


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                 These analyses and summaries are valuable for a systematic understanding of structura
2 ns that retain the crystalline structure may be valuable for a broad range of material applications,
3 hetic homogeneous glycoprotein probes should be valuable for a detailed mechanistic study on how mole
4            The findings described herein may be valuable for a potential regeneration method for load
5 ic acid detection at the point of care would be valuable for a wide variety of applications, includin
6 r data demonstrate that the LC-MRM MS method is valuable for absolute quantification of allergens in
7                         This strategy should be valuable for accurately evaluating chemical reactivit
8 transgenic A. thaliana plants have proved to be valuable for analysis of the recognition and signalin
9                       This technology should be valuable for analyzing function and therapeutic modul
10                             Such annotations are valuable for antibody sequence comparison, protein s
11 onium reagents were also observable and will be valuable for applications of 1-20 nm organic films in
12 ultured human cells, and this technology may be valuable for applications requiring concurrent expres
13                                This approach is valuable for appreciating lymphoid-lineage relationsh
14            The capabilities the PGD provides are valuable for assessing the uniqueness of observed co
15 This transformation of retinal thickness may be valuable for assessing clinically significant changes
16 ese statistical measures are demonstrated to be valuable for assessing protein NMR structure accuracy
17      FREGENE and the simulated datasets will be valuable for assessing the validity of models for sel
18 cation of FOXP3-positive TR in breast tumors is valuable for assessing disease prognosis and progress
19  a subgroup of genes and that this technique is valuable for assessing which of the putative OBP gene
20 insights into disease pathogenesis that will be valuable for basic research, drug discovery and clini
21              This microelectrode sensor will be valuable for biological monitoring of adenosine.
22  textile effluent, suggesting the enzyme may be valuable for bioremediation.
23 ting heterologous proteins to virions should be valuable for biotechnological applications ranging fr
24 ic anti-inflammatory properties of HNK could be valuable for blocking the autoimmune response.
25 ilistic) mappings from sequence to structure are valuable for both secondary-structure prediction and
26 , high-throughput hPS cell culture, and will be valuable for both basic research and commercial appli
27       Measuring BER capacity in living cells is valuable for both basic science applications and epid
28 suggesting that our prediction framework can be valuable for broad application to other mammalian spe
29 rolled expression of the viral transgene and is valuable for clarifying nonimmune (and immune) mechan
30                           Zero-time biopsies are valuable for clinical and translational research pur
31 ntiating the major Brucella groups that will be valuable for clinical and forensic applications.
32                              This assay will be valuable for clinical and research-based studies.
33 s contain a wealth of information that could be valuable for clinical care, research, and quality imp
34 isease activity and therapeutic response can be valuable for clinical trials.
35             Whereas these interventions have been valuable for clinical management, they have not bee
36 es focusing on these identified pathways may be valuable for colon cancer prevention and treatment.
37                                   These data are valuable for comparison of candidate genes generated
38           Our model and approach should also be valuable for comprehensive investigations of the repl
39 prenucleation clusters, and even simple ions is valuable for controlling the growth of metal-oxide ma
40 fying genes involved in polygenic traits and are valuable for crop improvement.
41                                         This is valuable for data-focused approaches in drug discover
42                       This information would be valuable for decision making in patients with unilate
43 -made additional vaccination campaigns would be valuable for decreasing local pockets of susceptibili
44 rd for pain and touch, information that will be valuable for designing and optimizing therapeutic int
45 e for overcoming immune compartmentalization is valuable for designing vaccination strategies targeti
46 n computational fluid dynamic simulation may be valuable for determining both the hemodynamic signifi
47 in E. coli and provide information that will be valuable for determining the functions of these prote
48 te that the streptavidin-bead pulldown assay is valuable for determining the binding of a large numbe
49 t molecular mechanisms underlying SZ and may be valuable for developing novel treatment strategies.
50                The strategies developed will be valuable for developing similar resources for other a
51           These optimized 4'-thio-siRNAs may be valuable for developing stable siRNAs for therapeutic
52 ular with the IgE receptor system, which has been valuable for developing technology to gain new info
53                             It may therefore be valuable for diagnosing coronary atherosclerosis in a
54     Extravascular lung water measurement may be valuable for diagnosing reperfusion pulmonary edema.
55 ion and severity of neuronal dysfunction and are valuable for differential diagnosis and for predicti
56                             This system will be valuable for direct in vivo manipulation of large lin
57 tions on physiologically relevant timescales is valuable for directly testing whether inferred models
58                                Our data will be valuable for discovering new associations among miRNA
59                            This approach has been valuable for discovering genes that restore critica
60 gy and lung adenocarcinoma pathogenesis, and be valuable for discovery of biomarkers.
61 f genetic and environmental variability that is valuable for disentangling gene-stress interactions.
62                                 Mouse models are valuable for dissecting the function of these genes,
63                          These reagents will be valuable for dissecting endomembrane trafficking and
64 ns4P than previous probes and therefore will be valuable for dissecting the biological functions of P
65  as a novel mouse model of CLL that not only is valuable for dissecting molecular pathogenesis of CLL
66                                     This may be valuable for diverse populations with high rates of d
67 g mouse models for retinal disorders and may be valuable for documenting immune responses in studies
68                                 Our EukaCell is valuable for drug delivery to fight against cancer an
69 cally perturb or modulate NSC function would be valuable for either motivation.
70 d data that link protein sequence to binding are valuable for elucidating determinants of protein int
71 alency and the spacing between ligands would be valuable for elucidating structure-activity relations
72  investigations were developed, which should be valuable for enzyme kinetic investigations.
73                          This approach would be valuable for evaluating disease course and therapeuti
74 atomical biomarkers in the mouse model could be valuable for evaluating new therapies for ADHD and me
75               The models developed here will be valuable for evaluating the effects of filament shape
76         This model of ZIKV pathogenesis will be valuable for evaluating vaccines and therapeutics as
77 ct imputation of summary statistics can also be valuable, for example in meta-analyses where individu
78                          Such catalysis will be valuable, for example, for the practical preparation
79                    This in vitro system will be valuable for experiments directed at understanding th
80                    These tumor models should be valuable for exploring the role of activated Notch1 i
81  response in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) would be valuable for facilitating appropriate therapy and dos
82  congenital anomaly groups and subtypes will be valuable for families and health professionals when a
83                        Diffusion imaging can be valuable for fibre-tract mapping to assist surgical p
84 ality YAC DNA in microgram quantities should be valuable for functional and synthetic genomic studies
85 mbine structural and functional modeling can be valuable for functional annotation.
86                                 Our findings are valuable for further design of PNAs and other oligon
87 ve small-molecule inhibitors for p18 protein are valuable for further dissecting the signalling pathw
88                                  Our results are valuable for further function analysis of stress tol
89         The cell system we describe here may be valuable for further characterizing the molecular det
90 etermine UTI on a genome-wide scale and will be valuable for further data mining.
91 oline carboxamides series described here may be valuable for further investigations for pain therapeu
92 ediators for bioelectrocatalysis promises to be valuable for future biofuel cells and biosensors.
93 rmal biology and cancer pathogenesis and may be valuable for future biomarker development.
94 relationship obtained from this study should be valuable for future rational design of more potent an
95 nsights obtained in the present study should be valuable for future rational design of potential ther
96 DNA cleavage by varying the DNA sequence may be valuable for future structural and mechanistic studie
97 analogues with a modified adenine ring could be valuable for future studies of CFTR gating.
98 ease and establish a powerful tool that will be valuable for future studies of disease pathophysiolog
99                              This tracer may be valuable for future studies of normal and pathologic
100  traditional "suicide substrates" and should be valuable for future studies on DNA scission and the t
101                        Our findings may also be valuable for future studies tracking the time course
102  characterized enhancer trap lines that will be valuable for future study.
103 f the molecular basis of these relationships is valuable for future evolutionary studies.
104                               Models of HTRs are valuable for gaining a better understanding of the p
105 on of the fluorescence stereomicroscope will be valuable for GVHD and graft-versus-tumor studies in w
106 ell-mediated host tissue injury may prove to be valuable for GVHD prevention and treatment.
107 e other hand, this natural stochasticity can be valuable for hardware security applications.
108 ould be extended to other systems and should be valuable for high-throughput drug screening or bioint
109                         These resources will be valuable for hymenopteran systematists, as well as re
110                               Similarly they are valuable for identifying points of failure to increa
111  proteomic profiling studies should prove to be valuable for identifying many additional chromatin-as
112 e gene-based genomic resources will not only be valuable for identifying regions underlying important
113 anel of glycosylation mutants used here will be valuable for identifying the different KCNE1 glycofor
114 tors or epigenetic marks, and will therefore be valuable for identifying the functional regulatory co
115                         This information may be valuable for identifying transplant patients at risk
116           Patterns of ligand sensitivity may be valuable for improving risk identification, and for d
117 on events in the response to cisplatin could be valuable for improving the efficacy of cancer therapy
118                                   (19) F MRI is valuable for in vivo imaging due to the only trace am
119  metabolism, although such information would be valuable for increasing photosynthetic capacity, enha
120 vations suggest that syncytial mutations may be valuable for increasing the tumor-specific spreading
121 ch patients are most likely to benefit would be valuable for individual therapy optimization.
122 adictory results in the literature and could be valuable for informing computational models of cortic
123 ction of parthenogenesis by PsASGR-BBML will be valuable for installing parthenogenesis to synthesize
124  propose that stem cell targeting approaches are valuable for interrogating prevention and therapeuti
125      Our chemical proteomics approach should be valuable for interrogating protein kinase active site
126 at have been optimized for expression should be valuable for interrogating the coordination of Rho fa
127 is live cell chemistry-based approach should be valuable for investigating currently intangible prote
128 el is independent of HBV infection, and will be valuable for investigating HBV cccDNA biology and for
129           This genome sequence will not only be valuable for investigating the evolution of eukaryote
130                   Hence, PBR imaging in vivo is valuable for investigating brain inflammatory conditi
131 structural information of monovalent SA will be valuable for its applications across a wide range of
132 spectral difference (SD) method was shown to be valuable for its linearity with spectral changes and
133 lity to identify them with mass spectrometry is valuable for judging the success of the CFPS reaction
134               In particular, RUV promises to be valuable for large collaborative projects involving m
135 ated strains, thereby demonstrating that WGS is valuable for local outbreak investigation.
136 ng resistance to ibrutinib, therefore, would be valuable for long-term management of patients.
137 ific respiratory epithelial cells, which may be valuable for lung-related cell therapy and lung tissu
138 eous across most MECs where primaquine would be valuable for malaria control and elimination.
139 nt of 6-mercaptopurine metabolites appear to be valuable for management of pediatric patients with IB
140 s involving a different mode of action would be valuable for managing the emergence of insect resista
141 from heterozygous plants, a trait that would be valuable for many crop species.
142                Inducible stabilization could be valuable for many developmental and physiological stu
143                 Knowledge of haplotype phase is valuable for many analysis methods in the study of di
144 hibit high water solubility, a property that is valuable for many biological applications but often c
145 olymorphic elements are identified that will be valuable for mapping the genetic basis of diseases an
146            These candidate gene markers will be valuable for marker-assisted selection (MAS) programs
147 ifferent mechanisms, isoalloxazine analogues are valuable for mechanistic studies.
148                           Non-human primates are valuable for modelling human disorders and for devel
149 ly simple, noninvasive procedure that should be valuable for molecular and genetic studies of somatic
150 ation using TSPO-specific radioligands could be valuable for monitoring disease-associated neuroinfla
151 ion, whereas NTBI and labile plasma iron may be valuable for monitoring iron effect on the reproducti
152 rent from UVB-induced cross-links that would be valuable for monitoring the 30S subunit in functional
153     Novel sensitive diagnostic methods would be valuable for monitoring the epidemiology of pneumococ
154 essure using devices mounted on the skin can be valuable for monitoring vital signs in emergency care
155                             This information is valuable for monitoring treatment response, with muco
156           Quantifying CMV from aqueous fluid was valuable for monitoring the clinical response and pr
157 parate (18)F-FDG PET/CT and (18)F-NaF PET/CT are valuable for more in-depth evaluation of the combine
158 etic resonance imaging, present findings can be valuable for more accurate image-based assessment of
159                        This model system may be valuable for more in-depth analyses of metastatic dor
160 s to be optimistic that this new policy will be valuable for neuroscience, and we suggest some ways f
161 ng with our (89)Zr-rHDL imaging agents could be valuable for noninvasive monitoring of TAM immunology
162 e-field computational imaging platform could be valuable for numerous applications in biomedical scie
163                          Small-animal models are valuable for obtaining further insight into mechanis
164                                         This is valuable for ordered and isotropic materials alike.
165 agents targeting Bcl-2 family proteins would be valuable for pancreatic cancer therapy.
166  the development of outcome predictors could be valuable for patient stratification.
167                              These estimates are valuable for patients and providers; specialized can
168                              These estimates are valuable for patients and providers; specialized can
169 counseling and education during radiotherapy is valuable for patients.
170 li K12 cells establishes that SCGA will also be valuable for performing high-throughput genetic analy
171         The proposed self-report measure can be valuable for periodontitis screening in resource-limi
172 nd our results indicate that these tools can be valuable for policy and decision makers.
173 that our RAN-based Raman imaging method will be valuable for predicting cancer metastasis and relapse
174 track and identify Hydroxylase3 alleles will be valuable for predicting nutritional content in geneti
175 Genome-scale metabolic models have proven to be valuable for predicting organism phenotypes from geno
176 elected cytochrome P450 enzyme genotypes may be valuable for predicting the risk of premature ovarian
177 use contact-guided protein modeling approach is valuable for predicting the folds of proteins that do
178  suggest that strategies targeting LCs might be valuable for prevention of cutaneous allergy.
179 arly detection of vesicoureteral reflux will be valuable for prevention of reflux nephropathy, becaus
180 e, differentiation, race, and marital status are valuable for prognostication in breast cancer.
181 e data behind the summary statistics and may be valuable for promoting transparency, reproducibility,
182 t into the role of viruses in T1D and should be valuable for prospective studies in humans.
183        The experiment and the protocol would be valuable for protein folding, proteomics, and drug di
184 We conclude that neuropsychological findings are valuable for providing information on systems rather
185 ydrogen exchange (HX) mass spectrometry (MS) is valuable for providing conformational information for
186                  The described method should be valuable for rapidly profiling biological phenomena i
187                  Such models are expected to be valuable for representing and summarizing each patter
188 er inhibit or modify pre-mRNA splicing would be valuable for research and potentially also for therap
189 sensitive low-cost SNP detection assay would be valuable for resource-limited clinical settings.
190 st that quantitative electrocardiography may be valuable for risk stratification in patients with sev
191 , in whom myocardial perfusion imaging would be valuable for risk stratification.
192 lts obtained suggest that DESI-MSI/Lasso may be valuable for routine intraoperative assessment of the
193             Consequently, this strategy will be valuable for sensitive, selective and label-free dete
194 during the process of cellular reprogramming is valuable for stem cell research and advancement of it
195                         Stroke-unit care can be valuable for stroke patients in hospital, but effecti
196 thout depleting the full-length protein will be valuable for structure-function relationship annotati
197      Imidazole-substituted metalloporphyrins are valuable for studies of self-assembly and for applic
198                              Such substrates are valuable for studies of the ribosomal peptidyl trans
199 of Muller cells by viral gene delivery would be valuable for studies of their normal physiology and r
200 latory features of physiological origins and is valuable for studies on replication initiation in mam
201            Genotypes with extreme phenotypes are valuable for studying 'difficult' quantitative trait
202                                These systems are valuable for studying embryonic development in sever
203                          Administrative data are valuable for studying pediatric CAP hospitalizations
204 respond to changes in their microenvironment are valuable for studying RNA structure, dynamics, and r
205                               These agonists are valuable for studying structure-function relationshi
206 rning of human hindgut into HCOs, which will be valuable for studying diseases including colitis and
207 eveals that fluorescent probes like PIF will be valuable for studying iNOS cell biology and in unders
208 oupled receptors (GPCRs) in general and will be valuable for studying intercellular GPCR-mediated com
209                               This model may be valuable for studying sex differences observed in hum
210  monocyte clones described in this study may be valuable for studying the differentiation and functio
211  model of epileptic encephalopathy that will be valuable for studying the in vivo effects of hyperact
212                             This model could be valuable for studying the roles of passively and acti
213     Specific NPP1 inhibitors would therefore be valuable for studying this enzyme and as potential th
214                       This tool is likely to be valuable for studying weaning and nursing behavior in
215             This newly developed system will be valuable for studying ZIKV disease because it more cl
216 a indicate that the U1242 MG xenograft model is valuable for studying GBM extensive invasion and angi
217 A mouse model of intra-abdominal candidiasis is valuable for studying pathogenesis and C. albicans ge
218                                 Our approach is valuable for studying the kinetics of high-speed enzy
219                         The integrated model is valuable for studying the processes of DNA damage ind
220 testing live sea lions for ZcAV exposure and is valuable for subsequent studies evaluating the potent
221 r antibodies and low-mass targets and should be valuable for such applications as the rapid separatio
222         Continuous renal replacement therapy is valuable for surgical patients with an acute and corr
223 erimental strategies described herein should be valuable for systematically deciphering this BRCA2 fu
224                          This technique will be valuable for testing potential therapies for DMD.
225             Accurate semantic classification is valuable for text mining and knowledge-based tasks th
226 redictions in eukaryotic transcriptomes, and are valuable for the analysis and annotation of eukaryot
227                        In addition, our data are valuable for the design of a prophylactic vaccine.
228                    Such fungal-virus systems are valuable for the development of novel biocontol stra
229  which were generated from a unique dataset, are valuable for the diagnosis of food allergy in young
230  encourage the growth of specific cell types are valuable for the engineering of complex tissues.
231                  Our findings and hypothesis are valuable for the evolutionary study of polyploids, a
232                             Double emulsions are valuable for the formation of multi-compartmental st
233 are ubiquitous in bioinorganic chemistry and are valuable for the information that they can provide a
234                              Antibody arrays are valuable for the parallel analysis of multiple prote
235                      These relationships can be valuable for the advancement of medicine but have als
236 all, we expect this approach and resource to be valuable for the annotation of human genome sequences
237            These data suggest that HMGB1 may be valuable for the chronic heart failure treatment.
238 anocatalytic cascade reactions has proven to be valuable for the construction of several chiral centr
239 nts, we hope to provide a resource that will be valuable for the design of future studies of HbF indu
240                         This information may be valuable for the design of immunogens to elicit PG9 a
241                         This information may be valuable for the design of improved protease inhibito
242 ermine Dc1a sensitivity, a concept that will be valuable for the design of insect-selective insectici
243  that neighbors the active site and may thus be valuable for the design of parasite-specific inhibito
244 s on neuropeptides and receptors, which will be valuable for the design of peptide-based cancer progn
245 ied to other biomolecular systems and should be valuable for the determination of drug-protein dissoc
246  GBS to counteract innate immunity and could be valuable for the development of anti-infective agents
247 on units, the technique presented here could be valuable for the development of droplet-based micro t
248 cing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) and which will be valuable for the development of improved strategies f
249                      This novel compound may be valuable for the development of long-acting analgesic
250  The information obtained in this study will be valuable for the development of treatment technology
251 creased cortical Abeta deposition and so can be valuable for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease
252                       This mutant would also be valuable for the elucidation of the mechanisms of MNB
253 gulation of A1R signaling in this study will be valuable for the future design of therapeutic agents
254 Together, we anticipate these resources will be valuable for the future study and understanding of mi
255                        This information will be valuable for the identification and development of pe
256  stem cell-based forward genetic screens may be valuable for the identification of additional host de
257 terpreted as a predisease model, which might be valuable for the identification of further environmen
258 l Activation and Stress Index (EASIX), might be valuable for the prediction of death in patients with
259                        This technique should be valuable for the quality control of nanoparticle prod
260                              Our method will be valuable for the STR analysis of samples containing m
261 le-specific transcription patterns that will be valuable for the study of differential gene expressio
262 igh-dimensional flow cytometry is proving to be valuable for the study of subtle changes in tumor-ass
263 e RNAs (gRNAs) targeting all VACV genes will be valuable for the study of VACV gene functions.
264            Multivisceral transplantation can be valuable for the treatment of patients with massive a
265 drives disease and that TRPC5 inhibitors may be valuable for the treatment of progressive kidney dise
266       Overall, this conceptual framework may be valuable for the understanding of the contribution of
267                                 The protocol is valuable for the coupling of carboxylates for which t
268 tion and reverse transcriptase (RT) function is valuable for the development of extended-spectrum NNR
269  about beneficial structural features, which is valuable for the development of improved FKBP51-direc
270 pecific G-quadruplex-targeting compounds and is valuable for the development of new potent anticancer
271                 The use of NT-proBNP testing is valuable for the evaluation of the dyspneic patient w
272                 This Drosophila model of EBS is valuable for the identification of pathways altered b
273                             This information is valuable for the incorporation of red cabbage, radish
274  different laboratories and protocols, which is valuable for the integrative analysis of RNA-seq.
275  highly oxidized species with P450cam should be valuable for their further characterization.
276 rapy and that our unique mouse models should be valuable for therapy optimization.
277  of differentiating to multiple lineages may be valuable for therapy.
278                  BoNT subtype identification is valuable for tracing and tracking bacterial pathogens
279 ceptor imaging in the nonhuman primate (NHP) is valuable for translational research approaches in hum
280 etic makeup of normal cells and tumour cells are valuable for treating and understanding cancer.
281  of impairment along the spectrum of MCI may be valuable for trials of putative disease-modifying com
282 nsitive digitized protein detection approach is valuable for uncovering subtle but important differen
283                                  The results are valuable for understanding drivers of TOC changes in
284                           Genomic approaches are valuable for understanding the complex layer of gene
285 he structure-function relationship of SWEETs are valuable for understanding the transport mechanism o
286 anscriptome and its control by ICE1 and will be valuable for understanding gene regulation under cold
287                               This model may be valuable for understanding mechanisms of induction of
288                       This information would be valuable for understanding potency and selectivity of
289                              These data will be valuable for understanding the evolution of filovirus
290 chniques for estimation of annual Rsoil will be valuable for understanding the role of Rsoil in the g
291 term physiological and behavioral monitoring is valuable for understanding adaptations of free-rangin
292 structural brain lesions underlying seizures is valuable for understanding drug-resistant focal epile
293                             This new insight is valuable for understanding dust storms dynamics under
294 on of causative genes in patients with U-HAE is valuable for understanding the cause of the disease.
295                 Recognition of this spectrum is valuable for understanding the pathogenesis and diagn
296 od show that the energy landscape topography is valuable for understanding the relationship between e
297 es in the expression of these antigens could be valuable for use as diagnostic markers to distinguish
298 hotoreduced dimer of a metal-pbn complex may be valuable for use in reducing CO(2) to fuels such as m
299 though advances in computational methods can be valuable for using unexpected structure in data to ge
300        The produced (bi)carbonate alkalinity is valuable for wastewater treatment and long-term carbo

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