


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ranscripts containing exons 1A1, 1A2, or 1A3 are regulated to a higher degree than transcripts contai
2 t initial step in O-glycan biosynthesis, may be regulated to a large extent by neighboring residue gl
3 epends on its abundance and DRiP rate, which is regulated to a large extent by miRNAs.
4                                    As injury was regulated to a larger extent by the glutathione cont
5 11% of the genes cold regulated in wild type were regulated to a similar extent in all genotypes (chl
6           The internal environment of the ER is regulated to accommodate essential cellular processes
7                      Much of animal behavior is regulated to accomplish goals necessary for survival
8 ever, it remains to be determined how dynein is regulated to accomplish its varied roles.
9  functions of Cdc14 and how this phosphatase is regulated to accomplish the coupling of mitotic proce
10  with a focus on how CD8(+) T cell responses are regulated to achieve different immune outcomes.
11 ain how the distributions of BMP and Chordin are regulated to achieve patterning, but the assumptions
12 uestion is whether and how DNA translocation is regulated to achieve sliding versus ejection.
13  cell cycle, little is known how this enzyme is regulated to achieve targeted effects on specific his
14 r is much known about how the immune network is regulated to achieve this antitumor response.
15 scuss recent insights into how inflammasomes are regulated to activate caspase-1 and implicated in hu
16 cate multiple levels at which insulators can be regulated to affect gene expression.
17 for degradation and whether this process can be regulated to affect intercellular communication is un
18 d how the cell wall deposition and structure are regulated to allow for rapid changes in the directio
19  these studies provide insight into how heme is regulated to allow effective erythropoiesis, show tha
20 at the mass fraction of its satellite system is regulated to approximately 10(-4) by a balance of two
21           Toll-like receptor (TLR) responses are regulated to avoid toxicity and achieve coordinated
22 dity at such plasma-based ion sources should be regulated to avoid approximately 90% shifts in relati
23                       Copper ion uptake must be regulated to avoid both deficiency and excess because
24  mammalian telomeres, but its synthesis must be regulated to avoid excessive resection of the 5' end,
25 ed function in the virus life cycle and must be regulated to avoid nonspecific RNA degradation.
26                     Platelet production must be regulated to avoid spontaneous bleeding or arterial o
27  but little is known about how this activity is regulated to avoid excessive tethering of the genome.
28                      These cell compartments are regulated to balance proliferation and stem cell ren
29 nstrate for the first time that septal pores are regulated to be opened during interphase but closed
30                    How the blood-gas barrier is regulated to be extremely thin but sufficiently stron
31 lular trafficking of the SUMOylation enzymes is regulated to catalyze SUMOylation in different cellul
32                            How ATG4 activity is regulated to co-ordinate these events is currently un
33 adherin-actin network formation and how they are regulated to coincide with initiation of adhesion.
34                         However, how the PPP is regulated to confer a selective growth advantage on c
35                           How LINC complexes are regulated to connect nuclei to the cytoskeleton duri
36 Inside cells, the vast majority of kinesin-1 is regulated to conserve ATP and to ensure its proper in
37                                 How the MPCs are regulated to continuously release cells into the pre
38 further means by which costimulatory signals are regulated to control self-reactivity.
39 the mechanism by which these or other motors are regulated to control the direction of organelle tran
40  as how the physiology of nematode sperm may be regulated to control motility as it is in mammals.
41                    However, how HDAC6 itself is regulated to control cell motility remains elusive.
42 f centriole biogenesis, but how its activity is regulated to control centriole assembly is unclear.
43              Transposition in many organisms is regulated to control the frequency of DNA damage caus
44 f actin assembly, yet how the WAVE signaling is regulated to coordinate actin assembly with mitotic e
45  for the first time how mycothiol metabolism is regulated to cope with stress from thiol reactive tox
46                   Signaling protein movement is regulated to create gradients, control amounts, impos
47 S) in Aspergillus nidulans, we find that MTs are regulated to depolymerize within forming fungal biof
48 derstand how neurogenesis in the adult brain is regulated to develop strategies that harness neural s
49 known about how syndecan ectodomain shedding is regulated.To elucidate the mechanisms that regulate s
50 le myosin IIA (NMMIIA) at collagen adhesions are regulated to enable collagen phagocytosis.
51 ocyte function-associated antigen-1 [LFA-1]) is regulated to engage and maintain T cell adhesion.
52  into how meiosis-specific cohesin complexes are regulated to ensure formation of euploid gametes.
53                                        These are regulated to ensure homeostasis both systemically in
54 vely little is known about how these enzymes are regulated to ensure sphingolipid homeostasis.
55   The acquisition and modulation of motility are regulated to ensure that sperm move when and where n
56 ied as a biological agent and its use should be regulated to ensure patient safety.
57 GINS (CMG) replicative helicase complex must be regulated to ensure that DNA unwinding is coupled wit
58      Therefore, expression of R-M genes must be regulated to ensure that enough methyltransferase is
59 ession of amino acid degradative enzymes may be regulated to ensure that high levels of these enzymes
60 y of virus capsids and surface proteins must be regulated to ensure that the resulting complex is an
61 and thus the timing of their expression must be regulated to ensure that they act at the appropriate
62                   Eukaryotic DNA replication is regulated to ensure all chromosomes replicate once an
63 requires crossover (CO) recombination, which is regulated to ensure at least one CO per homolog pair.
64         Mineral content of complete pet food is regulated to ensure health of the companion animal po
65 ange factor responsible for RhoA activation, is regulated to ensure spatiotemporal control of contrac
66 egabase mouse Igh locus, V(D)J recombination is regulated to ensure specific and diverse antibody rep
67         V(D)J recombination substrate choice is regulated to ensure that the appropriate gene segment
68                          Proteasome assembly is regulated to ensure the enzyme is inactive until its
69  is one mechanism by which SMARCAL1 activity is regulated to ensure the proper level of fork remodeli
70 amental question has been whether germ cells are regulated to enter the meiotic cell cycle (i.e., mit
71 allenge is to unravel how genes interact and are regulated to exert specific biological functions.
72                       How chromatin dynamics are regulated to facilitate this process in chromatin is
73 nd this decline in somatic maintenance might be regulated to facilitate resource reallocation towards
74 on, and demonstrate that this expression can be regulated to facilitate studies of human alpha7-nAChR
75                                  The process is regulated to facilitate efficient nutrient use and me
76 known about how this core enzymatic activity is regulated to facilitate sister chromatid cohesion.
77 ndance and dynamic range, and concentrations are regulated to functional demands.
78             Here, we address how bric a brac is regulated to generate the mature expression patterns
79 thermore, the expression of the Ath5 protein is regulated to give a non-random dispersed pattern of R
80 of the decapping enzyme and how its activity is regulated to give rise to differential mRNA turnover.
81  It is important to understand how autophagy is regulated to identify ideal therapeutic targets for t
82  tests have yet determined if statolith mass is regulated to increase or decrease gravity stimulus to
83 en on understanding how protein-coding genes are regulated to influence protein expression.
84 significant tissue injury, phagocytosis must be regulated to limit damage to the host while allowing
85 rrently unknown how Galphai-Pins-Mud binding is regulated to link cortical polarity with spindle orie
86          Our understanding of how stem cells are regulated to maintain appropriate tissue size and ar
87 ular methods by which inflammatory responses are regulated to maintain intestinal homeostasis and the
88 rotein Insig, HMGR synthesis and degradation are regulated to maintain sterol homeostasis.
89                iNKT cell responsiveness must be regulated to maintain effective host defense while pr
90 tiple mechanisms by which the level of IgG1) is regulated to maintain immune system and host homeosta
91                            However, how BRD4 is regulated to maintain its normal function in healthy
92 nal copper exporter and that its trafficking is regulated to maintain systemic copper homeostasis.
93 estion of whether activity of these proteins is regulated to maintain zinc homeostasis.
94 naptic as well as intrinsic conductances can be regulated to make a self-assembling central pattern g
95 ood flow to dynamically contracting myocytes is regulated to match O(2) delivery to metabolic demand.
96 is unknown how its transport characteristics are regulated to meet acutely changing demands.
97 are controlled by Ca(2+) handling, which can be regulated to meet demand.
98 , it remains unclear how apicobasal polarity is regulated to meet the opposing needs for tissue plast
99 n to ask questions about how these cells can be regulated to mitigate the collateral destruction asso
100     Synaptonemal complex (SC) formation must be regulated to occur only between aligned pairs of homo
101                                Crossing over is regulated to occur at least once per each pair of hom
102 ogenitor cell response in diseased liver may be regulated to optimize liver regeneration and minimize
103                       The fermentation times were regulated to optimum bread height for each treatmen
104 e mechanisms by which insulator activity can be regulated to orchestrate changes in the function and
105 nown how these potentially autolytic enzymes are regulated to prevent lethal breaches in the cell wal
106 ing the bacterium of its intracellular niche are regulated to prevent overexuberant inflammation.
107  protection against infections but must also be regulated to prevent autoimmunity.
108 that detect intracellular nucleic acids must be regulated to prevent inappropriate activation by endo
109                             RNA editing must be regulated to prevent premature and excessive accumula
110 tabolic process in which catalase expression is regulated to prevent damage while preserving an H(2)O
111 have been identified, how NLRP3 inflammasome is regulated to prevent excessive inflammation is unclea
112 e balance between death and survival signals is regulated to prevent immunodeficiency and autoimmunit
113 vators, it is unclear how the contact system is regulated to prevent uncontrolled clotting.
114                                    How genes are regulated to produce the correct assortment of prote
115 on from dynamic liquids to stable fibers may be regulated to produce cellular structures with diverse
116 e dynamic behavior of the actin cytoskeleton is regulated to produce extension or retraction.
117 In muscle, the assembly of sarcomeric myosin is regulated to produce stable, uniform thick filaments.
118                             Ag receptor loci are regulated to promote allelic exclusion, but the mech
119 es that Src kinase activity does not need to be regulated to promote cell migration and FAK phosphory
120 that the biophysical properties of cells can be regulated to promote survival under conditions of nut
121 length in C. elegans and suggest that length is regulated to promote efficient transcriptome surveill
122                            The immune system is regulated to protect the host from exaggerated stimul
123                         Biological processes are regulated to provide cells with exquisite adaptabili
124     This finding demonstrates that NCOAT may be regulated to reduce the state of glycosylation of tra
125 upply of Sre1, Sre1 precursor synthesis must be regulated to replenish Sre1 precursor lost to proteol
126 ability of the M. tuberculosis envelope that is regulated to resist stresses encountered in the host.
127                   How each NPF functions and is regulated to restrict actin assembly to late stages o
128 In oxygenic photosynthesis, light harvesting is regulated to safely dissipate excess energy and preve
129 tine and, in particular, on how the CCK cell is regulated to secrete its hormone product.
130         The amplitudes of these barriers can be regulated to simulate channel gating.
131 e is retained, as though protrusive activity is regulated to some set point.
132 hat cellular and synaptic properties need to be regulated to specific values to allow a neuronal netw
133 y demonstrates how different synaptic inputs are regulated to tune a neuron to respond to specific fe
134 rein Rad53 activity and Rad9 oligomerization are regulated to tune the DNA-damage response.
135 is known about how genes and neural circuits are regulated to turn on/off behaviors.
136 fferent receptors and how the spike proteins are regulated to undergo conformational transitions.

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