIV infection in vitro compared to
236 rate that the most primitive quiescent HSPCs are more resistant to spontaneous reactivation from late
237 he progenitor marker cytokeratin 5 (CK5) and are more resistant to standard endocrine and chemotherap
238 fore, we hypothesized that BALB/c mice would be more resistant to Staphylococcus aureus-induced endop
239               We found that BBR-treated mice were more resistant to steatosis in the liver than vehic
240 on, breast cancer cells overexpressing TRAF4 are more resistant to stress-induced death.
241     Notably, heparanase-overexpressing cells were more resistant to stress and chemotherapy in a mann
242 rms of oxidative stress, whereas reo mutants were more resistant to stress.
243                While podocytes lacking SPARC were more resistant to stretch-induced detachment, stabl
244                     In addition, these cells were more resistant to subsequent radiation treatments a
245 s expressing the MarA with the E89A mutation were more resistant to superoxides than those harboring
246         We hypothesized that these cells may be more resistant to suppression mediated by immunoregul
247 exhibit fast electron transfer kinetics, and are more resistant to surface fouling.
248 ngs demonstrate that (i) tamLITAF(i)-/- mice are more resistant to systemic Escherichia coli LPS-indu
249                Mice infected with DeltaTgPL1 are more resistant to TE and have fewer inflammatory les
250      Transformants carrying the mutated gene were more resistant to tebuconazole compared to control
251            Moreover, the double mutant roots are more resistant to the effects of N-1-naphthylphthala
252 M responses to L. mexicana infection and yet are more resistant to the infection.
253 der control of a pathogen-inducible promoter are more resistant to the phytopathogens Botrytis cinere
254 he rod photoresponses, suggesting that cones are more resistant to the ROP disease process.
255 e found that mkp1 seedlings and adult plants are more resistant to the virulent bacterial pathogen Ps
256 ay imply that cells embedded in an ECM would be more resistant to the toxic effects of cigarette smok
257 e HDL samples indicate that this lipoprotein is more resistant to the oxidation process than are LDL
258                    Cross-linked wheat starch was more resistant to the acids.
259          The bacterial surface-bound plasmin was more resistant to the action of its specific physiol
260 xposure for AR E. coli, while AR E. faecalis was more resistant to the disinfection process (240 min
261 gher-fidelity W237F (W237F(HF)) mutant virus was more resistant to the mutagenic nucleoside analogs r
262 yl viologen, but the sarA sodA double mutant was more resistant to the same stressor than the single
263 ne had a higher level of Nrf2 expression and was more resistant to the toxic effects of cisplatin and
264 icylic acid (SA)-inducible defense genes and were more resistant to the (hemi)biotrophic pathogens Hy
265  serum-sensitive derivative of strain FA1090 were more resistant to the bactericidal activity of norm
266                           Glioblastoma cells were more resistant to the CAPs media than breast cancer
267 nd DeltaP2 mutants in vivo and these mutants were more resistant to the cytotoxicity of RTA than the
268 , cancer cells with higher levels of mtErbB2 were more resistant to the ErbB2-targeting antibody tras
269 neurons in Grik4-cre;Hdac1(fl/f) mice, which were more resistant to the excitotoxic damage induced by
270 roblasts overexpressing pVHL and those cells were more resistant to the inhibition of alpha5 integrin
271     The AMD-protective YY402/II62 hRPE cells were more resistant to the membrane attack complex, wher
272          Aged metallothionein mouse myocytes were more resistant to the superoxide donor pyrogallol-i
273 outgrowth of different clones, some of which are more resistant to therapy.
274 lar dichroism studies revealed that A2-VicCC was more resistant to thermal unfolding than A2-DeltaCC.
275 UTI, those isolated from cases of meningitis are more resistant to third-generation cephalosporins, e
276 K3CA, PIK3R1 or retinoblastoma (Rb) mutation are more resistant to this combination treatment.
277           However, hypoxic solid tumor cells are more resistant to this treatment, providing the impe
278  and Rose Bengal/laser), fXII-deficient mice are more resistant to thrombosis than fXI- or factor IX
279 ocytes showed increased Mcl-1 expression and were more resistant to TNF-induced apoptosis compared wi
280 , REL-S525P-transformed chicken spleen cells are more resistant to TNFalpha-induced cell death than c
281                   Flowers silenced in NaJAZi are more resistant to tobacco budworm attack, a florivor
282                                  Cells in 3D were more resistant to toxicity than cells in 2D, whose
283 oly(epsilon-caprolactone) scaffolds not only were more resistant to traditional cytotoxic drugs than
284    XIAP-overexpressing U937 cells (U937XIAP) were more resistant to TRAIL than U937neo cells, and inh
285  tumors poorly infiltrated with immune cells are more resistant to trastuzumab, and patients have a w
286  levels of IgM, are associated with ITP that is more resistant to treatment.
287 ally, the pknB mutant of USA300 was found to be more resistant to Triton X-100-induced autolysis and
288  data show that IRBCs with late trophozoites are more resistant to trypsin treatment than those conta
289                           ICP35 in B capsids was more resistant to trypsin digestion of intact capsid
290                             Calcific plaques are more resistant to undergoing changes in size in resp
291 at the two Gram-positive ARBs (MRSA and VRE) were more resistant to UV disinfection than the two Gram
292 sis, whereas the epidermis of K5.Stat3C mice was more resistant to UVB-induced apoptosis.
293 ry keratinocytes derived from IL1r(-/-) mice were more resistant to UVB-triggered cell death compared
294              Finally, a prototypic PB strain was more resistant to vancomycin treatment in the infect
295 sed to repetitive heat, cold, or salt stress were more resistant to virulent bacteria than Arabidopsi
296                               Wild-type mice were more resistant to virus than CD1(-/-) mice (50% let
297 ice spontaneously developed splenomegaly and were more resistant to VSV infection with elevated produ
298 lls developed virus-induced splenomegaly and were more resistant to VSV infection.
299 m radiation-induced bone marrow ablation and are more resistant to whole-body radiation-induced letha
300 three previous exposures (1 Gy x 4 in total) were more resistant to X-ray-induced apoptosis than thos

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