


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 followed by the pristine crystalline lattice beneath.
2 a dielectric layer with multiple metal gates beneath.
3  on the slab top and show that it disappears beneath 60-100 km depth, marking the depth of dehydratio
4 rations (160 mg/L and <1% v/v, respectively) beneath a building having a 195 m(2) footprint and a bas
5 gh a narrow secretion channel and polymerize beneath a capping scaffold at the tip of the growing fil
6 ting magma ascent timescales from the mantle beneath a convergent margin stratovolcano--can be applie
7 The system utilizes the slow delivery of air beneath a foundation to attenuate vapor migration to the
8 tinental megathrust rupture to have occurred beneath a high-rate (5-hertz) Global Positioning System
9 nt properties of the meltwater outflows from beneath a rapidly melting Antarctic ice shelf to identif
10         Three of these wells draw water from beneath a regional aquitard, and three draw water from b
11 sed to thermally expand the elastomeric film beneath a single probe, bringing it into contact with th
12 ch layer more than tens of centimeters thick beneath a surficial layer 10 to 30 cm thick that is less
13  or a hydrostatic one with an internal ocean beneath a thick icy shell.
14               AWM, SAN, and AVN tissues were beneath a thin surface layer of tissue that did not obst
15                   Osteomyelitis was observed beneath active BU lesions (60.5%) or at a distance from
16  of voluminous reservoirs of eruptible magma beneath active supervolcanoes may only be possible prior
17 inces (LLSVPs) atop the core-mantle boundary beneath Africa and the Pacific are the largest structure
18 ests long-term stability of mantle upwelling beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean.
19 locity provinces on the core-mantle boundary beneath Africa and the Pacific.
20  Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) beneath Africa and the Pacific.
21 ow that ahead-of-eye-centre cooling occurred beneath all 11 tropical cyclones that traversed the Mid-
22  two mechanisms: concealment of beta-glucans beneath alpha-glucans and enzymatic removal of any expos
23 s ((10)Be and (26)Al) in a bedrock core from beneath an ice core near the GIS summit.
24 ean of about 10 kilometres thickness located beneath an ice crust 30 to 40 kilometres thick.
25 ubretinal transplantation places donor cells beneath an intact host outer nuclear layer (ONL) contain
26 t moon, Titan, has a global subsurface ocean beneath an outer ice shell 50 to 200 kilometres thick.
27     The hyporheic zone-the transition region beneath and alongside the stream bed-is a central compar
28                          O(2) concentrations beneath and around the building were monitored prior to
29 e LAB that decouples plates from mantle flow beneath, and allows plate tectonics to work.
30 Glacier ecosystems are teeming with life on, beneath, and to a lesser degree, within their icy masses
31          Subglacial Lake Whillans (SLW) lies beneath approximately 800 m of ice on the lower portion
32         The formation of amphibole cumulates beneath arc volcanoes is a key control on magma geochemi
33 cean ridges and flux melting resembling that beneath arcs.
34   Processes of melt generation and transport beneath back-arc spreading centres are controlled by two
35 to the cytosolic side of the plasma membrane beneath bacterial attachment, where K(48)-linked polyubi
36 tudies have revealed a high-velocity anomaly beneath Baja California that appears to be a fossil slab
37 ucture, but additionally reveals cargo bound beneath beta'-COP.
38 studies, sub-RPE basal deposits were present beneath both control (unaffected) and patient hiPSC-RPE
39  is associated with localized actin assembly beneath bound bacteria.
40 active site with Asp-764 positioned directly beneath C1 of the sugar residue bound within the -1 subs
41 al signal orchestrating pulp nerve sprouting beneath carious injury, a critical step in dentin-pulp r
42 the bottom of the cell liquid antimony pools beneath cathodically polarized molten stibnite.
43 ow, respectively, reveal multiple reflectors beneath Central America and East Asia, two areas known f
44                            In soil collected beneath conspecifics, arbuscular mycorrhizal trees exper
45 raining conduit development extending inland beneath deep ice.
46  show that the As in Pleistocene groundwater beneath deep paleo-channels is relict and does not arise
47                         Pleistocene aquifers beneath deep paleo-channels typically host groundwaters
48 nt naturally in groundwater at depths >150 m beneath deep paleo-channels.
49 seismology to ascertain plume melting depths beneath Earth's longest continental hotspot track, a 2,0
50  the concept of a lower crustal channel flow beneath Eastern Tibet.
51  activation of focal cortical areas directly beneath electrodes, in vivo imaging of the cortical vasc
52 material therefore seems to be escaping from beneath Enceladus' surface at times when geophysical mod
53 e, the Perm Anomaly, was recently identified beneath Eurasia.
54 dimensional simulations of hydrothermal flow beneath fast-spreading ridges that predict the existence
55  are mega-ultralow-velocity zones, which lie beneath Hawaii, Samoa, and Iceland but not beneath hot s
56  eversion revealed a 'foreign body' retained beneath her right upper eyelid, which was noted to be a
57 e beneath Hawaii, Samoa, and Iceland but not beneath hot spots whose OIB yield normal (182)W and homo
58 o the surface in regions of mantle upwelling beneath hotspots is lacking.
59 ntle convection from subduction to upwelling beneath hotspots.
60 ditions, ancient landscapes can be preserved beneath ice and can survive extensive and repeated glaci
61 by subaerial rivers, or subglacial forms cut beneath ice.
62  the unmyelinated synaptic terminal segments beneath IHCs in the organ of Corti.
63 hoehoe lava propagates by inflation of lobes beneath/inside the snowpack, producing rigorous lava-sno
64 ry of hundreds of large geometric earthworks beneath intact rainforest across southern Amazonia chall
65 er are implanted into the cholesterol matrix beneath it, resulting in a reduced sputter yield, an inc
66 eneath the center and deepens by up to 10 km beneath its southern and northern boundaries.
67 RY requires an invariant aromatic "buttress" beneath its specific DNA-bending surface.
68 aining cis-DCE or VC was pumped continuously beneath laboratory columns that represented the vadose z
69 chanisms that initiate hydro-fracture events beneath lakes are unknown.
70             The depth to unweathered bedrock beneath landscapes influences subsurface runoff paths, e
71 an be trapped and stored in subglacial lakes beneath large ice sheets.
72 tite, dominates the low-pressure melt region beneath Loa-track volcanism, yielding the systematic geo
73 o illuminate the seismogenic root of the NIF beneath Long Beach, California, and identify seismicity
74             Experimental additions of litter beneath lupine canopies during summer resulted in increa
75 of broad (not thin), quasi-vertical conduits beneath many prominent hotspots.
76 hibited ALL cell migration toward CXCL12 and beneath marrow stromal cells and reduced CD44 expression
77 melt migration and effective melt extraction beneath mid-ocean ridges.
78 onatitic melt could be stable 250 km or less beneath mid-oceanic ridges, owing to the small fraction
79 xy measurements reveal that subglacial lakes beneath modern ice sheets periodically store and release
80 d years ago, the Alpena-Amberley Ridge (AAR) beneath modern Lake Huron was a dry land corridor that c
81  which is twice the normal continental crust beneath most of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, while the d
82  which requires a cold hydrated mantle wedge beneath Mount St Helens (< approximately 700 degrees C).
83 melt/fluid phase to a reservoir in the crust beneath Mt Rainier.
84 s a thin layer of extracellular matrix (ECM) beneath nearly all epithelial cell types that is critica
85 a3beta1 in the epidermis display ruptured BM beneath neo-epidermis of wounds, characterized by extens
86 ntification of the primary GC subtypes, even beneath nerve fibers.
87 ed to a broad region of flat-slab subduction beneath North America that occurred during the Laramide
88  base of an oceanic plate that is subducting beneath North Island, New Zealand.
89                                              Beneath northeastern Europe, the direction of the fast a
90 dict the structure of the seismic anisotropy beneath ocean basins.
91   Decompression of hot mantle rock upwelling beneath oceanic spreading centers causes it to exceed th
92  type II-like peripheral dendrites extending beneath OHCs.
93 olcanic systems around the world are located beneath, or in close proximity to, ice caps.
94 se from Pleistocene aquifers at depths >70 m beneath paleo-interfluves contain <10 mug/L As.
95 we computed basal shear stress distributions beneath Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, which are cur
96 h-(3)He/(4)He material to the shallow mantle beneath plume-fed hotspots.
97 have reported extensive phytoplankton blooms beneath ponded sea ice during summer, indicating that sa
98 icron protein-enriched cellular compartments beneath postsynaptic membranes, which constantly exchang
99 ed crustal root beneath the orogen, the Moho beneath Qilian is arch-like, shallower beneath the cente
100 thospheric deformation, and mantle upwelling beneath recent volcanism.
101 t silicate melting of dry peridotite + CO(2) beneath ridges commences at approximately 180 km.
102 e amount of magma contained at shallow depth beneath Santorini volcano, Greece.
103 e found radically different network dynamics beneath similar population average firing patterns.
104 est Toba's climactic magma reservoir extends beneath Sinabung and is being tapped during eruptions.
105 cm system to the plasma membrane exclusively beneath sites of bacterial attachment.
106 ies of a phytoplankton spring bloom observed beneath snow-covered Arctic pack ice.
107                         Phytoplankton blooms beneath snow-covered ice might become more common and wi
108 a(2+) release (CICR) from the ER immediately beneath somatic, but not axonal or dendritic, plasma mem
109 st DCs while keeping the size of the library beneath some given limit, improving on the existing inte
110 speed structure in our new tomographic model beneath South-Central Tibet, interpreted as an upper-man
111 areas) 3-D shear velocity model of the crust beneath southeast Australia.
112 tructions, we propose that continental crust beneath southeast Iceland is part of approximately 350-k
113 tle boundary (CMB) composition and structure beneath southern Africa defined by the African large low
114 km thick zone across the inner core boundary beneath southwest Okhotsk Sea with seismic properties in
115 , ibrutinib inhibited migration of MCL cells beneath stromal cells in coculture.
116            Water-driven fracture propagation beneath supraglacial lakes rapidly transports large volu
117  to produce extensive imagery of resistivity beneath Taylor Valley.
118 e distinctly localized as a dense infiltrate beneath the accumulation of T cells and B cells.
119 hear-wave velocity model of the upper 250 km beneath the Afar triple junction, imaging the mantle res
120  lipid diffusion and increases lipid packing beneath the alphaS clusters.
121 s the strain induced by the hydrophobic void beneath the amphipathic helix.
122 ased activation in the medial frontal cortex beneath the anode; showing a positive correlation with c
123              Subglacial lakes are widespread beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet but their control on ice
124         Liquid water has been known to occur beneath the Antarctic ice sheet for more than 40 years,
125 ur results confirm that aquatic environments beneath the Antarctic ice sheet support viable microbial
126 und that mitochondria localize in bands just beneath the apical and basolateral membranes in two diff
127 n analyses of the endothelial actin web just beneath the apical plasma membrane.
128 r mantle and subdued inflow of colder mantle beneath the arc due to the temperature dependence of the
129  at the anterior/rightward LA roof, directly beneath the ascending aorta (confirmed by merging the CT
130  by downward penetration of the Indian plate beneath the Asian plate.
131 of upward flowing groundwater collected <1 m beneath the Athabasca River, suggesting OSPW-affected gr
132                       EAB feeds and develops beneath the bark, killing trees rapidly.
133                              Creeping grains beneath the bed-load layer give rise to slow but persist
134 decrease in Cr content on the coupon surface beneath the biofilm.
135 s, a constriction in the nasal passages just beneath the blowhole, and then using air sinuses and the
136 ion of labile tissues and possibly continued beneath the BSR zone.
137        Moreover, the area of fringe patterns beneath the bubble increases with time.
138                     The observed low gravity beneath the caldera is aligned along the principal horiz
139 y for a dike that propagated south and north beneath the caldera's east wall.
140 f significant inflow of magma into a chamber beneath the caldera, starting in 2000, and continuing ov
141  that all dental pulp fibroblasts, localized beneath the carious injury site, do express this recepto
142 uting of the nerve fiber's terminal branches beneath the carious injury site.
143 ss in the actin cortex, a thin actin network beneath the cell membrane, to facilitate shape changes d
144  Moho beneath Qilian is arch-like, shallower beneath the center and deepens by up to 10 km beneath it
145 ated to CCT at any other location, including beneath the central cornea.
146  melt content, is imaged in the mantle wedge beneath the Central Lau Spreading Centre and the northea
147                       Low seismic velocities beneath the Central Lau Spreading Centre and the norther
148  accumulation of the SUN domain protein Sad1 beneath the centrosome, suggesting a molecular underpinn
149 epth; in particular, assemblages from layers beneath the chemocline had biogeochemical associations t
150 HD) to take advantage of the magnet (0.56 T) beneath the chip and the uniform flat flow profile, as a
151 roduced with a 0.36 T NdFeB permanent magnet beneath the chip.
152 otropy observed seismically in the D'' layer beneath the circum-Pacific rim.
153 at partial melt defines the plate boundaries beneath the continental interior.
154 d is associated with changes in white matter beneath the cortical surface.
155 l barrier formed by the polymerization of Si beneath the cuticle and in the cell walls was the first
156 ding the body and heterogeneous tissue types beneath the cuticle.
157 however, they are localized in the membranes beneath the cyst wall.
158 al zone and in the rib meristem located just beneath the CZ.
159 ed the first dermal cellular layer (0-20 mum beneath the dermoepidermal junction), Mphi were located
160 icocollicular axons, which form a dense mesh beneath the dorsal surface of the IC.
161  that favors the entrainment of air cushions beneath the drop, leading to the so-called Cassie state.
162  remain dry in the plastron (i.e., air layer beneath the droplet).
163 actional anisotropy (FA) in the white matter beneath the early visual cortex after training, no signi
164 ophysical observations of the melting regime beneath the East Pacific Rise with our experimental resu
165 ply dipping prolate-spheroid pressure source beneath the eastern caldera that is consistent with the
166 image the electrical conductivity of the LAB beneath the edge of the Cocos plate at the Middle Americ
167  not apparent in previous structures of Ras, beneath the effector binding switch-II region.
168  10(18) pascal seconds) asthenospheric layer beneath the elastic oceanic lithosphere is required to p
169 ial from a thin, weak, buoyant layer present beneath the entire oceanic lithosphere.
170    IL-22 is produced by immune cells present beneath the epithelium and is induced by bacteria presen
171 arrier function, and shift extrusion basally beneath the epithelium, providing a potential mechanism
172  meltwater network, similar to that observed beneath the extant ice sheet, was also active during the
173         We observed the free passage of ions beneath the extracellular cap and identified multiple hi
174                                              Beneath the feathers, carbonized soft tissues offer a gl
175 se from analysis of sediment cores recovered beneath the floating Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, and
176 nating from the embryonic forebrain situated beneath the floor of the hypothalamus and extending thro
177 s decoupled from the overriding mantle wedge beneath the forearc, resulting in a cold mantle wedge th
178 chieved >5% v/v soil gas O(2) concentrations beneath the foundation and spanning a 1.5 m vertical int
179 ough a horizontal well installed about 1.5 m beneath the foundation.
180 r thickness to the total choroidal thickness beneath the fovea was 0.7 +/- 0.06.
181 choriocapillaris layer was 52.9 +/- 20.6 mum beneath the fovea.
182 he choroid-RPE complex underwent biopsy from beneath the foveal, macular, and peripheral retina.
183 ch wells in coastal aquifers which penetrate beneath the freshwater-seawater interface.
184 channel with added electrodes; one is placed beneath the frit at the bottom wall and the other covers
185 theastern South America and the Alboran slab beneath the Gibraltar arc region; the anomalies are unde
186 most complex hunting structure found to date beneath the Great Lakes.
187  paths from a subglacial lake, which drained beneath the Greenland ice sheet in 2011.
188 mice, the Gli1(+) cells residing immediately beneath the growth plate, termed here "metaphyseal mesen
189 ning and flux of trace metals and phosphorus beneath the ice is dynamic, and heavily influenced by cl
190 crest of this ridge, forming an ocean cavity beneath the ice shelf, occurred in 1945 (+/-12 years); f
191                 Displacements between layers beneath the impact point are difficult because the nonsp
192 imensional mapping of the displacement field beneath the indentation provides additional information
193 he stronger Asian lithosphere is also forced beneath the Indian lithosphere, forming a reversed-polar
194 E) lesions and actin-rich pedestal formation beneath the infecting bacteria on the apical surface of
195 ing because of dense white matter zones just beneath the infragranular layers of the cortex.
196  an extensive protein network that assembles beneath the inner nuclear envelope.
197 l coherence tomographic imaging revealed SRF beneath the interdigitation zone.
198 ispersed or dispersed within a matrigel plug beneath the kidney capsule.
199 and its termination in the choroid, directly beneath the lacquer cracks.
200 tensile stresses that promote hydro-fracture beneath the lake.
201 of myofibroblasts, which manifest as plaques beneath the lens capsule.
202 that the peptide is located at the interface beneath the lipid headgroup region.
203          The indication that the lower crust beneath the LMS was folded and pushed upwards and the up
204 sfer due to a lack of oxidation of thick POT beneath the membrane film.
205 t are translocated via an actin-myosin motor beneath the membrane.
206  cell membrane and in the cytoskeletal layer beneath the membrane.
207 rust, creating a buoyant 'Hikurangi' melange beneath the Moho that interacts with ascending arc melts
208                               Juno transited beneath the most intense parts of the radiation belts, p
209 m deep mantle sources deflected horizontally beneath the moving top boundary layer.
210  induces ectopic lymphoid follicle formation beneath the mucosal epithelium in the rhesus macaque fem
211 xtrudes these ions into the periaxonal space beneath the myelin rather than into the endoneurium.
212 nodal K(+) channel protein complexes located beneath the myelin sheath from Na(+) channels located at
213 nities for drug access to targets within and beneath the nail plate.
214 e mantle below the Moho subducted southwards beneath the northern part of the Tianshan Mountains, the
215               Lamin proteins form a meshwork beneath the nuclear envelope and contribute to many diff
216  components of the nuclear lamina (NL) found beneath the nuclear envelope, are known to interact with
217 s now revealed a bimolecular reaction hidden beneath the observed first-order kinetics.
218  thick mushy zone at the inner core boundary beneath the Okhotsk Sea, indicating that there may be mo
219         Opposite to an expected crustal root beneath the orogen, the Moho beneath Qilian is arch-like
220                            Similarly, mantle beneath the Pacific does not spread to surrounding regio
221  of neuronal Chmp2b was shown to concentrate beneath the perisynaptic membrane of dendritic spines.
222                                              Beneath the photonic multilayer, a disordered array of l
223 ng provides unparalleled access to the world beneath the plaque surface, allowing tissue characteriza
224 and recycling endosomes stably anchored just beneath the plasma membrane (cortical endosomes, CEs).
225 entified membrane vesicles lying immediately beneath the plasma membrane at cell edges were revealed
226 eton and inner membrane complex, a structure beneath the plasma membrane facilitating division and ho
227 rix protein VP40, which forms a matrix layer beneath the plasma membrane inner leaflet to facilitate
228 n the actin cortex, a dense branched network beneath the plasma membrane that is of particular import
229 ive Rab5A induced large endosomal structures beneath the plasma membrane where EPCR and FVIIa accumul
230  the formation of a ring of protrusive actin beneath the plasma membrane, which develops into the mac
231 s of naked virus capsids located immediately beneath the plasma membrane, with no evidence of virions
232 thin cytoskeletal network that lies directly beneath the plasma membrane.
233  well as association to the cortical F-actin beneath the plasma membrane.
234 7(phox) immunolabeling on endomembranes just beneath the plasmalemmal surface (+42.1 +/- 11.3%; p < 0
235  was caused by a low-density thermal anomaly beneath the Procellarum region.
236 ead to formation of a well-ordered RNA layer beneath the protein shell, suggesting that these interac
237  resembles Nitzschia, with bridges (fibulae) beneath the raphe, which is marginal.
238 n double-track volcanism: first, mantle flow beneath the rapidly moving Pacific plate strongly tilts
239                             Wild-type islets beneath the renal capsule of Gcgr(-/-) or Gcgr(Hep)(-/-)
240 plasmodesmata to a depth of more than 40 mum beneath the resin surface.
241 iocapillaris or other microvascular features beneath the retina.
242                     Cholesterol accumulation beneath the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells is su
243 300-490 m of solid ice between 2002 and 2009 beneath the retreating Smith Glacier.
244 -density, deep-seated upwelling that ascends beneath the Reunion hot spot at the time of the Deccan e
245  we interpret segmented zones of melt supply beneath the rift, suggesting that buoyancy-driven active
246 r hyperreflectivity was found to localize to beneath the RPE and above the outer Bruch's membrane (oB
247 for trace metal limitation of APase activity beneath the Saharan dust plume in the Eastern Atlantic.
248 e the volume of interest is typically hidden beneath the sample surface.
249  moment magnitude (M(w)) 6.7 deep earthquake beneath the Sea of Okhotsk, an aftershock of the large d
250 e aphotic ocean (i.e. regions that are 200 m beneath the sea surface) are small (mm-cm) and their mot
251 tiated, whereas tympanic border cells (TBCs) beneath the sensory epithelium are proliferative.
252 ormation of an inversion channel immediately beneath the SiO2/Si interface.
253 erforating scleral vessels are often present beneath the site at which lacquer cracks form in patholo
254 ed transmural epinephrine gradients directly beneath the site of application extending into the middl
255 t an experimental scaffold vaccine implanted beneath the skin has begun to use the human model to stu
256 r enhanced the permeability of the capillary beneath the skin, owing to hemoglobin-specific absorbanc
257                 OCT-A revealed a flow signal beneath the small irregular elevation of the retinal pig
258 ace horizon and oxic-suboxic gravel aquifers beneath the soil horizons, Fe(III)-oxides were mainly pr
259 einterpret the high seismic velocity anomaly beneath the southern central valley of California as ano
260  subduction of the oceanic Hikurangi Plateau beneath the southern Kermadec arc, offshore New Zealand.
261                 However, due to its location beneath the squamous temporal bone and temporalis muscle
262 hical layer regulating stem cell homeostasis beneath the stem cell-dermal papilla-based epithelial-me
263 olution of the inverted water table movement beneath the stream.
264 , that reveals a strong low-velocity feature beneath the subducting Juan de Fuca slab along the entir
265  sub-nano and microstructural defects appear beneath the subsurface layer.
266 urs when particles undergo binary collisions beneath the surface apexes.
267 t ice can survive for billions of years just beneath the surface.
268  volatility, CO2 ice is generally only found beneath the surface.
269 g of structures that are hundreds of microns beneath the surfaces of large biological tissues.
270 h, craterless plain three to four kilometres beneath the surrounding rugged uplands, and represents t
271              We find extensive peat deposits beneath the swamp forest vegetation (peat defined as mat
272 -+12.4), suggesting a highly depleted mantle beneath the SWIR.
273                        A Ta layer was placed beneath the Ta2O5 switching layer to act as an oxygen va
274 , which would allow melting at high pressure beneath the thick plate.
275 COR gene mutation affecting HSPC and CMP was beneath the threshold of detection in GMP or MEP.
276 at reconcile the observed seismic anisotropy beneath the Tonga slab (V(SH)>V(SV)) with thermo-mechani
277  inserted in the posterior cornea initiating beneath the trabecular meshwork.
278 )He/(4)He domain resides in the deep mantle, beneath the upper mantle sampled by mid-ocean-ridge basa
279 ntaminant concentrations in the anoxic plume beneath the vadose zone.
280 ars in understanding intriguing complexities beneath the vast ocean of genomic data.
281 gital elevation models of the ground surface beneath the vegetation cover.
282  performed on phloem sap collected from just beneath the vegetative apex of C. moschata plants, estab
283 n V, which together glue peripentonal hexons beneath the vertex region and connect them to the rest o
284 o classes of bubbles: one occupies positions beneath the vertices of the icosahedral surface shell, a
285  recruitment polarizes the viral protein A36 beneath the virus, enhancing actin polymerization and th
286 h suggests that the slab's mantle dehydrates beneath the volcanic arc, and may be the main source of
287 e that could be positioned as far as ~100 nm beneath the water/MgF2 interface.
288                                              Beneath, the epithem is composed of a lacunar and highly
289 which have no prior melted material directly beneath them.
290                Although a viscosity decrease beneath this boundary is essential for plate tectonics,
291                   A "cavity" introduced just beneath this hydrogen bond in V66A/L68V CzrA results in
292 P, and Calpain2 to rationalize the mechanism beneath this reduced binding.
293 ibution of basal melting and geothermal flux beneath Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica.
294  difference in storage between soils sampled beneath urban greenspaces and impervious surfaces, at eq
295 sponsible for harzburgitic diamond formation beneath Venetia from the Archaean to the Proterozoic.Dat
296 bduction locally enhances fluid introduction beneath volcanic arcs.
297 plicable, then geophysical detection of melt beneath volcanoes is likely a sign of imminent eruption.
298 s of magnitude higher magma production rates beneath Yellowstone compared to continental arc volcanoe
299 e than 2.5 billion years old) cratonic rocks beneath Yellowstone, only to be liberated over the past
300                        We infer that the LAB beneath young plates consists of a thin, partially molte

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