


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hat was retained on microporous filters that were obstructed by AH.
2              In our experiments, root growth is obstructed by an inclined plane in the growth medium.
3 ore than 30% of both bronchi and bronchioles were obstructed by cast formation after smoke inhalation
4 age over infrared measurements of SST, which are obstructed by clouds.
5 ed and innervated, and the intervening lumen is obstructed by crowded and redundant mucosa.
6 eckpoint is activated when replication forks are obstructed by DNA lesions or protein complexes bound
7 oid fibrils were isolated from a ureter that was obstructed by extensive infiltration of the wall wit
8  heritable variation in gene expression, can be obstructed by factors that produce variation in expre
9 wn that the active site of the human protein is obstructed by Gln-117 and imply that the C-terminal r
10 llular organisms, single-fluorophore imaging is obstructed by high background.
11     Lateral diffusion in the plasma membrane is obstructed by proteins bound to the cytoskeleton.
12 (2)) as obstructed, 54.2% were determined to be obstructed by RIP.
13 stor as obstructed, 55.4% were determined to be obstructed by RIP.
14 rthermore, thyroid cancer cell proliferation was obstructed by RNA interference-mediated knockdown of
15 esis is dependent on a MEK/ERK pathway which is obstructed by signals generated through the action of
16 halus, cerebrospinal fluid flow and drainage is obstructed by subarachnoid fibrosis in which the pote
17 mental verification of these predictions can be obstructed by the challenge in thin film growth.
18 to discrete taxonomic units is considered to be obstructed by the potential for lateral gene transfer
19       Whereas in RNase ZF-1a the active site is obstructed by the C-terminal segment (as observed in
20 me dependent, indicating that lipid movement is obstructed by the formation of gel-phase domains.
21  how lipids and proteins in biomembranes may be obstructed by very small obstacles comprising only on

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