


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  (i.e., soil, silica gel, and 0.2-4 mm glass beads).
2 ic effects were negligible for non-polymeric beads).
3 lready investigated within the clinic for DC Bead.
4 HC (beta2fHC) on every single antigen-coated bead.
5 e signal probes and Fe3O4-SiO2 as a magnetic bead.
6  following ingestion of oxidized OS or latex beads.
7 mplexes are purified with oligo(dT) magnetic beads.
8 luminescence mapping of standard fluorescent beads.
9 ed to proteins were captured on streptavidin beads.
10 es explain kinetic variation among polymeric beads.
11 idal thread and a periodic array of discrete beads.
12 no deformities observed after exposure to PE beads.
13 binding and reactivity to single-antigen HLA beads.
14 on for microfluidic manipulation of magnetic beads.
15 a virus RNA with capture probes bound to the beads.
16  in chitosan-tripolyphosphate (TPP) hydrogel beads.
17  calibrate the mechanical stresses using gel beads.
18 ferent tetramer compounds on PEG-polystyrene beads.
19 apment of the proteins in these chitosan-PPA beads.
20 he contact zones between two membrane-coated beads.
21 tosis of M. tuberculosis or TDM-coated latex beads.
22 acylate (OM) or octadecyl methacrylate (OMC) beads.
23 mage initiated by the phagocytosis of silica beads.
24 rapped in chitosan-polyphosphoric acid (PPA) beads.
25 nt did not affect uptake of IgG-coated latex beads.
26  of T lymphocytes with rE-cadherin-Fc-coated beads.
27 ibers showed greater adverse effects than PE beads.
28 with dendritic damage signified by dendritic beading.
29                      Infusion of fluorescent beads 3 d before pFUS+MB revealed the infiltration of CD
30 odified beads (76-78%) and aldehyde-/sulfate beads (74-76%).
31 s (85-86%), followed by carboxylate-modified beads (76-78%) and aldehyde-/sulfate beads (74-76%).
32 ed bead surface, highest with epoxy-/sulfate beads (85-86%), followed by carboxylate-modified beads (
33 are formed without any melting/fusing of the beads, a key feature of this technique that enables reco
34 tively captured by antibody-decorated silica beads (Ab-SiO2) onto the conjugate pad and the sample fl
35 al and physical mechanisms by which gyrating beads accelerate amyloid fibrillization in microtiter pl
36                                              Beaded activated carbon (BAC, microwave-absorbing) and a
37 ic, highly efficient and simplified magnetic bead actuation for DNA analysis in a continuous flow pla
38 mes of both fused and single-membrane-coated beads allow us to estimate the size of the contact zones
39 action zone, there are metallic Fe and Fe-Si beads, aluminous spinel rinds on the Al-Cu-Fe alloys, an
40            Herein, we report an efficient on-bead amide-coupling approach to prepare SMDHs with multi
41 n buoyant forces and contact forces (between bead and microplate well), and was not an artifact of re
42              A recent report showed that the bead and ribbon isomers of GeXIVA are more potent than t
43 lation between any material property of each bead and that bead's effect on SOD1 fibrillization rate
44 ying device with CD45-labeled immunomagnetic beads and a capturing platform coated with rat-tail coll
45 s of baseline DSA detected by single antigen beads and B flow cytometric crossmatch (XM).
46 ied by using flow cytometry with QuantiBRITE beads and compared with total and allergen-specific IgE
47 zed alpha-1,2-trimannose cap sugars on latex beads and demonstrated that C57BL/6 mice coinoculated wi
48 ells: continuous stimulation with activation beads and DNA damage.
49 ic uptake of serum-coated or -uncoated latex beads and E. coli However, consistent with previous stud
50 C. dubia to a binary mixture of microplastic beads and fibers for the first time.
51               An equitoxic binary mixture of beads and fibers resulted in a toxic unit of 1.85 indica
52 e brightness using antibody-avid polystyrene beads and flow cytometry.
53 n response to stimulation with anti-CD3/CD28 beads and gave rise to CD161(-) progeny in vitro.
54 nd perform volumetric imaging of fluorescent beads and invasive breast cancer cells.
55                              Utilizing glass beads and kaolinite as model collector surfaces, we eval
56 ajor, or coinoculated with trimannose-coated beads and L. major Trimannose treatment of L. major-infe
57 th L. major alone, coinoculated with carrier beads and L. major, or coinoculated with trimannose-coat
58 ncepts for on-chip vortexing of the magnetic beads and on-chip reagent storage and actuation were dev
59                 While 0.3 microm polystyrene beads and other similarly-sized bacteria were efficientl
60 ogenous surfaces in the form of silica glass beads and polyanionic heparin molecules potently seeds t
61                        Barcoded mRNA capture beads and single cells are sealed in an array of subnano
62 her than previous results using streptavidin beads and the limit of detection (LOD) improves 10x.
63 tor particle composition (kaolinite vs glass beads) and nanoparticle surface chemistry (PVP, citrate,
64 rized from the surface of mDia1-coated latex beads, and deformed by manipulating both ends through at
65 ff based on TFL-006 reactivity against HLA-I beads, and HC-10 against iBeads, where the beta2fHC or p
66 pump or port, irinotecan-loaded drug-eluting beads, and radioembolization using (90)Y microspheres.
67 on HLA-I beads, iBeads, acid-/alkali-treated beads, and T cells using HLA-I monoclonal antibodies (W6
68  purified using anti-HLA antibody-conjugated beads, and their cargoes contained the islet endocrine h
69                       Using a fibrinogen gel bead angiogenesis assay experiment, FCSC cell feeder lay
70                     In 3D-MTC, ferromagnetic beads are bound to the cell surface via surface receptor
71                     Antibiotic loaded cement beads are commonly used for the treatment of biofilm rel
72                                          The beads are rapidly prepared ( approximately 10 min overal
73                     Finally, the regular COF beads are shown to outperform the leading zeolites in wa
74 y(acrylamide-co-itaconic acid) (P(AM-co-IA)) beads are synthesized and successfully applied to concen
75                  For verification, a focused bead array was built and applied to an independent set o
76 natures were determined by ELISA, cytometric bead array, or quantitative PCR.
77 terleukin-10 concentrations using cytometric bead array.
78 genic, TLR, and T-cell stimuli by cytometric bead array.
79  donor-specific antibodies (DSA) detected on bead arrays may not inevitably indicate ongoing antibody
80                          Antibody suspension bead arrays were applied to analyze serum samples from p
81 a bottom-up approach using optically trapped beads as anchor points.
82 n flow induced by cilia beating (using micro-beads as tracers) and a mathematical model of this fluid
83  polyacrylamide gels loaded with fluorescent beads, as well as the acquisition of STED images and the
84                            We use a tethered-bead assay to provide real-time visualization of leading
85 able to prevent sprout formation in a fibrin bead assay, suggesting that p120*VE-Cad interaction regu
86 Chlamydia trachomatis pgp3 using a multiplex bead assay.
87 e monolayer capacity of the ZipA immobilized beads at high concentrations of free FtsZ.
88    Analysis of growth cone forces applied to beads at low stiffness of restraint revealed switching b
89 nally, we demonstrated that micrometer-sized beads attached to the cell membrane integrin could trigg
90  and there was a direct relationship between bead attenuation and Dox concentration.
91  molecules in a single compartment using "on-bead" barcoded tagmentation.
92 ulties and extended sample preparation time, bead-based approaches may increase artificial deamidatio
93                                            A bead-based assay was used to validate protein microarray
94  a highly simplified and integrated magnetic bead-based DNA analyzer, with potential applications in
95 se (TIMP)-1 were analyzed using multianalyte bead-based ELISA assays.
96 and scalable, and surface marker analysis by bead-based flow cytometry revealed highly similar expres
97           This creates a challenge for using bead-based immunomagnetic separation (IMS) that typicall
98     The development of an optoelectrokinetic bead-based immunosensing technique can provide new insig
99 , this study developed an optoelectrokinetic bead-based immunosensing technique for detecting lipocal
100 as more sensitive than a commercial magnetic bead-based method for the capture of target DNA from a p
101                                      We used bead-based multiplex assays and quantitative PCR for cyt
102  overcome this, we have developed a magnetic bead-based multiplex biomarker enrichment strategy that
103 ral population (GP) controls (N=428) using a bead-based multiplex technology.
104 tiplexed serological assay and a 132-antigen bead-based reference assay.
105                   We developed a multiplexed bead-based technology to screen compounds for disruption
106 plex or Rac attenuated F-actin assembly near bead binding sites, decreased the efficacy of growth res
107              Acute exposure to fibers and PE beads both showed a dose-dependent effect on survival.
108 that capture protein A/G-coated paramagnetic beads bound to antibody-luciferase-labeled antigen compl
109                   The completed micro-solder-bead bridges were found to have relatively low resistanc
110   Many elements can be measured in the glass bead, but the rare earth group in particular is a valuab
111 target, can be then captured on the modified beads by immunoreaction.
112 ith biomarker-specific reagents and magnetic beads, can be processed fully automatically by a readout
113 blood samples, and using HumanMethylation450 Bead Chips, we measured genome-wide methylation levels a
114 factors' bind to cognate sites in strings of beads ('chromatin') to form molecular bridges stabilizin
115 coated by anti-CD44 antibody and nonmagnetic beads coated by anti-CD24 antibody (referred to as two-b
116 /CD24(-) TICs by IMS involving both magnetic beads coated by anti-CD44 antibody and nonmagnetic beads
117 TCs were separated from blood using magnetic beads coated with antibodies against epithelial-cell adh
118 take by THP-1 monocytic cells of fluorescent beads coated with gp120, gp41, BG505 SOSIP.664, or BG505
119 s seen in vivo was established in vitro when beads coated with human umbilical vein endothelial cells
120              Alternatively, affinity capture beads coated with macrocycle can be used to immobilize t
121  the three other groups of MAbs tested using beads coated with monomeric gp41 or gp120; anti-V2 MAbs
122 taining samples were incubated with magnetic beads coated with multiple abrin-specific antibodies, th
123     Model 2: PAEC were grown on microcarrier beads, coated with CHC, and incubated with non-anticoagu
124 y of the monoclonal antibodies against HLA-I beads confirmed the presence and heterogeneous density o
125          MaBiDZ uses two species of magnetic beads conjugated with different components of a multicom
126 in 20 min of formation, RVs persisted around bead-containing phagosomes.
127 eloped that uses THP-1 cells and fluorescent beads covalently-coupled with the malarial antigen VAR2C
128 uity preserving transposition" sequencing on beads (CPTv2-seq) is transposon-mediated transfer of hom
129 on (Cys(I)-Cys(IV) and Cys(II)-Cys(III)), or bead (Cys(I)-Cys(II) and Cys(III)-Cys(IV)).
130 porous bed (h) and the diameter of the glass beads (D) and sand grains (d).
131 -methylpropane sulfonic acid (AMPS) hydrogel beads (DC Bead) that are currently used in the clinic to
132 lacebo combined with TACE using drug-eluting beads (DEB-TACE), which was given via the hepatic artery
133                                              Bead displacements were calculated from images and G was
134 6% of droplet-encapsulated superparamagnetic beads during 1:1 droplet splitting events at approximate
135 pping amino-acid sequences to coarse-grained beads enables the direct simulation of trajectories for
136 nrichment is accomplished by adding magnetic beads equipped with CaR antibody reagents to a large sam
137 g uptake of diverse targets, including latex beads, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Myc
138 ently, MIPs have been combined with magnetic bead extraction, which greatly simplifies sample handlin
139          In the BEARS technology, a magnetic-bead extractor is used to handle beads from 96 wells sim
140                          We present here the Bead-Extractor Assisted ready-to-use Reagent System (BEA
141 radigmatic case of random piles of spherical beads, fluid front morphologies emerging during slow imm
142                          The spread from the beads followed a square root of time relationship in all
143 then the complex is pulled down onto capture beads for purification and concentration.
144                                          The beads form one-dimensional arrays with a periodicity tha
145                             Unlike dendritic beading, fragmentation spread beyond the injury core in
146  a magnetic-bead extractor is used to handle beads from 96 wells simultaneously.
147 ing onto immobilized metal affinity magnetic beads, generating a novel class of antibodies coined "Ca
148 nduced as the driving force to transport PNA-beads harboring target miRs to the tip of the pore (sens
149 (gamma-PNA) probes conjugated to polystyrene beads have been reported for the detection of miR-204 an
150 ulated into nanoliter droplets with hydrogel beads (HBs) bearing barcoding DNA primers.
151 d by manipulating both ends through attached beads held by optical tweezers, allowing us to record th
152 d with bead mass, but only for non-polymeric beads (i.e., glass, ceramic, metallic).
153 nformational variants were examined on HLA-I beads, iBeads, acid-/alkali-treated beads, and T cells u
154 , and IL-8-were determined using a multiplex bead immunoassay.
155 ed by anti-CD24 antibody (referred to as two-bead IMS).
156 dependence of the diffusion coefficient of a bead in an optical trap, and to demonstrate that it is n
157 he protein retention ability of chitosan-TPP beads in a simulated gastric environment.
158  across species and bound single-antigen HLA beads in common epitope-restricted patterns.
159 , we show that application of BMP4-releasing beads in one place in an organoid can break the symmetry
160 rap, move, and chain individual micro-solder-beads in real-time via dielectrophoresis, we demonstrate
161     The in vitro release of protein from the beads in simulated gastric fluid (SGF, pH 3) and simulat
162 ine and human monocytes sorted with magnetic beads in the inner chamber produced ET-1 when T cells we
163 e anti-flavivirus monoclonal antibody-coated beads) in the microfluidic chip and the DENV modified wi
164 ber of interfaces, or the number of discrete beads, in the connection.
165 ther trimannose-coated or carrier (uncoated) beads, infected with L. major alone, coinoculated with c
166           We optically trap micrometer-sized beads internalized in cells plated on crossbow-shaped ad
167 mi-quantitates the number of antigen-coupled beads internalized.
168 ed on the globular isomers as the ribbon and bead isomers typically have lower potency at nAChRs than
169  chemistry of DC Bead LUMI is the same as DC Bead, it interacts with drugs using ion-exchange between
170 ffects were observed, but only for polymeric beads: lag times correlated negatively with contact angl
171 are able to fold in tandem, forming a rosary bead-like structure.
172 in native thylakoid membranes using magnetic-bead-linked antibody pull-downs.
173 onium when compared to the established resin bead loading method, while maintaining its simplicity.
174 g versus a deviation of 0.0028 (0.284%) when bead loading.
175 r sample loading procedures as those used in bead loading.
176                  As the core chemistry of DC Bead LUMI is the same as DC Bead, it interacts with drug
177                  The ability (Dox)-loaded DC Bead LUMI to be visualized in vivo was demonstrated by t
178  modalities used in treatment procedures (DC Bead LUMI).
179 linically indicated using the single-antigen bead Luminex assay.
180         A linear correlation existed between bead mass and rate of fibril elongation (R(2) = 0.7): he
181                                The effect of bead mass on fibrillization correlated (R(2) = 0.96) wit
182 eation rates (lag time) also correlated with bead mass, but only for non-polymeric beads (i.e., glass
183  SOD1 fibrillization rate was with regard to bead mass.
184         Controlled by the wettability of the bead matrix two distinct displacement patterns are found
185                                   A magnetic bead (MB)-based direct immunoassay for the detection of
186 valently conjugated to carboxylated-magnetic beads (MBs) using the succinimide coupling (EDC-NHS) met
187  versus resting macrophages following silica bead-mediated injury.
188                          Single antigen flow bead MFI thresholds allowing XM positivity to be predict
189 hich target HPV DNA is captured via magnetic bead-modified DNA probes, followed by an antidigoxigenin
190 the coupling between cilia, fluid, and micro-bead motion.
191 cal model of the fluid flow and of the micro-beads motion.
192 P force was employed to capture the modified beads (mouse anti-flavivirus monoclonal antibody-coated
193 at the intracellular microenvironment of the bead obeys power-law rheology.
194 ated to produce homogeneous, flux-free glass beads of geochemical reference materials (GRMs), uranium
195  (vRNA) is depicted as a uniform pattern of 'beads on a string'.
196 astic polyester fibers and polyethylene (PE) beads on freshwater zooplankton Ceriodaphnia dubia.
197 hose measured by depositing Pu amended resin beads on the filament.
198  picture inconsistent with a chromatin-like, beads-on-a-string structure.
199 ndom coil structure of the CTD, leading to a beads-on-a-string topology in which the long rod-shaped
200          The folding of genomic DNA from the beads-on-a-string-like structure of nucleosomes into hig
201 idual identities (e.g., phage display or one-bead one-compound).
202 y rely on labelling techniques with magnetic beads or fluorescence agents, which take time and have c
203 een micrometer sized particles, either latex beads or red blood cells (RBCs), create aggregates that
204 eract with the surfaces of acid-washed glass beads or standard Ottawa sand, which presented less surf
205 cal labels such as gold nanoparticles, latex beads, or fluorescent nanoparticles to visualize the pre
206 current research has focused on microplastic beads, our study shows that microplastic fibers pose a g
207     The experiments are conducted with glass beads packed at a constant density and sand at a differe
208                                     Magnetic beads/particles are typically used as solid supports for
209 but not resting macrophages following silica bead phagocytosis.
210 tis decreases the association of LAMP-3 with bead phagosomes, indicating that P27 itself blocks phago
211                 We demonstrate our method on bead phantoms, cells in collagen gels, nematode larvae a
212 fPC method on various control samples, e.g., beads, pillars and validated its potential for biologica
213 protein misfolding cyclic amplification with beads (PMCAb), and also generated PrP(Sc) with reduced s
214 which allows for digital sorting of multiple bead populations using automated field sequences.
215 dulus is measured from the relaxation of the bead position assuming that the intracellular microenvir
216  validated via synthetic time series for the bead position with spatially-varying diffusion coefficie
217  integrated microfluidic DNA-encoded library bead processors eliminates potentially cumbersome instru
218                                              Beads produced at a low TPP concentration of 0.4% w/w ha
219 e of fibril elongation (R(2) = 0.7): heavier beads produced faster rates and shorter fibrils.
220  with Leishmania major and trimannose-coated beads produced significantly higher levels of interleuki
221                                 Unrestrained bead propulsion matched or exceeded rates of retrograde
222                                    Images of beads prove a near-isotropic lateral resolution of sub-1
223  and proximity ligation step that eliminates bead purification and washing steps.
224 adaptor PCR to generate the library and then bead purification before sequencing.
225 y analysis of glomerular cells from magnetic bead-purified glomeruli have identified glomerulus-infil
226 rmyl benzamide functionalized (4FB) magnetic beads rather than streptavidin coated beads with a high
227 icro-rheology by defined oscillations of the beads relative to each other.
228 pplementation by implantation of NRG1-soaked beads rescued regeneration to digits in denervated limbs
229 pids were found to be detached from the SSLM beads, resulting in nonlinear sorption isotherms for com
230  any material property of each bead and that bead's effect on SOD1 fibrillization rate was with regar
231                               Single antigen beads (SAB) are used for monitoring HLA antibodies in pr
232 ch C1q-binding to HLA-class I single-antigen beads (SAB) is influenced by denatured HLA on SAB, antib
233 (MFI) in Luminex class I single antigen flow beads (SAFB) assay, after correction of complement inter
234 ll, these results indicate that chitosan-PPA beads show potential for lower gastrointestinal delivery
235 wer esophageal sphincter pressure, number of beads (size) of the implanted device, concurrent crura r
236 ling show that the select-field amplitude is bead-size dependent, which allows for digital sorting of
237 nd irinotecan (Iri) elution kinetics for all bead sizes evaluated were within the parameters already
238  protocol details preparation of calibration bead slides designed for SIM-based experiments, the acqu
239 ontrolled by microvalves are used to improve bead-solution mixing thereby enhancing the hybridization
240 -specific antibody should be assessed with a bead-specific mean fluorescence intensity cutoff based o
241 uce a computational procedure to construct a bead-spring polymer model based on the EP matrix.
242                          Using a stochastic, bead-spring representation of chromatin in budding yeast
243 uted level of iodine attached throughout the bead structure ( 150mg/mL) which is sufficient to be ima
244                         We used apCAM-coated bead substrates applied to the surface of neuronal growt
245 dition of PEG to the antibody-functionalized bead surface, highest with epoxy-/sulfate beads (85-86%)
246 ops platform (1 d); (ii) performing hydrogel bead synthesis (4 d); (iii) encapsulating and barcoding
247 in cup matching the geometric profile of the bead target and forward growth cone translocation; pharm
248  for 47 inflammatory markers using multiplex bead technology.
249 le cantilever that can aspirate at its tip a bead that is coated with molecules of interest and is br
250 c beads to make a multiplex magnetic capture bead that simultaneously enriches pLDH and HRPII from Pl
251 y fluids on release was assessed using CaSO4 beads that contained fluorescein or antibiotics and were
252 pane sulfonic acid (AMPS) hydrogel beads (DC Bead) that are currently used in the clinic to treat liv
253  of molecular templates immobilised on glass beads (the solid-phase).
254 ed with L. major and treated with trimannose beads, they did not have decreased lesion size.
255 l modification increasing the density of the beads to 1.3g/cm(3) and the compressive modulus by two
256                       We used cdN-conjugated beads to biochemically isolate host receptors for bacter
257 ffects of antibiotic loading and exposure of beads to body fluids on release kinetics are unclear.
258 tively conjugated to dyes and functionalized beads to enable visualization and enrichment of newly sy
259 r of homogenous populations of barcodes from beads to individual long DNA molecules that get fragment
260 aR antibody reagent was loaded onto magnetic beads to make a multiplex magnetic capture bead that sim
261                        High-resolution rotor bead tracking (RBT) measures DNA torque, twist, and exte
262 he time series for the spatial position of a bead trapped in optical tweezers, which enables us to re
263  assessed by measuring the velocity of micro-beads traveling through the fluid surrounding the cilia.
264 ltrasonic bath for digestion enhancement, on-bead trypsin digestion was optimized to obtain efficient
265 ith approximately 150,000 different barcoded bead types provides a barcode-linked read structure that
266 monitored the stability of these astaxanthin beads under four different conditions of light, temperat
267 e flowed concentrically through packed glass beads under two relative flow rates with Na2CO3 and CaCl
268 d through a fixed porous bed of packed glass beads under various conditions, including the height of
269                         Whereas most liquids bead up to minimize surface energy, the presence of a su
270            RVs formed coincident with silica bead uptake in a process associated with membrane ruffli
271                  Automatic tracking of micro-beads, used as markers of the flow generated by cilia mo
272  of the procedure is the production of glass beads using 9 parts high purity synthetic enstatite (MgS
273  the cilia motion by extrapolating the micro-bead velocity measurement at the ciliated edge.
274 approximately 1 nN) to the N-cadherin-coated beads via an atomic force microscope induced a localized
275 is of the uptake of retrogradely transported beads we show that Cre-positive neurons are CT and not c
276                            N-cadherin-coated beads were able to induce clustering of N-cadherin-enhan
277  permeable, physically crosslinked, alginate beads were also engineered and proved capable of detecti
278 nical properties of fluorescein-incorporated beads were analyzed.
279          IMS anti-Salmonella coated magnetic beads were applied to capture and separate bacteria from
280                                  Fluorescent beads were conjugated to the sample surface and imaged b
281 ifferent fluorescein concentrations in CaSO4 beads were evaluated.
282                                   Retrograde beads were infused into the DMS or midbrain to label spe
283                                              Beads were manufactured by extruding gel forming solutio
284                 DNA/enzyme films on magnetic beads were oxidized similarly, and 8-oxodG determined by
285               Cells attached to microcarrier beads were perfused with 26 mm [1,6-(13)C2]glucose under
286 , P = .0013) compared with those with venous beading, whereas those with 4-quadrant dot-blot hemorrha
287 xplain kinetic variation among non-polymeric beads, whereas surface hydrophobicity and contact forces
288 ology emerges if the invading fluid wets the beads while a fingered morphology is found for non-wetti
289  of immunocapture to metal affinity magnetic beads while also maintaining a common trigger for releas
290 th promote the mobility of CeO2-NPs in glass beads, while influence was more evident at alkaline cond
291 gnetic beads rather than streptavidin coated beads with a high density of capture probes to improve t
292 d: Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) and synthetic beads with a mean diameter of 53nm and 920nm respectivel
293 ) fibrillization is affected by 12 different beads with a wide range of hydrophobicity, mass, stiffne
294 -term fluorescein release and pre-coating of beads with body fluids did not affect short-term release
295  an adhesin and an invasin, as coating inert beads with it confers adhesiveness and invasiveness.
296 capture on immobilized multiplexed inhibitor beads with subsequent proteolytic digestion of unbound p
297 approximately 1 nN) to the N-cadherin-coated-beads with the AFM induced a localized mechanical respon
298 e tension and elasticity at the interface of beads with the liquid crystal.
299 nnel) enables integrated washing of magnetic beads within rapidly moving droplets.
300 nzaldehyde to the PVA backbone of pre-formed beads yields a uniformly distributed level of iodine att

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