


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 ween dysregulation of these areas and such symptoms has not been demonstrated.
2  C(sp(2))-H and N-H bonds using N-iodosuccinimide (NIS) has been demonstrated.
3  determination of H2O2 and glucose in the real samples have been demonstrated.
4  developmental responses of plants mediated by ethylene has been demonstrated.
5 rocess of photocyclization/[1,n]-H shift/cycloreversion has been demonstrated.
6 -response relationships for healthy tissues and tumors have been demonstrated.
7 ical quality and comparability assessment has until now not been demonstrated.
8  regime shifts may alter ecological communities have rarely been demonstrated, and baseline information on current impact
9                              Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) have been demonstrated as effective radiosensitizing agents in a r
10                       Various forms of oxidized copper have been demonstrated as electrocatalysts that still require larg
11 olychromatic light and the effectiveness of the method have been demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally.
12 ange (SALE) and de novo synthesis of mixed-linker ZIFs have been demonstrated, but the differences in structural properti
13  as electric fields and light radiation, have only recently been demonstrated by combining active media with patterned me
14  of cadmium, copper, lead, and silver as model analytes has been demonstrated by microextraction as diethyldithiophosphat
15  chronic inflammatory prostate and periodontal diseases has been demonstrated by the presence of similar bacterial DNA in
16         Multivariate analyses of correlated phenotypes have been demonstrated, by simulation, to increase power to detect
17 ity to give rise to myelin cells after regeneration has not been demonstrated directly, although these conversions are be
18 ostatic mechanisms that regulate circuit output have mainly been demonstrated during artificial and/or pathological pertu
19 oxidation, and therefore, the effectiveness of the tool has been demonstrated for oxidation of edible olive oil.
20           Its effective disposal via various CSF routes has been demonstrated in animal models.
21        However, inverted-region electron transfer has never been demonstrated in any native photosynthetic system.
22 ds during embryonic development and in addition has already been demonstrated in cancer cells.
23 etween microbial alterations and systemic inflammation have been demonstrated in chronic disease, but little is known abo
24 wever, suppression of disorder-induced scattering has never been demonstrated in non-topological phononic systems.
25      Recently, a uniquely human neuroanatomical feature has been demonstrated in the strength of the arcuate fasciculus (
26  The 1,3-bielectrophilic reactivity of the MBH bromides has been demonstrated in the synthesis of 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrido[1
27              Recently, a new degree of freedom, valley, has been demonstrated in two-dimensional materials.
28            To date, this stabilizing "continuity field" has been demonstrated on stable visual attributes such as orienta
29 ctive disposal of brain cellular waste products via CSF has been demonstrated repeatedly in animal models.
30                                             It has recently been demonstrated that inference methods based on genealogica
31  X-rays has gone through an important development as it has been demonstrated that it can tune further transformations on
32                                    However, recently it has been demonstrated that PGE2 can block the maturation of IL-1b
33                                                      It has been demonstrated that the nanostructures not only are benefi
34 IR) microscopy coupled with machine learning approaches has been demonstrated to be a powerful technique for identifying
35 gens via the gut through Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis) has been demonstrated to be a promising approach for diabetes rev
36                               Some of these structures have been demonstrated to be functionally significant.
37 te immune responses to common aeroallergens, and ADAM10 has been demonstrated to be important for the development of adap
38 racyclines and/or ifosfamide, trabectedin, or pazopanib has been demonstrated to be more active compared with other soft
39 on an Arabidopsis gene OXT6 (Oxidative Tolerant-6) that has been demonstrated to encode two proteins through alternative
40                                    Hippocampal replays have been demonstrated to play a crucial role in memory.
41    Passive immunization using Abeta-specific antibodies has been demonstrated to reduce amyloid deposition both in vitro
42 convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitor evolocumab has been demonstrated to reduce the composite of myocardial infar
43 hat modulate gene expression posttranscriptionally and have been demonstrated to regulate a broad range of cellular proce
44                                                     Btk has been demonstrated to regulate signaling downstream of the B-c
45                                 Most importantly, MHIRE has been demonstrated to significantly extend median survival and
46                           Recently, a selection of MOFs has been demonstrated to undergo melting and vitrification upon c
47        Synthesis of polyfunctionalized aminothioalkenes has been demonstrated using iodine as a catalyst (30 mol %) and d
48 er, water extraction from groundwater, for example, has not been demonstrated using these existing technologies.
49 on by an organic chromophore for up to 1 h of operation has been demonstrated with reasonable faradaic efficiencies for m
50  separate commercial biologic samples within 50 minutes has been demonstrated, with 20 microl of sample consumption, incl

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