


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  limited to the 52 countries in the tropical belt).
2  (academic center in the southeastern stroke belt).
3 the cell and is reminiscent of a contractile belt.
4 mbly of the perijunctional filamentous actin belt.
5 ing an Early Palaeozoic Great Ocean Conveyor Belt.
6 quency distributions proposed for the Kuiper belt.
7 nse loss of electrons in the outer radiation belt.
8  continental crust within the tropical humid belt.
9  main reason for the presence of the Se poor belt.
10 ation of large proto-planets in the asteroid belt.
11 of MenA meningitis in the African meningitis belt.
12 cluding a small Mars and a low-mass asteroid belt.
13 dering, north-south trending 'intermountain' belt.
14 ticular plate, and the circumferential actin belt.
15 b-Saharan region of Africa in the meningitis belt.
16 d and introduced into the African meningitis belt.
17  material transported into the main asteroid belt.
18 c), designed specifically for the meningitis belt.
19 being deployed across the African meningitis belt.
20 ain asteroid belt, and icy bodies beyond the belt.
21 y bodies may have migrated into the asteroid belt.
22 pletion resulted in the loss of the podosome belt.
23 cterial meningitis in the African meningitis belt.
24 s near the inner edge of the inner radiation belt.
25 40,000 kilometres in the Van Allen radiation belts.
26 nergetic particles, which form the radiation belts.
27  for the Cd(oleate)2-passivated CdSe quantum belts.
28  atmosphere after removal from the radiation belts.
29 spheric mantle under or adjacent to orogenic belts.
30 verse of Jupiter's hazardous inner radiation belts.
31 ness through time in continental collisional belts.
32 al diversity of denticles found in wild-type belts.
33 tal thickness changes in ancient collisional belts.
34 kness remained constant in the North Qinling Belt ( 45-55 km) during the Triassic to Jurassic but flu
35 ted in 7 countries in the African meningitis belt; 5 surveys were conducted after introduction of a n
36 ures were performed with and without a waist belt (a weight-lifter belt applied tightly and inflated
37 teoclasts (OCs) podosomes are organized in a belt, a feature critical for bone resorption.
38  of a late implantation of Ceres in the main belt, a possibility raised by the presence of ammoniated
39 en 1880 and 2015 within the US Manufacturing Belt, a region historically reliant on coal and dense wi
40 on mechanisms commonly associated with split-belt adaptation.
41 was increased by approximately 8-fold by the belt (all P < .05).
42 vaccine developed for the African meningitis belt, an enhanced meningitis surveillance network was es
43 from the California Coast Range serpentinite belt and (ii) in local surface waters.
44 f breast cancer were present in the southern belt and along the Mississippi River, while liver cancer
45 e electron dynamics in the Earth's radiation belt and also can help us understand the radiation envir
46 k to crop production within the Midwest Corn Belt and an opportunity for wetland conservation, while
47 s function disrupts the apical cell junction belt and crumbs overexpression expands the apical membra
48 st near-Earth objects came from the asteroid belt and drifted via non-gravitational thermal forces in
49 ex, its extending tonotopic gradients in the belt and even beyond that.
50 ce with the previously known 6-AU asteroidal belt and is aligned with the inner warped disk.
51 ion experiment was conducted for the US Corn Belt and neighboring states, which is the most important
52 ot in circumscribed regions of the posterior belt and parabelt cortex.
53 tex, including A1 and the surrounding caudal belt and parabelt, is involved in auditory motion analys
54                  In 2013, China proposed its Belt and Road Initiative to promote trade, infrastructur
55          Our analysis concludes that China's Belt and Road Initiative, Ebola response, development as
56 ith the geography and type of support of the Belt and Road Initiative.
57  Lpar1(-/-) osteoclasts had reduced podosome belt and sealing zone resulting in reduced mineralized m
58 tions along the length of the high elevation belt and suture zone, which rather indicate flexural ben
59 overlapping activations at the anterolateral belt and Wernicke's area, where the responses were corre
60 s exaggerated multilamellar whorls, striated belts and 'fingerprint bodies'.
61  magmatic rocks from continental collisional belts and correlations between their whole-rock Sr/Y and
62 sorption and emission spectra of the quantum belts and platelets are reversibly shifted to lower ener
63 es, increases the effective thickness of the belts and platelets by approximately a half of a monolay
64                   The formation of PCNA tool belts and Rev1 bridges and the ability of these complexe
65 erase eta, have two architectures: PCNA tool belts and Rev1 bridges.
66 at of protons originating from the radiation belts and solar flares.
67 ped specifically for the African "meningitis belt" and was prequalified by the World Health Organizat
68 margin of the Lhasa block (Gangdese magmatic belt) and occurrence of an adjacent foreland basin (Kail
69 OCs matured and was enriched in the podosome belt, and EB1-positive MTs targeted podosomes.
70 dry bodies, ranging out to the main asteroid belt, and icy bodies beyond the belt.
71 asement was uplifted within the LMS orogenic belt, and that the neighbouring Songpan-Ganzi Terrane wa
72 e EPI of countries in the African meningitis belt, and this study reports on the immunogenicity of th
73 r consistent with findings from other mobile belts, and imply that mantle flow plays a significant an
74 s to be ticketed solely for not wearing seat belts, and secondary laws allow ticketing only for failu
75 th and without a waist belt (a weight-lifter belt applied tightly and inflated to a constant cuff pre
76 tation of the kind of bodies in the asteroid belt approximately 500 Myr ago.
77 ch forces, most objects in the main asteroid belt are expected to be geologically inert.
78 re spatial extent of Earth's inner radiation belt are organized in regular, highly structured and une
79 ho thought that provider discussions of seat belts are at least sometimes appropriate (73% [CI, 70% t
80 logies and crystal structures of the quantum belts are largely unaffected by the exchange processes.
81                          Van Allen radiation belts are typically two zones of energetic particles enc
82 orded from neurons in two tonotopic cortical belt areas in the dorsal posterior ectosylvian gyrus (dP
83                                  In auditory belt areas this relationship is more complex.
84                                       In the belt areas, changes in neuronal firing rate and response
85 ible tonotopic patterns parallel to core and belt areas, suggesting the reversal of gradients between
86 oA-I) and other mimetic peptides that form a belt around HDL.
87                     The kilometre-sized main-belt asteroid 288P (300163) showed activity for several
88 te meteorites, whose parent body is the main-belt asteroid 4 Vesta.
89 ejecta fragments from that event struck main-belt asteroids at velocities exceeding 10 kilometers per
90 mals with sizes similar to those of the main belt asteroids, VSPA becomes inefficient beyond approxim
91 endent, substrate-parallel contractile actin belt at the apex that governs anaphase cell flattening.
92 es are clinically applicable alternatives to belt-based methods and might help establishing routine r
93 rease estimates for the mass in the asteroid belt before depletion caused by the orbital migration of
94            Moreover, by mixing two different belts before assembly, the stoichiometry of MSP is encod
95 ce data for nine countries in the meningitis belt (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, M
96        We show that the decrease of desertic belts between the Triassic and the Cretaceous and the su
97 ' C-terminal tails, analogous to the "safety belt" binding mechanism of Mad2.
98  Scleral buckle and vitrectomy combined with belt buckle were performed in 4 and 6 eyes, respectively
99 n circulation transports fluid as a conveyor belt, but fluid parcels can also be trapped and transpor
100 incter relaxations were not increased by the belt, but those associated with reflux were increased (2
101 tepping-like movements on a moving treadmill belt, but with no rhythmic activity in the forelimbs.
102 s stunted, and nothing large in the asteroid belt can accumulate.
103 we show that visual acuity in the parafoveal belt can be immediately improved by delivering noninvasi
104 he electron intensity in the inner Van Allen belt can vary greatly, while the neutron-decay rate shou
105 nly provide proof of principle that aromatic belts can be derived by this new strategy but also repre
106 i and deserts from the Central Asian Orogeny Belt (CAOB) due to varying tectonic and weathering contr
107 ring last three decades in the Chinese Maize Belt (CMB).
108 e that require an early, rapid phase of main-belt collisional evolution.
109 ated material by volume than do typical main belt collisions at ~5 kilometers per second.
110    Here we report that 288P is a binary main-belt comet.
111     In a subset of the asteroids called main-belt comets, the sublimation of excavated volatiles caus
112 esophagitis or Barrett's esophagus, we found belt compression increased acid reflux following a meal.
113 ss and heating with as few as three conveyor belt conductors.
114                          Van Allen radiation belts consist of relativistic electrons trapped by Earth
115 ation (EEP) from the Earth's outer radiation belt continuously affects the chemical composition of th
116 ergy redistribution in the Earth's radiation belts, controlled by solar activity.
117 Jurassic but fluctuates in the South Qinling Belt, corresponding to independently determined tectonic
118 tuning and behavioral modulation in auditory belt cortex links the spectrotemporal representation of
119 o low rates in the anterior core and lateral belt cortex.
120 dicated that the Earth's Van Allen radiation belts could be separated into an inner zone dominated by
121 e (PsA-TT, MenAfriVac) in African meningitis belt countries has resulted in the near-disappearance of
122 ccal vaccine, PsA-TT, in Africa's meningitis belt countries represented the first introduction of a v
123                  The remaining 23 meningitis belt countries wished to use this new vaccine.
124 217 million Africans living in 15 meningitis belt countries.
125                         In the South Qinling Belt, crustal thickening began at 240 Ma and culminated
126 red reversibly out of phase in the axial and belt directions, enabling a resistance change of less th
127 tic droplet ejection coupled with a conveyor belt drive that is optimized for crystallography and spe
128 are the engine of the thermohaline 'conveyor-belt', driving global circulation of heat, oxygen, carbo
129 ly influences the evolution of the radiation belts during a geomagnetic storm, and over the course of
130 inner magnetosphere, including the radiation belts during a type of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling
131 ct the short-term evolution of the radiation belts during active times.
132  moved the inner edge of the outer radiation belt earthward 0.3 Earth radii and enhanced the relativi
133 taneous measurements of structured radiation-belt electron losses and the hiss phenomenon that causes
134                      How the outer radiation belt electrons are accelerated to relativistic energies
135                                    Radiation-belt electrons are trapped in Earth's dipole-like magnet
136 r through which the most energetic Van Allen belt electrons cannot migrate.
137 s been thought inconsequential for radiation-belt electrons with velocities of about 100,000 kilometr
138 play a crucial role in the loss of radiation belt electrons.
139 s also contributes to electrons in the inner belt elsewhere.
140  course relative to the characteristic split-belt error-correction mechanisms (i.e. muscle activity a
141 obal distribution of topography and mountain belts, even in the absence of appreciable changes in CO2
142            Here we report a unique radiation belt event with intense ULF waves but no detectable VLF
143                                  A radio-hot belt exists, consisting of relatively transparent region
144 reproduced relativistic, broadband radiation belt flux in the laboratory, and used this man-made spac
145  dropout of the ultra-relativistic radiation belt fluxes.
146 stallization, and to visualize the detergent belt for Cryo-EM studies.
147 ce of an optimized micro-fabricated conveyor belt for precise and adiabatic transportation of cold at
148 selected 24 sampling sites at two vegetation belts forming the timberline of Shennongjia Mountain in
149  also represent some of the largest aromatic belt fragments reported to date.
150 d by using a pressure-sensitive belt system (belt gating [BG]) and an automatic data-driven approach
151 ged 1-29 years across the African meningitis belt has successfully reduced meningitis incidence and c
152 nstruction of all sp(2)-hybridized molecular belts has been an ongoing challenge in the chemistry com
153           The asteroids in the main asteroid belt have been discovered to be more compositionally div
154 compounds of Verdelho wines from the Granite Belt have been isolated by solid phase extraction (SPE),
155            Major epidemics in the meningitis belt have infection rates ranging from 100 to 800 per 10
156      As a test of predictive power, all five BELT hyperensembles recover set-aside measurements not u
157 nt sedimentary facies across the Donbas Fold Belt, illustrating a dominant sedimentary infill along t
158 the approximately 3,720 Ma Isua supracrustal belt in Greenland, record a shape-preferred orientation
159 of crustal thickness in the Qinling Orogenic Belt in mainland China.
160             In this arrangement, an aromatic belt in proximity to its lipidation site positions the h
161 -related precipitates, from the Nuvvuagittuq belt in Quebec, Canada.
162 oggenoeg Complex of the Barberton Greenstone Belt in South Africa.
163 ing from 47 countries outside the meningitis belt in sub-Saharan Africa.
164 an forests are the largest contiguous forest belt in the world that accounts for 17% of the global fo
165 aired Cu-Au (copper) and Sn-W (tin) magmatic belts in Myanmar.
166 llow ticketing only for failure to wear seat belts in the setting of other violations.
167 ningitis outside of the epidemic "meningitis belt" in Africa is essential.
168 bserved no preference for sodium at the "GAS belt" in the central constriction.
169                                              BELT incorporation of limited chemical shift and (3)J me
170                                          The belt increased intragastric pressure by a median of 6.9
171                                  Without the belt, intragastric pressure correlated with waist circum
172 eld-scale treatments from the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB, southwest Spain).
173 Electron flux in the Earth's outer radiation belt is highly variable due to a delicate balance betwee
174 ngococcal carriage in the African meningitis belt is lower than in industrialized countries and is ve
175 rotons and ions for example in the radiation belts is inherently broadband, but this is a feature har
176  of sediment eroded from hinterland orogenic belts is transported to and ultimately stored in marine
177 ding the uplifted Longmenshan (LMS) orogenic belt, is accurately imaged in spite of the extreme topog
178 ocks and minerals from the Isua supracrustal belt (ISB), southwest Greenland.
179                                 Primary seat belt laws allow vehicle occupants to be ticketed solely
180 e regression model, states with primary seat belt laws had lower MVC fatality rates than states with
181                     States with primary seat belt laws had lower rates of MVC fatalities than those w
182                     Adoption of primary seat belt laws may offer optimal occupant protection.
183  100 000 persons, 30 states had primary seat belt laws, and 19 states had secondary laws.
184  100 000 persons, 16 states had primary seat belt laws, and 33 states had secondary laws.
185 a-Ser selectivity filter adopts an extended, belt-like conformation, swapping the cytoplasmic one-thi
186 dermal and foregut epithelia, where it forms belt-like filaments around each epithelial cell.
187                         Eed is engulfed by a belt-like structure of Ezh2, and Suz12(VEFS) contacts bo
188 ions in zircon Hf and U/Yb reaffirm that tin belt magmas contain greater crustal contributions than c
189                      We formalized the sushi belt model mathematically, and show that it can achieve
190 -wide transport, sometimes called the 'sushi-belt model'.
191           The structure supports a 'conveyor belt' model of translocation in which ATP binding allows
192 ervations have revealed unexpected radiation belt morphology, especially at ultrarelativistic kinetic
193 season, when the Trans-Atlantic Saharan dust belt moves north close to Panama, the delta(18)OP of aer
194 ts walked on a split-belt treadmill with one belt moving at 0.4 m s(-1) and the other moving at 0.8 m
195     Finally, we demonstrate the use of mixed belt nanodiscs with embedded membrane proteins to confir
196                      This peculiar 'conveyor belt neurogenesis' could play an essential role in gener
197 hat Sedna could be a link between the Kuiper belt objects and the hypothesized outer Oort cloud at ar
198  5 to 30 AU from the Sun, and the icy Kuiper belt objects at 30 to 50 AU from the Sun.
199 urs in large epidemics within the meningitis belt of Africa that includes northern Ghana.
200 ng meningococcal epidemics in the meningitis belt of Africa, our collaborative efforts to develop a M
201 ased on the depletion of the primordial main belt of asteroids predict 10-15 craters >400 km should h
202 mposed of folded DNA featuring a hydrophobic belt of ethyl phosphorothioate groups insert into bilaye
203 c pillow lavas from the Barberton greenstone belt of South Africa have been argued to represent Earth
204 etwork was established across the meningitis belt of sub-Saharan Africa in 2003 to rapidly collect, d
205 idis serogroup A epidemics in the meningitis belt of sub-Saharan Africa, a meningococcal serogroup A
206 atedly reemerging across the vast equatorial belt of the African continent to cause epidemics of high
207 ding into the photic-zone impacted the slope belt of the basin.
208 thelium, especially at the apical junctional belt of the sustentacular cells.
209 cially strong for the Northeast and the corn belt of the United States.
210  climate in the tropics and the mid-latitude belt of the westerlies operating across the most pivotal
211              This monolayer, surrounded by a belt of three-dimensionally packed cells, has a well-def
212                                 CdSe quantum belts of composition {CdSe[n-octylamine]0.53} and protic
213 ac) was developed for use in the "meningitis belt" of sub-Saharan Africa.
214 ots of chemolithoautotrophic life support a 'belt' of heterotrophic bacteria significantly different
215 ct of increasing abdominal pressure by waist belt on reflux in patients with reflux disease.
216 ce Zone (ITCZ) encompasses the heaviest rain belt on the Earth.
217  provide detailed information throughout the belts on the energy spectrum and pitch angle (angle betw
218 s a base-metal deposit in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, one of the world's best-known ore provinces.
219 .0 seconds without belt vs 81.1 seconds with belt) (P = .008).
220 ition, it has connections with both auditory belt/parabelt areas, and visual related areas.
221  nominally smooth distributions of radiation-belt particles at Earth have been previously associated
222 eath the most intense parts of the radiation belts, passed about 4000 kilometers above the cloud tops
223 ling complexes using a stereotypical "safety belt" peptide interaction mechanism.
224    In the animal study, 12 New Zealand/Dutch Belt pigmented rabbits were given 3 weekly injections of
225 "plus" ends of MTs point toward the podosome belt, plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) might regulate
226 ate has moved the 16 degrees C T latitudinal belt poleward.
227  of a spiral-filter press in comparison with belt press in the production of a high quality cloudy ap
228 s system were studied in comparison with the belt press, commonly applied in small and medium size en
229 was recognized that the main source of inner-belt protons (with kinetic energies of tens to hundreds
230                        In awake female Dutch-Belted rabbits, we found 58% of CG neurons to be visuall
231                                      The two-belt radiation structure was explained as arising from s
232  provide evidence for an archaeal PCNA 'tool-belt' recruitment model of multienzyme function that can
233 hite-grape-vine, growing well in the Granite Belt region of Queensland.
234 es the definition of 11 AFMs across core and belt regions of human auditory cortex, with likely homol
235 e middle-lateral (ML) and anterolateral (AL) belt regions of the auditory cortex, to auditory decisio
236 idence for the radial diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons.
237 n a microtubule-based bidirectional conveyor belt relaying them to actin, which ultimately focuses ex
238 ylamine to the M(oleate)2-passivated quantum belts removes M(oleate)2 and restores the L-type amine p
239 gococcal A vaccine in the African Meningitis Belt represents a paradigm shift in vaccines against pov
240 ng pneumococcal meningitis in the meningitis belt requires more thorough evaluation.
241 most common industrial roaster, a multi-zone belt roaster.
242                                              BELT's principled framework thus enables practical predi
243 through a Bayesian energy landscape tilting (BELT) scheme for computing Bayesian hyperensembles over
244 resulting in a segmental pattern of denticle belts separated by smooth, or 'naked', cuticle.
245 ly been introduced in the African meningitis belt since 2010.
246 ut instead an integrated part of the protein belt stabilizing the particles.
247 This novel design of a multilayered conveyor belt structure is fabricated in aluminium nitride (AlN)
248  hours to days helps to return the radiation-belt structure to its 'quiet' pre-storm configuration.
249  binding geometry is achieved by replacing a belt-sulfur atom (S2B) and highlights the generation of
250 f Av1-Se2B, the exchangeability of all three belt-sulfur sites is demonstrated, providing direct insi
251 tructural changes suggest that FeMo-cofactor belt sulfurs S3A or S5A are potential protonation sites.
252  22 lipids are sufficient to form an annular belt surrounding the TAP complex.
253  was performed by using a pressure-sensitive belt system (belt gating [BG]) and an automatic data-dri
254 ture of an epithelium as a function of actin belt tension as well as of cell-cell and and cell-substr
255 in countries in the center of the meningitis belt than in Senegal or Ethiopia.
256  been little change in the high transmission belt that covers large parts of West and Central Africa.
257 electron loss in the region of the radiation belts that overlaps with the region of high plasma densi
258  bone surfaces and the assembly of podosomal belts that segregate the bone-facing ruffled membrane fr
259 aviors (e.g., driving without wearing a seat belt), the magnitude of perceived benefit and risk ascri
260 urface of the largest object in the asteroid belt, the dwarf planet (1) Ceres, which is thought to be
261 ) promote the formation and stability of the belt, the MT and/or podosome molecules that mediate the
262 he Arctic tundra, parts of the boreal forest belt, the tropical rainforest, alpine regions worldwide,
263 the acceleration mechanisms in the radiation belts, the loss processes remain poorly understood.
264             To test this framework, we apply BELT to model trialanine, starting from disagreeing simu
265  in the mediolateral dimension from core, to belt, to parabelt.
266 rgence zone (ITCZ) defines the tropical rain belt (TRB), a region of enormous terrestrial and marine
267                             We studied split-belt treadmill walking that drives people to learn a new
268       Here, human subjects walked on a split-belt treadmill with one belt moving at 0.4 m s(-1) and t
269                                Using a split-belt treadmill, we show that vestibular influence on loc
270  context of adaptation to walking on a split-belt treadmill, which can impose a left-right asymmetry
271 ally optimal strategy for walking on a split-belt treadmill.
272 3.8 billion-year-old Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt (Ungava peninsula) have been investigated to track
273  in pre-stress level of the P(VDF-TrFE) thin belt up-shifts the flutter frequency.
274                                              BELT uses Markov chain Monte Carlo to directly sample ma
275 0% earlier in the stride cycle at the higher belt velocity.
276  acid (median values of 23.0 seconds without belt vs 81.1 seconds with belt) (P = .008).
277 ed muscle activity was retained during split-belt walking and was similar, within each limb, to veloc
278 ch limb occurs rapidly at the onset of split-belt walking, over a shorter time course relative to the
279 ximately 13-34 strides) after onset of split-belt walking.
280 , within each limb, to velocity-matched tied-belt walking.
281  between velocity-matched and unmatched tied-belt walking.
282 l, the mean number of reflux events with the belt was 4, vs 2 without (P = .008).
283                The most marked effect of the belt was impaired esophageal clearance of refluxed acid
284 ore merged with an o,p,o,p,o,p-hexaphenylene belt was prepared and characterized by NMR spectroscopy
285 ococcal meningitis in the African meningitis belt, we conducted a pneumococcal seroprevalence study d
286                   Soon after these radiation belts were discovered six decades ago, it was recognized
287 ed "flexible" piezoelectric P(VDF-TrFE) thin belt, when driven into the flutter state, yields a 1,000
288 ged residence in the austral temperate humid belt where a provincial vertebrate fauna with early dino
289 or maintenance of a robust apical actomyosin belt, which is required for cell-cell junction integrity
290 o occur on other dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt, which may help to explain the high albedos shown b
291 isrupted by a collision in the Main Asteroid Belt, which spawned fragments into Earth crossing orbits
292  for relatively compact, connected detergent belts, which occasionally displayed small detergent-free
293 a vertically-arranged sequence of ecological belts, which, in contrast to temperate habitats, have re
294 ing across the entire inner part of the main belt whose members include most of the dark asteroids pr
295 res, the largest object in the main asteroid belt with a mean diameter of about 950 kilometres, is lo
296 cination campaigns in the African meningitis belt with group A meningococcal conjugate vaccine, MenAf
297 ed {CdSe[n-octylamine](0.53+/-0.06)} quantum belts with anhydrous metal carboxylates M(oleate)2 (M =
298 -Ganzi Terrane was covered by a thick flysch belt, with evidence of near-surface thrust faults caused
299 ed to daily training sessions or an immobile belt, with motivation achieved by delivery of compressed
300 lta(18)O (5.2-5.5 per thousand), whereas tin belt zircons have low epsilonHf (-7 to -13) and heavier

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