


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 serves specific DNA affinity and induced DNA bend angle.
2 d type, which has a approximately 37 degrees bend angle.
3 as a small decrease (1 degrees) in intrinsic bend angle.
4  cHMG1a protein had no effect on the induced bend angle.
5 ctuations leading to long range variation in bend angle.
6  values close to or even greater than the A5 bend angle.
7 esented that is consistent with the measured bend angle.
8  pair step, G6G7 dihedral angle, and overall bend angle.
9 es that magnesium ion markedly increases the bend angle.
10 F substitution has asymmetric effects on the bend angle.
11  substitution at position 5 had no effect on bend angle.
12 lexibility of each bend, not simply the mean bend angles.
13 ed the distribution of bulge sequences among bend angles.
14 exon, which lead to two progressively larger bend angles.
15 termediate state distinguished by a distinct bending angle.
16  either a slight increase or decrease in the bending angle.
17  flexible and able to accommodate a range of bending angles.
18 packing and a 12 degrees change in the hinge-bending angle along the dimer interface relative to the
19              In order to define the mean DNA bend angle and distribution of DNA bend angles in the ca
20 nterestingly, TFIIA increased the calculated bend angle and kinetic stability of complexes on a non-c
21 ally, the strong correlation between the DNA bend angle and transcription efficiency demonstrated pre
22 :G at position 6 exhibit similar overall DNA bend angles and local geometries of DNA kinking.
23 itions, the sensor response decreased as the bending angle and number of bending repetitions increase
24 es show a direct correlation between the DNA bending angle and the binding affinity of the p53DBD wit
25 d melting bubbles are found to induce larger bending angles and decreased levels of stiffness in DNA
26 of ETS-GGAA and ETS-GGAG reveal that the DNA bending angles and the ETS domain-DNA phosphate interact
27 elations between the magnitudes of the hinge-bending angles and the protein masses, the ligand sizes,
28 let area, prolapse volume, tethering volume, bending angle, and papillary muscle angle were measured.
29 tic bending attraction, causing an increased bending angle, and shifts the most favorable bending to
30 opened duplex manifests a bent conformation (bending angle approximately 60 degrees , relative to the
31  for IHF and HU, HU stabilizes different DNA bend angles ( approximately 105-140 degrees ).
32 tance between the 5' ends of the DNA and the bend angle are 66 +/- 2.2 A and 65 +/- 6 degrees, respec
33  magnitude and direction of the apparent DNA bend angle are strongly dependent on the local peptide c
34 rcular products observed experimentally, the bending angles are 40 degrees and 26 +/- 2 degrees per (
35 that takes into account potential changes in bend angle as well as twist angle.
36 these conformations by three parameters: DNA bend angle at the disruption, theta(d); local DNA unwind
37 and this strain strongly correlates with the bend angle at the ipso carbons.
38 nd 3' (alpha(h)) helices and an interhelical bend angle (beta(h)).
39 ts a 43 degrees (+/-4 degrees ) interhelical bend angle (beta) and displays large amplitude, anisotro
40 rs to be accompanied by straightening of the bend angle between E1 and the first transmembrane domain
41 across a region of conformational space with bend angles between 24 and 85 degrees and characteristic
42 ge of conformations that differ by the hinge-bending angle between the two domains.
43 es are strongly correlated with the solution bend angles but not with TBP-DNA binding affinities.
44  at the recognition sequence, increasing the bend angle by 5 degrees.
45 ssibility of determining protein-induced DNA bend angles by measuring the extension of a single DNA m
46                                          The bend angle calculated for the T4A4 tract duplex was 62 +
47 ragment exhibited a Gaussian distribution of bend angles centered at 0 degrees, indicating that this
48  asymmetric, the result of different helical bending angles close to the conserved His residue.
49 a less bent helix ( approximately 20 degrees bend angle) compared to the wild type, which has a appro
50  Measurement of both bubble size and overall bend angle complements the results of crystal structures
51 ommonly used gel electrophoretic buffer, the bend angle conferred by a tract of six adenine residues
52 fect of the presence of magnesium ion on the bend angle conferred by an A-tract.
53                        The most probable DNA bending angle consistent with these distance measurement
54 ween box and tail is tuned to the native DNA bend angle, damping conformational fluctuations and enab
55                     We show that the average bend angle (derived from an ensemble of 400 simulated an
56 grees, in reasonably good agreement with the bend angle determined by transient electric birefringenc
57                                  A-tract DNA bend angle determined here is in good agreement with pre
58 otide substitutions in J2a/b that affect the bend angle, direction, and interhelical dynamics are cor
59                                    We report bending angles, directions of bending, and detailed stru
60 e length, height profile, contour length and bending angle distribution of the DNA-HU complex after d
61  distance with the curvilinear distance, the bending angle distribution, and the persistence length.
62       DNA end-to-end distances and local DNA bend angle distributions are analyzed for protein comple
63 icroscopy to quantitatively characterize the bend angle distributions of DNA complexes with human HMG
64 gles is relatively narrow, with <10 % of DNA bend angles exceeding 100 degrees.
65                                          The bend angle for the 5'-GGCC-3' sequence is estimated to b
66 tive to DNA contour length (R/R(C)) yields a bend angle for the A-tract duplex of 45 +/- 7 degrees in
67 ces cerevisiae TBP, consistent with solution bend angles for AdMLP of 76 degrees and for the variants
68 In contrast, DNA-bending assays gave similar bend angles for both dimeric and tetrameric complexes (4
69 ing helices, we have quantified the apparent bend angles for symmetric internal loops of the form A(n
70                             In contrast, the bend angles for TBP-TATA complexes in solution, derived
71                                 The apparent bend angles for the symmetric loops range from approxima
72                               The calculated bending angle for DNA in complex 2 is increased by appro
73 ming a planar circle DNA model, the inferred bending angles for 90-92% of the observed circular ligat
74 (CTTG) bases at this position are less bent (bending angles from approximately 37 to approximately 25
75 nuous reduction in the average inter-helical bend angle (from 46 degrees to 22 degrees ), inter-helic
76 rium topology simplification scales with the bend angle imposed on the G-segment DNA by the binding o
77 the realization of waveguides with arbitrary bending angles impossible in photonic crystals.
78  stability of parahelix structure and TM1/E1 bend angle in adjacent subunits.
79                                          The bend angle in the CAP-DNA complex is estimated to be 85
80 is confirmed this and quantified the overall bend angle in the open complex as well as in the +3 abor
81 d, which has the unique ability to measure a bend angle in the presence or absence of magnesium ion,
82                                   The larger bend angle in the wild-type complex arises as a direct c
83  mean DNA bend angle and distribution of DNA bend angles in the catabolite activator protein (CAP)-DN
84 e I3P mutation, which produces a large hinge-bending angle in the crystal, has no effect on the solut
85 d about 90% of the circular products exhibit bending angles in the range of 14 -19 degrees .
86 ton scale forces on the MoS2 thin films, the bending angle increases significantly within 4 minutes,
87 ion of the method measured a protein-induced bend angle independent of external standards.
88                    An accurate value for the bend angle induced by an A-tract is centrally important
89 e-existing bend of 15 degrees, the change in bend angle induced by CAP is 70 to 75 degrees, in a agre
90 f Lutter et al. was developed to measure the bend angle induced when a protein binds to DNA.
91        The moderately broad distributions of bend angles induced by both proteins are inconsistent wi
92                   Though the entire range of bend angles induced by different five-nucleotide bulges
93       The results indicate that the mean DNA bend angle is 77(+/-3) degrees - consistent with the mea
94 erhelix of the tandem repeats from which the bend angle is measured.
95 rdation, suggesting that the average induced bend angle is not strongly dependent on the conserved se
96 t the upper limit of the distribution of DNA bend angles is approximately 100 degrees.
97   The ability to induce or stabilize varying bend angles is consistent with HU's role as an architect
98  further suggest that a broader range of DNA bend angles is populated in the murine ensemble than in
99 lysis indicates that the distribution of DNA bend angles is relatively narrow, with <10 % of DNA bend
100 strong binding site (site I), the calculated bending angle is 65 to 67 degrees and the center of bend
101  each half-site favor highly bent complexes (bending angle is approximately 50 degrees ), whereas res
102 oth to site I and to the weaker site II, the bending angle is increased to 89 to 90 degrees and the c
103 nd to DNA show that a large variation in DNA-bending angles is sampled in the ground state binary com
104 id 9beta-mestranol units having a 90 degrees bent angle linked to a central phenylene rotator has an
105                                          The bend angle model postulates that non-equilibrium topolog
106                                 To test this bend angle model, we used atomic force microscopy and si
107 +/-3) degrees - consistent with the mean DNA bend angle observed in crystallographic structures (80(+
108 th, where the protein induces an average DNA bend angle of 114 +/- 21 degrees for 50 mM Na+, and 87 +
109 ning force microscopy resulted in an average bend angle of 13.5 degrees per A-tract.
110 T tract, a bending standard that has a known bend angle of 19 degrees, gave values of around 47 degre
111 how that the 199-bp fragment has an apparent bend angle of 46 +/- 2 degrees centered at sequence posi
112  199 bp restriction fragment has an apparent bend angle of 46 +/- 2 degrees located at SV40 sequence
113 e AACAAT with a K(d) of 190 nM, generating a bend angle of 48.6 degrees.
114 , while HMGB1 (Box A+B) binding gives a mean bend angle of 67 degrees, with a standard error of 1.3 d
115 2 (Box A) binding we find a mean induced DNA bend angle of 78 degrees, with a standard error of 1.3 d
116 r by 49 degrees, leading to an overall helix bend angle of 78 degrees.
117  distance change that was used to estimate a bend angle of 80-95 degrees for the cisplatin-modified D
118 ate DNA in the absence of L-valine imposed a bend angle of 92 degrees in the DNA.
119 n distorts the duplex, resulting in a global bend angle of about 38(o) and a dihedral angle between p
120  studies, but the estimates reported for the bend angle of an A-tract differ by greater than threefol
121 fication of the results suggests an included bend angle of approximately 100 degrees (i.e. 80 degrees
122 y, and resulting in an overall difference in bend angle of approximately 13 degrees between the two c
123 e N6 DNA methyltransferase, shows an average bend angle of approximately 52 degrees.
124 erferometry experiments reveal an increasing bend angle of DNA duplexes with bulges of one, three, an
125 es are very similar to the same distance and bend angle of the gap complex in the crystal structure o
126 ding potential of the T86 residue alters the bend angle of the PK motif and mediates conformational c
127                                  The greater bend angle of the wild-type helix reflects the propensit
128 ling of the W265(6.48) rotamer modulates the bend angle of TM6 around the conserved proline.
129                                              Bend angles of 61 degrees, 50 degrees, and 38 degrees di
130  bending in topology simplification, the DNA bend angles of four enzymes of different types (IIA and
131 ks that stabilize the parahelices and TM1/E1 bend angles of the open Cx26 hemichannel.
132  do not contribute to the FOXO1A-induced DNA bending angle of 120 degrees , the presence of these add
133 temperature-responsive function at a maximum bending angle of 45 degrees .
134 e DNA persistence length, induces an average bending angle of 77+/-7 degrees , and stabilizes dsDNA a
135 , generating sharp DNA bends with an average bending angle of 99+/-9 degrees and, at very high concen
136 n-induced kink site, resulting in an overall bending angle of about 70 degrees for Sac7d binding.
137 per bend than the other side with an overall bending angle of approximately 90-125 degrees, without w
138  on DNA containing a site I duplication, the bending angle of complex 2 is nearly twice that of compl
139 required for activation, does not affect the bending angle of either complex.
140 d individual RAG-RSS complexes, in which the bending angle of RAG-associated RSS substrates could be
141 identical with only a slight increase in the bending angle of the flavin ring upon reduction.
142                                          The bending angle of the MoS2 thin films shows high stabilit
143                                 However, the bending angle of the MoS2 thin films substantially decre
144 cal motion whose intensity is related to the bending angle of the turn.
145 ured in the anion of 3 exhibits an unusually bent angle of approximately 135 degrees , and the short
146  With an appropriate estimate of the average bend angle per basepair of the curved conformation, a lo
147 rent sizes and, therefore, different average bending angles per lesion, suggest that the lesions indu
148 r simulation of the synapsis showed that the bend angles, phi, created in isolated recombination site
149    Increased TV tethering volume and flatter bending angle prestage 1 palliation is associated with T
150 ich adjacently bound proteins affect the DNA bend angle produced by Sox9, which in turn determines wh
151 t the CcpA-bound operators display different bend angles, ranging from 31 degrees to 56 degrees .
152 of studies that have used A-tract DNA as the bend angle reference standard in comparison measurements
153 del is consistent with the wide range of DNA bending angles reported in crystal structures of HU-DNA
154 ction with a second device that measures the bending angle resulting from protein binding, so as to c
155 parameters of DNA fragments: the equilibrium bend angle, the bending rigidity of the fragment axis, a
156         The entire template strand is at the bend angle Theta(TP) = 85 +/- 7 degrees with respect to
157              For all three proteins, the DNA bend angle (theta) depends on the TATA sequence, with th
158       Protein binding increases the relative bend angle to approximately 85 degrees.
159 e effect on bending, reducing the calculated bending angle to 83 to 86 degrees.
160 tes, consistent with the wide range of hinge-bending angles trapped in the crystal structure of T4L m
161 nase emphasize a tightly held complex with a bend angle value near 60 degrees , which may be a prereq
162                              The result is a bend angle value that is consistent with that measured u
163                                          The bending angle was estimated to be 20 degrees, 13 degrees
164                                              Bend angles were measured using the manual tangent metho
165                                      The DNA bending angles were estimated to be 34.2 degrees , 33.5
166                                      The two bend angles within a single HU complex are not coplanar,

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