


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he electrodes, whereas classically it should be unchanged.
2 serum cytokine levels measured were found to be unchanged.
3  control cells, but the number of organelles is unchanged.
4 while the overall cell density of the cortex is unchanged.
5 protection, even if the rest of the dynamics is unchanged.
6  with RNAs of different lengths, the protein is unchanged.
7 riage and that invasiveness of the NVT group is unchanged.
8  the auditory percept, although motor output is unchanged.
9 anner, whereas the maximally activated force is unchanged.
10 t the activities of concurrent NADPH sources are unchanged.
11 ulation, while those expressed only in cones are unchanged.
12 angiotensin II (ANGII), and renin activities are unchanged.
13 ated levels of Aiolos, whereas Ikaros levels are unchanged.
14 eins, such as claudin-1, ZO-1, and occludin, are unchanged.
15 ations from the original 2016 ASCO guideline are unchanged.
16 age, but bias in the energy risk coefficient was unchanged.
17 tion peptide, whereas proelastase activation was unchanged.
18  expression of other TPR-containing proteins was unchanged.
19  0.003); right ventricular ejection fraction was unchanged.
20 DS mortality, whereas the excess risk in MSM was unchanged.
21                Intrinsic myocardial function was unchanged.
22 ates were decreased, but the biofilm biomass was unchanged.
23 , whereas glucose-induced oxygen consumption was unchanged.
24 e mutants; however, the p53 expression level was unchanged.
25 ir capacity to stimulate collagen production was unchanged.
26 s sodium-independent taurocholic acid uptake was unchanged.
27 reference stream, total invertebrate biomass was unchanged.
28 the apparent Ca(2+) dependence of exocytosis was unchanged.
29                          However, efficiency was unchanged.
30 ing columns; whisker movement representation was unchanged.
31 tion, whereas the root elemental composition was unchanged.
32 ery increased while renal oxygen consumption was unchanged.
33 e management, survival to hospital discharge was unchanged.
34              In these motors, stator-binding was unchanged.
35 ncreased to 4/10, while BCVA of the left eye was unchanged.
36  bone scintigraphy and radiotracer therapies was unchanged.
37  subfamily, member 1 (KCNQ1) mRNA expression was unchanged.
38 ncreased by 24 h, whereas C-reactive protein was unchanged.
39 rowth of IAV in all of the cell types tested was unchanged.
40 2, whereas the expression of gamma-tubulin-1 was unchanged.
41 er time, whereas the use of active vitamin D was unchanged.
42 tly improved control even when feedback rate was unchanged.
43 d room size, although the vocal-motor output was unchanged.
44 um ratio, a surrogate marker for citratemia, was unchanged.
45 stribution of absorbing and emitting species was unchanged.
46 efault") cleavage by the 20S core proteasome was unchanged.
47 lcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II was unchanged.
48 hile the affinity for a fully matched target was unchanged.
49              Toll-like receptor 2 expression was unchanged.
50 tion and breathing; hypoxic hyperventilation was unchanged.
51 heating times while phytoene and phytofluene were unchanged.
52 but the numbers of megakaryocytic precursors were unchanged.
53 whereas rates of proliferation and apoptosis were unchanged.
54 rious Abeta-clearing and -degrading proteins were unchanged.
55 une cell infiltrates and liver transaminases were unchanged.
56 white matter lesions, although CBF responses were unchanged.
57 mber, size, and fatty acid respiration rates were unchanged.
58 mice, whereas soluble monomeric Abeta levels were unchanged.
59  moderately decreased whereas Abeta40 levels were unchanged.
60 resistance, and mean arterial blood pressure were unchanged.
61 ated during sound making, while P2 responses were unchanged.
62      After multivariable adjustment, results were unchanged.
63 sphingomyelins, and lysophosphatidylcholines were unchanged.
64 tb-stimulation, but Shh levels in astrocytes were unchanged.
65       Abeta1-x and Abetax-42 plaque deposits were unchanged.
66  not MCI subjects, whereas cognate receptors were unchanged.
67  at week 4 when renal function and histology were unchanged.
68  Levels of most endogenous cellular proteins were unchanged.
69 rcadian activity, and despair-like behaviors were unchanged.
70 fin (EC) cell numbers (cells producing 5-HT) were unchanged.
71 hage and vascular smooth muscle cell content were unchanged.
72 and heart, but macrophage subset populations were unchanged.
73  dependence-like phenotype, whereas WKY rats were unchanged.
74 r TRF, even when caloric intake and activity were unchanged.
75 nditure rates and those after meal ingestion were unchanged.
76 ng antioxidants and cellular repair pathways were unchanged.
77 , whereas tissue levels of total cholesterol were unchanged.
78  revealed that, overall, pathologic findings were unchanged.
79 on-like peptide-1 receptor agonist exendin-4 were unchanged.
80 adiopharmaceutical use and bone scintigraphy were unchanged.
81 reas the cellular properties of interneurons were unchanged.
82 her-rated and self-rated antisocial behavior were unchanged.
83  study period, intravenous rehydration rates were unchanged.
84  but plasma zinc concentrations and EZP size were unchanged.
85 besity/T2D, while infections in control mice were unchanged.
86 erum levels in vivo, whereas other cytokines were unchanged.
87 LT uptake as well as TK1 and Ki67 expression were unchanged.
88 ntrast, GlyR IPSC and NMDAR-EPSC decay times were unchanged.
89 ivity, although other biophysical properties were unchanged.
90 e at decreased reward, while forward replays were unchanged.
91 82; 95% CI, 1.70-1.94), and private coverage was unchanged (21% and 19%; 0.96; .89-1.03).
92 004), and rates of terminal hospitalizations were unchanged (29% to 27%, P = .70).
93 mprovement at the last study visit, 23 (22%) were unchanged, 3 (3%) had a worsened clinical status, a
94      That local visual cortical excitability was unchanged across drug conditions suggests the involv
95 .99]) whereas the effect of medical staffing was unchanged across the range of patient acuity (1.00,
96                        In-hospital mortality was unchanged (adjusted odds ratio, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.84-1
97                                           It was unchanged after ablation (P=0.57), remaining lower t
98 or sociodemographic factors; the excess risk was unchanged after adjustment for cognitive decline but
99                                  This result was unchanged after control for baseline body mass index
100 me of diagnostic tests and procedures billed was unchanged after conversion (median, +93; IQR, -20 to
101 chanical ventilation, meningitis, and death, was unchanged after introduction of the EOS calculator.
102                            Insulin secretion was unchanged after LS/IMM but decreased after RYGB, exc
103                            This relationship was unchanged after multivariable adjustment.
104 inity (KD = 6.2 nM) and specificity for METH was unchanged after nanoparticle conjugation.
105                                         This was unchanged after stratification on NIH trial particip
106                               Blood pressure was unchanged after the HS diet, although it significant
107 90-120 min) myocardial DFA fractional uptake was unchanged after the LOWCAL diet (0.055 +/- 0.025 vs.
108                            This relationship was unchanged after the policy change (adjusted relative
109               Whereas speech intelligibility was unchanged after WM training, subjects in the CL trai
110 and AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) expressions were unchanged after 1month of cryopreservation.
111 d in regional strain between SSc and control were unchanged after adjusting for RV systolic pressure.
112 ages, whereas paclitaxel levels in the blood were unchanged after administering MSV-nAb-PTX or nAb-PT
113 rter (VAchT), and their nerve fiber density, were unchanged after buserelin treatment, but the relati
114 fter further adjusting for APRI, and results were unchanged after excluding subjects with suspected c
115                                These results were unchanged after further adjustment for body mass in
116                            These differences were unchanged after place avoidance training with the s
117 admissions (107 [4.9] vs 103 [4.4]; P = .42) were unchanged after the intervention.
118 ative morbidity, and postoperative mortality were unchanged (all P > 0.05).
119 ed to NZW mice, while ferroportin expression was unchanged and ferritin expression increased, consist
120   At 12 months from baseline, sensory scores were unchanged and below-level neuropathic pain became p
121        In contrast, heat and mechanical pain are unchanged, and results show that, in striking contra
122                               MAPK signaling was unchanged, and GSK3beta-Ser(9) phosphorylation was r
123 ity revealed that extraocular motor function was unchanged, and immunohistochemistry revealed no abno
124            More importantly, the PK behavior was unchanged, and neither anti-uricase nor anti-PCB ant
125                               Blood pressure was unchanged, and no adverse clinical events occurred.
126 ent electroencephalography and brain imaging were unchanged, and a fluorodeoxyglucose F 18 positron e
127 sulin levels and the major milk compositions were unchanged, and the transgenic animals had no appare
128  contrast, the percentages of CD8(+) T cells were unchanged, and these cells showed an activated phen
129 r with plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, were unchanged as a function of genotype.
130 euronal network within the responsive barrel was unchanged, as characterized by c-Fos upregulation in
131        Nevertheless, liver utilization rates are unchanged at around 80%.
132 or the strongly consider radiotherapy cohort was unchanged at 26.9% until 2007.
133  threshold after terminal cleaning (71 RLU), was unchanged at the completion of injection clinic and
134 ver, dough extensibility and dough stability were unchanged at elevated [CO2].
135   In contrast, in TRN neurons, AP properties are unchanged between LTS bursts and tonic firing and, a
136 ive receptive field parameters were found to be unchanged between the two states, such as most aspect
137 HER2 amplification and/or mutation frequency was unchanged between local disease and metastases acros
138 urgitation (4.3% at 1 year; 4.4% at 2 years) was unchanged between the first and second year.
139 n the NEI VFQ-25 composite and its subscales were unchanged between baseline and 3-year follow-up, wh
140 neous firing of the presynaptic VIP+ neurons were unchanged between day and night, and their network
141                BKCa alpha-subunit expression was unchanged, BKCa beta1-subunit and sensitivity of BKC
142 e exceptional JRCSFvifH42/43D infection, vif was unchanged but replication proceeded after a long del
143        During beta1 -AR blockade, LV volumes were unchanged but blood pressure and heart rate were re
144                       Liver DFA partitioning was unchanged, but liver fractional uptake of DFA tended
145                                Myogenic tone was unchanged, but over a range of transmural pressures,
146           Circulating calcium and PTH levels were unchanged, but inorganic phosphate and 1,25(OH)2D3
147           In mutant CbN cells, IPSC kinetics were unchanged, but mutant males, unlike females, showed
148                B-cell FcgammaRIIb expression is unchanged by HD preculture, but B cells can support T
149 e dependence of stream microbial respiration is unchanged by nutrient enrichment, and that increased
150 re of this pi bond is that the bond strength is unchanged by substitution with electron-donating grou
151 tion was occluded by hypoxia (12% FIO2), but was unchanged by 6% FiCO2.
152            Importantly, CO and NO(*) binding was unchanged by AdoMet in a truncated form of CBS lacki
153 as dose-dependently increased, but ISF Abeta was unchanged by central insulin administration.
154                                      SleepEE was unchanged by overfeeding in the low-protein diet gro
155 lysis demonstrated that plasma arginase flux was unchanged by P. berghei infection.
156 he Orai crystal structure, and stoichiometry was unchanged by store depletion, coexpression with STIM
157  to the maximum observed in control mice but was unchanged by time of day or estradiol.
158 ia within the arteriovenous synthetic grafts was unchanged by treatment with fat/PGZ depots compared
159          Brain stimulation reward thresholds were unchanged by alcohol or naltrexone in 118AA mice.
160 tages (32.5-35.0; P = .47), and Marsh scores were unchanged by gluten challenge.
161             While many histone modifications were unchanged by Su(H) binding or Notch activation, we
162 on of low-frequency hippocampal oscillations were unchanged by this manipulation, indicating that sen
163 abolic and mitochondrial genes, whose levels are unchanged compared to NPCs, revealing distinct trans
164 ac unloading, capillary density and fibrosis are unchanged compared with loaded hearts.
165 mented by twofold in R192Q mice, whereas LTD was unchanged compared with wild-type mice.
166 P was undetectable; IL-10, IL-17A, and IL-33 were unchanged compared to diluent challenge.
167 h the expression of other ZnT family members was unchanged, cytoplasmic (n = 4 mice per genotype; p <
168 ue and seed numbers, but seed protein levels were unchanged, demonstrating the importance of AAP8 fun
169 s following hyperoxia, mean diffusivity (MD) was unchanged despite baseline values lower than control
170 toconversion-we find that the Dam1 submodule is unchanged during anaphase, whereas MIND and Ndc80 sub
171 s (Stat3(DeltaCD4)), the course of infection was unchanged during the innate lymphoid cell-dependent
172 mpectomy in the 3729 patient analytic sample was unchanged during the study.
173 ealed that RNA levels of cotransfected genes were unchanged during superinduction, yet Western blotti
174  and IV (COL1A1, COL3A1, COL4A1) transcripts was unchanged early but increased 5.7 +/- 2.5-, 3.2 +/-
175                              Quality of life was unchanged (EQ5D: E 0.54(0.29) vs D 0.56(0.24), p = 0
176 nucleus, the position of the nucleus in FADD is unchanged, even when permutation reduces the complexi
177 hile alpha1-adrenoceptor-mediated excitation was unchanged, excitatory responses to AMPA were enhance
178 c stability with the CO2 adsorption isotherm being unchanged following 7 days of steam-treatment (>85
179 tionship and 50 ms paired-pulse facilitation were unchanged following COX10 removal from dentate gran
180                                    Mortality was unchanged for all hospitals.
181 ut was suppressed for C-25ms-Bi (by 31%); it was unchanged for Bi only and C only.
182 n (adjusted HR 1.99, 0.75-5.25; p=0.163) but was unchanged for MSM (2.24, 0.82-6.11; p=0.114).
183                           Over time, the GSS was unchanged for the NP group and improved for the HP g
184  In addition, while total tau-soluble levels were unchanged for both groups, PD146176-treated mice ha
185 tatistically normal tend to have an IOP that is unchanged from baseline or even higher following cata
186 9 strain used in the live attenuated vaccine was unchanged from 2015-2016, the Advisory Committee on
187 obtained at the time of physical examination was unchanged from baseline.
188 thin normal limits, and an electrocardiogram was unchanged from baseline.
189 dient (median, 4.5 years after implantation) was unchanged from early post-TPV replacement, and all b
190                           The safety profile was unchanged from the initial report.
191           At week 48 on cART, HIV DNA levels were unchanged from pre-cART levels, although a signific
192 ssion of the vesicular GABA transporter VGAT was unchanged; however, there was a significant increase
193 eliminated while the autologous NAb response was unchanged.IMPORTANCE Trimeric proteins are being dev
194 ington's disease models, NPM1 protein levels are unchanged in cultured cerebellar granule and cortica
195 riptionally, since the levels of nAChR mRNAs are unchanged in qvr/sss mutants.
196 r CD24 (nucCD24) and finding that its levels are unchanged in surCD24(-) cells.
197 gnitude of the protrusive force was found to be unchanged in response to cytoskeletal inhibitors of l
198 R and GPP equivalently, with the net outcome being unchanged in NEE.
199                             We find that PTP is unchanged in PKC triple knock-out (TKO) mice in which
200 ness decreased by more than 10% in 47 (44%), was unchanged in 47 (44%), and increased by more than 10
201 F decreased in 13.0%, improved in 40.0%, and was unchanged in 47.0% of the patients.
202                 After 4 years, visual acuity was unchanged in 6 of 10 patients.
203 ors (64%), decreased in 11 tumors (22%), and was unchanged in 6 tumors (12%).
204 unctional class had improved in 21 patients, was unchanged in 63 patients, and had deteriorated in 7
205            Similarly, the volume of the nLOT was unchanged in aged rats, except in layer 3 where it w
206 ibodies based on MFI of 2000, 4000, and 8000 was unchanged in all patients.
207 istant areas exposed to high SS; plaque size was unchanged in atheroprone areas, in which endothelial
208 A/NMDA ratio was reduced in ApoE KO mice, it was unchanged in bEKO mice compared with controls.
209 renic patients; overall use in no-cap states was unchanged in both cohorts.
210                   Early microglia activation was unchanged in CCL2- and CCL3-deficient knockouts, but
211                      Following hyperoxia DTI was unchanged in controls.
212                                  Plasma ADMA was unchanged in DDAH1(En-/-) mice, and cultured aortas
213       Cav1.3 and Cavbeta2 protein expression was unchanged in du/du IHCs, forming clusters at presyna
214 proximately 65% in Eln(+/-) (P = 0.002), but was unchanged in Eln(+/+) mice (P = 0.17).
215                The amount of Slc26a6 protein was unchanged in enamel organs of Ae2a,b- and Cftr-null
216                 However, tau phosphorylation was unchanged in eNOS(-/-) mice (P>0.05).
217                          In contrast, SERCA2 was unchanged in hearts of female mice, whereas phosphor
218 alization of wild-type and DeltaSIV channels was unchanged in HEK293 cells.
219                           Femur bone density was unchanged in mice heterozygous for Drp1 deletion, an
220   However, warm water swim-induced analgesia was unchanged in Null vs. control mice.
221  Tetraselmis sp. when exposed to copper, but was unchanged in P. tricornutum (72-h exposure to 19, 40
222               Xylem putrescine concentration was unchanged in putrescine-treated plants, so the exoge
223 ation; however, proliferation of type I NSCs was unchanged in response to fluoxetine.
224                   Whereas mitochondrial mass was unchanged in single SN neurons from IPD patients, we
225 function in one subject, whereas hotspot SUV was unchanged in subjects with stable graft function.
226  well as long-term synaptic plasticity (LTP) was unchanged in the absence of APLP1.
227 f luminal narrowing in the diseased segments was unchanged in the intervention group (Wilcoxon W = 76
228 pothesis, excitability of F-type motoneurons was unchanged in the mutant mice.
229 g frequency of bloody stools; bowel function was unchanged in the other groups.
230 il group (baseline vs. end of treatment) but was unchanged in the placebo group.
231                          Instrument response was unchanged in the presence of matrix, indicating no n
232 After 48 months, radius bone mineral density was unchanged in the teriparatide to denosumab group (0.
233               TnI levels increased in 23.0%, were unchanged in 51.3%, and decreased in 25.7% of patie
234  frequency of intracellular Ca(2+) increases were unchanged in alpha-cells of alphaZnT8KO KO mice.
235                                     Findings were unchanged in analyses controlling for the presence
236 llowing blast TBI, phospho-Tau (pTau) levels were unchanged in ApoE3 mice, whereas in ApoE4 mice, lev
237 c neuritis, whereas optic radiation measures were unchanged in controls.
238 mendations were new, 1,339 were dropped, 881 were unchanged in COR and LOE, and 129 were revised.
239 vealed two peaks, M1 and M2, whose positions were unchanged in different buffers to indicate conforma
240 RF-induced EPSCs only in AC and PL-responses were unchanged in IL, a critical area for suppression of
241            SERCA2a and phospholamban protein were unchanged in MR versus control left ventricles.
242 ower in patients with apathy (P = 0.004) and were unchanged in patients without apathy.
243 X levels than healthy donors, whereas levels were unchanged in primary progressive MS and neuromyelit
244 d intake, muscle and bone mass and adiposity were unchanged in Sgta(-/-).
245                                   Inferences were unchanged in surveys regardless of world region, na
246 ival, climbing ability and neuronal function were unchanged in tau KO flies.
247 2 and -0.006 +/- 0.003 kg, respectively) but were unchanged in the DSE group (0.00 +/- 0.02 and 0.004
248 ion and activity as well as monoamine levels were unchanged in the projection areas of 5-HT neurons.
249                                Rates of PMRT were unchanged in the radiotherapy recommended (29.9%) a
250 0%, P=0.005; PSCS, -3.5+/-4.3%, P=0.001) but were unchanged in those in SR during both assessments (b
251 sure, bronchoalveolar lavage cytokine levels were unchanged in TREK-1-deficient mice compared with co
252 ut basal average peak coronary flow velocity was unchanged, indicating LV stunning post balloon occlu
253 cin, although the sensitivity to papuamide A was unchanged, indicating preferential exposure of PE.
254                Extracellular volume fraction was unchanged, indicating the absence of fibrosis.
255 in a two-head-bound state, exchange kinetics were unchanged, indicating that rearward strain in the t
256 d the fusion kinetics and calcium dependence were unchanged, indicating that the effect of helix 12 e
257                   Levels of oxidative damage were unchanged (liver) or reduced (brain and serum) in R
258 esponse element regions in the HAS2 promoter was unchanged or decreased.
259 ce of amyloid increased apoE3, whereas apoE4 was unchanged or decreased.
260 reased, whereas those that lacked Trp codons were unchanged or even decreased.
261 ivo reporters, however, show dCREB2 activity is unchanged, or decreased when sleep/activity patterns
262 nt scientific fields per year, has tended to be unchanged over time, at least until now.
263 creased disability although tremor frequency is unchanged over time.
264 % per quarter, whereas the rate of O-MCS use was unchanged over the study period.
265               Pre-sharing, status 1A listing was unchanged over time (adjusted odds ratio, 0.98; 95%
266 ent-elevation acute coronary syndrome trials was unchanged over time.
267 recommendations from the 2011 ASCO guideline are unchanged pending a full update.
268 atory markers in subcutaneous adipose tissue was unchanged postoperatively, although plasma CRP was d
269  line, although almost all other metabolites were unchanged relative to control.
270                   However, GRP78 mRNA levels were unchanged, suggesting a posttranscriptional event.
271 time but total Ni concentrations in sediment were unchanged, suggesting changes in Ni partitioning th
272 ong-term and homeostatic synaptic plasticity were unchanged, suggesting that loss of DBN is not suffi
273 ts of both the standard and immunoproteasome were unchanged, suggesting the abnormalities we observed
274 spontaneous metastasis in vivo When fluidity was unchanged, the antimetastasis compounds could no lon
275 as largely unchanged and the mRNA half-lives were unchanged, the steady-state levels of the mRNA vari
276 hough total phospholamban protein expression was unchanged, there was a decreased expression of prote
277                   Conversely, topo-II levels were unchanged through early development, and partial to
278 ese processes depends on local structure and is unchanged throughout most of the film, while the othe
279 ollowing an unreinforced food port entry and were unchanged throughout the NAcc when initiating inact
280               In contrast, S18-1 mRNA levels are unchanged to slightly elevated under Zn(2+)-limited
281 and subcutaneous white adipose tissue depots was unchanged upon cold acclimation.
282    In contrast, the nucleolar pattern of B23 was unchanged upon infection with an SBV recombinant mut
283 ficant findings and the many parameters that were unchanged, we can conclude that cataract surgery do
284                                      Results were unchanged when additionally adjusted for smoking, h
285                                Copper levels were unchanged when AP-1 function was impaired, but cell
286                                  The results were unchanged when further adjusted for ejection fracti
287       Total crossovers measured by chiasmata were unchanged when heterozygosity was varied, consisten
288                              Apoptotic index is unchanged, whereas proliferation index is significant
289                    The level of PC in leaves was unchanged, whereas that of PE was reduced in all AAP
290 -positive, and Tau C3-positive NFT densities were unchanged, whereas only AT8-positive neuropil threa
291 model predictions, however, collision losses were unchanged, while hip work during swing initiation w
292 and 19%) and Medicaid (50% and 50%) coverage were unchanged, while private coverage decreased (13% an
293 and 52%) and Medicaid (18% and 18%) coverage were unchanged, while private coverage increased (4% and
294 ind that Ca(2+) stores and resting [Ca(2+)]i are unchanged with age.
295                                   Serum sST2 was unchanged with canagliflozin and placebo over 104 we
296    D-dimer declined with ATV/r and DRV/r and was unchanged with RAL.
297  and median percent time hypoglycemic on CGM were unchanged with CSII, SD glucose and CONGA4 reduced
298 mortality (HR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.08-1.16) that were unchanged with further adjustment for NO2.
299 polar dynamics in the 100 fs to 100 ps range were unchanged with pH, although nanosecond yield, rates
300 and peak oxygen consumption and VE/CO2 slope were unchanged with sildenafil.

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