


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 opathy episodes whereas Motor Neuron pattern was observed in 1 of 14 MRIs.
2                               No differences were observed in [(11)C]NPA DeltaBPND (repeated-measures
3 ic hard tissue diagnoses of DJD, progression was observed in 122 (15%) joints, no change in 564 (71%)
4  bulb' formations and/or thin myelin sheaths were observed in 14 (67%) of them.
5 ological problems, CSF discordance or escape was observed in 15%, with treatment-experienced patients
6                  No significant aging effect was observed in [(18) F]Nifene binding over 5 decades.
7                          Depressive symptoms were observed in 19.1% before treatment, 62% during (p =
8             Acute conversion to sinus rhythm was observed in 2 patients after ablation of rotor domai
9                    Fever (>/=38.0 degrees C) was observed in 20.2% of combined lots (3.2% with >/=39.
10 FDG PET/CT imaging was lobar hypometabolism, being observed in 21 of 23 (91.3%) patients.
11                  Subclinical acute rejection was observed in 22 (29.3%) patients (17 T cell-mediated
12           Complete metabolic responses (CMR) were observed in 24 (75%) patients after 6 cycles of BR.
13                 Deaths due to adverse events were observed in 27 (12%) patients in the pacritinib gro
14 ofovir; 23 = cidofovir) of antiviral therapy were observed in 27 patients.
15 owever, such e-h pair multiplication has not been observed in 2D TMD devices.
16  age, 63 years; 65% male), 377 stroke events were observed in 319 participants over a median follow-u
17 letter gains in best-corrected visual acuity were observed in 34.5% (10/29) and 24.1% (7/29) of eyes
18 n and YFP, whereas single serotonin labeling was observed in 36% and exclusive YFP labeling in 9%.
19                      Serum IgA seroresponses were observed in 38 (81%, 95% CI 67-91) of 47 infants in
20 ere interstitial fibrosis (ci>/=2) at 1 year was observed in 4.2% of patients with prior (6 weeks) no
21                          Objective responses were observed in 4 out of 9 RT patients (44%) and in 0 o
22                                          pCR was observed in 41.0% of patients treated with T-DM1, 41
23                  Progressive clinical course was observed in 45%, carotidodynia in 10%, and retinopat
24  expression and membrane targeting of PP2A-C was observed in 5% O2, resulting in greater interaction
25                       Tachycardia recurrence was observed in 54% of the patients after a total follow
26 hereas a switch of the major HCMV population was observed in 6 individuals with sequential blood samp
27 in 15 tumors (43%); newly present corectopia was observed in 6 patients (12%).
28 ion were not observed, premature stop codons were observed in 7% and 56% of tax sequences from periph
29                                    Endoleaks were observed in 80 (50%) of 159 patients (59 [74%] at i
30 ction was 24% and multidrug resistance (MDR) was observed in 87% of the isolated bacteria.
31  radiologic response or tumor marker decline was observed in 9 of 11 evaluable patients.
32                     Good neurologic function was observed in 92%.
33                                          SSA was observed in 93% of 42 time periods analyzed.
34 idence), suggesting that both polymorphs may be observed in a single sample at certain experimental c
35 oordinate silicon species have thus far only been observed in a few high pressure silicate phases.
36 evated Hedgehog (Hh) pathway activation that is observed in a cohort of melanoma patients after vemur
37            Therefore, "antiparallel" looping is observed in a single-molecule time trajectory as disc
38                                Monoclonality was observed in a few infiltrates in the presence of lym
39                    A logarithmic correlation was observed in a wide range of malathion concentrations
40 py number differences nor the rearrangements were observed in a clinical sample with a high copy numb
41 ssium channel ROMK and kinases SGK1 and WNK1 were observed in a human collecting duct cell line, whil
42                  Rapid and durable responses were observed in a minority of patients.
43 ot restricted to the eye, as similar results were observed in a model of acute sterile peritonitis.
44 hest dose level, objective partial responses were observed in a patient with esophageal cancer (durat
45 tatic' effects of ectopic miR-383 expression were observed in a PCa experimental metastasis model.
46                             Similar findings were observed in a subgroup of high immune risk patients
47 ficacy of combined gedatolisib and dasatinib was observed in ABL/PDGFR-mutant models (P < .001).
48  date, lower Glu and elevated Gln/Glu levels were observed in adults with SZ and in older subjects.
49                         Persistent infection was observed in all cases.
50 ession-like behavior in the forced swim test was observed in all mice, regardless of when the stress
51 intensity aortic valve (18)F-fluoride uptake was observed in all patients.
52                     Two DEGs (ACP5 and PIGS) were observed in all comparisons.
53                          Diatom bloom events were observed in all enclosures, with enhanced organic c
54 gand charge-transfer (ML-LCT) excited states were observed in all four complexes.
55                Strikingly, similar responses were observed in allergic patients and beekeepers after
56 on rate, and a dramatic decline in fertility is observed in alpha-SNAP-mutant females.
57 d preclude dominance of later arrivals, have been observed in alpine and forest communities.
58 hown by in situ hybridization, and generally was observed in animals with episodes of cerebrospinal f
59                 No significant safety issues were observed in any treatment group.
60                                   No changes were observed in apolipoprotein A-I content and profile.
61 cular pattern) have improved salt tolerance, was observed in Arabidopsis, but is not well understood.
62         Although a slight increase in number was observed in ASD patients and family members compared
63 and population-attributable risk percentages were observed in Asians than in Europeans.
64 ated microbes modulating plant defenses have been observed in beetles and piercing-sucking insects, b
65                Interestingly, the same trend was observed in biodegradation experiments.
66   Smoking-associated DNA hypomethylation has been observed in blood cells and linked to lung cancer r
67 arbon-receptor repressor (AHRR) locus, which is observed in blood and squamous epithelial cells of sm
68              DC deficiency and monocytopenia were observed in blood, dermis, and lung lavage fluid.
69              Elevated c-Myc expression could be observed in both aged and wounded mutant tissues.
70 n frequencies and host fecundity levels have been observed in both populations.
71  sensory experience, reduced layer thickness is observed in both primary and higher-order auditory fi
72 hile spatially selective persistent activity was observed in both areas, robust selective persistent
73                                    Apoptosis was observed in both infected and uninfected bystander c
74                    pH-dependent distribution was observed in both octanol-water and soil-water system
75 ) together with a low PHBV cell accumulation were observed in both bioreactors in excess of nitrogen.
76                 Higher odds of daily smoking were observed in both cohorts for those adolescents whos
77            Higher densities of H. influenzae were observed in both microbiologically confirmed cases
78                 Similar rod-driven responses were observed in both ventral and dorsal DACs.
79 latively constrained gene expression pattern is observed in brain compared with other tissues among p
80 nt correlation with the monocyte marker CD14 was observed in CAEBV and that implies an important role
81                   Anti-inflammatory activity was observed in casein hydrolysate (CH) and pea protein
82  of H19 lncRNA due to promoter demethylation was observed in cells isolated from metastases and was a
83             Greater chlorine isotope effects were observed in CHCl3 (epsilonC = -7.7 per thousand, ep
84 utations in genes that escape X-inactivation were observed in combined analysis across many cancers a
85                       A trend-level increase was observed in comparing baseline [(11)C]NPA BPND (repe
86 on electron microscopy, vesicular structures are observed in connection with the cylindrical inclusio
87 constriction (sympatholysis) similar to what is observed in contracting skeletal muscle of humans, an
88 eural tissue deposition or MR imaging signal was observed in control rats (n = 6).
89                              CYP126A1 dimers were observed in crystal structures of ligand-free CYP12
90                                H2 production was observed in dark anoxic cultures of diatoms (Fragila
91                                    Decreases were observed in di- and triacylglycerides, sphingomyeli
92  nondiabetic controls, whereas no difference was observed in diabetic and nondiabetic REDD1-deficient
93 inct structures that differ in toxicity have been observed in different pathological phenotypes.
94                                    They have been observed in diverse vertebrate groups, yet their ro
95    However, high S versus NS differentiation was observed in DNA polymorphism of two genes putatively
96 ation, is not mimicked by Drp1 deletion, and is observed in Drp1-deficient fibroblasts.
97 IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) and NF-kappaB was observed in EBOV-infected, but not in RESTV-infected
98 mpact of brumation, the winter dormancy that is observed in ectotherms, on memory remains unknown.
99 on, cytoplasmic vacuolization, and cytolysis were observed in eosinophils under in vivo inflammatory
100 over, a novel honeycomb superlattice pattern is observed in experiment, where the side discharges ass
101 I spectrin in the insoluble protein fraction were observed in fibroblasts derived from patients with
102 posure, a modulation of the signal amplitude is observed in fluorophores but not in endogenous chromo
103                     Guaiacol glycoconjugates were observed in fruit and leaves in particular, demonst
104                     None of these phenotypes were observed in GLP-1RKD(DeltaSim1cre) and GLP-1RKD(Del
105  activities of proteins separated by RP-HPLC were observed in glutein-2 and albumin, respectively, fo
106 e-expression and demethylation of these CpGs was observed in HBV replicating cells.
107                     None of these signatures were observed in healthy carriers nor at the species-lev
108 restingly, a milder decrease in neurogenesis was observed in heterozygotes, indicating SOX2 levels ar
109  stress such as urinary methionine sulfoxide were observed in Hhip (+/-) but not in Hhip (+/+) mice.
110 d an increased bleeding rate at presentation was observed in HHT (p = 0.069) and an increased rate of
111     Conversely, comparable neuronal activity is observed in hippocampus region CA3 and the dentate gy
112 nal analyses, higher HEI and lower EC scores were observed in Hispanic compared with white participan
113 ression of IL-32beta and IL-32gamma isoforms was observed in HIV-related KS biopsy specimens compared
114 ntigens, and covalently closed circular DNA, was observed in HUHEP and HIS-HUHEP mice.
115         Reduced expression of DDB2 and RNF43 was observed in human hyperplastic colonic foci.
116                              Similar effects were observed in human brain microvascular endothelial c
117  sequelae from coxsackievirus infections has been observed in humans.
118 A expression profiles, and a similar finding was observed in humans.
119 ith properties consistent with Kir2 channels was observed in ICC but not in smooth muscle cells (SMC)
120                                No difference was observed in ICU and 6-month mortality.
121 tion of genes regulating immune surveillance was observed in Igfbp7(-/-) murine livers, which was ass
122    No differences in OS or second neoplasias were observed in in both trials.
123  in verbal memory and confrontational naming was observed in individual patients.
124                Severe adverse reactions have been observed in individuals with Loa loa infection trea
125 ed in the Stokes regime, while no cavitation was observed in isotropic liquids flowing under similar
126                Similar defective hair growth was observed in kinase-inactive GK5 mutant mice.
127 y and a general decrease in Nrf2-target mRNA were observed in KO hearts.
128                             Similar efficacy was observed in Kv3.2 knockout mice.
129                     Additive gene expression was observed in leaves (3605 genes) and tubers (6156 gen
130             While greater T-cell infiltrates were observed in lesional vs nonlesional AD, TCR reperto
131  increased expression of ATF4 and HO-1 mRNAs were observed in lesions derived from patients infected
132  case of diversifying selection of the virus was observed in less susceptible host genotypes.
133                      Significant differences were observed in life span between genders, where female
134                             Oxidative damage was observed in livers from Ppargc1a(f/+)Alb-cre(+/0) mi
135 f the ultrastrong-coupling phenomenology can be observed in loss-dominated systems which are not even
136 A(fl/fl) mice, and increased phosphorylation was observed in MAPK pathways (p38, ERK, JNK) and the NF
137     Indeed, a reduced HLA class-I expression was observed in MCC tumor tissues and MCC cell lines.
138 d JUN and FOS transcription factor families, were observed in MED25-occupied regions and JUN/FOS also
139                                    Mutations were observed in mexA or mexB in isolates for which temo
140                     The highest tumor uptake was observed in mice administered with (111)In-D2B-DAR2-
141 ikewise, a marked reduction in uterine ILC2s was observed in mice deficient in estrogen receptor alph
142 ge or an increased expression of these genes was observed in mice from the Bion-M1 mission.
143                             Similar findings were observed in mice with DMH-specific deficiency of me
144                          A sizable reduction was observed in microbial community diversity during a l
145 ion, distorted branches and up-curled leaves were observed in miR156-impervious 35S::SPL13m over-expr
146 ccumulation of S-OPA1 due to L-OPA1 cleavage is observed in mitochondrial fragmentation and dysfuncti
147 aximum soluble phosphorus removals of 70-80% were observed in mixed batch, and there was no significa
148           We show that intracellular signals are observed in motile and stabilized "ectopic" contacts
149                       This metabolic program is observed in mouse and human Th17 cells, including tho
150            A similar beta-cleavage of PrP(C) is observed in mouse retinal lysates.
151                              Similar results were observed in MSLN-deficient mice (Msln-/- mice) or m
152 B accumulation and efficiency of sporulation was observed in multiple studies.
153 d rat sciatic nerves, ERK1/2 phosphorylation was observed in myelinated and nonmyelinating SCs.
154 very and lower peroxide and anisidine values were observed in nanoliposomal omega3 PUFAs enriched sam
155       Fluorescence intermittency or blinking is observed in nearly all nanoscale fluorophores.
156 g effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have been observed in nematodes, rodents and humans for over
157 voked and spontaneous neurotransmission have been observed in nervous system circuits as long as meth
158  a decreased ATP production, similar to what was observed in non-monoubiquitinated FANCD2-carrying ce
159  in responders at 6 months, while a decrease was observed in nonresponders (+0.2+/-0.4 L and -0.1+/-0
160                                 OSM staining was observed in NPs, showed colocalization with neutroph
161         Cystic structures, but no teratomas, were observed in NT-ES-beta-cell grafts.
162     No statistically significant differences were observed in ODS between treatment groups at days 84
163       Transcriptional hallmarks of human STS were observed in Oncopig STS, including altered TP53 sig
164 nstrate that, while transgenerational memory is observed in one of six traits examined, they are not
165 ats, substantially reduced induced responses were observed in overall power as well as duration in bo
166           A lowered blood glucose level also was observed in overnight-fasted, streptozotocin-treated
167         The 'CH4 oversaturation paradox' has been observed in oxygen-rich marine and lake waters, and
168 Moreover, total ablation of cardiac fibrosis was observed in PAI-1(-/-) mice that express inactive pl
169  [range, 18-69] years), clinical improvement was observed in parallel with complete withdrawal or red
170 d RNA recognition motif (RRM2) of TDP-43 has been observed in patient tissues and may play a role in
171 , reduced expression of the GLI target PTCH1 was observed in patient fibroblasts after chemical induc
172  in the serum levels of these noncoding RNAs are observed in patients with asymptomatic high-grade ca
173 y (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor olaparib are observed in patients without BRCA1/2 mutations.
174   Although elevated levels of TF(+) MVs have been observed in patients with different types of cancer
175                             The same pattern was observed in patients and controls either jointly or
176                                 Increased OS was observed in patients who received D + T with baselin
177                             A similar effect was observed in patients with diameter stenosis >/=90% o
178                                  Higher ONSD was observed in patients with moderate and severe TBI, c
179 th ASS1-deficient cancers, clinical activity was observed in patients with poor-prognosis tumors.
180 ade 3 and 4 treatment-related adverse events were observed in patients on nivolumab (14% v 34%).
181 tion, functional status, and quality of life were observed in patients treated with UC-MSCs.
182  oscillations, significantly better outcomes were observed in patients with a higher percentage of re
183 spectively (P < 0.0001); similar differences were observed in patients with and without diabetes.
184 pulation, but whether similar benefits would be observed in persons with NAFLD remains largely unstud
185                            Potent repression was observed in primary human blood mononuclear cells an
186                           Elevated C9 levels were observed in Pro167Ser carriers (10.7 microg/mL vs 6
187                         In situ interactions were observed in proteins throughout the electron transp
188        Importantly, NMDAR-mediated signaling was observed in rat insulinoma 832/13 cells and in human
189              Formation of the product isomer is observed in real time by FSRS.
190 ruvate and lactate formed from (13)C-glucose was observed in real time.
191                                The reactions were observed in real time by confocal fluorescence micr
192 , and extensive deposition of wall ingrowths was observed in rejuvenated leaves following prolonged d
193 increased macrophage infiltration of the DRG was observed in response to the HFD, absent any pain mod
194 st 4-MEI concentrations (up to 466microg/kg) were observed in roasted barley, roasted malt and cocoa
195 ease in the abundance of [M + Na](+) adducts was observed in samples from spinal cord with demyelinat
196 tex (PFC), and decreased MD-PFC connectivity is observed in schizophrenia patients.
197                 Increased 12-month attrition was observed in semiurban facilities and those with more
198                        No significant change was observed in serum prolactin levels following Opra Ka
199                    Durable tumor regressions were observed in seven (70%) of 10 patients with pazopan
200                      MSI1 overexpression has been observed in several tumor tissues, including gliobl
201  site of nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR) that is observed in single turnover of fully reduced N2OR wit
202                   No significant differences were observed in sleep timing/aMT6s rhythms between PER3
203 negative soil feedback on plant productivity was observed in soil conditioned by siblings and genetic
204 her forms of assemblies such as clusters can be observed in some species and genetic mutants.
205 bstantial reductions in adult mortality have been observed in South Africa since the mid-2000s, but t
206                          Reduced Lpp protein was observed in spin mutant tissues.
207    No recent whole genome duplication events are observed in spinach.
208                                        LSIRS were observed in spleen (n = 14), liver (n = 3), and nod
209 d RAS activity and downstream MAPK signaling was observed in stomachs only when E-cadherin was absent
210                   No significant differences were observed in stool frequency or form or in short-cha
211                               No differences were observed in strains of L.V. panamensis by LRV-1 sta
212 adigm for microbial interactions that cannot be observed in studies of pure cultures, underscoring th
213 ng that higher postchallenge glucagon levels are observed in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance
214         The most pronounced ILC2 recruitment was observed in subjects with elevated serum IgE and air
215  reduction in adipose adiponectin production was observed in susceptible mice.
216 d hydrolysis, up to 4 g L(-1) h(-1) of urea, was observed in synthetic human urine when the bacteria
217 ologic and electrophysiological consequences were observed in Tat-exposed D1 MSNs.
218                       No significant changes were observed in tau phosphorylation and neuroinflammati
219 stalk and hypothesized that, similar to what is observed in telencephalic development, Foxg1 directs
220 so identified in the samples and differences were observed in terms of hydrolysis and oxidation.
221                   Although large differences were observed in terms of leaf metabolic fluxes, these v
222                  The predominant differences were observed in terpenoids group, since some of them we
223 KG, succinate, fumarate, malate, and citrate were observed in TGF-beta1-differentiated myofibroblasts
224                                These effects are observed in the absence of significant sedative side
225                DNA damage and DDR activation are observed in the failing heart, however, the type of
226 ephalic structures, where the highest levels are observed in the habenular area.
227 artial immobilization of the organic cation, are observed in the mixed MAPb(ClxBr1-x)3 and MAPb(BrxI1
228                      A noticeable growth has been observed in the asymmetric synthesis of THPs using
229 oximate numerical value, or numerosity, have been observed in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) in monke
230                             Differences have been observed in the microbiota of children with and wit
231 ramatic increase in the incidence of IBD has been observed in the past 2 decades, mainly in developed
232  gap junction protein connexin 43, which has been observed in the progression of renal disease, contr
233   More severe clinical attachment loss (CAL) was observed in the 3D RSA measurement than in the 2D RL
234 lectively under conditions where no reaction was observed in the absence of the cage.
235 er H2 activation nor C-H hydride abstraction was observed in the analogous complex with a pincer-type
236 efficacy of 63% (P = .03) and 88% (P = .002) was observed in the antiadhesin bIgG and positive contro
237 l subjects, while no significant correlation was observed in the AS patient group.
238 ng chemical ionization mass spectrometry, I2 was observed in the atmosphere at mole ratios of 0.3-1.0
239                       An effect of treatment was observed in the cortex (P = 0.0014), hippocampus (P
240 ose-dependent T1-weighted signal enhancement was observed in the DN after multiple macrocyclic GBCA i
241 (p = 0.002) decline in EMG --> SBP causality was observed in the elderly group, compared to the young
242 c parameters throughout the follow-up period was observed in the eyes that did not undergo surgery in
243                        An unintended outcome was observed in the FFV arm: a negative intervention eff
244 ecium strains; however, increased resistance was observed in the fifth one under 0.25 and 0.5 microg/
245        A reduction in the use of antiemetics was observed in the first 24 hours after surgery (13 vs
246 lularized host cell-derived pulp-like tissue was observed in the G2 acellular GelMA and G3 empty RS g
247 cts, elevation of both IMCL and EMCL content was observed in the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior
248                          The lowest mean BMI was observed in the group of participants with a low AMY
249 tem, previously identified as carbonic acid, was observed in the high-pressure diamond-anvil cell.
250            At mid-anagen, NF-kappaB activity was observed in the inner root sheath and unilaterally c
251              A reduced 14-day mortality rate was observed in the molecular adsorbent recirculating sy
252                         While a language-CPS was observed in the neuro-typical group, for ASD partici
253 tion between maternal prenatal stress and TL was observed in the offspring but not in mothers may be
254 ta-cell expression of the CCR2-ligand (CCL2) was observed in the pancreata of cadaveric donors, sugge
255     Only negligible hydrolytic decomposition was observed in the pH range from 1 to 12.
256 natural enemies, no alteration in protection was observed in the presence of co-infections.
257         Enhancement of NPF and SOA formation was observed in the presence of DMA.
258 ion in (18)F-FHNP tumor uptake and Ki values was observed in the presence of estradiol or genistein.
259 ntally, slight decrease in SO3 concentration was observed in the presence of NO and it can be explain
260  CS-E, but we observed residual CS-E binding was observed in the presence of VACV-304.
261 utant strain compared to the parental strain was observed in the small intestine and the liver.
262 rease in only IMCL content (+48%, p < 0.001) was observed in the soleus muscle (predominantly type I
263               Abnormal vascular architecture was observed in the submucosa of the jejunum of human pa
264 e in the heterogeneity of packing velocities was observed in the systems with magnesium and spermidin
265            A wide functional group tolerance was observed in the tandem reaction, which proceeds in h
266 cally comparable reduction in HOMA (P >0.05) was observed in the test group compared with the control
267   On lesional biopsy, a lichenoid infiltrate was observed in the underlying dermis, predominantly com
268 n of the OsK5.2 gene (GUS reporter strategy) was observed in the whole stomatal complex (guard cells
269 termolecular aliphatic C-F...H-C interaction was observed in the X-ray crystal structure of a fluorin
270 us adverse events were rare (6 patients) and were observed in the benznidazole-treated patients.
271                 The highest levels of L-2-HG were observed in the brain and testis, with a correspond
272               However, no dopamine increases were observed in the caudate (p = 0.1) or putamen (p = 0
273 Also, increased proportions of empty capsids were observed in the cytoplasm, suggesting a role for UL
274 omplexes, respectively) and Zn-thiol species were observed in the roots, rhizomes and stems.
275                        Two predominant peaks were observed in the RP-HPLC profiles of all protein fra
276 ficant increases in telomere length and TERT were observed in the silica group at 4 and 32 wk.
277                         Two ensembles of CO2 were observed in the SILM, one in the IL phase in the me
278 um yields in solution, higher quantum yields were observed in the solid state.
279 urvival and changes in LVEF in FM versus NFM were observed in the subgroup (n=130) with viral myocard
280 Although unique sequences in plasma or liver were observed, in the majority of cases the most dominan
281 onstrate that axonal transport deficits that are observed in these cells can be rescued by HDAC6 inhi
282               Nearly complete strut coverage was observed in this complex population very early after
283  advantage for overweight and obese patients was observed in this large cohort of critically ill pati
284 er than 60 years of age, increased mortality was observed in those with lower and medium education (1
285 lution pH and therefore, efficient P removal was observed in three studied bulk solutions with pH of
286 nsients although no spontaneous contractions were observed in transdifferentiated cells.
287          30-50% alpha-glucosidase inhibition was observed in ultrasound, Flavourzyme and Cellulase ex
288                                           It is observed in up to 60% of patients with end-stage live
289 n ablation, an aortic valve closure artifact is observed in up to one third of cases during mapping w
290     The sequential activation of neurons has been observed in various areas of the brain, but in no c
291                                Perturbations are observed in vesicular trafficking, lipid metabolism
292 ble hNIS-mediated uptake in HCT116-C19 cells was observed in vitro, and PET/CT imaging of normal mice
293 fects of combined bortezomib and doxorubicin were observed in vitro against both multiple myeloma and
294  such as LPS, thrombin, and TNFalpha, as has been observed in vivo.
295                              No signs of ADE were observed in vivo in patients with acute ZIKV infect
296             A significantly superior mean CI was observed in VMAT than in TOMO or IMRT (P = 0.013, 0.
297                             Similar findings were observed in white matter lesions relative to normal
298 exanoate (PFHxA), the highest concentrations were observed in whole blood.
299 tween developing oral structures, while none were observed in wild types ( n = 10).
300 n some AFPs and histone deacetylase subunits were observed in yeast two-hybrid and bimolecular fluore

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