


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                   No other cause of AHF has been found.
2      To date, no unique anatomical acupoint structures have been found.
3 s examined, sequences closely resembling exon 1 of SRK have been found, but the function of these has remained unclear.
4                                        Abiotic filters have been found either to increase or reduce evolutionary relatedn
5 transition formerly ignored in classical photochemistry has been found for maleimides.
6                                 If no cases of disease have been found, how certain can we be that the disease was not si
7                                                   They have been found in all placental mammals in which they have been s
8 denine modification, N(6)-methyladenine (6mA), has recently been found in mammalian cells.
9  during the evaluation period for KT exist in the VA as has been found in non-VA settings.
10        Because mutations of MIB1, the homolog of MIB2, have been found in patients with left ventricle non-compaction (LV
11           Furthermore, skewed X chromosome inactivation has been found in the thyroid condition, Graves' disease, as well
12 ar evidence of Fukushima-derived (236)U and Pu isotopes has been found in this study, although further monitoring is enco
13 (PTE) and ribosome-binding 3' T-shaped structure (TSS) have been found in viruses of different genera, while the ribosome
14         No partial correlations with treatment success have been found in WM analyses.
15                                                      It has been found that deposition method has a significant influence
16                        However, in the past 20 years it has been found that some assemblies contain long flexible regions
17 e case of thiadiazolobenzothiadiazepine 6,6-dioxides it has been found that the ring closure of the zwitterion leading to
18 he thousands of extrasolar planets now known, only six have been found that transit hot, A-type stars (with temperatures
19                                Although ischemic stroke has been found to be associated with many biological pathways, th
20 bustness analyses show that all nine probes have previously been found to be associated with smoking.
21                                         Ten novel loci have been found to be associated with systemic lupus erythematosus
22 ve resistances to plant viruses in the Potyvirus genus have been found to be based on mutations in the plant eukaryotic t
23                                    Short-term outcomes have been found to be better after duodenum-preserving pancreatic
24 ines, unlike the pyrrolidine and piperidine analogues, have been found to be brain penetrant BACE-1 inhibitors.
25                            Pika distribution has repeatedly been found to be constrained by warm temperatures, so we used
26            While all viral transcripts examined so far have been found to be extensively m(6)A modified, the role, if any
27 r 23 (MOR23, olfr16) and its human orthologue, OR10J5, have been found to be functionally expressed in several non-olfact
28 d largely through J-based configurational analysis, but has been found to be incorrect.
29               Two participants in the 12-week programme had been found to be ineligible shortly after randomisation and w
30  adaptive responses at the earliest stages of learning have been found to be not only smaller, but systematically less sp
31                                         Myosin VI (MVI) has been found to be overexpressed in ovarian, breast and prostat
32  genetic markers such as combined BRAF-MMR status have also been found to be prognostic.
33 ly expressed in the epidermis of healthy human skin and has been found to be upregulated in chronic inflammatory skin dis
34 mer, when intercontinental influence on ozone has typically been found to be weakest, nearly 3 parts per billion by volum
35  oscillations in the local field potential (LFP) of V1 have been found to convey temporal expectations and, specifically,
36                                              Food webs have been found to exhibit remarkable "motif profiles", patterns i
37                          The least developed economies have been found to experience the highest estimates of soil erosio
38                                            These EPFRs have been found to form during many combustion processes, are pres
39               Spiro-BODIPYs with a diaryl chelate unit have been found to form J-aggregates in methanol-water solvent mix
40  traditionally assumed to be stable only at acidic pH, have been found to form under near-physiological conditions.
41                                     Since that time, it has been found to have a broad role in gene induction in diverse
42 ming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) ligand pathways that have been found to have a key role in the pathogenesis of inflamma
43  of graft failure in young kidney transplant recipients has been found to increase during adolescence and early adulthood
44             The components of the human gut microbiome have been found to influence a broad array of pathologic condition
45                                      In addition, EphA4 has been found to play a role in cancer biology as well as in the
46 ting and potentially therapeutic component of cannabis, has been found to reduce the negative effects of cannabis use.
47 fected CD4(+) T cells through virological synapses (VS) has been found to require greater amounts of antibody.
48 ve high selectivity, a combination of Pt/Al2O3 and ZnO have been found to slowly dehydrogenate ethylene glycol generating
49 germline mutation rate has been extensively studied and has been found to vary greatly between species, but much less is
50 mal models of "reinforcement learning" (RL) have repeatedly been found within dopaminergic nuclei of the midbrain and dop

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