


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e endothelial capacity to engage leukocytes) is unaltered.
2 ontext, GR function in COPD lung macrophages is unaltered.
3  to UV radiation or topoisomerase inhibitors is unaltered.
4 eases, even though the energetics of folding is unaltered.
5 f the IS with soluble anti-CD3/anti-CD28 Abs is unaltered.
6 the resistance response to races SG2 and SG5 is unaltered.
7 et-derived growth factor receptor expression is unaltered.
8  development of B lymphocytes in bone marrow is unaltered.
9 nd non-mGluR-mediated long-term potentiation is unaltered.
10 Sc) formation is altered yet disease outcome is unaltered.
11 -1 levels, whereas other coagulation factors are unaltered.
12 tes in mice harboring Il10-deficient B cells are unaltered.
13  insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) secretions are unaltered.
14  Decay kinetics of I(K) at negative voltages are unaltered.
15 tion even though vorinostat pharmacokinetics are unaltered.
16  and constitutive apolipoprotein E secretion are unaltered.
17  and spinal cord innervating skeletal muscle are unaltered.
18 ent cells, those of both AP- and betaE-sites are unaltered.
19 ude of mEPSCs and amplitudes of evoked EPSCs are unaltered.
20 lthough both positive and negative selection are unaltered.
21 and the presynaptic residual calcium signals are unaltered.
22 lve endocytosis, and surface receptor levels are unaltered.
23 amma3(R225Q) mice, whereas glucose tolerance was unaltered.
24 vel, whereas in H1299 cells the level of ATP was unaltered.
25 ever, the strength of the remaining synapses was unaltered.
26 mised, whereas their multi-lineage potential was unaltered.
27                 For all procedures, the FERG was unaltered.
28 Postsynaptic targeting of recombinant Shank3 was unaltered.
29 esulfonate (PFOS) found that linear (L)-PFOS was unaltered.
30  fast-, slow- and non-deactivating fractions was unaltered.
31 channel protein levels, whereas excitability was unaltered.
32 red with healthy skin, but RelA distribution was unaltered.
33 cohol drinking; however, sucrose consumption was unaltered.
34 rosine kinase (Tyk) 2, and Jak1 by IFN-alpha was unaltered.
35 ation, whereas FRET with other tested SNAREs was unaltered.
36 he beneficial effect of increased plasma HDL was unaltered.
37  human collecting duct cell line, while SPAK was unaltered.
38 the ability of insulin to suppress lipolysis was unaltered.
39 to decline (P=0.096), whereas cardiac output was unaltered.
40  while AM expression in alveolar macrophages was unaltered.
41 K cells, but the surface expression of Ly49A was unaltered.
42 lity sharply increased, whereas quantal size was unaltered.
43 ptor protein expression in the vagal complex was unaltered.
44 an controls, while malaria-associated anemia was unaltered.
45  blocked in BCATm(-/-) islets, KIC oxidation was unaltered.
46 yramidal cells, whereas D2 receptor function was unaltered.
47 d the production of several innate cytokines was unaltered.
48  other tumors, such as Lewis lung carcinoma, was unaltered.
49 vessel relaxation using sodium nitroprusside was unaltered.
50 t, MVM protein expression of GLUT 3 or SNAT4 was unaltered.
51 itary alpha-MSH, a PCSK2 processing product, was unaltered.
52      Alveolar macrophage TNFalpha production was unaltered.
53 specific protein, proteolipid protein (PLP), was unaltered.
54 e total number of membrane-proximal vesicles was unaltered.
55 on of endothelial aquaporin-1 water channels was unaltered.
56 is, fatty acid oxidation, and VLDL secretion was unaltered.
57 cytosolic PKC increased, PKC activity itself was unaltered.
58 psaicin-induced mEPSCs from C-fiber synapses was unaltered.
59  but the essential character of the response was unaltered.
60 velopment of vestibular efferent innervation was unaltered.
61 es; however, TRPC1 and TRPC5 mRNA expression was unaltered.
62 CB1 activation, sEPSCs in these same neurons were unaltered.
63 asement membrane and systemic blood pressure were unaltered.
64  threshold (>/= 3.5 x 10(9) photons/cm(2)/s) were unaltered.
65 rly steps in the internalization of the drug were unaltered.
66 arget of rapamycin, and Forkhead box protein were unaltered.
67  biotin-based tracer in the stria vascularis were unaltered.
68 e high but embryo and endosperm ABA contents were unaltered.
69                    Total beta-catenin levels were unaltered.
70  in these animals, while analgesic responses were unaltered.
71 gnitude/properties, and mRNA levels of Scn5a were unaltered.
72 other immature and mature T cell populations were unaltered.
73 nants, transposons, and chromosome structure were unaltered.
74                        Conversely, spleen DC were unaltered.
75  expression and long-term potentiation (LTP) were unaltered.
76 mEPSCs, decay time of mIPSCs, and spine size were unaltered.
77 acid (JA), but levels of salicylic acid (SA) were unaltered.
78 sion and NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-dependent LTD were unaltered.
79 yer IV and layer V, although EPSC amplitudes were unaltered.
80 rphyrin and the proteins affinity for oxygen were unaltered.
81 otal numbers of parvalbumin-positive neurons were unaltered.
82 nd NCC-derived smooth muscle differentiation were unaltered.
83 al weight, litter size and crown rump length were unaltered.
84 ive stress while FoxP3(+) T-regulatory cells were unaltered.
85 ncentrations, cardiovascular risk biomarkers were unaltered.
86 iatal levels of dopamine and its metabolites were unaltered.
87 endogenous regulatory elements of mouse Nod2 were unaltered.
88 and membrane association of the two variants were unaltered.
89 s from healthy individuals, and the increase was unaltered after 12 weeks of etanercept therapy.
90                  Fractional excretion of Na+ was unaltered after HMP and HR but significantly increas
91  The steady-state levels of TS and p53 mRNAs were unaltered after 5-fluorouracil treatment as assesse
92                               These findings were unaltered after the application of different statis
93   CD79B expression levels in stable patients were unaltered after transplantation in PBMC but showed
94          Although antagonist peptide binding was unaltered, almost all mutations affected GLP-1 pepti
95 e and a familiar face (control stimuli) that were unaltered, altered to include only high spatial fre
96                   Cell rolling on E-selectin was unaltered although the number of adherent cells was
97 aturated fatty acids in the pah1Delta mutant were unaltered, although the ratio of palmitoleic acid t
98                                Proliferation was unaltered and apoptosis increased on attenuation of
99    Surface MART-1/HLA-A*0201 in these clones was unaltered and F5 CTLs recognized and interacted with
100 ect of vasopressin on mean arterial pressure was unaltered and that on renal vascular perfusion press
101  as pancreatic lymph node T cell populations were unaltered and T cell proliferation was unaffected b
102 sms were explored; adenylate kinase activity was unaltered, and although GAMT(-/-) hearts accumulated
103  percentage of C-terminally cleaved alpha2AP was unaltered, and that Arg407Lys did not influence alph
104 on site, the phosphorylation state of RNAPII was unaltered, and the transcription bubbles remained op
105 rillary acidic protein (Gfap) message levels were unaltered, and other astrocytic markers were signif
106            Hearing acuity in treated animals is unaltered at postnatal day 30.
107  X-ray absorptiometry scan, body composition was unaltered at 3 or 6-7 months of age.
108   Constriction of retinal arterioles to ET-1 was unaltered at all time periods of hyperglycemia.
109  P = .0005), while total white matter volume was unaltered (beta = -10.10; 95% CI, -20.73 to 0.53; P
110 fected individuals, whereas WDR36 expression is unaltered between the two groups.
111 glycoprotein 130, as well as IL-6 secretion, was unaltered between cultured myotubes from normal gluc
112         Circulating serum IL-6 concentration was unaltered between normal glucose tolerant and type 2
113   The frequency and spectra of hypermutation was unaltered between Polzeta(+/-) Poleta(-/-) and Polze
114 several beta-adrenergic signaling components were unaltered between control and DCM iPSC-CMs, we foun
115 MV neurones excited by cholecystokinin (CCK) was unaltered but the proportion of neurones in which CC
116 female d62MI-TP offspring insulin signalling was unaltered but there was a pancreatic phenotype with
117 etic regulatory genes including lmo2 and scl are unaltered, but levels of gata1 transcripts, encoding
118 nflammasome activation in mature macrophages is unaltered, but IL-18 production from monocytes is gre
119 id (atRA), the balance of daughter cell fate is unaltered, but the rate of cell division increases.
120 umber of follicles entering the growing pool was unaltered, but 3-wk mutants ovulated fewer eggs, sug
121                  Endothelial cell production was unaltered, but there were defects in formation of a
122 xhibit constitutive [(32)P]GTP charging that is unaltered by amino acid withdrawal.
123 ugh the singing-related output of HVCX cells is unaltered by distorted auditory feedback (DAF), deafe
124 ral memory lineage commitment in CD8 T cells is unaltered by enhanced entry into lymph nodes as a res
125 particle content, whereas the melt viscosity is unaltered by the presence of nanoparticles.
126        The number of infiltrating leukocytes was unaltered by abrogation of gal-3, but reduced expres
127                  The homodimer configuration was unaltered by agonist treatment and was stable over a
128                         Substrate hydrolysis was unaltered by deglycosylation.
129 he lung following N. brasiliensis infection, was unaltered by depletion of CD11c-expressing DCs and a
130                       While cell recruitment was unaltered by diazepam, the cytokine response to infe
131 t, for E960A-NKA the apparent Na(+)-affinity was unaltered by either PLM or forskolin-induced PLM pho
132 ion of CpG islands in Nrf2 or NQO1 promoters was unaltered by GDM, decreased DJ-1 and increased phosp
133 tion and aggregation in response to agonists was unaltered by JAK2V617F expression.
134                                         FVEP was unaltered by lidocaine.
135 t and blood at the end of the imaging period was unaltered by lung inflammation.
136 hosphorylation on both phosphorylation sites was unaltered by PP2B or PP2C inhibitors.
137 ) penetration and nonspecific binding, which was unaltered by preadministration of the unlabeled agon
138    Whereas glucose incorporation to glycogen was unaltered by small interfering RNA against DAPK3, pa
139 ed HEK cells revealed that Nav1.7 activation was unaltered by the A1632T mutation but that steady-sta
140 behaviour of non-declining C. septempunctata was unaltered by the presence of H. axyridis.
141  the resulting key natural product analogues was unaltered by the structure modification in spite of
142  T(H)17-induced disease, the amount of IL-10 was unaltered by treatment, although, unexpectedly, IFN-
143                           Locomotor activity was unaltered by vector administration to either region.
144 ia-induced antibody production and pathology were unaltered by 11beta-HSD1 deficiency though plasma l
145 evels in the VTA of ClockDelta19 and WT mice were unaltered by acute AUT1 treatment.
146 PSC frequency, amplitude, and decay kinetics were unaltered by bath application of apamin, suggesting
147  Girk2 and GABA(B)R1 mRNA and protein levels were unaltered by cocaine exposure in VTA DA neurons, th
148                  In V1, FF excitatory inputs were unaltered by DE, whereas lateral intracortical conn
149               Dilations induced by acidic pH were unaltered by inhibitors of K(ATP) channels or nitri
150  Endocrine cell mass and proliferation rates were unaltered by liraglutide treatment.
151 Nob1 are distinct from its cleavage site and were unaltered by mutation of the catalytic PIN domain.
152  regulatory partner, phospholamban (PLB) and were unaltered by PLB phosphorylation or changes in calc
153 a and PKCepsilon also increased with TAC but were unaltered by SIL treatment.
154      IPSCs in these second-order NTS neurons were unaltered by temperature.
155   The positive effects of F19A on NSC growth were unaltered by the addition of a functional blocking
156                                These results were unaltered by the exclusion of all 178 genes that we
157  and TGBp2 (which reside in the ER) proteins were unaltered by the presence of TGBp3, suggesting that
158                CXCR5(+)Th17 cell frequencies were unaltered by TNF blockade and in fact remained rema
159 -regulated (exercise training) or when these were unaltered (CD36 overexpression).
160 ning an AT spacer between the two half-sites is unaltered compared with that containing a TA spacer,
161  arrow15%) in healthy rats such that PO(2)mv was unaltered (Control: 19.8 +/- 1.7, SMTC: 20.7 +/- 1.8
162 te, which is a membrane-selective ER ligand, was unaltered, demonstrating integrity of MISS actions.
163 ession of other Ca(2)(+) regulatory proteins are unaltered, dnOrai1 mice exhibit reduced body weight,
164 tly, a previous study showed that the SCN CC is unaltered during RF, which creates a misalignment bet
165 a within cells was reduced; this redox poise was unaltered during the anaerobic isolation of the orga
166 ds and their theta-phase precession profiles were unaltered during the task, indicating that trial-re
167 a protein obtained from wild-type Drosophila is unaltered following treatment with several nonspecifi
168 al culture conditions, and activation of Akt was unaltered following epidermal growth factor stimulat
169            Conversely, at high altitude, FMD was unaltered following moderate-intensity exercise, and
170 closure, and anorectal physiological testing was unaltered following perineal dissection.
171 tured chromaffin cells; total protein levels were unaltered for any enzyme.
172 IF show a pattern of NF-kappaB dynamics that is unaltered from wild-type cells, but activation of the
173  tetramer formation by the mutant P proteins was unaltered from that for wild-type P.
174                  Galpha(i) expression itself was unaltered; however, expression of negative regulator
175                    SGLT-1 protein expression was unaltered; however, HS increased ileal GLUT-2 protei
176 s Ca(2+) release events and the rate of DADs were unaltered; however, DADs had lower amplitude in het
177  reduced if mice expressed reduced A1Rs, and were unaltered if mice lacked A1Rs.
178                                  Because Ees is unaltered, improved ventricular-arterial coupling is
179  the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae are unaltered in hub1 plants.
180 neous and psychostimulant-induced locomotion are unaltered in miR-133b null mice, suggesting that miR
181 cyte development and naive T cell activation are unaltered in the absence of WASH.
182 nsistent with findings that vGAT mRNA levels are unaltered in the illness and confirming that the num
183 ncrease in vesicle size, and these diameters are unaltered in the presence of protein.
184 es, and abscisic acid levels and sensitivity are unaltered in the rdo5 mutant.
185 e, we reveal that two small molecule ligands are unaltered in their ability to allosterically modulat
186  form of balanced binocular suppression that is unaltered in amblyopia.
187         Here, we show that resistance to GPA is unaltered in an eds1 salicylic acid induction deficie
188                Given that beta2AR expression is unaltered in CHF, a beta-arrestin-biased agonist that
189  proteins with known roles in CMA production is unaltered in cmaL mutants.
190 RFP-Ldgp63 in GFP-LdRab1:WT-expressing cells is unaltered in comparison with control cells.
191  loss of miR-29a, because miR-29b expression is unaltered in miR-29a/b-1-null HSCs, and only ectopic
192                 We found that Akt activation is unaltered in Mtmr13(-/-) and Mtmr2(-/-) mice.
193 e orientation of cortical microtubule arrays is unaltered in rhm1 mutants.
194 he glutamatergic astrocyte-neuron signalling is unaltered in the GAERS thalamus, the changes in some
195 ally bears no resemblance to RS1 and RS2 and is unaltered in the pf17 mutant.
196                           Although apoptosis is unaltered in these mice, they recover more rapidly fr
197 tamate receptors in the hippocampal CA1 area is unaltered in TRPC5 KO mice, but is abolished in TRPC1
198 essing of APP and other neuronal substrates, was unaltered in 4CA mice despite the lack of BACE1 S-pa
199 sting GABA concentration decreased in V1 but was unaltered in a control parietal area.
200 P than littermate controls, whereas basal BP was unaltered in Cdh5-CreERT2 Nox2KO mice (in which Nox2
201 dritic markers, including synaptic vesicles, was unaltered in cdk-5 mutant DB neurons.
202                              Slc6a15 protein was unaltered in ChAT interneurons.
203             Although the total AMPK activity was unaltered in cKO hearts because of upregulation of g
204 or load-bearing protein within muscle cells, was unaltered in CP.
205 at expression of the alpha5beta1 heterodimer was unaltered in degenerated IVD tissue as compared with
206 d integrin alphaIIbbeta3 affinity regulation was unaltered in Dok-2(-/-) platelets, Dok-2 deficiency
207 psy-induced mutation ct(6) and found that it was unaltered in dtopors homozygotes.
208 w from the Wolffian duct; however, apoptosis was unaltered in E12.5 mutant CNDs.
209 abolished in Epac2-KO and double-KO mice but was unaltered in Epac1-KO mice.
210 ogalacturonide (OG)-induced immune signaling was unaltered in gae1 gae6 mutant plants, immune signali
211 spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes, but IL-23 was unaltered in Il17a(-/-) mice.
212                    However, fluid absorption was unaltered in Lpa(2)(-/-) mice.
213 2(+) neurons, although D(2) receptor density was unaltered in Mecp2(+/-) mice.
214               The genomic H3K27me3 landscape was unaltered in mutant tissue, and support for a demeth
215 yanodine receptor fractional phosphorylation was unaltered in pAF, whereas ryanodine receptor express
216 d by glgA, was greatly reduced in CTD153, it was unaltered in plasmid-deficient C. muridarum strains.
217 ssion onto parvalbumin-positive interneurons was unaltered in PSD-95 KO mice.
218 otein levels in Th17 cells, whereas GSK3beta was unaltered in regulatory T cells.
219 ted protein of mammalian target of rapamycin was unaltered in response to both resistance exercise an
220                 Iron incorporation into heme was unaltered in reticulocytes from UCP2-deficient mice.
221 f2 and found that although Smurf2 expression was unaltered in SARA-deficient cells, the interaction o
222 phology of the cells in the epithelial layer was unaltered in the absence of Cadm1.
223 ice, whereas the GI eosinophil turnover rate was unaltered in the absence of CD22.
224 uridarum infection, C. trachomatis infection was unaltered in the absence of CD4(+) T cells.
225  of influenza-specific CD8+ effector T cells was unaltered in the absence of pDC, as was the generati
226       Though the embryonic eye morphogenesis was unaltered in the Klf5CN mice, postnatal maturation w
227      Even though basal synaptic transmission was unaltered in the neuromuscular synapses in IM-AA mic
228                         This dopamine effect was unaltered in the presence of L-, R- and T-type calci
229 a-adrenergic regulation of the cardiac I(Ca) was unaltered in these mouse lines.
230 e tumor-promoting Stat3 transcription factor was unaltered in these tumor cells, the tumor-suppressiv
231  same for mutant and wild-type sequences and were unaltered in a competition experiment using I and I
232 nt CD4(+) T cell response to M. tuberculosis were unaltered in all genotypes tested.
233                  Protein and ash proportions were unaltered in any of the treatments.
234             In contrast, GAD(67) mRNA levels were unaltered in CB1R(+/-) andCB1R(-/-) mice.
235  we found that the cytokine and Ab responses were unaltered in CDG/Ag-immunized IFNAR(-/-) mice.
236 oreactivity ex vivo and hemodynamics in vivo were unaltered in DDAH1(En-/-) mice.
237 nd its inhibitory effect on IL-12 production were unaltered in Dusp16tp/tp macrophages.
238 fold, respectively, in ANDV-infected ECs but were unaltered in ECs infected by the nonpathogenic Tula
239 , PNN densities in the primary visual cortex were unaltered in either condition.
240 sed, and diacylglycerol and ceramide content were unaltered in gastrocnemius muscle from ob/ob-gamma3
241 s, T regulatory cells, and T-helper 17 cells were unaltered in HIV+ men, CD8 T-cell production of tum
242 ltase, two major hepatic alpha-glucosidases, were unaltered in L-G6pc(-/-) mice, pharmacological inhi
243  E1 as well as the antiapoptotic gene bcl-xl were unaltered in LRH-1 expressing islets.
244 expression compared with limb muscles, which were unaltered in microgravity.
245 a2+ current, and Na+ /Ca2+ -exchange current were unaltered in pAF, indicating the absence of AF-indu
246 ced vaso-obliteration and neovascularization were unaltered in Par2 knockout mice, suggesting compens
247 hile cerebral spinal fluid neuregulin levels were unaltered in patients with multiple sclerosis, they
248         Other biophysical channel properties were unaltered in R1389H channels including ion selectiv
249              Aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 levels were unaltered in response to alcohol, suggesting that t
250     Conversely, RGC survival and axon growth were unaltered in RGCs from AC1/AC8 double knock-out mic
251         While whole tissue respiratory rates were unaltered in roots and shoots, TCA cycle intermedia
252 ion and stimulation of glucose disappearance were unaltered in RYGB subjects.
253 n low-density lipoprotein receptor knockouts were unaltered in TC knockouts.
254 ross-bridge turnover and detachment kinetics were unaltered in TG fibers.
255 ure development and rate of relaxation (tau) were unaltered in TG(S282A) mice.
256 yte selection and peripheral TCR sensitivity were unaltered in the absence of Shp1.
257       Conversely, MK spreading and migration were unaltered in the absence of the collagen receptor,
258                      Plasminogen mRNA levels were unaltered in the AD or VaD groups compared to the c
259 phorylated tau levels and ubiquitin staining were unaltered in the IFN-gamma cohorts.
260 charide (LPS) surface charge and aggregation were unaltered in the presence of OligoG CF-5/20.
261 BP1 knockdown, previously determined targets were unaltered in their splicing patterns.
262 and activation of the canonical WNT pathway, were unaltered in treated embryos.
263              RNA replication and viral titre were unaltered in viruses possessing only one mutated st
264    The propagation velocity of the CSD waves was unaltered indicating stable neuronal excitability.
265        However, PLANT DEFENSIN1.2 expression was unaltered, indicating a repressor role for LBD20 in
266 e expression of Sost encoding for sclerostin was unaltered, indicating that osteoblastic Lrp4 retains
267 hosphorylation following rapamycin treatment was unaltered, indicating that translation elongation wa
268 eurons and GODZ or SERZ-beta KO brain slices were unaltered, indicating that GODZ-mediated palmitoyla
269                   Although total JPH2 levels were unaltered, JPH2 phosphorylation levels were found t
270 ce trained individuals yet energy production is unaltered, leading to an uncoupling of oxidative phos
271          We show that glutamate transmission is unaltered onto striatal projection neurons (SPNs) of
272               In contrast, these transcripts were unaltered, or only modestly changed, in parvalbumin
273 es of Schwann cell-specific Pex5 mutant mice were unaltered regarding axon numbers, axonal calibers,
274    In these mice, basal DA release or uptake was unaltered relative to controls, but attenuation of m
275                        Although fetal weight is unaltered, specific Rtl1 transcripts and protein leve
276 he decay of caffeine-induced Ca2+ transients was unaltered, suggesting increased SERCA2a function.
277 sion of T-reg/Th2 markers after GC treatment was unaltered, suggesting that T-cell-driving NP inflamm
278        However, IL-17A and IL-17C expression was unaltered, suggesting that the increased inflammatio
279 (ie, REG3G, DEFB4A, S100A9, MUC1, and MUC13) were unaltered, suggesting an adequate production of ant
280 of the P/Q channel depleted layer VI neurons was unaltered, T-type calcium currents in the postsynapt
281 ly releasable SV pool size, and quantal size were unaltered, the reduced synaptic strength in the abs
282 ency in the peripheral blood of T1D patients is unaltered, their suppressive abilities are diminished
283 se curvature and tortuosity of the bile duct are unaltered, this enlargement of the biliary tree is c
284    Although overall cardiomyocyte dimensions were unaltered, total surface area was increased.
285  mitotic checkpoint because k-MT attachments are unaltered upon Mad1 depletion and Mad2 overexpressio
286 ch presents important neutralizing epitopes, is unaltered upon capsid binding.
287 splays a unique sedimentation profile, which is unaltered upon starvation-induced autophagy.
288                                 Connectivity is unaltered when blue cone transmission is suppressed.
289 ast, the effector caspase specificity of P35 was unaltered when P35's DQMD motif was replaced with TV
290                      However, the VDAC level was unaltered when the phosphatase-inactive mutant of Tb
291 ose together or touching, whereas judgements were unaltered when adjacent fingers were stimulated.
292 ) the conductance of SOCs in coronary artery was unaltered whereas the conductance of SOCs in mesente
293 eron, the MeC status of bulk chromosomal DNA is unaltered, whereas both MeC and C nucleobases in tran
294 -induced activation of sympathetic signaling was unaltered, whereas AMPK was enhanced, in AdKO IWAT.
295 or Xa variants assembled into prothrombinase was unaltered, whereas the k(cat) was modestly reduced (
296 acemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), is unaltered while the molecular clock in the hippocampu
297        In this unpaired setting, ApoE levels were unaltered, while ApoA1 was reduced in the anaphylac
298               Unexpectedly, arogenate levels were unaltered, while shikimate and Trp levels were decr
299                                 NKA-PLM FRET was unaltered with F956A or F967A, reduced with L964A, a
300 resting membrane potential, basic properties were unaltered with age, including neuronal Cl(-) homeos

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