


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 minated water down to WHO limits which would be sufficient for 11,000 people.
2             Legacy P from a 28-year build-up was sufficient for 15 years of wheat cultivation, result
3 -snRNAs, and the immunoisolated TOE1 complex was sufficient for 3'-end maturation of snRNAs.
4         This demonstrates that PrsS and PrpS are sufficient for a functional synthetic S locus in viv
5 a robust hippocampal rate code for space but are sufficient for a temporal code.
6 a number of properties that are predicted to be sufficient for a switchlike response.
7  A simple set of microtubule behaviour rules is sufficient for a computer model to mimic the observed
8 re partial refilling of the presynaptic pool is sufficient for a full postsynaptic response.
9 alpha-1,3-branch of the oligomannose context is sufficient for a high-affinity binding to receptor CI
10 ction overcomes contact inhibited growth and is sufficient for a transformed epithelial phenotype.
11       The information provided by MS neurons was sufficient for a race model to decide stimulus famil
12           Two days of neurofeedback training were sufficient for a significant increase in the alpha
13 x comprising CPSF160, WDR33, CPSF30 and Fip1 is sufficient for AAUAAA motif recognition, yet the mole
14 interaction between Bag1/3 and the Hsc70 SBD is sufficient for accelerating this step.
15 nts and interacting with PC4 to target genes is sufficient for achieving an active transcriptional st
16 by illustrating that the diazirine tag alone is sufficient for achieving excellent signal enhancement
17 t treatment at high temperatures is found to be sufficient for activating the systems for catalytic r
18             Furthermore, the B2 domain alone was sufficient for activating the small latent complex.
19 we propose that the GDP/GTP exchange may not be sufficient for activation; instead, our results sugge
20 12-bp cis-regulatory motif that binds to and is sufficient for activation by RAP2.2 and RAP2.12 is id
21 tal adaptors to integrin cytoplasmic domains is sufficient for activation or whether exertion of tens
22 ne if the WASP-induced conformational change is sufficient for activity.
23 s are functional, and the presence of either is sufficient for aerobic respiration and intracellular
24 rthermore, we show that membrane recruitment is sufficient for Akt phosphorylation in response to gro
25 ression of NS1 from a persistent MNoV strain is sufficient for an acute MNoV strain to target IECs an
26          In general, the baby foods analysed were sufficient for an adequate mineral intake, but cont
27  found that OvHV-2 glycoproteins B, H, and L are sufficient for, and viral glycoprotein Ov8 can signi
28                            Thus, visual cues are sufficient for-and play a predictable, causal role i
29 lts demonstrate that epidermal JA perception is sufficient for anther function and pollen viability,
30 esses and we showed recently that its 3'-UTR is sufficient for axonal localization of heterologous tr
31 infectious virions in various cell types and is sufficient for BAF phosphorylation.
32 her targeting the SH2-kinase interface alone was sufficient for Bcr-Abl inhibition.
33 ntification of two new domains in RPM-1 that are sufficient for binding to FSN-1, called FSN-1 bindin
34 ), we found that amino acids 757-866 of CDTb are sufficient for binding to LSR.
35 ylation of an N-terminal loop region in APC1 is sufficient for binding and activation of APC/C by CDC
36 e three-helix bundle by the DeltaL1 TEAD DBD is sufficient for binding to an isolated M-CAT-like DNA
37 nd to rescue the phenotype of abpG(-) cells, is sufficient for binding to F-actin and represents a no
38 ingle domain centrally located in RPM-1 that is sufficient for binding to FSN-1.
39 partners and demonstrate that the PRR region is sufficient for binding.
40 Shc showed that although FERM domain of Jak3 was sufficient for binding to Shc, CH1 and PID domains o
41 59A, novel cyt c variants in quantities that are sufficient for biophysical analysis are biosynthesiz
42 Activating the rostral GABAergic projections was sufficient for both the induction and maintenance of
43                       Although ABS2 and ABS3 are sufficient for bundling, ABS1 contributes to the ove
44 rgeting transmembrane and C-terminal domains is sufficient for C2C12 myoblast differentiation.
45  model, we asked whether pericyte loss alone is sufficient for capillary destabilization.
46           The N-terminal domain (NTD) of HBc is sufficient for capsid assembly, in the absence of pgR
47  Heterologous expression of CarT in S2 cells is sufficient for carcinine uptake, demonstrating the ab
48 of MERS PLpro, i.e. without the Ubl2 domain, is sufficient for catalysis and stability in vitro with
49         In keratinocytes, DEK overexpression is sufficient for causing oncogenic phenotypes in the ab
50             A 63-amino-acid peptide of VdEG3 was sufficient for cell death-inducing activity, but thi
51 s assembled before birth, and that this pool is sufficient for centromere function, fertility, and ge
52 dependent anion channel 3, but although this is sufficient for centrosome targeting of Mps1, it is no
53 t low Cdc20 concentrations, Cdc20(M) binding is sufficient for checkpoint activity and Cdc20(A) bindi
54 sults indicate that the p12 C terminus alone is sufficient for chromatin binding and that the presenc
55                 Primary dendritic parameters were sufficient for classifying neurons as active or sil
56 ough the discriminative accuracy may not yet be sufficient for clinical utility in FEP.
57  The Rgnef C-terminal (CT, 1279-1582) region was sufficient for co-immunoprecipitation, and Rgnef-CT
58 y, and acetate and its metabolic derivatives were sufficient, for co-culture preference.
59                            IR power of 1003W was sufficient for complete inactivation of lipoxygenase
60 ractions but do not reveal the dynamics that are sufficient for complex, self-regulating pattern to e
61             Moreover, domains 2 and 3 of p40 were sufficient for complex formation with p19 and to in
62  and D-amino acids, independent of sequence, is sufficient for conferring alpha-sheet structure and i
63 h is not near the AvrPto-specific interface, was sufficient for conferring recognition of AvrPto in p
64  we show that cholesterol within the bilayer is sufficient for constitutive Smoothened activation.
65 g of endogenous master transcription factors are sufficient for conversion between cell types.
66 identified a tandem BRCT domain of PTIP that is sufficient for CSR and identified PA1 as its main fun
67 presence of at least one of these DC subsets is sufficient for cytokine production that reduces ECTV
68 noma cell line; however, only prtS induction was sufficient for cytotoxicity to a corneal cell line.
69 malignant transformation, revealing that ODC is sufficient for de novo tumor initiation in 94% of inj
70                 One functional copy of GATA6 is sufficient for definitive endoderm development and pa
71 and blood sampling, blood measurements alone are sufficient for determining MPA.
72  resonator and show that four resonant modes are sufficient for determining their individual position
73 , but the effluent quality has typically not been sufficient for discharge without further treatment.
74 ient receptors for both serotypes of HSV and are sufficient for disease development mediated by HSV-2
75                                  Lymphocytes were sufficient for disease induction, as intestinal CD4
76 croglial activation and induction of IL6 and is sufficient for disrupting normal hippocampal developm
77  CI binding site in one of the two operators is sufficient for DNA loop formation.
78 hesin-mediated sister chromatid interactions are sufficient for double-strand break repair.
79 , we find that each pathway in and of itself is sufficient for driving tracking behavior.
80 hly conserved and that 11-mer repeat regions are sufficient for droplet targeting.
81 d report that folic acid from the microbiota is sufficient for Drosophila development.
82 jor concern is whether their specificity can be sufficient for drug development.
83 l for clipping, while the N-terminal portion is sufficient for DSB end-resection.
84  E-cadherin lacking the intracellular domain was sufficient for efficient L. monocytogenes invasion o
85 B and IFRD1) demonstrated that a single uORF is sufficient for eIF2-mediated translation control in b
86  hypothesis that the lateral pathway (l-ALT) is sufficient for elemental learning, we modelled local
87 c gold layers over the intermetallic core to be sufficient for enhanced catalytic behavior, which is
88 ingle allele encoding the mutant form of TTP was sufficient for enhanced mRNA degradation and underex
89 like 4 within the cellular microarray format was sufficient for enhancing cholangiocytic differentiat
90 reated with IL-4 (to induce M2 polarization) were sufficient for eosinophilic inflammation, mucous me
91           However, none of the substitutions was sufficient for escape from the antibodies in sera fr
92 l region of PAR3 binds directly to Exo70 and is sufficient for exocyst docking, membrane-protein deli
93  pool of active EGFRs in the plasma membrane is sufficient for extending MEK1/2 and ERK1/2 activities
94 e in stiffness seen in tumor-adjacent stroma is sufficient for fibroblast activation.
95  in humans and that as little as 10% NEUROG3 is sufficient for formation of pancreatic endocrine cell
96 ot specific amino acid contact points, could be sufficient for function in this ligand-receptor syste
97         The FKRP protein with P448L mutation is sufficient for functional glycosylation of alpha-DG i
98 ex's ability to bring membranes into contact is sufficient for fusion, another points to possible rol
99  "Galpha binding and activating" motif alone is sufficient for G protein activation and that it does
100 ea 17, this suggests that postsynaptic gamma is sufficient for gain modulation.
101 perturbation of nucleotide phosphate binding is sufficient for Galpha activation.
102 ature spikes of nearly 1000 degrees C, which is sufficient for generating photoacoustic responses tha
103         While the ZIKV prM-E construct alone was sufficient for generating VLPs, efficient VLP produc
104                               These together are sufficient for global convergence of the tissue dyna
105                    Neuronal vpr-1 expression is sufficient for gonadogenesis induction during a limit
106 e found that ablation of sustentacular cells is sufficient for HBC activation to multipotency.
107    Thus, pushing by the beta3-subunit on Asp is sufficient for headpiece opening and ligand sliding,
108  10 genes from Halothiobacillus neapolitanus are sufficient for heterologous expression of carboxysom
109 ng coverage of mtDNA in ChIP-seq experiments is sufficient for heteroplasmy detection.
110                  We show that the core dsRBD is sufficient for homodimerization and that mutation of
111 ndicating that proximal regulatory sequences are sufficient for HPRT1 expression.
112 sponses and its estradiol induced expression is sufficient for HR-like cell death in tobacco.
113      Indeed, ATPase activity at NBD1 or NBD2 is sufficient for Hsp104 potentiation.
114 wel preparation is defined as adequate if it is sufficient for identification of polyps greater than
115        Although the aptamer-fluorogen system is sufficient for imaging highly abundant non-coding RNA
116 ecombinant Pry1CAP forms dimers in solution, is sufficient for in vitro cholesterol binding, and has
117  extrafollicular CD4(+) T and B interactions are sufficient for inducing cGVHD, while germinal center
118 easome with inhibition of beta5 active sites being sufficient for inducing recruitment.
119 licular expansion of a specific CD4 T subset is sufficient for inducing cGVHD while GC is dispensable
120  that the initial 1 min of CaMKII activation is sufficient for inducing LTP and sLTP.
121 oric, but not spatial, visuomotor congruence is sufficient for inducing multisensory integration, and
122 high peak mutant CaMKII(T286A) activity that is sufficient for inducing plasticity.
123 er these data suggest that S. marcescens LPS is sufficient for inhibition of epithelial wound healing
124 th Sse and SLS are required but that neither is sufficient for inhibition of neutrophil recruitment a
125 -nt derivative of the best anti-KpnI aptamer was sufficient for inhibition.
126                         IVIg-generated pTreg were sufficient for inhibition of OVA-induced AHR in an
127                                 40S and eIF3 are sufficient for initial binding.
128 simulations show that Ase1 and Cls1 activity are sufficient for initial bipolar spindle formation.
129  of level 4 (impact on clinical care) should be sufficient for initial approval and reimbursement.
130 ns, or their projection terminals in the IC, is sufficient for initiating flight responses, while the
131                       Although talin binding is sufficient for inside-out activation of integrin, oth
132      Together, the N-terminal 133 aa of PopZ are sufficient for interacting with all binding partners
133 insertion of a single serine residue to DnrK is sufficient for introduction of the monooxygenation ac
134 eneric membrane-spanning features of the TMD are sufficient for IRE1alpha's responsiveness to membran
135                                 Ectopic ZEB1 is sufficient for IRF1 silencing, whereas ZEB1 knockdown
136 oietic or nonhematopoietic compartment alone was sufficient for iTregs to prevent GVHD.
137 bular C-terminal domain of human CblD, which is sufficient for its interaction with MMADHC (the methy
138 actility nor increase in YAP phosphorylation is sufficient for its nuclear exclusion.
139               We show that inhibition of Ras is sufficient for lifespan extension downstream of reduc
140 zed PKC constitutes a positive feedback that is sufficient for local pathway amplification.
141 logous and identify signalling pathways that are sufficient for long-term self-renewal of human tips
142 hat brief pulses of daily drug treatment may be sufficient for long-term efficacy.
143 rophin signaling, and neurotrophin signaling is sufficient for long term BTIC growth as spheres in th
144                              Moreover, RUNX1 is sufficient for long-range promoter-Ebeta looping, nuc
145 racticable short-term neurotrophin treatment is sufficient for long-term survival of SGCs, and it can
146 t mice showed that, although one Irf4 allele was sufficient for lung cDC2 development, two functional
147 es the formation of the HuR-KSRP complex and is sufficient for maintaining a low level of the NPM mRN
148  programming setup, one microreaction column was sufficient for many times digestion without replacem
149  show that a 9-amino acid Dna2-based peptide is sufficient for Mec1 activation.
150 -expressing T cells to IL-36R-deficient mice was sufficient for mediating S. aureus-induced skin infl
151 ellar vesicles, we show that pUL31 and pUL34 are sufficient for membrane budding and scission.
152 orkflow and ensured that the employed method is sufficient for mining relevant molecular features fro
153 s and that the Golgi localization of BdCSLF6 is sufficient for MLG biosynthesis.
154                        Basic LV services may be sufficient for most LV patients with mild visual impa
155  Administration of intranasal IL-33 and TSLP was sufficient for mucous metaplasia.
156 esearch with primates has suggested that PRh is sufficient for multisensory object representation.
157 r whether this sequence-specific interaction is sufficient for Myc's binding to its transcriptional t
158                        Thus, DUX4 expression is sufficient for myocyte death, and these findings sugg
159                          IL-17A was found to be sufficient for nasal mBD-3 production ex vivo and was
160  found that low levels of chitinase activity are sufficient for natural transformation, while growth
161 risingly, we show that either PARP1 or PARP2 are sufficient for near-normal XRCC1 recruitment at oxid
162 odel wherein H3.3(K27M) and Trp53 loss alone are sufficient for neoplastic transformation if introduc
163  where newly made vessels failed to persist) is sufficient for neurogenesis to proceed at a markedly
164                  Injection of either lipoxin was sufficient for neuroprotection following acute injur
165 ild-type macrophages to naive TLR2(-/-) mice was sufficient for neutrophilic inflammation after rhino
166               Here we show that STAT5 dimers are sufficient for NK cell development, whereas STAT5 te
167 ression in the medullary respiratory network is sufficient for normal respiratory rhythm and preventi
168                Amino acids 181 to 307, which are sufficient for NOS1AP-mediated decreases in dendrite
169  region (amino acids 51 to 95) alone of NS2B is sufficient for NS3 protease activity, whereas the rol
170 tants, we found that the first 9 amino acids were sufficient for nuclear localization, but an additio
171 e alleles with one to two additional markers were sufficient for obtaining high levels of resistance
172 iants to check whether Erk's activity per se is sufficient for oncogenic transformation.
173 herapies, although a single approach may not be sufficient for optimal management of both metabolic a
174 ce develop severe TEC H/P, and 2-3 wk of NaI is sufficient for optimal development of severe TEC H/P.
175 nt developmental cancer, one "big-hit" might be sufficient for overt disease and supports a key contr
176 e GAL promoter alleles or GAL coding regions was sufficient for partial reconstruction of these pheno
177 B rather than PPhiB, indicating that KflaHY2 is sufficient for PCB synthesis without any other algal
178 eraction during cortical development in vivo is sufficient for PH.
179                     These intronic sequences are sufficient for photoreceptor-cell-specific splicing
180  is unlikely that epidemiological data alone is sufficient for planning eye health services within a
181  we demonstrate that no single viral protein is sufficient for polarized budding.
182 ents suggest that sequence composition alone is sufficient for predicting protein sequences that are
183 we determine that the catalytic domain alone is sufficient for processive motion, providing insight i
184           Furthermore, expression of SLC5A11 is sufficient for promoting hunger-driven behaviors and
185  sulfotyrosine-binding pocket by CCR5mim2-Ig was sufficient for promoting CD4bs antibody binding to E
186  only rescues the mutant phenotype, but also is sufficient for proper function of the adult heart.
187 at restoration of TLR2-deficient eosinophils is sufficient for protection from a strain producing CDT
188 ngle agent that targets the GP base epitopes is sufficient for protection in mice; such agents could
189  not altered, indicating that mislocated FUS is sufficient for proteinopathy.
190 om the ICx to the dorsal periaqueductal gray is sufficient for provoking flight behaviours.
191 e is reduced, inhibition of depolymerization is sufficient for pseudopod maintenance but not remodeli
192 dicate that leptin signaling in AgRP neurons is sufficient for puberty onset and normal adult fecundi
193 adient magnitudes previously demonstrated to be sufficient for pure propulsion of micron-scale therap
194  of Rbd2 binds directly to PtdIns(4,5)P2 and is sufficient for Rbd2's role in actin regulation.
195 agnetic resonance targeting (MRT) could also be sufficient for real-time steering of these particles.
196 a small motif within peptide substrates that is sufficient for recognition by the enzyme.
197 eed, Noc production in a heterologous system is sufficient for recruitment of chromosomal DNA to the
198 hough the well-known thin-filament mechanism is sufficient for regulation of muscle shortening agains
199 ther Wnt ligand derived from proximal tubule is sufficient for renal fibrogenesis, we generated a nov
200 and that the TNF mRNA 3' untranslated region is sufficient for repression.
201 al amounts of the Notch intracellular domain were sufficient for rescue, which was not mediated by tr
202 e to spiroindolones and that these mutations are sufficient for resistance.
203 nstrate that the rhg1-a Peking-type GmSNAP18 is sufficient for resistance to SCN in combination with
204 prostatic mouse epithelium (seminal vesicle) is sufficient for respecification to prostate in renal g
205 rsial whether the dNTPase activity of SAMHD1 is sufficient for restriction.
206 tionally distinct heterochromatin state that is sufficient for RNAi-dependent co-transcriptional gene
207 a show that P, M, and the F carboxy terminus are sufficient for robust viral protein coalescence and
208 p70(y442) mutant zebrafish, with T cell loss being sufficient for robust allogeneic cell engraftment.
209 xpression of individual RSL class I proteins is sufficient for root hair development in the cereal O.
210            The cysteine-rich domain of sFRP2 is sufficient for Ror2 activation, and related sFRPs can
211 ls causes their compaction and that crowding is sufficient for scrib(KD) cell elimination.
212 plasticity modulated by reward is thought to be sufficient for selecting actions in the striatum.
213 overexpression of OCT4 in a kidney cell line is sufficient for signal-dependent activation of otherwi
214  single active ATPase motor within the dimer is sufficient for sliding.
215 ormational change of the binding site, which is sufficient for Smoothened activation and is unique am
216 subtle increases in wild-type Met RTK levels are sufficient for spontaneous tumors in mice (Alb-R26(M
217 gth hammerheads possessing this interaction, is sufficient for stabilizing the ribozyme active site,
218            LIF at levels found in the C26 CM was sufficient for STAT reporter activation and atrophy
219 cNAc), suggesting that a basal level of cAMP is sufficient for stimulation.
220 n of the world from the animal's perspective is sufficient for subjective experience.
221  membrane (devoid of translocase components) is sufficient for successful co-translational folding of
222 oonotic transmission may not, by themselves, be sufficient for such transmission to occur.
223 ced genes and its N-terminal 251 amino acids are sufficient for supporting K13-induced NF-kappaB.
224              The minimum region of NEMO that is sufficient for supporting K13-induced NF-kappaB has n
225 a small fraction of actin-bound myosin heads is sufficient for supporting the O-state and, therefore
226  one of three FGFRs (FGFR1, FGFR2, or FGFR3) is sufficient for survival.
227 a 54-bp fragment of the G564 upstream region is sufficient for suspensor transcription and contains a
228 e, 10-bp-related, Region 2 and Fifth motifs) is sufficient for suspensor transcription, and represent
229 ith further maturation on Matrigel mattress, is sufficient for T-tubule development, enhanced Ca-indu
230 nsitivity of 20 parasites per microlitre may be sufficient for targeted mass drug administration beca
231 d that the C-terminal 30 amino acids of Rpn8 are sufficient for the binding to Pih1 C terminus.
232 tion, suggesting that the lipids in exosomes are sufficient for the catalytic effect to arise.
233 ranslation; sequences around the start codon are sufficient for the induction of translation.
234    Our findings show that three 24-h samples are sufficient for the measurement of long-term exposure
235 ing induces memory, indicating these neurons are sufficient for the reinforcing properties of bitter
236 ration and modifying its sexual reproduction are sufficient for the symbiont's control of its own tra
237 hat the putative reductase PfmaG and the PKS are sufficient for the synthesis of scytalone.
238 activation of the Adelta-HT pain pathway may be sufficient for the generation of headache perception.
239 ingle change at VP40 residue 79 was found to be sufficient for the increased VP40 IFN antagonism.
240 lay in within-host evolutionary dynamics can be sufficient for the virus to evolve intermediate viral
241 beta does contribute, with endogenous levels being sufficient for the initial stages of axial shorten
242 CR) stimulation together with co-stimulation is sufficient for the activation of both naive and memor
243 summer meltwater to rivers and aquifers that is sufficient for the basic needs of 136 million people,
244  necessary and FGF1 expression in beta-cells is sufficient for the compensatory beta-cell differentia
245 ut by trisomy 13 in DLD1+13 and AF+13 cells, is sufficient for the cytokinesis failure phenotype.
246 ng TSN to the cytoplasmic mRNA complexes and is sufficient for the cytoprotective function of TSN dur
247 eletion of Vhl and Pbrm1 in the mouse kidney is sufficient for the development of fully-penetrant, mu
248 se of the innate Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) is sufficient for the development of nephritis.
249                           Podocyte depletion is sufficient for the development of numerous glomerular
250  mouse model to demonstrate that STAT5BN642H is sufficient for the development of T cell neoplasia.
251 II)-dependent dendritic cell Ag presentation is sufficient for the differentiation of a T(FH) interme
252 pose that lower-order oligomerization of MX2 is sufficient for the effective inhibition of HIV-1.
253 either dim light alone nor a shortened night is sufficient for the extraordinary entrainment observed
254  the formation of the flat slab, its removal is sufficient for the flat slab to fail.
255                                This accuracy is sufficient for the generation of all-atom 3D models.
256 trate that high-risk HPV E7 expression alone is sufficient for the increase in Rad51 and BRCA1 protei
257 onstrate that dysfunction of RPE cells alone is sufficient for the initiation of sub-RPE lipoproteina
258 cal data suggest that the stem-loop sequence is sufficient for the initiation of viral RNA synthesis
259 d AtPNP-R1, and the active region of AtPNP-A is sufficient for the interaction to occur.
260 results show that knockdown of a single gene is sufficient for the middorsal head to acquire the comp
261                                  CCL21 alone is sufficient for the migration of APCs from skin to LN.
262 ate light intensity (10(2) mumol.m(2).s(-1)) is sufficient for the photoreaction.
263 , acquisition of two suitable interferograms is sufficient for the purpose.
264 e interaction between the PIN domain and PAR is sufficient for the recruitment.
265 ina using a binary knockin-transgenic system is sufficient for the specification of the RGC fate.
266 eceptors for sKlotho and that the KL1 domain is sufficient for the tested biologic activities.
267 f experiment time and a single 0.5-mg sample was sufficient for the acquisition of all data necessary
268                  Eleven weeks post treatment was sufficient for the animals to develop hyperglycemia,
269                                         This was sufficient for the generation of an autoreactive TH1
270 thione-beta-synthase (CBS) domain of SpoIVFB was sufficient for the interaction but not for cleavage
271 n of a single gene encoding the protease Pla was sufficient for the most ancestral, deeply rooted str
272                      Transformation with F5H was sufficient for the production of syringyl lignin in
273 nM for MBP and 0.15nM for Tau proteins which were sufficient for the levels to be analysed in neuro-c
274 row reconstitution with TET2-deficient cells was sufficient for their clonal expansion and led to a m
275 4 is required to stabilize IFT-B; aa 197-641 are sufficient for this function in vivo.
276 START domain-containing protein 10 (StarD10) are sufficient for this interaction.
277 ra energy and time expenditure is thought to be sufficient for this extra genetic material to be elim
278 of TLR2 and IL-4 receptor on dendritic cells is sufficient for this conversion.
279 doses of etoposide; however, LMP1 expression was sufficient for this effect.
280                      The amphipathic C-helix was sufficient for this localization.
281  C-terminus of AtWRI1 without the PEST motif is sufficient for transactivation.
282 ma-interacting domain (SID) and basic linker are sufficient for transcription activation.
283 defects, although low levels of Paf1 on Pol2 are sufficient for transcription elongation.
284 at protein misfolding without ubiquitylation is sufficient for translocation into inclusion bodies.
285   It is unclear whether PD-L1 on tumor cells is sufficient for tumor immune evasion or simply correla
286 ignaling, enhanced cell growth in vitro, and was sufficient for tumor formation in vivo.
287 ation of 100 transduced cells into nude mice was sufficient for tumor formation.
288 specificity for the single Mut H-ras epitope was sufficient for tumor prevention, MHC class I epitope
289 ns demonstrated that one of these, SpSLF-23, is sufficient for ui1.1 function.
290 ell mRNA sequencing (~50,000 reads per cell) is sufficient for unbiased cell-type classification and
291         Here, we provide evidence that Hand2 is sufficient for upper jaw (maxilla)-to-mandible transf
292                  Platelets from older adults were sufficient for upregulating the synthesis of inflam
293 the plasma membrane of host epithelial cells was sufficient for uptake.
294 ion, whereas partial SNARE complex formation is sufficient for vesicle docking and neuronal maintenan
295 ing, whereas partial SNARE complex formation is sufficient for vesicle docking and neuronal maintenan
296 hat a single allele of either CRTC2 or CRTC3 is sufficient for viability.
297 f HEK293 and HeLa cells by AAV2, whereas NS4 is sufficient for viral DNA replication of an AAV2 duple
298  tethering hnRNPK to Xist RNA lacking XR-PID is sufficient for Xist-dependent Polycomb recruitment.
299              Expression of Roq1 was found to be sufficient for XopQ recognition in both the closely-r
300 ation, synthesized by either PARP1 or PARP2, are sufficient for XRCC1 recruitment following oxidative

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