


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 p to 400 times faster with findhap than with Beagle.
2 from the population-based imputation program BEAGLE.
3  associated neurological dysfunction in this Beagle.
4 ribed in several canine breeds including the Beagle.
5 putational thread and 15x more CPU time than Beagle.
6  for 8 weeks in five normal adult laboratory beagles.
7 n of ADAMTS10 as the likely cause of POAG in beagles.
8 bing (%BOP) were observed in placebo-treated beagles.
9   Purpose-bred, 1- to 2-yr-old, 10- to 12-kg beagles.
10 468 and from day 46 until day 159 in the two beagles.
11              In this study, 13 pathogen-free beagles, 12 to 26 weeks old, were infected with Borrelia
12                   Ten female retired breeder beagles, 7 to 8 years old, with naturally occurring mode
13   To test this hypothesis, we immunized aged beagles (8.4-12.4 years) with fibrillar Abeta(1-42) form
14                      In one of these models (Beagles), AD can be reliably reproduced upon allergen ch
15 he-art existing statistics methods including Beagle and fastPhase.
16 p imputation by the state-of-the-art methods Beagle and FImpute.
17                 In this paper, we extend the BEAGLE API to a multiple Field Programmable Gate Array (
18                                     Affected Beagles are unable to ambulate normally from the onset o
19 ne infusion was successfully performed in 16 beagles; both procedures were performed simultaneously i
20                      Source code provided in BEAGLE: Broad-platform Evolutionary Analysis General Lik
21 cerebral amyloidosis, Caribbean vervets, and beagle canines.
22 nd are available by anonymous ftp from ftp://beagle.colorado.edu/pub/consensus.
23                     Although placebo-treated beagles demonstrated %BOP scores of 43% at week 8, GED-
24 ives a slightly lower switch-error rate than Beagle does and is more than six times faster.
25 and completely converted to cinnarizine in a beagle dog following iv administration.
26 ss in a ligature-induced periodontal disease beagle dog model.
27 hic alveolar bone loss in a ligature-induced beagle dog model.
28  several human-like clinical situations in a beagle dog model.
29                              A four-week old Beagle dog presented with progressive signs of cerebella
30 f submerged and nonsubmerged implants in the beagle dog.
31 igature-induced gingival inflammation in the beagle dog.
32 orhexidine-induced tooth stain coverage in a beagle dog.
33 cantly reduce experimental gingivitis in the beagle dog.
34                                In 15 healthy Beagle dogs (average weight 9.3 kg), we compared insulin
35 left ventricular endocardium in anesthetized beagle dogs (n=11) in vivo.
36  clinical response of periodontal pockets in beagle dogs after treatment with a biodegradable deliver
37 4 implants were placed in the mandibles of 4 beagle dogs and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment gr
38  active for the release of growth hormone in beagle dogs at doses as low as 0.5 mg/kg.
39                                         Four beagle dogs completed the study and were used in a split
40                Preliminary animal studies in Beagle dogs conducted with lenses in which particles are
41                         In six anaesthetized beagle dogs control contractions increased hindlimb bloo
42 gns of inflammation took place in any of the beagle dogs during the four months of implantation.
43 gene family of E. chaffeensis, sera from two beagle dogs experimentally infected with E. chaffeensis
44                          Eight adult, female beagle dogs had generalized, severe periodontitis with p
45  CCL22) in ligature-induced periodontitis in beagle dogs leads to reduced clinical measures of inflam
46 tors following oral administration to either beagle dogs or CM-monkeys is described.
47 act lenses was then compared to eye drops in beagle dogs that suffer from spontaneous glaucoma.
48 dies and in vivo pharmacodynamics studies in beagle dogs to evaluate the efficacy of glaucoma therapy
49             Seventeen skeletally mature male beagle dogs underwent 10 mm of bilateral interdental man
50                                 Adult female beagle dogs underwent 2-hr hepatic vascular exclusion wi
51                                          Ten beagle dogs underwent atraumatic bilateral second and fo
52                 Under general anesthesia, 10 beagle dogs underwent atraumatic tooth extractions.
53 this strategy in a larger animal, we treated beagle dogs using intracisternal or intracerebroventricu
54            Borrelia burgdorferi infection in beagle dogs was studied quantitatively with skin punch b
55                   Twenty 18-month-old female beagle dogs were brought to optimal periodontal health o
56                       Pancreata removed from Beagle dogs were infused with University of Wisconsin so
57                                 Adult female beagle dogs were randomized into 4 dosage groups (5 anim
58                             Fifteen purebred beagle dogs were subjected to a 14-day oral hygiene regi
59                                Eighteen male beagle dogs were subjected to the creation of bilateral
60                                         Four beagle dogs were used and 32 interproximal intrabony def
61                                  Eleven male beagle dogs were used in the study.
62                                          Six beagle dogs were used in this study.
63                                              Beagle dogs were used in two distinct animal models of h
64 ith standardized periodontal bony defects in beagle dogs with and without diabetes.
65               It was concluded that, for the beagle dogs with severely infected periodontal pockets i
66                                         Four beagle dogs with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes a
67 ) and in the lungs of experimentally exposed beagle dogs with varying initial lung depositions were d
68    The procedures were performed in 8 female beagle dogs, 4 to 6 years old.
69                                     In eight beagle dogs, a critical-size labial GR defect was surgic
70  dyslipidemia using Syrian hamsters and male Beagle dogs, and all these compounds displayed excellent
71 re created in mandibular premolar teeth of 6 beagle dogs, followed by placement of membranes and woun
72                   In both the human case and beagle dogs, the appearance of retained plutonium within
73 tized, paralyzed and mechanically ventilated beagle dogs, we have studied involvement of glutamate an
74 on was surgically created in sexually mature beagle dogs.
75 dontal defects were created in 5 young adult beagle dogs.
76 reated at the mandibular premolar teeth in 9 beagle dogs.
77 sal pharmacodynamics in somatostatin-treated beagle dogs.
78            Four healthy, purpose-bred female beagle dogs.
79 dothelial cells were cultured from retina of beagle dogs.
80 lveolar crest on maxillary canine teeth in 6 beagle dogs.
81 nistration of 6 potently inhibits feeding in beagle dogs.
82 curring buccal Class II furcation defects in beagle dogs.
83 es by evaluating exposure of the API in male Beagle dogs.
84 activity and retard gingival inflammation in beagle dogs.
85  glass-ceramic rods implanted in the jaws of beagle dogs.
86 neonatal cerebellar cortical degeneration in Beagle dogs.
87  and increased as disease progressed in POAG beagle dogs.
88 nd mandible were obtained from 6 mature male beagle dogs.
89  frontal cortex, thalamus and spinal cord of beagle dogs.
90 he development of experimental gingivitis in beagle dogs.
91 were created bilaterally in seven 1-year-old beagle dogs: 3-walled intrabony defects distal of the ma
92                                        Adult beagle donors were subjected to explosive BD for 16 hr.
93 cores of 43% at week 8, GED- and MEG-treated beagles exhibited %BOP scores of 21% and 26%, respective
94 uth America between 1832 and 1833 during the Beagle expedition were examples of the large, heavily ar
95                                         Male beagles fed a diet containing 30% galactose were periodi
96                   Fifteen female, 1-year-old beagles first completed a 2-week dose-escalation experim
97                           A full-length dog (beagle) flavin-containing monooxygenase 1 (FMO1) cDNA (d
98 ) were bilaterally placed in the tibia of 18 beagles for 1, 3, and 5 weeks.
99 iple input formats including BAM and imputed beagle genotype probability files.
100                                    On Day 0, beagles had an Escherichia coli-infected (septic) or ste
101                 A general purpose API called BEAGLE has recently been developed that includes optimiz
102                  Following the voyage of the Beagle, his focus on insects shifted from collecting spe
103                                  We employ a BEAGLE-implementation using the Bayesian phylogenetics f
104 s in the tracheobronchial lymph nodes of the beagles indicated the lymphatic system was effective in
105 es complex' and since Darwin's voyage on the Beagle, it has been of great cytological, physiological
106 t with 16,353 samples, we compare HAPI-UR to Beagle, MaCH, IMPUTE2, and SHAPEIT and show that HAPI-UR
107  FDR are similar to that of the BCFtools and Beagle methods.
108 eviously, we mapped the disease locus in the beagle model of autosomal recessive primary open angle g
109                                          The beagle model of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) was u
110                    Two-year-old purpose-bred beagles (n = 24) infected with Staphylococcus aureus pne
111 olled blinded trial, 2-year-old purpose-bred beagles (n = 24), with Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia,
112 We demonstrate results similar to those from Beagle on another data set with a higher marker density.
113 e polymorphisms (SNPs) in other genes in the beagle POAG locus that segregate with disease.
114 revalence of primary glaucoma in the general beagle population.
115                                              Beagles randomly received 0.3% MEG, 0.3% GED, or placebo
116 gh for application to sequence data (IBDseq, Beagle Refined IBD, PLINK, and GERMLINE) under multiple
117 represents a ~40X speedup when compared with BEAGLE's CPU implementation on a dual Xeon 5520 and 3X s
118 on on a dual Xeon 5520 and 3X speedup versus BEAGLE's GPU implementation on a Tesla T10 GPU for very
119 sequence data from 50,000 reference samples, Beagle's throughput was more than 100x greater than Impu
120  better runtime scaling properties than does Beagle so that for larger data sets, HAPI-UR will be pra
121 tIBD is incorporated in the freely available Beagle software package.
122 typed, and haplotypes were inferred by using BEAGLE software.
123                  He included microbes in his Beagle studies of the geographical distribution of organ
124              Charles Darwin's travels on HMS Beagle taught him that islands are an important source o
125 ts performance to the most recent version of BEAGLE that can perform this task.
126                          Here, we infected 8 beagles through multiple experimental vector transmissio
127                           Mean GI scores for beagles treated with GED or MEG gels remained at or belo
128                                A total of 12 beagles underwent MR imaging and computed tomography (CT
129 ly661Arg variant of ADAMTS10 was an affected beagle, unrelated to the POAG colony.
130 ves imputation quality very close to that of BEAGLE, using one to two orders of magnitude less time,
131                          We demonstrate that Beagle v.4.1 scales to much larger reference panels by p
132                                   We compare Beagle v.4.1 with Impute2 and Minimac3 by using 1000 Gen
133 the Li and Stephens model and implemented in Beagle v.4.1, is parallelized and memory efficient, maki
134 urate, and easy to use and is implemented in Beagle version 4.
135 findhap (version 4) had higher accuracy than Beagle (version 4); computing time was up to 400 times f
136         Human insulin was administered to 13 beagles via inhalation (Exubera [insulin human (rDNA ori
137                                              Beagles were anaesthetized with thiopentone sodium (500
138 eriod randomized cross-over study design, 14 beagles were challenged with allergen and clinically mon
139     Twenty 6-week-old specific-pathogen-free beagles were infected with Borrelia burgdorferi by tick
140               Sixteen specific-pathogen-free beagles were infected with Borrelia burgdorferi.
141                                         Five beagles were scanned with (18)F-FDG PET/CT and MRI.
142                                 Dog kidneys (beagles) were exposed to 0, 60, or 75 min of in situ war
143 mRNA-seq) of cerebellum tissue from a single Beagle with neonatal cerebellar cortical degeneration as
144                                     Thirteen beagles with cervical cardiac allografts were studied fo
145 were evaluated at 3 concentrations in mature beagles with partial medial meniscectomy.
146 -error rate than do other methods except for Beagle; with the use of consensus phasing, running HAPI-
147                                         In 4 beagles without progressively worsening allograft reject

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