


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                      Moreover, these methods are unable to accommodate complex designs.
2 xponential and hyperbolic discounting models are unable to account for the attraction effect, recentl
3                We show that Ift56(hop) cilia are unable to accumulate Gli proteins efficiently, resul
4               Strikingly, core IFTB proteins are unable to accumulate normally within Ift56(hop) cili
5  are nonfunctional, and therefore mature HMR is unable to accumulate in either plastids or the nucleu
6 IPID:DIACYLGLYCEROL ACYLTRANSFERASE1 (PDAT1) were unable to accumulate TAGs after heat stress, phosph
7  species, possibly because genotypes 3 and 4 are unable to achieve the same fitness due to repeated h
8                            In conclusion, we were unable to acquire the GDM phenotype in any of our e
9                                        TEADs are unable to activate transcription and require the hel
10                                      Despite being unable to activate the cognate ghrelin receptor (G
11 cose dyshomeostasis develops when beta-cells are unable to adapt to peripheral insulin demands.
12 te binding site either result in the protein being unable to adopt outward-facing conformations or in
13  for 21 days; the same number of free islets was unable to affect glucose levels.
14                  Consequently, these animals are unable to appropriately dilute urine in response to
15                                           We were unable to ascertain avoidance responses in fathead
16 PSs throughout the genome yields an RNA that is unable to assemble efficiently.
17                                           We were unable to assess possible episodes of remission and
18 s occurred during the study or follow-up, we were unable to assess the duration of response or progre
19                                           We were unable to assess the effect of human donor milk as
20 icular Th, and CTL functionalities, yet they are unable to be infected by SIV.
21 bridge to allow unrelated interventions that are unable to be performed because of weight limits (ie,
22 y plasmacytoma, provided that whole-body MRI is unable to be performed, and to distinguish between sm
23 ssion of the AMPKalpha1(S485A) mutant, which is unable to be phosphorylated by PKA, increased both AM
24                               Mutation rates were unable to be determined because the branching order
25                        DMACl surface species were unable to be measured after multiple ALD cycles as
26       Paradoxically, although D145E C-domain was unable to bind Ca(2+), these changes along its backb
27 y fibrosis, a 3-amino acid point mutant that was unable to bind pSMAD3 proved ineffective.
28 02E mutant associated with only a subset and was unable to bind to E1.
29                          However, these MAbs were unable to bind to a chimeric GPC composed of JUNV G
30 ly counteract interferon (IFN) responses but was unable to block general gene expression in human or
31 ly because available structural methods have been unable to capture microtubule-bound intermediates o
32           Notably, ID-causing TRMT1 variants are unable to catalyze the formation of m2,2G due to def
33                           Current approaches are unable to clear the virus despite decades of therapy
34 tive oxygen species (ROS) during the day and is unable to clear it during the night.
35 protein encoded by the gene lpdG Although we were unable to co-crystallize LpdG with an endogenous ph
36                                           We are unable to comment on long-term antibody sensitisatio
37 ients who needed urgent medical attention or were unable to communicate clearly were not eligible.
38 edical treatment or inpatient admission, who were unable to communicate clearly, and who were intoxic
39 ung cancer cell lines to EGFR blockade, they are unable to compensate for inhibition of PI3K signalin
40 ion, or lacking the extension (pre-cleaved), are unable to complement an L27 deletion in Staphylococc
41           Laboratory results showed that BPH was unable to complete its life cycle on L. sayanuka, an
42 gimen and missing data from participants who were unable to complete all study visits.
43  cellular chains, illustrative of cells that were unable to complete division.
44 with uterine fibroids and/or adenomyosis who were unable to conceive.
45                           However, the study was unable to conclude that the success rate with donor
46 t, NTR(35), which harbors the R21G mutation, was unable to confer MYO1C(35)-like kinetic behavior.
47 gical and genetic loss-of-function tools, we were unable to confirm that KRAS-driven tumor lines requ
48                                           We were unable to confirm whether the increase in rates of
49 atal dental pulp cells; however, these cells are unable to contribute to the formation of pulp cells
50 materials are increasingly important, yet we are unable to control how they stretch with much more so
51 isorders (TD/CTD), but previous studies have been unable to control for unmeasured environmental and
52  coculture model, CLDN4-deficient astrocytes were unable to control lymphocyte segregation.
53 dly acquired an ILC1-like gene signature and were unable to control tumor metastasis or viral infecti
54 tional assembly of the outer kinetochore but is unable to correct errors in kinetochore-microtubule a
55  with an impaired telomerase holoenzyme that is unable to correctly assemble with its nucleic acid su
56 ited and authentic samples but the assessors were unable to correctly identify the counterfeited prod
57   In contrast to complex plant meristems, we were unable to correlate the plant morphogen auxin with
58  mouse models of Huntington's disease but we were unable to corroborate the general repression of tra
59 sufficient in steady-state conditions but it is unable to cover further needs.
60 ficits during the beam-walking challenge and were unable to cross the beam.
61 o a B-blast fate <12 days post-infection and are unable to de-repress p18INK4c or BLIMP-1-in either n
62 l other antibiotics that ancestral TEM-1 had been unable to deactivate.
63                   Mammalian macrophages that are unable to degrade internalized bacteria also exhibit
64                             Furthermore, dNK were unable to degranulate or secrete cytokines in respo
65 enhanced gate-to-channel capacitive coupling is unable to deliver high-performance device behavior.
66                             However, we have been unable to demonstrate this dissociation when we add
67                               Moreover, DsbG is unable to denitrosylate its specific substrate protei
68 ecays in global analysis means the technique is unable to describe dynamic motion, a process which is
69 face scanning with a standard Geiger counter was unable to detect the radiation emitted by (210)Po, a
70                                           We were unable to detect any impact of the UAV on breeding
71                                           We were unable to detect EBV-2 in T-cell samples from mothe
72 lyses performed with both Cpf1 nucleases, we were unable to detect off-target cleavage for more than
73 opathy and steatohepatitis, and adjudication was unable to determine the cause of death.
74                        Therefore, the USPSTF was unable to determine the magnitude of the benefits or
75 al tail of the chemokine receptor CXCR4, but were unable to determine which specific residues were ph
76 al' spinal connections, and it is assumed to be unable to develop extra-spinal recovery strategies to
77 ucleoprotein, which are limited in that they are unable to differentiate by species and require an ad
78 edict pathogenicity of nsSNVs; however, they are unable to differentiate heterozygous, dominant disea
79 e fluorescent protein tags, researchers have been unable to directly assess VF dynamics from virus-pr
80 y low levels of BBB regulatory proteins, and is unable to discriminate between the transport of angio
81 intuitiveness, the traditional sequence logo is unable to display the intra-motif dependencies and th
82              This coincides with M.tb DK9897 being unable to disrupt the phagosome membrane and make
83  those obtained for Sph3h In contrast, Sph3h was unable to disrupt P. aeruginosa Pel-based biofilms,
84                    Currently available tests are unable to distinguish between asymptomatic sensitiza
85  results show that newly sighted individuals are unable to distinguish between faces and nonfaces imm
86 atterns between states of health and disease are unable to distinguish between primary causal disease
87 rotenoid directly from membranes, while HCPs are unable to do so.
88 etwork to coordinate cognitive activity, but is unable to do so at tonically elevated noradrenergic l
89 xpression during seed maturation in cis, but is unable to do so in trans Therefore, the negative regu
90 F-specific epitopes, whereas a post-fusion F is unable to do so.
91 riphosphate (ATP)-degrading ecto-enzyme CD39 were unable to do so.
92 s with elevated NT-proBNP levels, this trial was unable to draw definite conclusions regarding the in
93                                           We were unable to draw any conclusions on the cost-effectiv
94   Previous research has shown that residents were unable to effectively challenge a superior's wrong
95 heir phenotypes, but approaches to date have been unable to efficiently link the effects of mutations
96     Moreover, vaccination with such peptides was unable to elicit tumor growth-inhibitory responses i
97  VC2 vaccine strain, which has been shown to be unable to enter into neurons and establish latency in
98  is not expressed at the plasma membrane and is unable to entrap virions, activated NF-kappaB in conc
99 n efficiently suppress viral replication but are unable to eradicate the infection.
100 e NH2-amino terminal splice variant of PTEN, were unable to eradicate Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the
101 e this occurs, the separated components will be unable to escape each other; they will orbit each oth
102            However, data are limited, and we were unable to estimate NDI after GBS sepsis.
103            Many AF cohort studies did not or were unable to examine racial differences.
104    One limitation of our analyses is that we were unable to examine the characteristics of cases that
105                                           We are unable to exclude confounding due to other events oc
106 PEC deficient in de novo purine biosynthesis was unable to expand into intracytoplasmic bacterial com
107 rs of extreme droughts in South America, but are unable to explain the severity of the 2016 observed
108 rrent model of radical-pair magnetoreception is unable to explain the findings of the reported behavi
109  multiple behavioral analysis approaches, we were unable to extend these findings to normal mice obse
110  triazole fungicides may put bees at risk of being unable to extract sufficient energy from their nat
111 chrome c pathway in both strains, the mutant was unable to fine-tune the expression and activity of o
112  based on distant cytotoxic log-kill effects were unable to fit the data.
113  double sitA mntH mutant of R. leguminosarum was unable to fix nitrogen (Fix(-) ) with legumes belong
114  established human CPVT mutant RyR2(R4497C), were unable to follow 3.7 Hz pacing, with progressive de
115 esent evidence that neurons exposed to Abeta are unable to form new synapses, resulting in learning d
116 s possess unusual blunt-ended telomeres that are unable to form t-loops or complex with single-strand
117        In this location, the alphaC fragment is unable to form the conserved catalytic interface that
118 te under non-CCR-inducing growth conditions, was unable to form biofilms.
119 ated with the shRNA targeting IGF-1 receptor were unable to form an axon and, therefore, neuron polar
120 ls in the absence of antiretroviral therapy, are unable to fully downregulate CD4 from the plasma mem
121                            Endogenous repair is unable to fully restore the thymus, particularly in t
122 ably, overexpression of the wild-type PRKACA was unable to fully recapitulate the oncogenic activity
123       We found that a slicing-defective AGO4 was unable to fully recover AGO4-dependent het-siRNA acc
124                                           We were unable to fully customise centile charts because we
125 ically distinct classes of E3s, the E2 UBCH7 is unable to function with really interesting new gene (
126 ponse to parasitic helminths, Batf(-/-) mice are unable to generate follicular Th and Th2 cells.
127 sogenic HDC-deficient L. reuteri mutant that was unable to generate histamine did not suppress carcin
128 previously in L. major, but unexpectedly, we were unable to generate fkp40(-)/afkp80(-) double mutant
129 or-binding was measurably weaker when motors were unable to generate torque.
130            In contrast, hippocampal patients were unable to grasp the higher-order structure of the t
131 ial cells that line the inside of the uterus are unable to grow due to a lack of growth factors secre
132 o show that cells lacking both SCAR and WASP are unable to grow, make pseudopods or, unexpectedly, mi
133 lapagos tortoises on Santa Cruz Island would be unable to grow to their enormous sizes without access
134  results in hem1Delta abc3Delta mutant cells being unable to grow in the presence of hemin as the sol
135 unclear because conventional imaging methods are unable to guide management of therapies in specific
136 use they require slow flow rates and/or they are unable to handle milliliter-scale volumes.
137 organophosphate-hydrolyzing lactonase SsoPox are unable to hydrolyze bulkyorganophosphates with chall
138 it resulted in strictly monomeric Spa47 that is unable to hydrolyze ATP, despite maintaining the cano
139                        Previous studies have been unable to identify the full spectrum of driver gene
140 ce of this discovery remained unclear, as we were unable to identify a functional adenylate cyclase i
141                                  However, we were unable to identify evidence for an association betw
142   In particular, age, gender, and occupation were unable to identify non-recipients, although World H
143 associated virus (AAV) into FKRP mutant mice was unable to improve dystrophic phenotypes, both histol
144              However, prednisolone treatment was unable to improve the myogenesis of stem cells and r
145 ed fibroblasts had reduced NANS activity and were unable to incorporate sialic acid precursors into s
146 COX2 using a COX2-knock-out mouse where pFUS was unable to increase MSC tropism.
147 foraphane (SFN) and dimethyl fumarate (DMF), are unable to induce a similar response.
148 an alpha-syn, at levels that, by themselves, are unable to induce acute dopamine (DA) neurodegenerati
149 les demonstrated that the resulting proteins are unable to induce IFN-beta, are intrinsically less st
150                                 Wnt proteins are unable to induce Lgr5(+) ISC self-renewal, but inste
151 h cultured embryonic dental mesenchyme cells are unable to induce tooth formation, they can contribut
152                   Finally, activated cofilin is unable to induce apoptosis in cells genetically lacki
153 t in exporting a specific class of effectors is unable to induce lipid droplet accumulation, we demon
154                      In contrast to TCDD, CA is unable to induce the CYP1A1 gene, thus revealing an A
155 eonatal and adult hUGT1/Car(-/-) mice, PEITC was unable to induce CYP2B10.
156                       The nitrated chemokine was unable to induce transendothelial monocyte migration
157 from M. tuberculosis-infected IL-21R KO mice were unable to induce optimal macrophage responses to M.
158                     Immunized TLR2(0/0) mice were unable to induce OX40 and OX40L by matrix metallopr
159 or that mediates inflammatory responses, and were unable to induce the expression of inflammatory gen
160                             However, Neurog2 was unable to influence the derepression circuit when mi
161 s the electrophilic double bond of fumarate, is unable to inhibit NFkappaB activity.
162              His markedly elevated inhibin B was unable to inhibit FSH secretion, indicating a status
163             These mutant Gbetagamma subunits were unable to inhibit VGCC currents.
164 stress, lacked very long lipopolysaccharide, was unable to invade enterocytes, and demonstrated decre
165         Current breeding practices, however, are unable to keep pace with demand.
166 crophages in the lung, but these macrophages are unable to kill intracellular bacteria.
167                        Further, cocaine rats were unable to learn higher-order associations and even
168  checkpoint (SAC) signaling, such that cells are unable to maintain a prolonged mitotic arrest in the
169 rol-regulatory element-binding protein-2 yet are unable to maintain normal cholesterol levels, sugges
170              Isolated short peptides usually are unable to maintain their original secondary structur
171                The MPA network studied would be unable to maintain connectivity of these small benthi
172  female, mice lacking vGlut2 in POMC neurons were unable to maintain energy balance to the same exten
173        Peripheral talin-deficient Treg cells were unable to maintain high expression of IL-2Ralpha, r
174     Without ADAM10 and Notch1 signaling, DCs were unable to make cytokines that stimulate TH 2 cells
175 (363 coding exons), current web applications are unable to map titin variants to domain structures.
176 , spacecraft and telescope observations have been unable to map the emission from the entire patera f
177 in which mobile conventional dendritic cells were unable to migrate toward follicular dendritic cells
178 cles that transmit signals from a substrate, are unable to mitigate retroactivity effects, even when
179 ression by Tregs, whereas in cancer, T cells are unable to mount antitumor responses due to the Treg-
180 orce, we should not penalize researchers who are unable to move abroad for long periods.
181 Medicago truncatula plants defective in ERN1 are unable to nodulate, but still exhibit early symbioti
182 n or that the interaction is lost when Cox15 is unable to oligomerize.
183  detectors in conditions where array sensors are unable to operate properly, such as infrared imaging
184 rophages produce reduced levels of IL-18 and are unable to optimally stimulate IFN-gamma production b
185                                 The patients were unable to orchestrate an inflammatory response agai
186 eriod of time, even if the displaced persons are unable to pay (water and sanitation as human rights)
187 social behavior and fitness, suggesting they are unable to perceive pheromones.
188 types, often lack environmental context, and are unable to perform multiplex phenotypic profiling of
189                             Most cells would be unable to perform this function because they use thei
190                  Results showed participants were unable to perform the motion or form task reliably
191  of rCl-13 and we show that rCl-13(GPC/VGKS) was unable to persist in mice.
192                    Despite this, GWASs alone are unable to pinpoint disease-causing single nucleotide
193 drich syndrome protein-deficient neutrophils are unable to polymerize actin and exhibit a block in bo
194 or deglutathionylation of actin and tubulin, are unable to polymerize either cytoskeletal network and
195 ding and posttreatment depression score, and were unable to predict posttreatment depression severity
196 ber configuration, although these parameters were unable to predict significantly predict IOP drop at
197 pository for this antigen archival, yet LECs are unable to present their archived antigens to CD8(+)
198 ard transmission electron microscopy studies are unable to preserve the native state of chemically re
199 t mice, we show that the neonatal microbiota is unable to prevent colonization by two bacterial patho
200                            In contrast, AUT1 was unable to prevent amphetamine-induced hyperactivity
201                          As a result, valves were unable to prevent fluid backflow and the vessels we
202 rehearing stage of development and, as such, are unable to process sound information.
203             Here we show that human RNase H2 is unable to process an abasic rNMP (rAP site) or a ribo
204 hat is defective in small capsid protein and is unable to produce mature virions.
205  C57BL/6 mice deficient for NLRP3 expression were unable to produce IL-1beta in the airways during ac
206 xpression profile of mesendodermal cells and were unable to progress to fully reprogrammed phenotype.
207 o binds to the promoters of XRCC2 and XRCC4, was unable to promote their transcription or to modify Z
208  of ATP with 2-deoxyglucose and sodium azide were unable to properly regulate pH.
209 plays suffer from multiple limitations: they are unable to provide fully natural visual cues and comf
210 methodologies and experimental contexts have been unable to provide detailed insights for further elu
211 mutations in the heterozygous state but have been unable to purge the mutation burden; such purging s
212                         Most small molecules are unable to rapidly traverse the outer membrane of Gra
213 form appressoria from hyphal tips, but these are unable to re-polarize, and rice infection is impaire
214              To date, these discussions have been unable to reach a consensus regarding how these out
215  of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) that is unable to reach native form and that is prone to aggr
216                               The task force was unable to reach agreement on a single test that can
217 10 mAb that shares the property with 1F11 of being unable to recognize CXCL10 immobilized on GAG, we
218 age to recover from intermediary depths, and are unable to recover from extensive backtracks.
219 ant lacks a functional C-terminal domain and is unable to recruit the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM62.
220                                           We were unable to recruit the planned 3,000 participants an
221 bserved on micro- to millisecond time scales are unable to reduce electron acceptors on the surface o
222 ted in HIV-1(+) elite neutralizers typically are unable to reduce viremia in the same individuals fro
223                      Because of this, ZmTrxh is unable to reduce disulfide bridges but possesses a st
224 wiring, suggesting that circuit patterns may be unable to regenerate with the same fidelity as in dev
225                        The adult human heart is unable to regenerate after various forms of injury, s
226                            By contrast, SurA is unable to release tOmpA from Skp, providing direct ev
227 A methylation, although we highlight that we are unable to reliably separate causality from horizonta
228                                  Antibiotics are unable to remove biofilms from surgical implants.
229 Our findings provide evidence that grapevine is unable to repair embolized xylem vessels under negati
230 a manipulation to match a reported error, we are unable to replicate post-FISP production gains.
231                     As anticipated, vDeltaI2 was unable to replicate in cells that did not express I2
232 patients had more to gain from treatment, we were unable to replicate any genotype-treatment interact
233    Mutant viruses lacking hydrolase activity were unable to replicate in mammalian BHK-21 cells or mo
234 pendent associations at P </= 5 x 10(-5) but were unable to replicate these.
235 tate spectral degeneracy, current approaches are unable to represent several important classes of pea
236                                dCpf1 fusions were unable to repress gene expression.
237                                  Fire models were unable to reproduce the pattern and magnitude of ob
238 xhibit decreased competitiveness in vivo and are unable to rescue hematopoiesis in the setting of mye
239 to viral infection, yet WT B cells and serum are unable to rescue the Irf2(-/-) mice.
240 stimulation, in contrast to CD40 activation, was unable to rescue relb/nfkb2-deleted B cells in vitro
241 entation of Ren1d(-/-) mice with human renin was unable to rescue the abnormality seen in macula dens
242              This endocytic-defective mutant was unable to rescue the loss of TEER associated with p1
243 eins localized to the stereocilial tips, but were unable to rescue FM4-64 labeling.
244 ase contrast, and fluorescence microscopies, are unable to resolve 3D structures deep inside (>50 mum
245 in marks, single-cell chromatin technologies are unable to resolve or predict stem cell fates.
246 ontigs into metagenome-assembled genomes but are unable to resolve strain-level variation.
247             Crystallography studies on Naa60 were unable to resolve the C-terminal tail of Naa60, whi
248 lerotic plaques are phenotypically defective being unable to resorb calcification.
249 asts exhibited defective ruffled borders and were unable to resorb bone in vitro.
250 Z B cells was impaired, and aged bumble mice were unable to respond to NP-Ficoll immunization.
251                              However, Otphot is unable to restore phototropism and chloroplast avoida
252 gnal, it is expressed at very low levels and is unable to reverse methionine and adenine auxotrophy o
253  early therapeutic settings by about 50% but was unable to reverse the established fibrosis.
254 d the repopulating capacity of aged HSCs but were unable to reverse the intrinsic myeloid bias.
255 cles progressed to the antral stage but many were unable to rupture.
256 hortage of oral cholera vaccine, authorities were unable to secure sufficient doses to vaccinate the
257                       We show that the plant is unable to select against the non-fixing strain at the
258 ay in goal-directed responding-that is, mice were unable to select actions based on the likelihood th
259 dback, faces challenges as many participants are unable to self-regulate.
260                           By contrast, GATA2 is unable to shift AR or FOXA1 to GATA motifs.
261                                           We were unable to show that empiric treatment with OAD was
262         Single pharmacological interventions are unable to significantly restore function owing to a
263                           Predatory bacteria were unable to significantly reduce K. pneumoniae burden
264 increased MCC association with the APC/C and are unable to silence the checkpoint efficiently.
265  of PKR function is highly specific, as LCMV is unable to similarly inhibit eIF2alpha phosphorylation
266 f transmission suggests that resistance will be unable to spread in the field, greatly enhancing the
267 , and the structure finally explains why Mpa is unable to stimulate robust protein degradation in vit
268                     Importantly, fatty acids were unable to substitute for the 25 mm glucose pulse du
269 de13Delta mutant is an adenine auxotroph and is unable to successfully cause infections in a murine m
270 diation strategies, in the studies reviewed, were unable to successfully remove carcinogenic PAHs fro
271 ors formation of a cofilin-binding mode that is unable to sufficiently alter filament mechanical prop
272 M2 polarization was impaired and macrophages were unable to sufficiently induce T regulatory cells (T
273  mature far enough to be fertilized in vitro are unable to support embryonic development beyond the t
274 oteins sustain a low level of exocytosis but are unable to support serotonin-mediated inhibition of e
275                Thus, current technology will be unable to support future broadband demands.
276 ous research demonstrating psoriatic Mo-MDSC are unable to suppress autologous and heterologous CD8 T
277 n (IFN)-incompetent cells and that the virus is unable to suppress IFN induced in response to viral r
278         MSC-deficient (Msc(-/-)) iTreg cells were unable to suppress TH2 responses, and Msc(-/-) mice
279                                A sigG mutant was unable to survive envelope damage caused by heat or
280  synapses, depress synaptic transmission and are unable to sustain long-term potentiation (LTP).
281                 In contrast, low-dosage bFGF was unable to sustain those markers and, combined with S
282 dical S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) protein, are unable to synthesize BChl e but accumulate BChl c; h
283    High fidelity replicative DNA polymerases are unable to synthesize past DNA adducts that result fr
284 that have focused on defining 'true answers' are unable to systematically and objectively assess PA m
285 y, several studies suggest that children who are unable to taste PROP (i.e., nontasters) like and con
286                               Moreover, they are unable to tell new from old at better than chance le
287 erature may represent a threshold P. vulgata is unable to tolerate.
288 es, likely because translated viral proteins are unable to transfer from the ER to LDs.
289 of an elongated beta1-beta2 linker, MazF-mt6 is unable to transition between open and closed states,
290          Resistant birds, although infected, were unable to transmit virus to contact birds, as ultim
291 s intrinsic ability to ubiquitinate HIFalpha is unable to ubiquitinate AURKA.
292 and management, particularly in patients who are unable to undergo contrast-based radiological studie
293                However, Set1A(DeltaSET) ESCs are unable to undergo normal differentiation, indicating
294 ies of N-methylated amino derivatives, which are unable to undergo such tautomerism, were equal in po
295 fficient to sustain the growth of cells that are unable to use serine, which is the predominant sourc
296 ransported pseudocobalamin into the cell but was unable to use pseudocobalamin in its homolog of MetH
297  the expression of RDH10 and transgenic rods were unable to use cis-retinol for pigment regeneration.
298 tuations where conventional Raman microscopy was unable to visualize the sublayer.
299            One-third of all stroke survivors are unable to walk, even after intensive physiotherapy.
300 uch low PCO2 levels, existing climate models are unable to warm Hesperian Mars anywhere near the free

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