


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  enhanced by 18.2% (above-ground) and 41.2% (below-ground).
2 otentially amplifying asymmetric competition below ground.
3  of Earth's biodiversity is literally hidden below ground.
4 at a clawless primate is able to bury itself below ground.
5 ) C remaining in the system was translocated below ground.
6 e to arsenite in roots, immobilizing arsenic below ground.
7 ce exposure to extreme high temperatures for below-ground active species.
8 n body size and microhabitat use (above- vs. below-ground activity) would correspond to differences i
9 hanges in [CO2] is consistent with increased below-ground allocation, and the apparent homoeostasis o
10 ctions between herbivores feeding above- and below-ground and their parasitoids, mediated by changes
11  data to environmental factors suggests that below-ground animal diversity may be inversely related t
12 nificantly moderated thermal environment for below-ground army ants, while maximum surface raid tempe
13                       Tight coupling between below-ground autotrophic respiration and the availabilit
14 vidence of the link between above-ground and below-ground biodiversity at a global scale.
15 organic N and lower pH could explain the low below-ground biodiversity found at locations of high abo
16 tion of soil animals and the relationship of below-ground biodiversity to above-ground biodiversity a
17 enomic approaches can be used to reconstruct below-ground biogeochemical and diversity gradients in e
18  to soil, potentially influencing above- and below-ground biogeochemical cycles.
19 ve-ground leaf biomass, decreased the dense, below-ground biomass of bank-stabilizing roots, and incr
20 fines the boundary conditions for above- and below-ground biomass partitioning.
21 inhibited in the experimental setup when the below-ground biomass was immobilized in the artificial s
22 mass, and fast-growing species produced more below-ground biomass, in soils conditioned by species wi
23 nding ecological linkages between above- and below-ground biota is critical for deepening our knowled
24 inated via genetic coevolution of above- and below-ground biota.
25  have a strong effect as a result of greater below-ground C allocation.
26                    Post fire accumulation of below-ground C and N stocks was increased rapidly in N-t
27  results suggest that large herbivores alter below-ground carbon and nitrogen dynamics more through t
28 t systems are important for global models of below-ground carbon and nutrient cycling.
29  the involvement of microbial communities in below-ground carbon dynamics.
30 sis of over 250 studies reporting above- and below-ground carbon estimates for different land-use typ
31  needed to provide better data of above- and below-ground carbon stocks before informed recommendatio
32 onies store the great majority of above- and below-ground carbon.
33 l neural networks (ANN) to examine above and below-ground community phenotype responses to elevated c
34 s in which the amount of C in both above and below ground crop residues are assumed to be proportiona
35 we derived the proportional contributions of below-ground crop biomass return (maize-derived carbon)
36   Large herbivores can potentially influence below-ground decomposition through changes in soil micro
37                      Deserts are considered 'below-ground dominated', yet little is known about the i
38 ms, species diversity, and key components of below-ground ecosystem function.
39 e lags between above-ground assimilation and below-ground efflux, and the duration of antecedent peri
40 ts pine by D. pini significantly reduced the below-ground emissions of total MTs by approximately 80%
41 lement in understanding interactions in this below-ground environment.
42                     We present two series of below-ground food webs along natural productivity gradie
43 ductions of biodiversity in soil communities below ground have consequences for the overall performan
44 efense, but the impact of root endophytes on below-ground herbivore interactions remains unknown.
45 of a root endophyte on plant defense against below-ground herbivores, adds to growing evidence that i
46  that: (1) high levels of drought stress and below-ground herbivory interact to reduce the performanc
47               We therefore hypothesized that below-ground hypoxia may be an important, but thus far u
48             The role of these metabolites in below-ground interactions and response to nutrient defic
49 out how such factors might affect above- and below-ground interactions and thereby alter ecosystem fu
50 tspot in the soil, take an essential part in below-ground interactions.
51 and water exchanges at stomatal, phloem, and below-ground interfaces were associated with mortality o
52 brown, Pleistocene sand at a depth of 35.2 m below ground level (mbgl).
53 nous and endogenous factors and above-ground-below-ground linkages modulate carbon dynamics is diffic
54  between energy flows and the composition of below-ground microbial communities at a high taxonomic l
55 on efforts, given that even small changes in below-ground microbial diversity can have important impa
56                      We mapped the real-time below ground O2 distribution and dynamics in the whole s
57   We estimate that approximately half of the below-ground organic carbon within the study region is s
58 results in greater growth of both aerial and below-ground organs while overexpressing the gene brings
59 mental parameters (pH, redox, and above- and below-ground plant biomass).
60 ly demonstrate close links between above and below-ground plant carbon dynamics but also allow plant
61 composition and transformation of above- and below-ground plant detritus (litter) is the main process
62 l step toward improving our understanding of below-ground plant ecology.
63  study, an effect mediated by stimulation of below-ground plant productivity.
64 e herein uncover the network architecture of below-ground plant-fungus symbioses, which are ubiquitou
65                             The crown is the below ground portion of the stem of a grass which contai
66                                              Below ground processes, often mediated by soil microorga
67 as is providing opportunities to revisit how below-ground processes are represented in terrestrial bi
68 s provide opportunities to better understand below-ground processes in the terrestrial biosphere.
69 heless, developing models linking above- and below-ground processes is crucial for estimating current
70 cs responsible for decoupling the above- and below-ground processes.
71 t as a major driver of both above-ground and below-ground properties of grassland ecosystems.
72 nt community have marked indirect effects on below-ground properties, ultimately increasing rates of
73 otosynthetically fixed carbon were allocated below ground, raising concentrations of dissolved organi
74                                          All below ground resources must pass through this dynamic zo
75 ficulties in studying how plants compete for below-ground resources.
76 d temperature gave rise to a 50% increase in below ground respiration (ca. 0.4 kg C m(-2) ; Q10 = 3.5
77 urrent paradigm that canopy assimilation and below-ground respiration are tightly coupled and provide
78  season, the aerial tissues senesce, and the below-ground rhizomes become dormant.
79 ant tissue nutrient ratios and components of below-ground rhizosphere stoichiometry predominantly dif
80  Never ripe (NR) tomato plants produced more below-ground root mass but fewer above-ground adventitio
81 s demonstrate a central role for DIMBOA as a below-ground semiochemical for recruitment of plant-bene
82 l for linking plant community composition to below-ground soil microbial and nutrient characteristics
83  to enhance biological pest control, whereas below ground, soil organic carbon is a proxy for several
84                                              Below-ground species were more thermally sensitive, with
85 f CTmax change with body size was greater in below-ground species.
86 monstrate large increases in both above- and below-ground stocks of these elements in N-treated plots
87 (2) footprint and a basement extending 1.5 m below ground surface (BGS).
88 thin the Fayette Sandstone Formation 340.8 m below ground surface using conventional oil field subsur
89 t 3.0 m (shallow test) and 7.9 m (deep test) below ground surface within distinct lithological units
90 estigated the effects of drought on an above/below-ground system comprising a generalist and a specia
91 that the larger quantities of C entering the below-ground system under elevated CO(2) result in great
92 o conceptualize the total allocation of C to below ground (TBCA) under current [CO2] and to predict t
93 ress these questions, we collected above and below ground temperature for a full year using temperatu
94              We collected data on above- and below-ground temperatures in habitats used by army ants
95 e selected for small size in both above- and below-ground terrestrial communities.
96 unities have on average sixfold more biomass below ground than above ground, but knowledge of the roo
97 st, with the buffering effect being stronger below-ground than one metre above-ground.
98 ls must be reformulated to allow C transfers below ground that result in additional N uptake under el
99 tworks likely promote asymmetric competition below ground, thereby exaggerating size inequality withi
100 ly the ability of seagrasses to aerate their below-ground tissue and immediate rhizosphere to prevent
101 cretion of dissolved organic carbon from the below-ground tissue into the rhizosphere.
102 940 ESTs were generated from aerial tissues, below-ground tissues, and tissues challenged with the la
103                 We permanently disrupted the below-ground transfer of recently assimilated C using st
104 rofiles provides quantitative information on below-ground turnover and fluxes.
105 s (BXs) have also been implicated in defence below-ground, where they can exert allelochemical or ant
106 subsequent damage caused by larval herbivory below ground; whether P. indica protects plants against

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