


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 er (ITS) regions of nuclear rRNA transcripts are well known for a wide variety of eukaryotes and have
2                                    While AID is well known for antibody diversification, it has also
3                                     Function is well known for at least 8 glands but completely unkno
4         Glucocorticoid stress hormones (GCs) are well known for being anti-inflammatory, but some rep
5   Modulation via extracellular binding sites is well known for benzodiazepines acting at gamma-aminob
6                     Consumer effects on prey are well known for cascading through food webs and produ
7  exposure to retinoic acid, a compound which is well known for causing reductions in MYCN expression
8 biochemical and physiological details of SNF are well known for certain economically important specie
9                  G-protein-coupled receptors are well known for converting an extracellular signal in
10 ough such variation in macronutrient content is well known for cultured organisms, there is a dearth
11 Parkinson disease and Alzheimer disease have been well known for decades.
12 nic properties of most binary compounds have been well known for decades.
13             The second law of thermodynamics is well known for determining the direction of spontaneo
14                                   Endocycles are well known for enabling continued growth of post-mit
15                   The Drosophila bicoid gene is well known for encoding a protein that forms a morpho
16 vatives BODIPY and aza-BODIPY, respectively, are well known for fluorescence-based applications but a
17 nal head domain of kinesin heavy chain (Khc) is well known for generating force for transport along m
18  in most eukaryotes, including humans, which is well known for having an extremely thin border betwee
19 Cereal-associated Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are well known for homopolymeric exopolysaccharide (EPS)
20 d intracellular symbiont Wolbachia pipientis is well known for inducing a variety of reproductive abn
21                                      PKR has been well known for its anti-viral response.
22 (y))(1-x)Ca(x)MnO3 (LPCMO) system, which has been well known for its large length-scale electronic ph
23                                        IL-10 is well known for its ability to block the expression an
24  (MDR1) gene product, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), is well known for its ability to confer drug resistance;
25 e I (TGF-beta) is a ubiquitous cytokine that is well known for its ability to inhibit epithelial cell
26                Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) is well known for its ability to promote cell migration
27                                         RNAi is well known for its ability to regulate gene expressio
28                     The APC tumor suppressor is well known for its ability to regulate Wnt signaling
29                                           It is well known for its ability to use stereopsis for esti
30 e (InsP(6)), abundant in animals and plants, is well known for its anticancer activity.
31                                    Vitamin A is well known for its antiinfective properties and we su
32       The retinoblastoma tumor suppressor RB is well known for its capacity to restrict cell cycle pr
33                                           Rb is well known for its cell-autonomous effects on cancer
34           The adipose-derived hormone leptin is well known for its contribution to energy metabolism
35     The formyl peptide receptor (Fpr) family is well known for its contribution to immune defense aga
36 beta receptors type I (RI) and type II (RII) is well known for its contribution to oncogenesis.
37     Oenocarpus bataua Mart., called "patawa" is well known for its culinary uses whereas literature o
38                The Nrf2 transcription factor is well known for its cytoprotective functions through r
39            Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) is well known for its cytotoxic effect on malignant cell
40                                   Madagascar is well known for its diverse fauna and flora, being hom
41               Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) is well known for its diverse pharmacological properties
42                 Diversification in the genus is well known for its dramatic colour-pattern divergence
43                       Listeria monocytogenes is well known for its durable physiological characterist
44          The site of Willendorf II (Austria) is well known for its Early Upper Paleolithic horizons,
45                          Cyclothiazide (CTZ) is well known for its effect of enhancing glutamatergic
46                   The tubulin homologue FtsZ is well known for its essential function in bacterial ce
47 The photosynthetic apparatus of green plants is well known for its extremely high efficiency that all
48  The breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 is well known for its function in double-strand break (D
49           The adipose-derived hormone leptin is well known for its function in the control of energy
50 matory cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) is well known for its important role in innate and adapt
51           Stevioside, a diterpene glycoside, is well known for its intense sweetness and is used as a
52                    The Hedgehog (Hh) pathway is well known for its involvement in angiogenesis and va
53 ssor/activator protein 1) from budding yeast is well known for its involvement in gene activation and
54 protein (APP), a transmembrane glycoprotein, is well known for its involvement in the pathogenesis of
55                    The hedgehog (HH) pathway is well known for its mitogenic and morphogenic function
56 arious IFNs and IFN-inducible gene products, is well known for its potent innate immunity against wid
57                              Thyroid hormone is well known for its profound direct effects on cardiov
58  Candida krusei is an emerging pathogen that is well known for its propensity to develop resistance t
59   CHSY1 contains a Fringe domain, and Fringe is well known for its regulation of Notch signaling via
60                               The proteasome is well known for its regulation of the cell cycle and d
61            Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1 is well known for its respiratory versatility, yet littl
62                       Listeria monocytogenes is well known for its robust physiology, which permits g
63                       Immunoglobulin E (IgE) is well known for its role in allergic disease, the mani
64                           Although histamine is well known for its role in allergy and for its effect
65      Eps15 (EGFR pathway substrate clone 15) is well known for its role in clathrin-coated vesicle fo
66 recessive hypercholesterolemia protein (ARH) is well known for its role in clathrin-mediated endocyto
67              The DNA mismatch repair pathway is well known for its role in correcting biosynthetic er
68              BRCA2 tumour-suppressor protein is well known for its role in DNA repair by homologous r
69 ponding suppressor gene was AP2, a gene that is well known for its role in floral organ identity, but
70    Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) is well known for its role in gluconeogenesis.
71 terleukin (IL)-4R, expressed by lymphocytes, is well known for its role in immunomodulatory signaling
72                                          TNF is well known for its role in inflammation, including di
73 RTN4 (also known as Nogo), the last of which is well known for its role in inhibiting neuritic outgro
74 nction of Lys20, a moonlighting protein that is well known for its role in metabolism.
75                         Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is well known for its role in patterning tissues, includ
76 ral polarity in the early Drosophila embryo, is well known for its role in the innate immune response
77                                 Progesterone is well known for its role in the modulation of sexual b
78                 The superior colliculus (SC) is well known for its role in the motor control of sacca
79                                       Leptin is well known for its role in the regulation of energy h
80   A Trypanosoma brucei adenosine transporter is well known for its role in the uptake of both drugs.
81  transcription factor T cell factor 1 (Tcf1) is well known for its role in thymic T cell development
82                                        TIAM1 is well known for its role in tumor metastasis, but it a
83             Cytokinin is a phytohormone that is well known for its roles in numerous plant growth and
84 (TGR5), a membrane-bound bile acid receptor, is well known for its roles in regulation of energy home
85 (TGR5), a membrane-bound bile acid receptor, is well known for its roles in regulation of energy home
86                The Sox2 transcription factor is well known for its roles in the development and maint
87 he intracellular protozoan Toxoplasma gondii is well known for its skill at invading and living withi
88                          Cyclosporin A (CsA) is well known, for its extracerebral effect, as an immun
89 read natural mineral at the Earth's surface, is well-known for its capacity to sequester various elem
90  Toll-like receptor signaling pathway, which is well-known for its downstream activation of NF-kappaB
91                         The retromer complex is well-known for its role in cargo sorting and vesicle
92                 As the ERK signaling pathway is well-known for its role in cytoprotection and cell su
93 s of a common disaccharide, trehalose, which is well-known for its unique biological stabilization ef
94 The microorganisms that make up kefir grains are well known for lactose fermentation, but the extent
95                  Although the causal factors are well known for many synchronized phenomena, several
96 while transformation coupled with plasticity is well known for many alloys and ceramics.
97                     Although polyadenylation is well known for marking the end of a 3' UTR, an increa
98 ype IV secretion effectors (e.g., SidM) that are well known for mediating Rab1B association with the
99  neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) are well known for mediating the positive reinforcing ef
100 ze proteins and glycoproteins [AF(G)Ps] have been well-known for more than three decades for their ab
101 ese processes involve redox chemistry, which are well-known for most other transition metals such as
102 a significant part of our gut microbiome and are well known for optimized metabolism of diverse polys
103                            Halogen chemistry is well known for ozone destruction in the stratosphere,
104                                          ACC is well known for perineural invasion and distant metast
105 red protein (IDP), alpha-synuclein (alphaS), is well-known for phospholipid membrane binding-coupled
106                               The thresholds are well known for point tracers, but for tracers of non
107 ids (PUFAs), are discussed as compounds that are well known for prevention and treatment of rheumatoi
108  paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus are well known for producing long-term overeating, but p
109                               TrkA receptors are well known for promoting neuronal cell survival.
110                                      Formins are well-known for promoting actin assembly, but they al
111  cardiac- and vascular-derived hormones that are well known for regulating blood pressure, but their
112             WRKY transcription factors (TFs) are well known for regulating plant abiotic and biotic s
113 orms a heterodimer with Ku80, called Ku that is well known for repairing DNA double-strand breaks thr
114                                        Ureas are well-known for self-recognition and aggregation beha
115                             Dopamine neurons are well known for signaling reward-prediction errors.
116 Polycomb group (PcG) complexes PRC1 and PRC2 are well known for silencing specific developmental gene
117 er known as the recreational drug "ecstasy," is well known for stimulating a feeling of closeness and
118 activated potassium channels (MaxiK, BK(Ca)) are well known for sustaining cerebral and coronary arte
119                  Stomatopods (mantis shrimp) are well known for the feeding appendages they use to sm
120 iconducting transition metal dichalcogenides are well known for the monolayer and bulk, there are imp
121 highly magnetized rotating neutron stars and are well known for the stability of their signature puls
122 es are non-motile, filamentous bacteria that are well-known for the production of biomedically releva
123 e bouffia Bonneval at La Chapelle-aux-Saints is well known for the discovery of the first secure Nean
124                             Patient handling is well known for the risk of musculoskeletal injury.
125                   Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are well known for their ability to "protect" the struct
126                           In biology, lipids are well known for their ability to assemble into spheri
127  TEs, rolling-circle transposons (Helitrons) are well known for their ability to capture and amplify
128                Centrally acting cannabinoids are well known for their ability to impair functions ass
129                                 Retroviruses are well known for their ability to incorporate envelope
130          A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) are well known for their ability to scaffold protein kin
131 h heterotrimeric G proteins and GPCR kinases are well known for their ability to specifically recogni
132           Gelatinous zooplankton populations are well known for their ability to take over perturbed
133  Mammalian Diaphanous-related (mDia) formins are well known for their actin nucleation and filament e
134 olluscs, and in particular Octopus vulgaris, are well known for their capacity to regenerate their ar
135              Radial glial neural progenitors are well known for their central role in orchestrating b
136                             Orofacial clefts are well known for their complex etiology and variable p
137                         The Hsp70 chaperones are well known for their crucial roles in regulating pro
138                     WhiB-like (Wbl) proteins are well known for their diverse roles in actinobacteria
139                              Mast cells (MC) are well known for their effector role in allergic disor
140             Beetles of the genus Nicrophorus are well known for their elaborate biparental care, incl
141        While olfactory neurons of silk moths are well known for their exquisite sensitivity to sex ph
142 , Class II (also called clawed) Kenyon cells are well known for their extensive reorganization that o
143                                     Biofilms are well known for their extreme tolerance to antibiotic
144                                  Orchidaceae are well known for their fascinating floral morphologic
145                   Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) are well known for their flavour, nutritional and health
146                                      Netrins are well known for their function as long-range chemotro
147 ify a novel set of RNA-binding proteins that are well known for their function in chromatin regulatio
148 +)- and voltage-activated K(+) (BK) channels are well known for their functional versatility, which i
149                                   Mast cells are well known for their harmful role in IgE-mediated hy
150 lements (MULEs) are widespread in plants and are well known for their high transposition activity as
151 nes released during the stress response that are well known for their immunosuppressive and anti-infl
152                              These compounds are well known for their important actions in mammalian
153      Thiamin and thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) are well known for their important roles in human nutrit
154 ), and the serotonin 2C receptor (5-HT(2C)), are well known for their key role in the homeostatic con
155                    Matrix metalloproteinases are well known for their key roles in the processing of
156                                Phospholipids are well known for their membrane-forming properties and
157                     While mycetomic bacteria are well known for their metabolic or light-emitting fun
158                          Whey based peptides are well known for their nutritional and multifunctional
159                 Human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells are well known for their rapid and potent response to in
160                   Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are well known for their remarkable precision in substra
161 MAP Kinase signaling, and Adherens Junction, are well known for their role in cancer development and
162                                  Type I IFNs are well known for their role in controlling virus repli
163                   Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are well known for their role in dampening the immune re
164                        CD4(+) T helper cells are well known for their role in providing critical sign
165                                  Carotenoids are well known for their roles in protecting against pho
166                                        Ferns are well known for their shade-dwelling habits.
167                    North American porcupines are well known for their specialized hairs, or quills th
168                    Noble metal nanoparticles are well known for their strong interactions with light
169                    Midbrain dopamine neurons are well known for their strong responses to rewards and
170                                   Phenazines are well known for their toxicity against non-phenazine-
171                     Fullerene nanostructures are well known for their unique morphology, physical and
172                                     Ciliates are well known for their unusual tricks of nuclear remod
173                              TAML activators are well-known for their ability to activate hydrogen pe
174 erpesviruses are efficacious pathogens which are well-known for their ability to induce lymphoprolife
175                                        TIMPs are well-known for their ability to inhibit MMP activity
176 IFNs (IFN-lambdas) are secreted factors that are well-known for their antiviral activities.
177 RPGs) are important house-keeping genes that are well-known for their coordinated expression.
178                                    Platelets are well-known for their critical role in hemostasis, th
179                           Freshwater marshes are well-known for their ecological functions in carbon
180  neurotrophin family of neurotrophic factors are well-known for their effects on neuronal survival an
181 dole, pyrrole, and coumarin scaffolds, which are well-known for their enriched biological activity.
182                         Spider silk proteins are well-known for their extraordinary mechanical proper
183 omain and leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins are well-known for their key roles in the immune system.
184                                Disaccharides are well-known for their membrane protective ability.
185                       Although stromal cells are well-known for their parenchymal supportive roles in
186                    Phenolic components (PCs) are well-known for their positive impact on human health
187 l of the enzymes related to the folate cycle are well-known for their role as clinically validated an
188  and to heparan sulfate proteoglycans, which are well-known for their role in BMP movement and accumu
189 ve specificity: pyrrole-imidazole polyamides are well-known for their specific interactions with the
190 ls in the general chemical formula of CuI(L) are well-known for their structural diversity and strong
191                    Poly(ortho ester)s (POEs) are well-known for their surface-eroding properties and
192  surface calreticulin (CRT) expression, that is well known for triggering anti-tumor immunological re
193 e regulation in instantaneous fluctuations - is well known for vertebrates.

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