


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ffect of a 10 mg/kg dose of cocaine, but (3) are overridden by a 20 mg/kg dose of the drug.
2 arger acid loads, the increased permeability is overridden by a more familiar H(+)-dependent inhibiti
3 checkpoint-mediated cell cycle delay and can be overridden by addition of caffeine.
4 utant assignment at position 1 can sometimes be overridden by an innate preference for the parental a
5                   The northernmost Peninsula was overridden by an ice sheet in the early Pliocene (ap
6 ous, whereas in some cell pairs, this change was overridden by an increase in the probability of neur
7  the outer segment and that this information is overridden by association with R9AP, which allows out
8          The peripheral mechanism appears to be overridden by central control because, in contrast to
9 n a more protracted G2 arrest that could not be overridden by checkpoint-abrogating drugs.
10                             First, equipoise was overridden by clinicians offering treatment recommen
11 bitor-induced delays in barrier recovery can be overridden by co-applications of topical ceramide, de
12                However, this requirement can be overridden by co-misexpression of the BMP agonist Cv-
13  This negative effect of SIR4 overexpression was overridden by co-overexpression of SIR2, suggesting
14 y, we have shown that this growth arrest can be overridden by cytokine growth factors, such as erythr
15 le in G1 phase, through an activity that can be overridden by direct interaction with the D-type cycl
16       Retardation of G1 --> S transition can be overridden by directly adding H2O2 to the cells in a
17 ependent gene transcription, and its effects were overridden by dominant negative SIRT1 (SIRT1-H355A)
18 s, whereas HSP90 inhibitor-induced apoptosis is overridden by ectopic MIF expression.
19 dian rhythms "entrained" to the LD cycle can be overridden by entrainment to daily recurring threats.
20 des an immediate default axis that can later be overridden by environmental cues.
21 xpression of allelic variation at these loci was overridden by environmental factors specific to the
22 protective effects of TGFbeta1 gene transfer were overridden by exogenous interleukin-12 administrati
23 ell proliferation and tumorigenesis that can be overridden by FOXO3a.
24     The expression response of Hsp70s to L/D is overridden by heat shock.
25 rpretation, the heterogenous thermal signals are overridden by homogenous tactile signals.
26 Il-12 by mechanisms which could nevertheless be overridden by IFN-gamma.
27 regulated: cell-shape derived stresses could be overridden by imposed tissue level stresses, showing
28                      We show that this delay is overridden by inhibiting the p38, but not the ATM, ki
29 re in the absence of eNOS, but these effects are overridden by interactions between eNOS and sex horm
30 gnals inducing virulence gene expression can be overridden by nutrient availability, a condition moni
31 t feedforward connectivity from LA to BL can be overridden by other BL inputs.
32  anti-proliferative effects of ERbeta1 could be overridden by overexpression of FOXM1, indicating tha
33 singly alternating miR-214 or miR-148b could be overridden by overexpression of ITGA5 or ALCAM in the
34 pressing plasma cells, BSAP repression could be overridden by positive-acting factors binding to down
35 hat is enhanced by male gender, and that may be overridden by pregnancy.
36 hoot growth over tuber growth but this trend was overridden by providing a high irradiance level.
37 eractions of pattern generating circuits can be overridden by sensory feedback.
38 lic C [bond] H activation, which can however be overridden by steric effects.
39               These inhibitory effects could be overridden by tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate treatment
40  By contrast, when endogenous Pcdh diversity is overridden by the expression of a single-tricluster g
41 lso stimulates cell spreading and its effect is overridden by the imatinib-resistant AblT315I.
42 pecificity of the nucleotide switch in Cdc42 is overridden by the light-dependent PhyB-Pif3 interacti
43 ced growth arrest of hematopoietic cells can be overridden by treatment with cytokine growth factors,

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