


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                The rate of hydrolysis of ATP is not inhibited by 1 microg RNA or covalently closed ci
2 und, which can be assessed by measuring NMD, is not inhibited by 4E-BP1, which is known to inhibit st
3                   In contrast, radiolabeling was not inhibited by 8,9-dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acid, 5
4       Surprisingly, this migratory phenotype is not inhibited by a farnesyltransferase inhibitor or d
5                                 H463F Trpase is not inhibited by a potent inhibitor of wild-type Trpa
6                             Similarly LmQDPR is not inhibited by a series of antifolates showing anti
7 tly, diffusion of reagents into the particle is not inhibited by a surface, so that reaction conditio
8            In contrast, SHIP phosphorylation was not inhibited by a dominant negative mutant of Grb2.
9 ophosphatidic acid, and this latter invasion was not inhibited by a function-blocking Met antibody.
10  IL-17 production after collagen rechallenge was not inhibited by a lack of IL-23, since IL-4-mediate
11 found that alpha1-mediated activation of ERK was not inhibited by a membrane impermeant alpha1-blocke
12 phages acquired anti-T. gondii activity that was not inhibited by a neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma monoc
13 ody to factor XII, did not activate FXI, and was not inhibited by a neutralizing antibody to FXII.
14                                  This effect was not inhibited by a saturating amount of IL-17.
15                   Lipoapoptosis by palmitate was not inhibited by a soluble human recombinant DR5-Fc
16 s exocytosis within minutes, and this effect is not inhibited by actinomycin D, suggesting a nongenom
17 TPase activity was impaired by 1300-fold and was not inhibited by ADP-fluoroaluminate or ADP-fluorosc
18 active oxygen species release from monocytes was not inhibited by agents affecting mitochondrial meta
19 nocortin-1 receptor (hMC1R), a receptor that is not inhibited by AGRP, and the human MC4R (hMC4R), a
20 ases from Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera) were not inhibited by AhAI while Tribolium castaneum and
21 t by L-alanine and aminoisobutyric acid, but was not inhibited by alpha-(methylamino)isobutyric acid,
22  increase of intracellular Abeta1-42 by iron was not inhibited by alpha-tocopherol or melatonin.
23 the yeast DEAD-box helicases Sub2p and Dbp5p are not inhibited by AMP.
24 se inhibitor in the low micromolar range and is not inhibited by an inactive analogue, similar to PS-
25                  Unlike E. coli LpxH, CcLpxI is not inhibited by an increase in the concentration of
26 rior of the cell (intracrine), some of which are not inhibited by Ang receptor blockers (ARBs).
27            Antibody response specific to CII was not inhibited by anti-CXCL13 treatment.
28 ia 70-kb virulence plasmid, and the activity was not inhibited by antibodies capable of neutralizing
29         LDL-induced cholesterol accumulation was not inhibited by antioxidants, was not accompanied b
30 er, its viral hemagglutination (HA) activity was not inhibited by antisera against any of the nine de
31 DNA but is not actively replicating and thus is not inhibited by antiviral drugs.
32              The growth of cultured isolates was not inhibited by any concentration of GaM.
33                            (i) ATP transport was not inhibited by any of the three MTS reagents in mu
34 y to berenil and stilbamidine, whereas LAPT1 was not inhibited by any of these diamidines.
35 Y produced and sequestered in the aggregates was not inhibited by any of these inhibitors, suggesting
36  a truncated alpha, beta,or gamma C terminus were not inhibited by arachidonic acid or ETYA.
37 ximately 600-fold, and the residual activity is not inhibited by ArgHX.
38 hydrolysis of phytate in P. vittata extracts was not inhibited by arsenate at 5 mM or by heating at 1
39  NWETF sequence stimulates CheA in vitro but is not inhibited by aspartate.
40             Stretched-induced KDR expression was not inhibited by AT1 receptor blockade using candesa
41                TLC-S-induced calcium signals were not inhibited by atropine, but were abolished by ca
42  dependent on the presence of weak bases and are not inhibited by bafilomycin A1.
43                                        Entry was not inhibited by bafilomycin A1 or ammonium chloride
44  however, which is not known to infect bats, was not inhibited by bat Mx1.
45 dent mechanism that does not require p53 and is not inhibited by bcl-2.
46 gen synthesis was elevated in failing CF and was not inhibited by beta-agonist stimulation in contras
47         Cell attachment to reduced COMP/TSP5 was not inhibited by beta1 antibodies.
48                             Serine synthesis was not inhibited by biguanides.
49 ependent), none of which requires myosin II, are not inhibited by blebbistatin in myosin II-null cell
50                              HIV-induced IDO was not inhibited by blocking antibodies against interfe
51                                   Pacemaking was not inhibited by blocking hyperpolarization-activate
52                         However, this effect was not inhibited by blocking protein kinase A by H-89,
53         We found that JNK activation by FFAs was not inhibited by blocking TNF-alpha signaling, where
54 roduct generated in rotavirus-infected cells is not inhibited by brefeldin A.
55 A1-dependent cholesterol efflux, this efflux was not inhibited by brefeldin A, glybenclamide, or intr
56 ay in which caspase activation is secondary, is not inhibited by c-FLIP, and is not essential for cel
57 tin filaments in vitro, and these activities were not inhibited by Ca2+.
58 xpression, we found that ULBP1 up-regulation was not inhibited by caffeine and wortmannin, inhibitors
59 Expression of constitutively active AKT that was not inhibited by caffeine was found to protect cells
60              Growth of colonies in soft agar was not inhibited by calpastatin overexpression.
61 tion (RyR1 aa 3640-3725) bound (35)S-CaM but was not inhibited by CaM at submicromolar Ca(2+).
62 lls expressing the PKA-resistant mutant also was not inhibited by cAMP.
63 decapping protein that does not bind cap and is not inhibited by cap analogs but is effectively inhib
64                                Transcription was not inhibited by capsazepine.
65                        The effects of Ang1-9 were not inhibited by captopril, supporting previous evi
66                                         S1P5 is not inhibited by CD69, a property that may facilitate
67 d extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, are not inhibited by CDK2 inhibitor.
68 rt-proficient mutants in TMs VI, IX, and XII were not inhibited by charged MTS reagents, indicating t
69 toyl-R-Cys-S-Ser-Lys4-OH, trihydrochloride)] were not inhibited by chloroquine, whereas TLR9 activati
70 contrast, IRS-1 activation of Akt and ERK1/2 was not inhibited by chronic insulin/IGF-1 stimulation i
71 tion was not accelerated by CF(3)CO(2)H, and was not inhibited by CO.
72 nK protein) and type II eukaryotic PanKs and is not inhibited by CoA or its thioesters.
73                            (18)F-F-CP uptake was not inhibited by coadministration of an approximatel
74 on the other hand, adipocyte differentiation was not inhibited by coculturing with normal human prima
75                      The increased apoptosis was not inhibited by colcemid, indicating that the respo
76                     This template elongation was not inhibited by cold linear HL10 template unless pG
77        The reorientation of Fos-Jun by NFAT1 was not inhibited by competitor oligonucleotides or hete
78 cosamine-beta-p-nitrophenol (GlcNAcbeta-pNP) is not inhibited by concentrations of MnCl(2) or anions
79 ells, activation of TRPC3-dependent currents is not inhibited by conventional PKC or PKG to any signi
80 y epithelial cells to goblet cells, and this is not inhibited by corticosteroids.
81                        S1P-induced responses were not inhibited by corticosteroids and did not differ
82 g protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma (PTPRS) were not inhibited by CSPGs or I-R explants in vitro, su
83    Given that these novel AR splice variants are not inhibited by currently available antiandrogen dr
84  Obstruction-induced up-regulation of foxj1a was not inhibited by cycloheximide, identifying foxj1a a
85                              TRAIL induction is not inhibited by cyclosporin A, but highly sensitive
86                         TNF-alpha expression is not inhibited by cyclosporin A, but is sensitive to d
87  agonist PK11195 induced RGC death, but this was not inhibited by cyclosporin A (CsA), which normally
88     Deoxyglucose transport mediated by GLUT9 was not inhibited by cytochalasin B.
89 rin beta(3) cytoplasmic domain tyrosines and was not inhibited by cytochalasin D.
90  germination via L-alanine and GerB or GerB* was not inhibited by D-alanine.
91 load-induced [(3)H]-2-deoxy-d-glucose uptake was not inhibited by d-fructose, demonstrating that the
92 ast, IL-2 signaling on CD56(bright) NK cells was not inhibited by Dac and their in vivo proliferation
93 esis was detected in the cytoplasm, where it was not inhibited by DBR1 knockdown.
94                       Because Ca(2+) spiking was not inhibited by Delta 90 cyclin B1, the degradation
95 ced expression of HIF-1alpha by transfection was not inhibited by digoxin, and xenografts derived fro
96                                   The enzyme was not inhibited by dimedone even when a 150-fold exces
97 pecific methyltransferase activity of BHMT-2 is not inhibited by dimethylglycine and betaine, whereas
98  neutrophil-endothelial cell coculture; this was not inhibited by diphenyleneiodonium or by SOD plus
99 d protein kinase/c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase is not inhibited by disruption of KSR signaling.
100 P. aeruginosa PAO1 and B. thailandensis E264 were not inhibited by DMSP, suggesting that DMSP inhibit
101        Since the interaction of Zta with DNA is not inhibited by DNA methylation, it is clear that Zt
102                         Binding to glomeruli was not inhibited by DNase treatment, but could be abrog
103 ac beta-adrenergic receptor signaling, which were not inhibited by DNMT3b siRNA.
104 reover, NF-kappa B activation induced by PKK was not inhibited by dominant negative Bimp1 and proceed
105   Furthermore, EGFR-mediated BLBP expression was not inhibited by dominant-negative H-Ras, indicating
106 y cation requirements, including Mg(2+), and was not inhibited by EDTA but was markedly inhibited by
107 CD4(+)CD25(-) T(eff) is abnormal, in that it is not inhibited by either Cbl-b(-/-) or wild-type T(reg
108 phosphatidic acid, and its substrate binding was not inhibited by either orthophosphate or glycerol 3
109 s with a unitary conductance of 2.6 pS which were not inhibited by either ET(A) or ET(B) receptor ant
110 her l-amino acids, or phosphatidylserine and is not inhibited by Etn, choline, or their phosphoesters
111 ng components such as integrin1 and paxillin was not inhibited by Evi1; nor did Evi1 inhibit TGFbeta-
112 or the smaller oxaloacetate substrate, which is not inhibited by excess 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoate, co
113  of the capped RNA substrate and cap binding was not inhibited by excess uncapped RNA, indicating tha
114  and tensin homolog (PTEN)-like phosphatase, is not inhibited by exogenous AprA and is increased by e
115 ssory subunits for ionic current expression, are not inhibited by expression of Rem.
116 ponse to IFN beta treatment, and this effect was not inhibited by expression of dominant negative p53
117 tion of rapamycin-induced apoptosis by IGF-I was not inhibited by expression of dominant-negative Akt
118                     uPAR-mediated engulfment was not inhibited by expression of mutant beta5 integrin
119 induced nucleotide-sensitive uncoupling that was not inhibited by external superoxide dismutase.
120 p-aminobenzamidine (Ki 38 +/- 14 microM) but was not inhibited by factor IX, consistent with loss of
121   In contrast, the growth of wild type cells was not inhibited by fatty acid supplementation.
122 by Zn(2+) and by aurintricarboxylic acid; it was not inhibited by G-actin.
123 intraplatelet stores to the platelet surface was not inhibited by GP IIb/IIIa antagonists.
124                 The formation of A/P stripes is not inhibited by grafts of ZPA tissue, suggesting tha
125    In contrast, the other two PIP5K isoforms are not inhibited by H(2)O(2).
126                          Purified mature GTR was not inhibited by heme, but heme inhibition was resto
127 cells, and cell transduction by AAV6 vectors was not inhibited by heparin, nor did they compete for e
128 mediated fibroblast attachment and spreading were not inhibited by heparin or anti-integrin alpha2.
129 4,5)P4 and the potentiating effects of InsPs were not inhibited by heparin.
130 (BK) induced significant NOx production that was not inhibited by heparinase pretreatment, demonstrat
131            In contrast, the Glu117Asp mutant is not inhibited by high concentrations of Mn(2+).
132 B10.A antigens, suggesting immune activation was not inhibited by Hsp-27.
133 he pro-ANP processing activity of EKsolCorin was not inhibited by human plasma.
134 inase (SAPK)/Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and was not inhibited by hypoxia.
135 R1-FADD association and caspase 8 activation were not inhibited by IBOP co-stimulation, however, resu
136 vivo, proliferation of GCN2-knockout T cells was not inhibited by IDO-expressing DCs from tumor-drain
137 ced apoptosis in Jurkat and PM1 T cell lines were not inhibited by IDV.
138 pport Ori DNA replication, but this activity was not inhibited by IFN, demonstrating that P56 is the
139 nd TNF also requires ASC, but this induction is not inhibited by IL-1 receptor antagonist or caspase-
140    Unlike the housekeeping CobA enzyme, EutT was not inhibited by inorganic tripolyphosphate (PPPi).
141 sence of CYP26A1 activity and this formation was not inhibited by ketoconazole.
142                        The mammalian enzymes are not inhibited by L-serine.
143 nd N-acetyl-Leu-Leu-Met-AL, MDMX degradation is not inhibited by lactacystin, suggesting that degrada
144  beta(1-->6)-linked glucose homopolymer] but was not inhibited by laminarin [a beta(1-->3)-linked glu
145 rred by Fringe, JAG1-induced NOTCH signaling is not inhibited by LFNG or MFNG.
146 ining RNAs to a distinct export pathway that is not inhibited by LMB and programs the intron-containi
147 X-2 promoter-driven reporter gene expression is not inhibited by LMB, suggesting that LMB acts at the
148 anes of the prostate cancer cell line, PC-3, was not inhibited by Man-6-P.
149               Cch-induced lacritin secretion was not inhibited by MAPKK inhibitor U0126, although p42
150 ly of amylin, another amyloidogenic peptide, was not inhibited by MBP1, although MBP1 still bound to
151 elial protein C receptor (EPCR) release that is not inhibited by metalloproteinase inhibitors.
152 .mat1 complex (cdk2-activating kinase, Cak), was not inhibited by mevastatin, suggesting either that
153  In contrast to wild type, ATPase of mutants was not inhibited by MgADP-fluoroaluminate or MgADP-fluo
154 ine phosphorylation and recruitment of PI3K, are not inhibited by microtubule disruption, indicating
155  this polymorphism, the ATK-1 virus sequence was not inhibited by miR-28.
156 on of toluene by [Mn(2)(O)(2)](4+), however, is not inhibited by [Mn(2)(O)(2)](3+).
157 g anti-HIV activity required intact PBMC and was not inhibited by monoclonal antibodies directed agai
158 inaceum ADA does not use MTA as a substrate, is not inhibited by MT-coformycin, and is missing Asp172
159 omoter, and unlike the FL Rpo41, the mutants are not inhibited by Mtf1.
160                       CTH2 mRNA accumulation was not inhibited by mutations in 3'-cleavage and polyad
161 whole-cell ELISA did not require calcium and was not inhibited by N-acetyl-glucosamine or mannose.
162 ndothelial nitric-oxide synthase, because it was not inhibited by N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester and
163                Ugd from E. coli serotype K30 was not inhibited by NAD, but its activity still increas
164 CD8(+) T cell responses against a foreign Ag are not inhibited by neonatal ILCs.
165                  Stretch-dependent responses were not inhibited by neuronal antagonists or nifedipine
166 train in which glutamine synthetase activity is not inhibited by NH(4)(+), suggesting that GlnK-UMP i
167     The chaperone-like activity of alpha-syn was not inhibited by nitration or oxidation.
168 nd phosphorylation of protein kinase B/Akt-1 were not inhibited by nocodazole treatment indicating th
169 syl and deoxycholate, even at 0.025%, but it was not inhibited by Nonidet P-40, Triton X-100, or octy
170                      The induction of VCAM-1 was not inhibited by nonmetal binding reactive oxygen sp
171 ast, the chicken ecto-ATP-diphosphohydrolase is not inhibited by NP-40, and activity is approximately
172 over, the enzymatic activity of human CYP450 was not inhibited by NSC23925b.
173          The androgen-induced PKA activation is not inhibited by nuclear AR antagonist bicalutamide a
174 Notch3, is also expressed in these cells but is not inhibited by Numb.
175  action potential discharge, but this effect was not inhibited by ondansetron.
176                           In addition, GmHSD is not inhibited by other aspartate-derived amino acids.
177       In contrast, eIF2alpha phosphorylation was not inhibited by overexpression of a trans-dominant-
178 optotic proteins Fas, caspase-3, and Bim and was not inhibited by overexpression of the anti-apoptoti
179                            This mTOR pathway is not inhibited by P4.
180 AECAs, this process did not require CXCR1/2, was not inhibited by pertussis toxin, and was FcgammaRII
181                            The fast hypopeak was not inhibited by phenylarsine oxide and appears to i
182 ype enzyme, TPS activity in tps1-H223Y cells is not inhibited by phosphate.
183  the PI for a productive interaction, and it is not inhibited by phosphorylation of cofilin.
184 gth myosin had actin-activated MgATPase that was not inhibited by phosphorylation of the serines in t
185         Nigericin-catalyzed Pb(2+) transport is not inhibited by physiological concentrations of Ca(2
186 monomer in size-exclusion chromatography and was not inhibited by physiological concentrations of PAB
187 ese data suggest that astrocytic GS activity is not inhibited by physiologically relevant concentrati
188           Conversely, the INSR T1160A mutant was not inhibited by PKCepsilon in vitro.
189                                  This effect was not inhibited by PLA(2) inhibitors.
190          The binding was Lys-independent and was not inhibited by plasminogen or tPA.
191 ned by its geometry, as TGF-beta2 production was not inhibited by plating cells on a synthetic nanofi
192 f E-selectin and CCL2 by the killed bacteria was not inhibited by polymyxin B.
193 thelial growth factor from activated HFLS-RA was not inhibited by PPI-2458.
194 TM rapidly induced platelet aggregation that was not inhibited by preincubating platelets with the pr
195 as early as 2 h after TGF-beta treatment and was not inhibited by pretreatment of cells with cyclohex
196 ll as cellular proliferation induced by PGE2 was not inhibited by pretreatment of the cells with epid
197      Catecholamine-mediated STAT3 activation was not inhibited by pretreatment with an anti-interleuk
198   In contrast, PTH-stimulated ERK activation was not inhibited by pretreatment with the PKCalpha inhi
199 in the uterus within 4 h, and this induction was not inhibited by prior administration of puromycin,
200 e complex, which is essential for apoptosis, is not inhibited by proapoptotic concentrations of the d
201 esolved, but substrate-dependent degradation is not inhibited by proteasome inhibitors or inhibitors
202 -type protein, the c-Maf D90V mutant protein is not inhibited by protein kinase A-dependent pathways.
203  amphotropic murine leukemia virus envelopes were not inhibited by PS vesicles or annexin V.
204 l-DN, whereas v-Src-induced Stat3 activation was not inhibited by Ral-DN, indicating that the CB1R, t
205 D28-dependent induction of bcl-xL expression was not inhibited by rapamycin, which correlated with bo
206 ation of MEK1 phosphorylation (Ser(217/221)) was not inhibited by rapamycin.
207 ased with IGF-I treatment, but this response was not inhibited by rapamycin.
208 rectional sugar uptake in RE700A-GLUT1-HA-H6 is not inhibited by reductant and is not stimulated by i
209                                  This effect was not inhibited by removal of extracellular calcium, o
210 se form of hLigI, does not interact with and is not inhibited by RFC, demonstrating that inhibition o
211                               PV replication was not inhibited by RNase L activity, but rRNA cleavage
212 ted by EPR, in succinate-fueled mitochondria was not inhibited by rotenone and likely derived from se
213 ppaB activation and IkappaBalpha degradation were not inhibited by rottlerin.
214 ol (CCh) evoked propagating Ca2+ waves which were not inhibited by ryanodine when the sarcolemma pote
215 ibited different channel characteristics and were not inhibited by ryanodine.
216                                        MTHFR was not inhibited by S-adenosylmethionine and, uniquely
217                  RevA binding to fibronectin was not inhibited by salt or heparin, suggesting that ad
218 s in vitro, we show that enteric axon growth is not inhibited by Shh.
219 ed by ENCCs, and migration of isolated ENCCs was not inhibited by Shh protein.
220 ocalisation of ABCB19 on the plasma membrane was not inhibited by short-term treatments with latruncu
221 al domain of PspC, the binding of FH to PspC is not inhibited by sIgA.
222  and/or IFN-gamma treatment, these responses are not inhibited by siRNA knockdown of HIF-1alpha.
223  alphaVbeta3 integrins, whereas this binding was not inhibited by small RGD peptides.
224  oxidation of ambient aerosol by OH radicals is not inhibited by SOA coatings, and further that conde
225  types of Abeta aggregates; notably, binding was not inhibited by soluble Abeta monomers.
226       Unlike SHP-1, Grb2 recruitment to CD22 is not inhibited by specific doses of the Src family kin
227                                This increase was not inhibited by SR141716, a CB1 receptor antagonist
228 or this enzyme and have also found that MazF is not inhibited by standard ribonuclease inhibitors.
229                     In addition, stimulation was not inhibited by statin treatment, which blocks IPP
230    Growth of a drug-resistant E. coli strain was not inhibited by sterilized feather meal or enroflox
231 it increased levels of TH17 cytokines, which are not inhibited by steroids.
232               Processing requires dSCAP, but is not inhibited by sterols as in mammals.
233 is profoundly attenuated if Ca(2+) clearance is not inhibited by STIM1.
234 ocytic pathway, while pH-independent viruses are not inhibited by such agents and are thought to ente
235 I in that it cannot digest DNA oligomers and is not inhibited by such molecules, suggesting that it d
236         However, the interaction of antibody is not inhibited by sugar monosaccharides corresponding
237 lymers in the absence of the GTPase activity was not inhibited by SulA.
238                               This oxidation is not inhibited by superoxide dismutase or catalase, in
239  the absence of O(2) and reducing agents and was not inhibited by superoxide dismutase or hydroxyl ra
240                                         GVHD was not inhibited by T cells with irrelevant specificity
241 y required the amino-terminal A/B domain and was not inhibited by tamoxifen, which supports an enhanc
242               Cross-linking between the NBDs was not inhibited by tariquidar, a drug transport inhibi
243 hereas labeling of alphaM2-10 (alphaSer-252) was not inhibited by tetracaine but was enhanced 10-fold
244 its ability to promote dermal cell migration was not inhibited by TGF-beta; and its ability to overri
245 tivations of EC Smad1/5 in vitro and in vivo are not inhibited by the BMP-specific antagonist Noggin
246     The FdUMP[10]-induced Top1-DNA complexes are not inhibited by the caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk and
247   Dendritic cell maturation and polarization are not inhibited by the presence of live B16 melanoma t
248 xpression leads to a form of cell death that is not inhibited by the anti-apoptotic gene product Bcl-
249     Unlike the A/M2 protein, the BM2 protein is not inhibited by the antiviral drug amantadine.
250                     HtrA1-induced cell death is not inhibited by the broad caspase inhibitor, zVAD(OM
251 ration of the human T-cell line, Jurkat, and is not inhibited by the broad spectrum caspase inhibitor
252                                         UL97 is not inhibited by the CDK inhibitor p21 and lacks amin
253 tant determinant of cancer cell behavior but is not inhibited by the collagen binding segment of fibr
254                         Destruction of Nek2A is not inhibited by the cyclin B-type D-box, but the C-t
255 ranule cells induced by cytosine arabinoside is not inhibited by the Egr inhibitor construct.
256 lucocorticoid receptor (GR) target genes and is not inhibited by the GR antagonist mifepristone.
257 t resulted in an active chimera protein that is not inhibited by the immunity protein Pim.
258 TOR complex 1 (TORC1), TORC2 kinase activity is not inhibited by the macrolide rapamycin.
259 be recapitulated by 9-cis RA or ATRA, and it is not inhibited by the presence of a retinoid acid rece
260 r to amino-group labeling methods because it is not inhibited by the presence of amines in solution,
261 on, polymerization of disulfide-linked dimer is not inhibited by the presence of the peptide even tho
262                                    The assay is not inhibited by the presence of tick, human, or mous
263 main cleavage ensures that the mature ligand is not inhibited by the prodomain.
264 , STAT1 signaling is most robust in mDCs and is not inhibited by the up-regulated SOCS proteins, indi
265                         TDP in NOS-KO islets was not inhibited by the addition of NO, and NOS-KO isle
266 ly unaffected by protein S, PE, or oxidation was not inhibited by the antibodies.
267 be robust, showing that cell internalization was not inhibited by the attached C(60) units.
268 ns(1,4)P2, a metabolite of Ins(1,4,5)P3, but was not inhibited by the classical Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor
269 ting bacteria suggested that normal function was not inhibited by the close physical proximity of rep
270                     In contrast, mumps virus was not inhibited by the expression of flavivirus NS5 pr
271        Transfer was remarkably efficient and was not inhibited by the fusion blocker T-20, but was su
272 ddition, the antibacterial activity of LL-37 was not inhibited by the hCLD intermolecularly, because
273                      The activity of rAceMIF was not inhibited by the ligand ISO-1, which was previou
274               TRPA1 activation by 9-OA-NO(2) was not inhibited by the NO scavenger carboxy-PTIO.
275                    This immediate cell death was not inhibited by the pancaspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK,
276 ot depend on signal transduction, because it was not inhibited by the phospholipase C inhibitor.
277            Conversely, BAD dephosphorylation was not inhibited by the PP1-selective inhibitor tautomy
278                 TGZ-induced NAG-1 expression was not inhibited by the PPARgamma antagonist.
279         Deetiolation-induced SUS degradation was not inhibited by the proteasome inhibitor MG132.
280 thione S-transferase-fused caveolin-1, which was not inhibited by the scaffolding domain peptide.
281 2 was catalytically active, and its activity was not inhibited by the scaffolding domain peptide.
282 able in wild-type and Dectin-1(-/-) mice and was not inhibited by the soluble beta-glucan antagonist
283              In SCG neurons, mGluR2/4 dimers were not inhibited by the mGluR2-selective NAM (Z)-1-[2-
284  and 10 nM concentrations, and this response was not inhibited by TP antagonist or reproduced by agon
285 ls lacking PDK1, protein kinase A activation was not inhibited by TPCK showing TPCK specificity for m
286                                 Colonization was not inhibited by traditional biogeographical boundar
287 that other important gram-positive pathogens are not inhibited by transferrin suggests they have evol
288 The growth of these transplanted tumor cells was not inhibited by treatment of mice with doses of HhA
289                    Pacing with 1-2 ms pulses was not inhibited by TTX or atropine.
290 uced Foxp3 expression by CD4(+)CD25(+) cells was not inhibited by tumor exosomes, and the suppressive
291 on IL-6 stimulation and Jak1 phosphorylation was not inhibited by U0126.
292                        Arabidopsis AtUGlcAE1 is not inhibited by UDP-Glc, UDP-Gal, or UMP.
293 , in vitro activity of purified MIP synthase was not inhibited by valproate at this concentration, su
294                  The nuclear NTPase activity was not inhibited by vanadate, oligomycin, or nitrate, b
295     dTTPase activity of the altered proteins is not inhibited by Vi, suggesting the loss of an intera
296                 The insulin effect on I(NCX) was not inhibited by wortmannin, a nitric-oxide synthase
297 starvation, as the generation of LC3 punctae was not inhibited by wortmannin, implying that FMDV-indu
298 ted with the activation of caspases-1-10 and was not inhibited by z-VAD-fmk, a broad-spectrum caspase
299 dicted, the DmPBGS mutant H10F is active but is not inhibited by zinc.
300                          However, NMDA-EPSCs were not inhibited by Zn(2+) (200 nM) or potentiated by

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