


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                     Sarcocystis nesbitti DNA was recovered from 1 muscle biopsy.
2                         Only a single colony was recovered from 1 of 60 C57BL/6 mice following intran
3  be encapsulated in (and can sensible values be recovered from) 1 additional internal variable in a r
4   During phase 2, the outbreak strain genome was recovered from 10 samples at greater than 10-fold co
5                                Twenty globes were recovered from 10 dogs with no known diseases.
6                      Sixty-two microplastics were recovered from 10 of 11 stations using box cores.
7                      In comparison, M. avium was recovered from 141 water/biofilm samples.
8 otal of 93 MSSA isolates and 2 MRSA isolates were recovered from 150 BTM samples.
9                                          NTM were recovered from 17 of 224 sputum samples using RGM m
10 le-tissue sections of 31 high-grade AIN that were recovered from 21 HIV-positive men who have sex wit
11 and five other selective agars, C. difficile was recovered from 218 samples using a combination of al
12 s and methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) was recovered from 24.
13 otal of 249 Gram-positive bacterial isolates were recovered from 242 blood cultures.
14 ty-four partial sequences of S-RNase alleles were recovered from 25 individuals.
15 om 49 HSV-2 seropositive women, by PCR HSV-2 was recovered from 28 (57%) specimens and T. pallidum fr
16           Five replication-competent mutants were recovered from 293 cells, but four of these mutants
17 A total of 120 isolates of S. pseudoporcinus were recovered from 36 unique individuals with 5.4% of 6
18  hundred thirty-six isolates of C. difficile were recovered from 368 untreated stool samples, and all
19 reus: methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) was recovered from 39 wounds and methicillin-sensitive S
20            Twenty-three C. glabrata isolates were recovered from 4 patients who developed candidemia
21                                     Vitreous was recovered from 47 individuals undergoing vitreoretin
22 = 2), and the nasopharynx (n = 18); isolates were recovered from 49 children and 11 adults.
23           Clinically significant pathogen(s) were recovered from 51 cultures using conventional media
24       TR46/Y121F/T289A Aspergillus fumigatus was recovered from 6 of 10 sampled environmental sites.
25 t of 153 cases of microbial keratitis, fungi were recovered from 69 patients giving fungal keratitis
26                                     Bacteria were recovered from 85 (53.8%) explanted sites; 39 sites
27 t, (iii) epithelial cell-tropic DB particles are recovered from a single round of coinfection by AD16
28 on, sufficient quantities of the cells could be recovered from a 50 muL whole blood input to allow fo
29 egavis iaai specimen is the most complete to be recovered from a part of the radiation of living bird
30 cle basis, crystal size-dependent trends can be recovered from a single powdered sample.
31 ficiencies with low energy needs if nitrogen is recovered from a concentrated waste source such as so
32  which the correct 250-to-1 population ratio is recovered from a heavily biased ensemble.
33  identity with those of H7N8 turkey isolates was recovered from a diving duck sampled in Kentucky, US
34 4, a bottle containing a sample of plutonium was recovered from a Hanford waste trench.
35 ified as tier 1B strains, whereas SHIVC109P4 was recovered from a passage-4 normal-progressor macaque
36 train of dengue-2 virus (strain 44/2), which was recovered from a patient in the state of Espirito Sa
37       Clinically, one C. bracarensis isolate was recovered from a presumed infection, a polymicrobial
38 ied; however, NDM-producing Escherichia coli was recovered from a reprocessed duodenoscope and shared
39  human cranium from Tam Pa Ling, Laos, which was recovered from a secure stratigraphic context.
40             Six poliovirus-neutralizing Fabs were recovered from a combinatorial Fab phage display li
41 t the bases of standing cladoxylopsid trees, were recovered from a horizon that was originally interp
42  sequencing, nearly 12 million AAV junctions were recovered from a human cell line, providing five or
43  to both D. groenlandicus and D. richardsoni were recovered from a Late Pleistocene site in south-wes
44                   SHIVC109P3 and SHIVC109P3N were recovered from a passage-3 rapid-progressor animal
45 mediate mutant derivative JH2, both of which were recovered from a patient undergoing vancomycin chem
46 h gamma-thio-ATP (ATPgammaS), active species were recovered from a polyacrylamide gel containing [(N-
47                               Both specimens were recovered from a precisely dated 25.2-Myr-old strat
48                                         Core was recovered from across the actively deforming San And
49 blue (MB) or a model vaccine ovalbumin (OVA) was recovered from AFL-treated skin than tape-stripped s
50  fewer memory or effector CD4(+) cells could be recovered from airways of alpha(1)(-/-) mice, althoug
51                             High H1N1 titers were recovered from airways at day 1, with viral RNA rem
52                  Replication-competent virus was recovered from all LT youth but only 1 ET youth.
53 inical signs varied, although live parasites were recovered from all dog spleens.
54               Complete capsid gene sequences were recovered from all nine AAV-positive tissues.
55                                       ESBLEC was recovered from almost all the environmental samples
56 ween the 2 strains and that viable virus can be recovered from an aerosol 180 minutes after it is gen
57              Eight sequential HSV-1 isolates were recovered from an HSCT patient who suffered from re
58          Stable maize (Zea mays) chromosomes were recovered from an unstable dicentric containing lar
59                           Fewer than 30 CFUs were recovered from any eye treated with ciprofloxacin.
60 micin and (C26)-xantholipin type metabolites were recovered from archived soil eDNA libraries.
61 ately 1550 specimens of hominin remains have been recovered from at least 15 individuals, representin
62                                     ABV2 RNA was recovered from available tissues.
63                                         Pho4 was recovered from Bathycoccus by sequencing a targeted
64  bacteria than bacteria of the parent strain were recovered from blood and several organs using a mur
65  numbers of mutant CFU than of wild-type CFU were recovered from blood specimens after intravenous in
66 ates and 22/34 (65%) of M. neoaurum isolates were recovered from blood, and 35% of these were known t
67 industrial wastewater show 80-93% of the CO2 was recovered from both CO2 derived from organic oxidati
68 e-negative Staphylococcus epidermidis strain was recovered from both urine and blood cultures.
69                    Cells of the lsrB1 mutant were recovered from both pink and white nodules, suggest
70  substantial levels of GM1-bound Abeta(4)(2) were recovered from brain membrane fractions.
71                                          AMs were recovered from bronchoalveolar lavage from healthy
72 ridium parvum, infected and uninfected cells were recovered from C. parvum-infected cell monolayers.
73 novel genotypes of H1 influenza viruses have been recovered from Canadian pigs, including a wholly hu
74 oxylic acids, and alkylphosphonic acids have been recovered from carbonaceous chondrites.
75                      More SCCmec-IV isolates were recovered from children than SCCmec-II isolates (42
76 solates were collected, of which 748 (36.7%) were recovered from children.
77 growth-promoting rhizobacteria but have also been recovered from clinical samples.
78 ns of GPAC species and 111 isolates that had been recovered from clinical specimens previously and id
79  Interestingly, significantly more gonococci were recovered from coinfected mice compared to mice inf
80 alian cells, a functional lacZ plasmid could be recovered from control but not C-NHEJ factor-depleted
81 strates that human post-natal stem cells can be recovered from cryopreserved human periodontal ligame
82 yet testing positive on the Xpert MRSA assay were recovered from culture for 7.7% of 248 Xpert-positi
83                       Two hundred NFGNB that were recovered from cultures from cystic fibrosis patien
84 nd three hundred seventy-two (93.3%) kidneys were recovered from DBD donors and 888 (6.7%) from DCD d
85 ri, the causative agent of Lyme disease, can be recovered from different organs of infected animals a
86 the amoeba-infecting pathogen Marseillevirus was recovered from donated blood, using high-throughput
87                                  Four organs were recovered from donors after circulatory death and r
88 1999 and 2011, at least 12,351 organs (5.5%) were recovered from donors who received cardiopulmonary
89                  No infectious gE2-del virus was recovered from dorsal root ganglia (DRG) after multi
90  above 10(3) per mL of disinfection solution were recovered from dried films with replicate testing.
91                             Infectious virus was recovered from each library and was subsequently pas
92                            Lung lavage cells were recovered from each bronchoscopy and corresponding
93 y to generate distinct TD core substructures were recovered from eDNA libraries.
94 llin-treated animals; only NTHi 86-028NP bla was recovered from effusion.
95 A total of 106 independent mutants failed to be recovered from either the lungs or spleens of infecte
96 rate that X-linked male lethal mutations can be recovered from ENU mutagenesis screens and suggest po
97    Most of the F. falciforme strains (12/15) were recovered from equine keratitis infections; however
98 ate estimates of white blood cell images can be recovered from extremely noisy images by comparing wi
99                               Shared strains were recovered from family members but not from unrelate
100 n products (EDP) varying in molecular weight were recovered from fermentative depolymerization of a n
101  months of selective culture, pEHZ-LDLR-LDLR was recovered from FH-iPSC-LDLR and transfected into Ldl
102   Unfortunately, RNA degrades too rapidly to be recovered from fossil remains, limiting functional ge
103 ne clusters associated with nine unique tags were recovered from four saturating soil metagenomic lib
104                   The well-preserved fossils were recovered from frozen "muck" deposits (organic-rich
105                              Virus could not be recovered from G50U-containing mutants; rather, only
106 thermore, processed L-strand transcripts can be recovered from gel-extracted mtDNA replication interm
107 lates 2011K-1138, 2011K-1224, and 2011K-1225 were recovered from ground turkey.
108 half the subjects-multidonor-class sequences were recovered from >40% of cross-reactive B cells.
109                   Infectious virus could not be recovered from HCMV bacterial artificial chromosomes
110                     Twenty-one canine globes were recovered from healthy animals.
111                         Twenty canine globes were recovered from healthy animals.
112      Remains of nine species of marine algae were recovered from hearths and other features at Monte
113                            Viable poliovirus was recovered from HeLa cells transfected with mutant RN
114 ound that approximately 50% of spiked TB DNA was recovered from human urine containing roughly 5x10(3
115           Isolates 2011K-1110 and 2011K-1132 were recovered from humans, while isolates 2011K-1138, 2
116                             Recombinant EnvD was recovered from inclusion bodies in soluble form from
117  design, the population-level FOI signal can be recovered from individual-level antibody kinetics, de
118 ., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Serratia spp. were recovered from infected devices, while commensal sk
119 able numbers of PA14 and PA14::hepP bacteria were recovered from infected skin, only PA14 was recover
120 is not temperate, and stable lysogens cannot be recovered from infections, although the presence of a
121 ural and functionally related properties can be recovered from inference methods applied to evolution
122 yi cells, whereas no viable H. ducreyi cells were recovered from inoculated sites of HgbA-immunized p
123  of bacilli, only few vegetative forms could be recovered from internal organs of animals infected wi
124        Thirty-seven aerobes and 10 anaerobes were recovered from isolates from patients with acute si
125 unknown chemical components of a mixture can be recovered from its fingerprint even without a use of
126 rococci harboring multiple virulence factors were recovered from just two sites.
127 cellular staining of infiltrating cells that were recovered from kidneys revealed a lower percentage
128 red from solid medium cultures, 922 isolates were recovered from liquid medium cultures, and 690 isol
129 responsible for the pathogenicity of E. coli was recovered from live samples and detected with a two
130  TRIF-deficient mice, markedly fewer T cells were recovered from liver and lung in comparison to wild
131                    When metastatic 4T1 cells were recovered from lungs of 1D11-treated and control mi
132   CD8 T cells lacking effector activity have been recovered from lymphoid organs of mice and patients
133          Nonetheless, T3SS-negative isolates are recovered from many patients with documented P. aeru
134 til now no meteoritic regolith breccias have been recovered from Mars.
135 to-Ser mutation at residue 173 (N173S) in HN was recovered from mice after a second passage of rSeV(h
136        Furthermore, decreased numbers of CFU were recovered from mice infected with the delta malE st
137                                 Both strains were recovered from middle ear fluids as long as 14 days
138 ates; and Staphylococcus spp., 444 isolates) were recovered from monomicrobial and 33 polymicrobial b
139 s after NMFTA1 challenge, even though NMFTA1 was recovered from more than half of the vaccinated mice
140                              Few viable ORNs were recovered from MPS VI cats, but these exhibited nor
141         As a result, a variety of phenotypes are recovered from multiple-copy Spm lines in Arabidopsi
142 we hypothesized that spatial information can be recovered from multiple-site LFP recordings.
143              Of 335 E. coli clones, 90 (27%) were recovered from multiple hosts (up to 11 per clone).
144                       These and other plants were recovered from multiple locations in a tropical dry
145                                     Bacteria were recovered from multiple organs regardless of the st
146                Most major phenolic compounds were recovered from NADES with a yield between 75% and 9
147      In this study, the S glycoprotein genes were recovered from naturally infected civets in central
148 hat the direction of the followed path could be recovered from neuronal population activity.
149                         Nucleotide sequences were recovered from nine multimember clonal lineages.
150 orphic germline alleles, no mutated peptides were recovered from non-immunoglobulin somatically mutat
151 e M. tuberculosis and three M. bovis strains were recovered from non-lesioned animals.
152 infected devices, while commensal skin flora was recovered from noninfected devices.
153                         S. tigurinus strains were recovered from numerous body sites, including the b
154 g fine-grained decompositions that may still be recovered from observed data in such complex settings
155                                     DHPG can be recovered from olive oil solid waste by a hydrotherma
156   In animals infected with rdeltaM2-2, virus was recovered from only 1 of 12 animals and only in the
157  in length, and 61 of the 90 total genotypes were recovered from only one tree.
158 neal mouse models, and less infectious virus was recovered from organs.
159 he virulence genes f18, sta, stb, and stx(2) were recovered from outbreaks of edema disease in the Un
160 bm and Wus2 were expressed, transgenic calli were recovered from over 40% of the starting explants, w
161  Similar levels of live chlamydial organisms were recovered from oviduct tissues of both C5(-/-) and
162      A canonical fungal mitochondrial genome was recovered from P. saccamoebae that encodes genes nec
163                               Infectious VZV was recovered from parental Oka (pOka)-bacterial artific
164 tients declared dead by neurologic criteria) are recovered from patients who received cardiopulmonary
165 enture abutments of dental implants that had been recovered from patients during the restorative phas
166 aureus and 14 Enterococcus sp. isolates that were recovered from patients and were nonsusceptible on
167 rnithinolytica showing carbapenem resistance were recovered from patients hospitalized in New Jersey
168                                 The isolates were recovered from patients in nosocomial or long-term
169                                     Isolates were recovered from patients with uncomplicated skin inf
170               Clostridium difficile isolates were recovered from perirectal swabs collected for vanco
171            Here, we report that surnames can be recovered from personal genomes by profiling short ta
172                                     Analytes were recovered from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction.
173 0 mg/kg, i.p.), newly produced KYNA and 3-HK were recovered from plasma, liver, forebrain and cerebel
174                  Replication-competent virus was recovered from pooled resting CD4(+) T cells in 7 of
175                      Here, blastocysts could be recovered from progesterone-induced uterine gland (PU
176                        P815 tumor cells that are recovered from progressively growing tumors within t
177         Similar amounts of 35000HP and FX527 were recovered from pustules in semiquantitative culture
178                 In contrast, no viable virus was recovered from PV-AB RNA carrying 680 silent mutatio
179 on, the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters were recovered from rational analysis of the kinetic plo
180 nce of replication fork cleavage, and cannot be recovered from recombination-defective E. coli strain
181 xidative power of microorganisms, energy can be recovered from reservoirs of less-concentrated organi
182          Globally, a small percentage of oil is recovered from reservoirs using primary and secondary
183                            In all cases, ADV was recovered from respiratory specimens and ADV viremia
184 on, the birds were sacrificed, and organisms were recovered from respiratory tract tissues and screen
185                 We determined that RGM could be recovered from routine cultures of samples from patie
186               Methicillin-resistant S aureus was recovered from samples of environmental surfaces in
187       Unexpectedly, some virulent F1 progeny were recovered from selfing of an avirulent parent, sugg
188 bacterial strain, Acinetobacter sp. A47, has been recovered from several soft tissue samples from a p
189                                         Ad14 was recovered from several hospital surfaces.
190  of phyla identified via amplicon sequencing were recovered from shotgun sequencing, clearly challeng
191  an insight that multivariate statistics can be recovered from single-variant statistics, together wi
192 elta11/12 was severely reduced, and no virus was recovered from skin xenografts inoculated with POKAD
193       Sixty percent (n = 12) of the isolates were recovered from skin and soft tissue infections, whe
194       Assessing medium types, 1,121 isolates were recovered from solid medium cultures, 922 isolates
195 virus genotype IB, uncommon in the Americas, was recovered from specimens from 117 people with hepati
196 ction, since deletion mutants lacking virB12 were recovered from splenic tissue at wild-type levels.
197 iella pneumoniae, or Klebsiella oxytoca that were recovered from sterile-site or urine cultures durin
198 er numbers of colonies of C. glabrata bmt2-6 were recovered from stools and different parts of the ga
199             Ancestral (predrought) genotypes were recovered from stored seed and raised under a set o
200 sequences are washed off and bound sequences are recovered from the cells by heating cell-DNA complex
201 0 was more likely than other strain types to be recovered from the groin than from the nose (P = 0.05
202               However, infectious XMRV could be recovered from the infected PBMCs by cocultivation wi
203 ansconjugant for every 100 donor cells could be recovered from the intestine of N2 C. elegans, for th
204 type Treg, and regulatory activity could not be recovered from the intestine of recipients of beta(7)
205 ed intranasally into mice, no bacteria could be recovered from the lungs for about 3 weeks, but after
206          It is known that dormant spores can be recovered from the lungs of infected animals months a
207  humans, livestock, and wild rodents and can be recovered from the lungs of infected animals.
208 ty mutant II-3R is avirulent and also cannot be recovered from the lungs of mice after infection.
209  spores, substantial amounts of spores could be recovered from the mouse lung.
210 A maximum of 3.7% of MHV and 2% of MS2 could be recovered from the solids.
211         Results suggest that more liquid can be recovered from the spent sand bed by increasing the h
212                   This information could not be recovered from the spike counts of these cells.
213 gone in vitro gastric digestion and that had been recovered from the colon or faeces, sequestered abo
214             Ninety-one tissues or organs had been recovered from the donor.
215 ematopoietic stem/progenitor cells have also been recovered from the human placenta throughout gestat
216  evergreen tree Melaleuca quinquenervia have been recovered from the sediments of some perched lakes
217  unmetabolized in vivo, and the intact agent is recovered from the urine.
218 h HGA, and sequencing confirmed that the DNA was recovered from the Ap-ha variant of A. phagocytophil
219  By polymerase chain reaction, GII norovirus was recovered from the bag, which had been stored in a b
220 une mediator genes and cell death, and virus was recovered from the basolateral side of the cell mono
221       Collagen and collagen hydrolysate (CH) was recovered from the bone and skin containing sediment
222        Moreover, most viable M. tuberculosis was recovered from the bone marrow CD271(+)CD45(-)-enric
223             Both adult and subadult material was recovered from the bonebed, but small juveniles are
224                          More virus (3 logs) was recovered from the contralateral suprachiasmatic nuc
225      In fractionation experiments, WalR(Spn) was recovered from the cytoplasmic fraction, while WalK(
226                  The complete genome of ZIKV was recovered from the fetal brain.
227               Although Aspergillus fumigatus was recovered from the index case, Exserohilum rostratum
228                        More virus (2-3 logs) was recovered from the inoculated eye of Gr-1 antibody-t
229 m catarrhine species Aegyptopithecus zeuxis, was recovered from the Jebel Qatrani Formation (Fayum De
230                A giant penguin with feathers was recovered from the late Eocene (~36 million years ag
231                         As before, only PA14 was recovered from the livers and spleens of infected mi
232 were recovered from infected skin, only PA14 was recovered from the livers and spleens of infected mi
233 us completely resistant to PZ neutralization was recovered from the lung homogenate of a rat that had
234  In 2008 the rostrum from an ancient warship was recovered from the Mediterranean near Acqualadrone,
235 olymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was recovered from the MIL extraction phase, demonstrati
236                       The deuterated species was recovered from the monolayer, digested, and deuteriu
237 e, 0.54 to 4.17 mug/lens phosphatidylcholine was recovered from the polymers, and after 14 days of in
238 te, 1.40 to 6.84 mug/lens cholesterol oleate was recovered from the polymers.
239 e, 0.58 to 5.77 mug/lens phosphatidylcholine was recovered from the polymers.
240 te, 0.14 to 4.80 mug/lens cholesterol oleate was recovered from the polymers.
241                                 Finally, HIV was recovered from the resting CD4(+) T cells of aviremi
242 arly complete right hand of an adult hominin was recovered from the Rising Star cave system, South Af
243  sequence of serotype c strain D11S-1, which was recovered from the subgingival plaque of a patient d
244 mours, whereas over 12% of the injected dose was recovered from the tumours of mice treated with Ad-g
245        A significantly higher bacterial load was recovered from the vitreous of PLY passively immuniz
246  T-DNA insertion lines, pp2ca-1 and pp2ca-2, were recovered from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource
247 841 copies of Gmr9-associated minisatellites were recovered from the assembled G. max genome.
248 iferate and survive for at least 6 weeks and were recovered from the blood, spleen, draining pancreat
249                                  No bacteria were recovered from the bottles with S. pneumoniae, S. a
250 hile WalK(Spn) and the majority of WalJ(Spn) were recovered from the cell membrane fraction.
251                          Recently, sediments were recovered from the central Arctic Ocean, providing
252 nificantly lower burdens of L. monocytogenes were recovered from the colon, spleen, and liver of gent
253                                       Grafts were recovered from the control and treated mice 12 to 7
254                Rabbits were killed, and CFUs were recovered from the corneas after the final slit lam
255  Three weeks after injection, vector genomes were recovered from the few persisting cells and identif
256  dimensions of the underlying semantic space were recovered from the fit models by principal componen
257 ng B cell (ABB) and RANKL-expressing B cells were recovered from the gingival tissues of recipient ra
258         Significantly higher titers of virus were recovered from the injected eyes, and more infected
259 licated to higher titers in lung tissue, and were recovered from the intestinal tract of intranasally
260 ilarly, approximately 2 log10 fewer bacteria were recovered from the kidneys after infection with the
261 and perforin-deficient allergen-specific CTL were recovered from the lungs of allergen-sensitized mic
262 ins, statistically fewer S. pneumoniae cells were recovered from the lungs of mice immunized with Pcp
263                                 Synovia that were recovered from the MCP joints of intermediate and h
264       Specimens initially used for diagnosis were recovered from the microbiology department and then
265 inoculation, viable M. catarrhalis organisms were recovered from the nasal cavity and nasopharynx of
266 intranasally with meningococci, and bacteria were recovered from the noses for at least 3 days postch
267 nce of pathology, viable Deltalit1 parasites were recovered from the original sites of inoculation, i
268 terstitial pneumonia, and fewer immune cells were recovered from the pulmonary airways after infectio
269              Multiple low-affinity sequences were recovered from the random pools, with generation of
270                                The catalysts were recovered from the reaction mixture by simple filtr
271 nterpretation, O-benzylhydroxylamine and N2O were recovered from the reaction mixture in high yields,
272 n tagging and proteolysis of tagged proteins were recovered from the screen.
273 icrotubule-associated protein Map1b (Mtap1b) were recovered from the screen.
274 ates (27% of E. coli and 22% of enterococci) were recovered from the sediments that had the highest o
275 fection (dpi), and at 28 dpi, most parasites were recovered from the spermatic cord lymphatics.
276        However, significantly fewer bacteria were recovered from the spleen of Bp340DeltabcaA-infecte
277 em-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were recovered from the sputum samples of pneumonia pati
278                               The REE oxides were recovered from the strip solution through precipita
279 2 was undetectable in cell-free virions that were recovered from the surface of HeLa cells by physica
280  More reads corresponding to UCBSV sequences were recovered from the susceptible variety (Albert) (73
281   In contrast, significantly fewer S. aureus were recovered from the tissues of mice deficient in alp
282 changes in murine leukemia virus DNA, it can be recovered from these virus particles in enzymatically
283                                The MAb VRC06 was recovered from these cells, and its genetic sequence
284 o determine whether sequential isolates that were recovered from these patients represented a single
285        Two unique glycopeptide gene clusters were recovered from this eDNA megalibrary.
286                      At 3 h, most L3 (96.3%) were recovered from tissues associated with the infectio
287  Resveratrol and resveratrol-3-O-glucuronide were recovered from tissues at maximal mean concentratio
288                            Fewer DT104 cells were recovered from tissues of infected animals when pro
289 cores were similar, significantly more fungi were recovered from TLR2(-/-) mouse corneas (P = 0.04) t
290 arboxylate (oseltamivir's active metabolite) was recovered from two waste water treatment plant (WWTP
291                       The other two isolates were recovered from two adult oncology patients who were
292 ave demonstrated that useful information can be recovered from underdetermined (ill-posed) systems of
293 psular polysaccharide (CPS) type IV isolates were recovered from vaginal and rectal samples obtained
294 ate phagosomes, viable G. bethesdensis cells were recovered from viable MDM in numbers greater than i
295 e carrying putative in vivo-induced fusions, were recovered from volunteer stool samples.
296   Mycobacterium chimaera and other pathogens were recovered from water and air samples.
297                      Both NPs and soluble Ag were recovered from water extracts of the sand after gro
298 ; however, methicillin-susceptible S. aureus was recovered from whirlpools and taping gel and from 35
299                              Protein isolate was recovered from whole gutted fish using isoelectric s
300 TC clusters containing between 2-100 + cells were recovered from whole blood using this integrated tw

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