


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mination levels of meat peaked by July 2011 (beef).
2 respectively, of test meals with cod or lean beef.
3 cuum or high O2, to extend the shelf life of beef.
4 al for improved quality during dry-ageing of beef.
5 imming losses were minimal in the wet-ageing beef.
6 model systems, soybean oil and cooked ground beef.
7  was used to measure the oxidation of cooked beef.
8 2), but strikingly lower than the impacts of beef.
9 nergy (En%) from protein, predominantly from beef.
10 le and other Sanga cattle breeds for quality beef.
11 lights the uniquely high resource demands of beef.
12 , which was provided as beef steak or minced beef.
13 g Escherichia coli (STEC) O groups in ground beef.
14 (SFA) (<7% calories) diet that contains lean beef.
15 marbling is critical for the palatability of beef.
16 le the specific impact per kg is largest for beef.
17  S. typhimurium in ground chicken and ground beef.
18 on or marbling is essential for high quality beef.
19 ndergoing changes towards naturally produced beef.
20 chicken (4.9%), however it was unaffected by beef.
21 s isolated from soy, fish, chicken, pork and beef.
22 d varied environmental burdens, dominated by beef.
23 assay targeting two different DNA regions in beef (106 and 120-bp) and buffalo (90 and 138-bp) mitoch
24 ed by cocoa and coffee (16% of total) and by beef (12%).
25 onyl content determined in chicken, pork and beef (2.8, 3.6 and 3.1 nmol/mg of protein, respectively)
26                        RBCC (25.0%) and RBCC+beef (21.3%) were found to be increased 2- and 1.6-fold,
27  in S. aureus from both pork (3/100; 3%) and beef (4/100; 4%).
28 gs showed the highest values (in mug kg(-1), beef: 42-153; chicken: 62-205; fish: 94-314; canned tuna
29 ostexercise period tended to be higher after beef (64% +/- 3%) ingestion than after milk ingestion (5
30 sufficient to differentiate samples of fresh beef (76 extractions) and horse (62 extractions) using N
31                     The haem iron content in beef (A-age), lamb, pork and chicken are 77%, 81%, 88% a
32 le portion on fresh weight basis in raw lean beef (A-age), lamb, pork and chicken average 1.58, 1.64,
33 was developed for the rapid determination of beef adulteration with horsemeat.
34                                    In cooked beef, all three antioxidants significantly lowered oxida
35                              Seven of the 18 beef allergens identified using meat-allergic patient se
36       A study on the nutrient composition of beef analysed the full amino-acid profile of fifteen ret
37 th 0.5-3% MCC/CMC were prepared using 90% of beef and 10% of an aqueous fiber dispersion and were det
38 also allowed discrimination between 100% raw beef and beef meat samples spiked with only 0.5% (w/w) h
39  138-bp) mitochondrial genes to discriminate beef and buffalo in processed foods.
40 ues and at different incubation times, using beef and chicken samples.
41 ed in order to tenderise muscle foods (pork, beef and chicken) by using crude enzyme extract from Cal
42 ple, but it slightly increased the pH in the beef and chicken.
43 RD) is the most common infectious disease of beef and dairy cattle and is characterized by a complex
44 faecal samples were collected from cattle on beef and dairy farms in the North West of England.
45                                Production of beef and dairy on grassland, as opposed to intensive gra
46           The focus of this review is on the beef and dairy sector since these contribute 60% of all
47 ysine (CML) levels, in cooked chicken, pork, beef and fish (salmon and tilapia) prepared by three com
48  fat samples, extracted from forty-nine meat beef and horsemeat samples, were analysed using the Rama
49 d showed ability to discriminate between raw beef and horsemeat using just 50 ng of total extracted m
50 ation of meat adulteration by discriminating beef and horsemeat with high accuracy, a short analysis
51                                         Both beef and milk ingestion were followed by an increase in
52                             With the method, beef and pork fractions are quantified employing primer
53 oza refers to a traditional way of preparing beef and pork in Madagascar.
54 ntibodies to alphaGal, swine urine proteins, beef and pork meat, serum albumin proteins, cat, and rFe
55 storage and subsequent in vitro digestion of beef and pork patties.
56                Meat binding experiments with beef and pork were performed using a technical TG mixtur
57 er ingestion of mammalian food products (eg, beef and pork).
58 ion of this AuNPs based technology in minced beef and tap water indicates the possibility of its usin
59 /mL were obtained in buffer solution, minced beef and tap water samples respectively, with a broad de
60 piking of 5 different samples of both minced beef and tap water with 10(3) and 10(4) CFU/mL were 94.7
61                        Commercial samples of beef and turkey meat were prepared by commonly used cook
62 ethod development was performed using ground beef and was verified in Daphnia magna and Lumbriculus v
63                                       Minced beef and water samples inoculated with different concent
64  is minced meat, traditionally prepared from beef and/or pork fractions.
65 0(3) and 10(4) CFU/mL were 94.7 and 90.4 (in beef) and 91.3 and 94.8% (in water), respectively.
66 0, which is obtained from dairy products and beef, and also endogenously synthesized.
67  contracted via a wound while butchering raw beef, and successfully treated with suramin.
68 iated perpendicular to the surface of ground beef, and the scatter signals at various angles were eva
69          Flash Profile's results showed that beef- and pork-based Kitoza products investigated differ
70 at; study 2 on heme, heme+fish, chicken, and beef; and study 3 on heme and heme+purified animal prote
71     This study aims to assess the changes in beef aroma over time when steaks from pre-aged knuckles
72 e in selective culture enrichments of ground beef as a representative food matrix.
73  + fat ratios over 12 consecutive days, with beef as a source of protein.
74       Chunks of knuckle muscle from pork and beef as well as of breast muscle from chicken were marin
75  same decreasing order of CML concentration: beef, bacon>chicken > fish>dairy products>grain products
76 er overall liking ratings for pork- than for beef-based Kitoza, although the Portuguese sausage remai
77 OL3 and FABP2, were highly duplicated in the beef breeds.
78  Similarly, 52% and 36% of beef luncheon and beef burger samples exceeded the FAO OTA permissible lim
79  meat products (25 each of beef luncheon and beef burger) purchased from different supermarkets in Ma
80 22 mug/kg and 4.55 mug/kg, respectively, for beef burger.
81 resence of non-declared meat addition in raw beef burgers by using ultra-performance liquid chromatog
82 ssible limits set by FDA for AFT, but 40% of beef burgers exceeded the FAO AFT permissible limit.
83 ontained buffalo but there was no buffalo in beef burgers.
84  (P=0.21) or 25OHD3 (P=0.29) content of lean beef, but fat from cattle in the 17 degrees S latitude g
85 bition of red meat-allergic patients' IgE to beef by alpha-Gal was demonstrated.
86                               Replacement of beef by buffalo and vice versa is frequent in global mar
87  human diets, with poultry or pork replacing beef, can reduce nutrient flows in countries with intens
88 ly associated with the methylation status in beef cattle (P < 0.05).
89 dent associations between feed efficiency in beef cattle and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) o
90 ed loci implicated in body size in worldwide beef cattle breeds also affect birth weight in PO cattle
91 ell-known loci underlying body size in other beef cattle breeds, such as the PLAG1 region on chromoso
92 of trenbolone acetate (TBA) metabolites from beef cattle CAFOs, rainfall simulation experiments were
93 llected at the peak of clinical disease from beef cattle experimentally challenged with either bovine
94 the Russian agricultural sector is dairy and beef cattle farming contributing about $11 billion to th
95   PM was collected downwind and upwind of 10 beef cattle feed yards.
96 iculate matter (PM) derived from large-scale beef cattle feed yards.
97 ins, a constructed wetland, and feces from a beef cattle feedlot were compared over a two-year period
98                               Two dairies, a beef cattle feedlot, and a sheep feedlot were chosen for
99     Studies of steroid growth promoters from beef cattle feedyards have previously focused on effluen
100                                 As a result, beef cattle manure will contain both synthetic steroids
101 ng the impact of liver fluke infection on UK beef cattle productivity and investigating the use of di
102 rations of oxytocin peptide were measured in beef cattle receiving 17beta oestradiol, dexamethasone o
103 eroid hormones are routinely administered to beef cattle to improve feeding efficiency, reduce behavi
104                  In the first study, sixteen beef cattle were implanted with trenbolone acetate and e
105 ta oestradiol and dexamethasone treatment in beef cattle, an absolute quantification of this gene by
106                  Fasciolosis is common in UK beef cattle, but it is unclear at what levels liver fluk
107 ectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) in beef cattle, commonly known as pinkeye, is a bacterial d
108 s a common health problem for both dairy and beef cattle, resulting in significant economic loses.
109 roidal growth promoter often administered to beef cattle, whose metabolites are potent endocrine-disr
110 ts, i.e. units with quite the same number of beef cattle.
111 implanted (40 mg TBA, 8 mg 17beta-estradiol) beef cattle.
112 aughtering traits and meat quality traits in beef cattle.
113 hane emissions from North American dairy and beef cattle.
114 ose tissue for authentication of the diet of beef cattle.
115 7beta oestradiol and/or dexamethasone use in beef cattle.
116 g intramuscular adipogenesis and marbling in beef cattle.
117                 It was observed that boiling beef caused a loss of approximately 50% of the carnosine
118 ssed meat that could differentiate pork from beef, chevon and chicken meat.
119  using sausages containing varying ratios of beef, chicken, and soybean.
120  different types of restructured meat (pork, beef, chicken, and turkey) was developed using six trypt
121              Thirty meat mixtures containing beef, chicken, camel, rabbit, goat and sheep with varyin
122 mine total arsenic in selected food samples (beef, chicken, fish, milk, cheese, egg, rice, rice-based
123 and identification of edible animal species (beef, chicken, horse, ostrich, pig and water buffalo).
124 the total and haem iron contents in raw lean beef, chicken, lamb and pork meat samples.
125 ons in selected high consumption food (fish, beef, chicken, milk, rice, wheat flour, egg) and to esti
126 ion during ageing in the chitosan dry-ageing beef compared to the traditional dry-ageing meat.
127                      A Step I diet with lean beef compared with lean white meat both decrease LDL cho
128 nificantly increased upon the consumption of beef (compared to chicken) and/or lard supplemented beef
129 able substrates and proteins present in both beef connective tissue and topside myofibrillar extracts
130 y reduce the risk of transmission of ARDs to beef consumers.
131                                              Beef consumption and production is the major contributor
132 ased deforestation associated with increased beef consumption under the subsidy and reduced deforesta
133 educed deforestation associated with reduced beef consumption under the tax.
134 00g and 0.20mug 25OHD3/100g lean meat, while beef contained 0.12mug vitamin D3 and 0.27mug 25OHD3/100
135 e produced higher levels of CML, and broiled beef contained the highest CML content (21.8mug/g).
136 ers of drops in the number of calvings among beef cows during the Bluetongue epizootic of 2007 and 20
137   A survey in Malaysian markets revealed 71% beef curries contained buffalo but there was no buffalo
138 8% total fat, 6% SFA, 27% protein, and 153 g beef/d) for 5 wk.
139 8% total fat, 6% SFA, 19% protein, and 113 g beef/d), and BOLD+ (28% total fat, 6% SFA, 27% protein,
140 27% total fat, 6% SFA, 18% protein, and 28 g beef/d), BOLD (28% total fat, 6% SFA, 19% protein, and 1
141 3% total fat, 12% SFA, 17% protein, and 20 g beef/d), DASH (27% total fat, 6% SFA, 18% protein, and 2
142 ; Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet (BOLD): 113 g beef/d; and Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet plus additional
143 Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH): 28 g beef/d; Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet (BOLD): 113 g beef/
144  Diet plus additional protein (BOLD+): 153 g beef/d] compared with that of a healthy American diet (H
145  nitrogen (Nr) compared to what the replaced beef diet requires.
146 se after the ingestion of milk compared with beef during recovery from resistance-type exercise.
147 in the control sample to 0.046N/mm(2) in 45% beef emulsion (45EM) sample.
148 r study, semolina flour was substituted with beef emulsion (EM) at three different levels of 15, 30 a
149 ependent methods: quantitative elution using beef extract at elevated pH and quantitating fluorescenc
150  to traditional dry-ageing and wet-ageing of beef for up to 21 days.
151 volatile compounds and sensory attributes of beef from bulls fed concentrates to slaughter (C), grass
152 ne the composition of South African Bonsmara beef from four age groups from different production syst
153  candidate screening protocol to distinguish beef from horse meat based upon comparison of triglyceri
154 f has decreased notably since the 1930s, and beef from the South African Bonsmara breed contains less
155                     Cold cuts of cold-smoked beef, grilled turkey, and smoked chicken (a single batch
156 The amount of total peroxides was ranked as: beef&gt;pork>lamb>chicken.
157 he content of horse meat in its mixture with beef has been proposed.
158                    Fat content of marketable beef has decreased notably since the 1930s, and beef fro
159 were conducted in 201 synchronized crossbred beef heifers.
160 cific melting peaks that differentiate pork, beef, horsemeat, duck meat, ostrich meat, and chicken.
161 -lowering diets with varying amounts of lean beef [ie, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
162 LD+ diet, provide support for including lean beef in a heart-healthy dietary pattern.
163 es to Stop Hypertension (DASH): 28 g beef/d; Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet (BOLD): 113 g beef/d; and B
164  Optimal Lean Diet (BOLD): 113 g beef/d; and Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet plus additional protein (BO
165 ci were isolated from retail pork and retail beef in Georgia, and MRSA from the products was compared
166 sible for major economic losses in dairy and beef industries throughout the world.
167                                Both milk and beef ingestion augment the postexercise myofibrillar pro
168 synthesis rates to a greater extent than did beef ingestion during the 0- to 2-h postexercise phase (
169 thesis rates did not differ between milk and beef ingestion during the entire 0- to 5-h postexercise
170      Higher amounts of alpha-Gal in pork and beef innards compared to muscle meat as indicated by a h
171 nsidering the total and dialyzable fraction, beef is an important source of Cu, Fe, Mg, and Zn to the
172                                       Minced beef is more rapidly digested and absorbed than beef ste
173                                        While beef is the more expensive of the two meat fractions, th
174 demonstrates that the nutritional profile of beef jerky can be improved through the incorporation of
175 nalysis demonstrated a significant effect of beef jerky processing conditions on physicochemical prop
176 xture and colour) of cultured and uncultured beef jerky were evaluated.
177                                      Pork or beef kidney anaphylaxis is related to alphaGal IgE.
178 ourteen patients with anaphylaxis to pork or beef kidney underwent prick tests to meat and kidney.
179  Lean fresh meat samples were collected from beef, lamb, pork and chicken to investigate their hydrop
180 omparative study was carried out between two beef-like flavourings prepared by conventional and micro
181 cals during high pressure (HP) processing of beef loin and chicken breast was studied by spin trappin
182 ted in a higher level of spin adducts in the beef loin than in the chicken breast.
183                                              Beef longissimus dorsi muscle samples matured over a 21
184                    Similarly, 52% and 36% of beef luncheon and beef burger samples exceeded the FAO O
185 d in a total of 50 meat products (25 each of beef luncheon and beef burger) purchased from different
186                                  None of the beef luncheon and burger samples analyzed exceeded the p
187 .1 mug/kg and 5.23 mug/kg, respectively, for beef luncheon and mean values of 3.22 mug/kg and 4.55 mu
188  conditions can be found to maintain a roast beef meat aspect while dramatically reducing HAs content
189 obin as marker, 5% (25 mg/500 mg) of pork or beef meat can be detected in premixed minced meat sample
190 the highest number of peptides identified in beef meat digests and provides a comprehensive database
191 S) to measure the lipid oxidation process in beef meat packed under high oxygen atmosphere and compar
192 pment of a colored crust on the surface of a beef meat piece.
193 wed discrimination between 100% raw beef and beef meat samples spiked with only 0.5% (w/w) horse meat
194 ethodology an extremely interesting tool for beef meat screening, and it can be easily adapted to the
195 fferent composition percentages of horse and beef meat.
196  and after ingestion of a bolus of processed beef meat.
197 ll concentrate (RBCC), hemoglobin (Hb), RBCC+beef meat; study 2 on heme, heme+fish, chicken, and beef
198 tures with different percentages of pork and beef minced meat.
199                                   One retail beef MRSA isolate belonged to ST8, while the remaining t
200                        One additional retail beef MRSA isolate had a PFGE pattern similar to that of
201 ven MRSA isolates, one of which was a retail beef MRSA isolate, were pvl(+).
202 ing PFGE, MLST, and spa typing, three retail beef MRSA isolates were found to be identical in PFGE pa
203        When compared to other meat products (beef, mutton and chicken) it is clear that pork is a goo
204 midazo (4,5-b pyridine) has been achieved in beef, mutton, chicken and fish samples subjected to a ra
205             The separation of both horse and beef myoglobins was achieved in only seven minutes.
206 ompared to chicken) and/or lard supplemented beef or chicken.
207 d, most frequently E. coli O157:H7 in ground beef or fresh produce.
208 trinsically l-[1-(13)C]phenylalanine-labeled beef or milk.
209  egg (OR 0.99 (0.98 to 1.00), p = 0.002) and beef (OR 0.75 (0.60 to 0.94), p = 0.012) and higher valu
210 0 dietary biomarkers analyzed, beta-alanine (beef) (P-raw < 0.001), alkylresorcinols C17 and C19 (who
211 ibility of CoQ10 in processed meat products, beef patties and pork breakfast sausages, fortified with
212                               In this study, beef patties incorporated with extracts of ulam raja (UR
213 corporation of UREX or GTE at 500 mg/kg into beef patties reduced the extent of lipid oxidation signi
214  However, incorporation of UREX and GTE into beef patties showed no significant influence (P>0.05) on
215 mation of heterocyclic amines (HAs) in fried beef patties was examined.
216 mposition and sensory characteristics of the beef patties were compared between those incorporated wi
217 m wine pomace, to inhibit spoilage growth in beef patties with different salt levels (2%, 1.5% and 1%
218   The observed effects were more abundant in beef patties.
219 porated with UREX, GTE and the control (pure beef patty).
220 that similar matrix effect could be found in beef, pig and chicken.
221 saginata, Taenia solium and Taenia asiatica (beef, pork and Asian tapeworms, respectively) are parasi
222 crude protein was evaluated after submitting beef, pork, and chicken to five different thermal treatm
223 roduced by use of myoglobin from four meats: beef, pork, horse and lamb.
224 ected in processed samples manufactured from beef, pork, horse, chicken and turkey meat.
225 s of thermally treated meat species, namely, beef, pork, horse, chicken, and turkey meat, to select a
226 ticarial reactions 3 to 6 hours after eating beef, pork, or lamb, as well as in 13 control subjects.
227 mpares the results with published impacts of beef, pork, poultry, and another speculative analysis of
228 anaphylaxis after the ingestion of sukiyaki (beef, pork, tofu, vegetables, enokitake, etc.).
229 n-equivalent plant based alternatives to the beef portion of the mean American diet are readily devis
230 racterize the proteomic profile of different beef preparations and to investigate their alpha-Gal rea
231 ding proteins were detected in the different beef preparations, many of which were also recognized by
232 s of greenhouse gases (GHGs), with dairy and beef production accounting for nearly two-thirds of emis
233 ns notwithstanding, the key conclusion--that beef production demands about 1 order of magnitude more
234 of the resistome of North American dairy and beef production effluents, and identify factors that sig
235  cattle as they moved through the process of beef production from feedlot entry through slaughter.
236                                              Beef production requires 28, 11, 5, and 6 times more lan
237                 It is extremely important to beef production systems due to its impact on the allocat
238 the potential of Sanga breeds for commercial beef production with better meat quality as compared to
239 re ecosystem, and whole lifecycle of milk or beef production.
240 f undeclared horse meat in various processed beef products across the Europe, several researches have
241 ns (10(1)-10(8) CFU/mL) were added to ground beef products to simulate microbial spoilage.
242                  ARDs were not identified in beef products, suggesting that slaughter interventions m
243 45/100) of pork products and 63% (63/100) of beef products; mecA was detected in S. aureus from both
244 nd L-[ring-(2)H2]tyrosine infusion to assess beef protein digestion and absorption kinetics as well a
245 er Grx1 levels than the casein group and the beef protein group showed the highest GSH, Grx1 and Trx1
246 er were determined and compared with that of beef protein, soy protein and cow whey protein.
247                                              Beef protein-derived phenylalanine appeared more rapidly
248  meat of three species, as well as 0.8%(w/w) beef proteins in commercial poultry frankfurters.
249  epitope is commonly present in IgE-reactive beef proteins recognized by meat-allergic patients.
250 ing of the biological mechanisms controlling beef quality characteristics in African Ankole cattle.
251  analysis gave a two-dimensional "authentic" beef region (p=0.001) against which further spectra coul
252                                              Beef represents a major dietary component and source of
253 mutton, chicken, ostrich meat, horsemeat and beef, respectively.
254 sty, 1386-1349 BC), a balm associated with a beef rib mummy containing a high abundance of Pistacia r
255 ed breakfasts, consumed 350-kcal HP egg- and beef-rich (35 g protein) breakfasts, or continued breakf
256 les) and sulfadiazine (109.8 mug kg(-1) in a beef sample) exceeding the European Union-based maximum
257                       When applied in ground beef samples spiked with two low levels (1 to 2 and 10 t
258           These data suggest that the retail beef samples were contaminated by a human source, possib
259  1h and 3h from both pure culture and ground beef samples, respectively.
260 r the detection of E. coli O157:H7 in ground beef samples.
261                                              Beef slices were wrapped in special three-layer sheets o
262 ctions from previously unseen samples, 90/91 beef spectra were classified as authentic, and 16/16 hor
263 impact on inflammatory responses from cooked beef steak are poorly characterised.
264 s more positive after minced beef than after beef steak consumption (29 +/- 2 compared with 19 +/- 3
265 iod was greater after minced beef than after beef steak consumption (61 +/- 3% compared with 49 +/- 3
266 the circulation after minced beef than after beef steak consumption (P < 0.05).
267 lalanine-labeled beef, which was provided as beef steak or minced beef.
268 d polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in beef steak were investigated.
269 f is more rapidly digested and absorbed than beef steak, which results in increased amino acid availa
270 nforcement of laws, interventions in soy and beef supply chains, restrictions on access to credit, an
271  of 0.5-5% in the mixture systems containing beef tallow (BT) and chicken fat (CF) separately.
272 or the detection of as low as 5% of lard and beef tallow spiked into canola oil, thus illustrating po
273 otein balance was more positive after minced beef than after beef steak consumption (29 +/- 2 compare
274 postprandial period was greater after minced beef than after beef steak consumption (61 +/- 3% compar
275 more rapidly in the circulation after minced beef than after beef steak consumption (P < 0.05).
276                With an increasing demand for beef, the industry is currently undergoing changes towar
277 -F2, and AP-F3 were incorporated into ground beef to determine their effects on lipid oxidation durin
278        Applied to 320 million Americans, the beef-to-plant shift can save 91 million cropland acres (
279  turkey meat and 5% (w/w) of chicken meat in beef, using the developed LESA-MS/MS analysis.
280 al adsorbate-adsorbate interactions, and the BEEF-vdW error estimation ensemble is used to propagate
281 model is based on DFT calculations using the BEEF-vdW functional.
282 CFU/ml, and the limit of detection in ground beef was 1 to 10 CFU following 8 h of enrichment.
283 Based on microbiological data, shelf life of beef was 5-6days for AP samples packaged under aerobic c
284 rations (25%, 50%, 75%, w/w) of horsemeat in beef was also differentiated using the developed model s
285 ation of Maillard reaction products (MRP) in beef was investigated.
286 fibres as a wrapping material for dry-ageing beef was studied and compared to traditional dry-ageing
287 veal, Mertolenga-PDO veal and Mertolenga-PDO beef were analysed for cholesterol (HPLC-UV), alpha-toco
288 eat, the lean meat and fat from five cuts of beef were analysed from 17 degrees S and 41 degrees S.
289 and 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 (25OHD3), lamb and beef were analysed from 34 degrees S with LC-IT-MS.
290 raw, boiled, fried, and medium rare prepared beef were assessed by 2D PAGE for the comparison of prot
291  (PF) and sous-vide (SV) thermally processed beef were determined with UHPLC-ESI/MS.
292 ned from semimembranous muscle of Piemontese beef were packaged in PLA trays closed with a lid made o
293 pple juice, mashed potato, almond powder and beef were selected to evaluate the HBS's performance by
294  the phthalates measured in all foods except beef [where di-n-octyl phthalate (DnOP) was the highest
295 trinsically L-[1-(13)C]phenylalanine-labeled beef, which was provided as beef steak or minced beef.
296 re and 10(3) to 10(4) CFU/g in spiked ground beef, which were comparable to the results of qPCR.
297 d fatty acids are enriched in grass finished beef, while higher levels of n6 PUFAs in grain finished
298 urthermore, grass-fed animals produce tender beef with lower total fat and a higher omega3/omega6 rat
299                                    Replacing beef with resource efficient alternatives is thus potent
300 d for detecting microbial spoilage on ground beef, without using antibodies, microbeads or any other

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