


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                     These riboswitches have been constructed to regulate ligand-dependent transcription t
2 hat modulate gene expression posttranscriptionally and have been demonstrated to regulate a broad range of cellular proce
3                                                     Btk has been demonstrated to regulate signaling downstream of the B-c
4                             MicroRNA (miR)-155 has recently been described to regulate adaptive responses in allergic inf
5                                      A few NE proteins have been found to regulate the LINC complex.
6 SR), a component of the unfolded protein response, has long been known to regulate intermediary metabolism, but the detai
7 ered as a potential therapeutic target in human cancer, has been known to regulate many biological functions through its
8                          Although 17beta-estradiol has long been known to regulate memory function, the molecular mechani
9                                            The UPR has long been known to regulate phospholipid metabolism, and Lpl1's re
10                                                      It has been proposed to regulate aspects of oligodendrocyte process
11 re found in all eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes and have been proposed to regulate different aspects of translation pr
12                                          GQ structures have been proposed to regulate diverse biological processes includ
13                                Recently, VGLL proteins have been proposed to regulate key signaling networks involved in
14 NST), a major subdivision of the extended amygdala that has been proposed to regulate responses to anxiogenic environment
15             Although a bistable gene regulatory network has been proposed to regulate the specification of either neutrop
16 ssing of cadherin extracellular and cytoplasmic domains has been reported to regulate cadherin adhesion and signaling.
17 es Niemann-Pick and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis and have been reported to regulate cholesterol levels in endosomes.
18  protein 4 (CHD4) is a chromatin-remodeling enzyme that has been reported to regulate DNA-damage responses through its N-
19        While multiple post-translational modifications have been reported to regulate the function of epidermal growth fa
20 y domain (DAD) and the C terminus (CT) of formins have also been shown to regulate actin assembly by directly interacting
21 ylation is a common posttranslational modification that has been shown to regulate both gene expression and extranuclear
22                          The transcription factor FOXO1 has been shown to regulate CCR7 expression.
23 iscovered as axon guidance cues in neural development, have been shown to regulate cell migration beyond the nervous syst
24           Post-translational modifications of histones have been shown to regulate cellular energy metabolism, but their
25            Jumonji C (JmjC) domain-containing proteins have been shown to regulate cellular processes by hydroxylating or
26 -gamma (GMFG), a novel regulator of the Arp2/3 complex, has been shown to regulate directional migration of neutrophils a
27                                        Calmodulin (CaM) has been shown to regulate DR5-mediated apoptotic signaling, howe
28                      TAp63, a member of the p53 family, has been shown to regulate energy metabolism.
29                                    Cytosine methylation has been shown to regulate essential cellular processes and impac
30                            Cellular microRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to regulate hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication, y
31                Most prominently, glia-derived TNF-alpha has been shown to regulate homeostatic synaptic scaling [3-6], bu
32 ces beta-catenin-dependent Wnt signaling and has previously been shown to regulate ISV patterning.
33 o, the AMP kinase homologue, Snf1, and 14-3-3 proteins have been shown to regulate Jen1 via Rod1.
34                                                      It has been shown to regulate myoblast differentiation and has also
35            Descending Imp and ascending Syp expression have been shown to regulate neuronal temporal fate.
36                           Consistently, these proteins have been shown to regulate normal functions and pathobiology in t
37  the mono-ubiquitylation of histone H2B (H2Bub1), which has been shown to regulate nucleosome dynamics.
38                     Protein-tyrosine phosphatase TULA-2 has been shown to regulate receptor signaling in several cell typ
39 redominantly on NK cells and memory CD8(+) T cells that has been shown to regulate T cell function in models of viral inf
40                                       Neuronal activity has been shown to regulate tau secretion, but its effect on tau p
41  activity-dependent ubiquitination of the GluA1 subunit has been shown to regulate the intracellular sorting of AMPARs to
42                                      Because HIF-1alpha has been shown to regulate the microRNA miR-155 in other systems,
43                                        PDE4 inhibitors have been shown to regulate the rewarding and reinforcing effects
44                                              IFI16 has also been shown to regulate transcription of type I IFNs during HS
45                                        Codon optimality has been shown to regulate translation elongation speed in fungal
46                             Neuromodulators have previously been shown to regulate transmitter release by inhibiting pres
47                              Lysine acetyltransferases have been shown to regulate various stages of normal hematopoiesis
48 collagen-binding integrins alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1 have been shown to regulate wound and tumor vascularization by dif
49 nhibition and the mechanical environment of cells have both been shown to regulate YAP nuclear localization to modulate c
50        GDF11 is essential for mammalian development and has been suggested to regulate aging of multiple tissues, whereas

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