


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 KEAP1 mainly through a conserved "ETGE" motif that has also been found in several other proteins, such as DPP3, which has
2                                 Germline variants have also been found in familial cutaneous melanoma pedigrees, but thei
3  during the evaluation period for KT exist in the VA as has been found in non-VA settings.
4     No similar functional prion, skipping a stop codon, has been found in Escherichia coli, a fact possibly due to the ef
5 e, only a single case of naturally acquired P cynomolgi has been found in humans.
6                                       This distribution has been found in numerous areas such as accounting data, voting
7    Furthermore, interplay between mtDNA and nuclear DNA has been found in cancer cells, necessitating consideration of th
8                     Ga contamination of the environment has been found in semiconductor-producing countries.
9         Interestingly, upregulation of HMGA2 expression has been found in association with the JAK2V617F mutation in sign
10                         Abnormal mitochondrial function has been found in patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and
11           Furthermore, skewed X chromosome inactivation has been found in the thyroid condition, Graves' disease, as well
12 ar evidence of Fukushima-derived (236)U and Pu isotopes has been found in this study, although further monitoring is enco
13                               Given that this mechanism has been found in other, independent, systems, we suggest that it
14  sulci.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Abnormal brain morphology has been found in populations with neurodevelopmental disorders.
15   The most frequent STAT5B mutation, Asp642His (N642H), has been found in over 90 leukemia and lymphoma patients.
16   Although the perception of temporal metrical patterns has been found in a few species, this ability has only been demon
17       A single, heavily deleted copy of this retrovirus has been found in the genome of miniopterid species, but not in t
18 nal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) has been found in various types of human cancers, including head
19              Imbalanced expression in 3R-tau and 4R-tau has been found in several sporadic and inherited tauopathies, sug
20  resistance to the Potyvirus Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) has been found in a number of mustard (Brassica juncea) accession
21  We find that, in these mosquitoes, in contrast to what has been found in many other organisms, female-biased genes are m
22 evated central nervous system levels of kynurenic acid have been found in patients with psychotic disorders, including sc
23 repsilon) cause hereditary colorectal cancer (CRC) and have been found in many sporadic colorectal and endometrial tumors
24 y for the development of complex multicellular animals have been found in sponges.
25 exhibit the racial disparities in evaluation for KT as have been found in non-VA transplant centers.
26 ntensity and broader diversity of IgE and IgG4 binding have been found in children with persistent CMA beyond 5 years of
27               Altered mechanisms in the spacing effect have been found in animal models of disorders with intellectual di
28         Patterns consistent with Anna Karenina effects have been found in systems ranging from the surface of threatened
29                     Simultaneous emission enhancements have been found in both the X-ray and optical light curves twenty
30                                            Eosinophils have been found in the airways, tissues, and circulation of patien
31  the past decade, various photosynthesis-related genes have been found in viruses that infect cyanobacteria (cyanophages)
32 descendants of this population of 'active' black holes have been found in the galaxies NGC 3842 and NGC 4889 at the centr
33                    Several translocases and insertases have been found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, the Sec61 com
34        Because mutations of MIB1, the homolog of MIB2, have been found in patients with left ventricle non-compaction (LV
35      Large quantities of impact-related microspherules have been found in fine-grained sediments retained within seven ou
36 ever, no CCR4 protein containing N-terminal LRR motifs have been found in plants.
37                             Several of these mutations have been found in cancers and shown to increase MEK1 activity.
38 ting, and missense mutations of some of these residues have been found in cancer patients.
39                              The same generative rules have been found in vertebrate locomotor behavior in several contex
40                 In particular, history-related signals have been found in many brain areas during various decision-making
41         No partial correlations with treatment success have been found in WM analyses.
42                                 Now, genital swellings have been found in tuatara embryos, arguing for a single origin.
43                                                   They have been found in all placental mammals in which they have been s
44                    Tendon stem/progenitor cells (TSCs) have been found in different anatomic locations and showed a promi
45 (PTE) and ribosome-binding 3' T-shaped structure (TSS) have been found in viruses of different genera, while the ribosome
46                 Such a universal behavior has not, however, been found in the superconducting upper critical field H c2.
47 as arsenobetaine, an organic form of arsenic that has never been found in seawater.
48                    Mutations in nesprin-1/2 have previously been found in patients with autosomal dominant Emery-Dreifuss
49                                           CLas has recently been found in California.
50 denine modification, N(6)-methyladenine (6mA), has recently been found in mammalian cells.

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