


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 as volatile (non-polar) VOC molecules (i.e., benzene).
2 id glass processed from 1,3,5(triethoxysilyl)benzene.
3 oximity to gasoline stations and exposure to benzene.
4 r in situ reductive dechlorination of MCB to benzene.
5 mination sequence starting from 2-fluoro-SF5-benzene.
6 termediate that is more highly oxidized than benzene.
7 best practices should include monitoring for benzene.
8 tadiene (OR = 3.15; 95% CI: 1.57, 6.32), and benzene.
9 degradation of daughter products, especially benzene.
10  shown to undergo an arylation reaction with benzene.
11 affinity for Ab dropped only slightly versus benzene.
12 ated for the production of benzaldehyde from benzene.
13 dent chemical shift value lower than that of benzene.
14 henylethynyl bromide or 1,4-bis(bromoethynyl)benzene.
15 ith very low level exposure to environmental benzene.
16 he reactions of MeTAD with other substituted benzenes.
17 ve hindered their application to substituted benzenes.
18 ed hydroxylations and nitrohydroxylations of benzenes.
19 lco sparverius) were exposed to a mixture of benzene (0.6 ppm), toluene (1 ppm), nitrogen dioxide (NO
20  VOCs studied here include aromatics such as benzene (1.03 pptv/ppbv CO), toluene (3.10 pptv/ppbv CO)
21               These diversely functionalized benzenes (1,2-teraryls or 1,3-teraryls), bearing naphthy
22 O(-CO2)6 secondary building units (SBUs) and benzene-1,3,5-tri-beta-acrylate, BTAC.
23 (HCO2)6] secondary building units (SBUs) and benzene-1,3,5-tribenzoate (BTB) bridging ligands is repo
24  2.5 mol %), both possessing a complementary benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide (BTA) central unit, were in
25  between two slightly structurally different benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide (BTA) monomers functionaliz
26 ation of different disc-shaped cores such as benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamides (BTAs), perylenes bisimide
27 ing structure and disorder for four columnar benzene-1,3,5-trisamides by total X-ray scattering and D
28 AB = 4-aminobenzoate), which was linked with benzene-1,4-dialdehyde using imine condensation reaction
29                    This study discloses that benzene-1,4-diboronic acid (BDBA) was effective in drivi
30 ation of a new MOF [Yb2(BDC)3(DMF)2]H2O (BDC=benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate and DMF=N,N-dimethylformamide)
31 ty (IUPAC name (E)-2-(2-quinolin-2-yl-vinyl)-benzene-1,4-diol HCl) hereafter designated Q8.
32            For the ligand 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzene-1-carboximidamide binding to the protein trypsin
33 n for the reporter ligand 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzene-1-carboximidamide.
34  of homoleptic Ta(0) complexes are known, Ta(benzene)2 and Ta(dmpe)3 , dmpe=1,2-bis(dimethylphosphano
35 he P2X antagonist pyridoxal phosphate-6-azo (benzene-2,4-disulfonic acid (PPADS) but not by the 5-HT3
36 Here we show that phenanthrene, a PAH with a benzene 3-ring structure, is the key moiety disrupting t
37 (eta(2)-PhCF3) (5) and TpMo(NO)(DMAP)(eta(2)-benzene) (3) is described.
38 es is higher for diesel BC (62-85%) than for benzene (38-71%), reflecting the difference in these pol
39 utyldibenzo[d,h][1,3,6,2]dioxazaboronin-6-yl)benzene (4), as well as the free ligand 2-[[(3,5-di-tert
40 parent absence of aromatic compounds such as benzene, a lack of sulfur-bearing species, and very low
41 res and jobs have 1 common chemical exposure-benzene, a recognized cause of acute leukemia in adults-
42 e XB acceptor, the association in deuterated benzene/acetone/methanol 70:30:1 at 283 K reaches Ka =(2
43 OO)(L)], (H3btb = 1,3,5-tris(4-carboxyphenyl)benzene acid, L = methanol, water, or ethanol), has been
44 nation if exposed to H2 at 1 atm pressure in benzene, affording the silane borane 5-H2 , L(H2 )Si-R-B
45 is allowed to stand, clean conversion to the benzene analogue 3 occurs, and this complex may be preci
46 ine and pyridazine derivatives, close to the benzene analogues and significantly higher than thiophen
47 ff reaction between 1,3,5-tris(4-aminophenyl)benzene and 1,3,5-benzenetricarbaldehyde building blocks
48     On the other hand the systems with fused benzene and a six-membered ring formed atropisomers sepa
49 e studied by photoreaction of 1 in C6F6 with benzene and another substrate (HBpin, PhSiH3, or pentafl
50  alone is often insufficient: the carbons of benzene and cyclobutadiene, or those of diamond, graphen
51 lo-polycondensations of tetrakis(bromomethyl)benzene and dipiperidines under mild conditions.
52 e, thermodynamics prevents the production of benzene and favors formation of the carbene.
53 o be photoactive, enabling the activation of benzene and formation of a new benzoyl complex.
54 pound Specific Isotope Analysis to determine benzene and monochlorobenzene (MCB) stable carbon isotop
55     Rate studies of the isotopic exchange of benzene and monosubstituted arenes with weakly activatin
56       We predict strengths of favorable urea-benzene and N-methylacetamide interactions from experime
57 to C2 (ethylene and acetylene) and aromatic (benzene and naphthalene) products, at the tested conditi
58  diarylethenes of furanone series containing benzene and oxazole derivatives as aryl residues has bee
59 ugh supramolecular chain collapse, to expose benzene and perfluorobenzene motifs that promote a hairp
60                                 Next, we use benzene and polychlorinated biphenyls as examples to ill
61                        The cycloadditions of benzene and ten different azabenzenes (pyridine, three d
62 ncer ancillary such as 2,6-diimidazolylidene benzene and the 6-pyrazolyl-2-phenoxylpyridine chromopho
63                       Complex 2 reacted with benzene and toluene to make (C5Me5)2YPh, 7, and (C5Me5)2
64                                          For benzene and toluene, a reduction in the ion-neutral coll
65 s of detection are 137 ppbv and 401 ppbv for benzene and toluene, respectively.
66  oxidized by an acridinium catalyst, such as benzene and toluene, thus supporting a reactive amine ca
67 efficiently absorb the aromatic hydrocarbons benzene and toluene.
68 , and analysis of delta(13)C for chlorinated benzenes and ethenes.
69 d included occupational and household use of benzenes and solvents, traffic density, and traffic-rela
70  mug/L (MTBE, BTEX, chlorinated ethenes, and benzenes) and 60-97 mug/L for delta(2)H (MTBE and BTEX).
71 th traffic-related environmental exposure to benzene, and additional data are needed.
72 e repair facilities may be another source of benzene, and in 3 studies assessing these sources, we id
73 stribution maps of, e.g., nitrogen monoxide, benzene, and oxygen concentrations were obtained at a ne
74 ix molecules), pi-ligands (alkenes, alkynes, benzene, and substituted benzenes), miscellaneous inorga
75 enzene at room temperature under hydrogen in benzene, and the turnover frequency (TOF) was higher tha
76 rated for regular and perdeuterated acetone, benzene, and toluene as well as toluene-(13)C7 in nitrog
77 3-butadiene (OR = 2.23; 95% CI: 1.28, 3.88), benzene, and toluene; and with IQR increases in exposure
78 ides rapid access to 1,2,3,4-tetraoxygenated benzenes, and has been exploited by application to the t
79 cal groups, that is, carbohydrates, phenols, benzenes, and lignin phenols, together accounting for 62
80  aromatic, rigid, sigma,pi-macrocyclic carbo-benzene archetypes of various substitution patterns, wit
81 tron-deficient and electron-rich substituted benzenes are successfully alkylated.
82 al types of non-aromatic references of carbo-benzenes are then considered, i.e. freely rotating sigma
83  with a substituted 1,6-cyclodecadiyne using benzene as a solvent at room temperature as well as stud
84                                 Using Kekule benzene as a suitable reference, the AIs of 30 mono- and
85 the BN core, further endorsing the inorganic benzene as a versatile aromatic scaffold for engineering
86 alcium hydride-react with protio and deutero benzene at 60 degrees C through nucleophilic substitutio
87                                Inhalation of benzene at levels below the current exposure limit value
88 hyl ketone (MEK), isobutyl alcohol (i-BuAl), benzene (B), toluene (T), p-xylene (p-X), m-xylene (m-X)
89 on timescales congruent with known rates for benzene binding.
90 Et3)4L2 superatoms that are bridged with L = benzene bis-1,4-isonitrile to form polymer strands.
91  Since the discovery of the first "inorganic benzene" (borazine, B3N3H6), the synthesis of other nonc
92 s consisting of 1,4-bis[2-(4-pyridyl)ethenyl]benzene (BPEB) and PdCl2 of variable thicknesses (0-13.4
93 lamine redox centers that are connected to a benzene bridge via alkyne spacers at para- and meta-posi
94 d in para- or in meta-positions to a central benzene bridge, we investigated three series of mixed va
95  anomalous solubility (it is only soluble in benzene but not in other common solvents).
96 the branching ratio of SO4(*-) reacting with benzene, but inversely correlated with that of HO(*) or
97 second singlet excited states (S1 and S2) of benzene (C6H6) and square cyclobutadiene (C4H4) are inve
98                                We argue that benzene can be viewed as a molecular "Dr Jekyll and Mr H
99                             Formation of the benzene cation is demonstrated in AIMD simulations of ac
100  products including the aromatic ring of the benzene cation.
101 PCDD/F precursors, involving all chlorinated benzenes (CBz) and chlorinated phenols (CPh).
102 ,6-TriCPh), but have detected no chlorinated benzenes (CBzs).
103  of the bis(imino)pyridine molybdenum eta(6)-benzene complex ((iPr)PDI)Mo(eta(6)-C6H6) ((iPr)PDI, 2,6
104 e isomers and three halogenated, substituted benzene compounds.
105  of S2O8(2-) decomposition increasing as the benzene concentration increased.
106 ees C, pH 6, and 500 mg L(-1) of the initial benzene concentration.
107            About 83% of Tehran's surface had benzene concentrations above air quality standard of 5 m
108                                              Benzene concentrations in a few bars approached the 8-h
109 tion of MeOTf to 1 results in elimination of benzene concomitant with the formation of the phosphonio
110 om the market (n=170) further confirmed that benzene content is significantly correlated to the prese
111 NPA thermolysis in 1,3-cyclohexadiene and/or benzene-d6 are consistent with a model of unimolecular f
112 eters, i.e., alkalinity, pH, and chloride on benzene degradation via heterogeneous persulfate activat
113 ed the rates of persulfate decomposition and benzene degradation, which was associated with the forma
114 etized from 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene or other benzene derivatives through dehydration and polymerizati
115                     Permeation studies using benzene derivatives whose kinetic diameters differ by le
116 unts of monoterpenes, aliphatic alcohols and benzene derivatives, were released using pectinolytic pr
117  allowing the formation of 1,2-di(heteroaryl)benzene derivatives.
118 it to identify D-Cycloserine and furan-based benzene-derived compounds with known Mur ligase inhibiti
119 decorated tetraphenylethylene and one of two benzene dicarboxylate species.
120 rdination sites were connected via a ditopic benzene-dihydroxamate linker.
121 f two passive tracers--tetramethylsilane and benzene--dissolved in an organic solution of active Grub
122 t trapping of the cationic intermediate with benzene does not proceed via a Friedel-Crafts-type react
123                                              Benzene emissions ranged between 51 +/- 4 and 60 +/- 4 k
124 talytic system for the C-H bond arylation of benzene enables the formation of biaryl compounds in the
125 th extremely low dielectric constants (e.g., benzene, epsilon of 2.27, or cyclohexane, epsilon of 2.0
126 region when this indicator was combined with benzene estimates.
127 oton transfer (SET-PT) mechanisms of 5CQA in benzene, ethanol, and water solutions.
128     The direct and single-step conversion of benzene, ethylene, and a Cu(II) oxidant to styrene using
129 butadiene; TFA is trifluoroacetate] converts benzene, ethylene, and Cu(II) acetate to styrene, Cu(I)
130 aluated the association between occupational benzene exposure and NHL among 73,087 women enrolled in
131  evidence for a positive association between benzene exposure and NHL risk.
132 emia with occupational and household product benzene exposure and traffic-related pollution.
133 a and several different potential metrics of benzene exposure.
134  benzoic acid (which is a known precursor of benzene formation).
135 MoC3 clusters, whose presence coincides with benzene formation.
136 e number of four-coordinate carbon atoms per benzene formula unit as the degree of saturation, a set
137 t with the rates of reductive elimination of benzene from a series of isoelectronic Ir(III) phenyl hy
138 ethane is lost with concomitant formation of benzene from an unstable phosphorus(V) intermediate, yie
139 so been associated with parental exposure to benzene, gasoline, motor vehicle-related jobs, painting,
140  derived from (3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-yn-1-yl)benzene give access to functionalized ring-opening alkyn
141 ight MeOH molecules and encapsulation of two benzene guests.
142 f CoCl2 with 1,3,5-tri(1H-1,2,3-triazol-5-yl)benzene (H3BTTri) in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and met
143                        Women ever exposed to benzene had a significantly higher risk of NHL [hazard r
144             Eight of nine samples containing benzene had groundwater ages >2500 years, indicating the
145  Recently, a direct arylation of unactivated benzene has been achieved in the presence of base (tBuOK
146 amended incubations confirmed that alkylated benzene hydrocarbons were metabolized via known anaerobi
147 rch on Cancer (IARC) working group evaluated benzene in 2009 and noted evidence for a positive associ
148 well as oxidize cyclohexadiene substrates to benzene in a formal H2-transfer process.
149 ble peripheral aromatic rings around central benzene in hexaarylbenzene (HAB) derivatives create a ve
150                              From these, the benzene in its solvate form acts as rotation stopper, as
151 the transient mixing dynamics of toluene and benzene in the fingerprint region (200-1500 cm(-1)) with
152 artitioning coefficients were determined for benzene in water/supercritical CO2 over the range 35-65
153 classical UV-vis electronic spectra of carbo-benzenes in solution (lambdamax = 445.5 +/- 1 nm, epsilo
154 dearomatization reagent TpW(NO)(PMe3)(eta(2)-benzene), in which the 1,3-dimethoxybenzene (DMB) analog
155 trated to be reactive with added substituted benzenes, including anisole.
156     We observed a dose-dependent increase in benzene-induced chromosomal damage and estimated a bench
157  DO mice may provide additional insight into benzene-induced genotoxicity.
158 odine](+) and [1,2-bis((pyridine-2-ylethynyl)benzene)iodine](+) BF4(-) complexes substituted with ele
159                                              Benzene is an established cause of adult leukemia, but i
160                                              Benzene is an established cause of adult leukemia, but w
161  In contrast, the electron-rich pi-system of benzene is highly resistant to reactions with electron-r
162 hilic aromatic substitution of a C-H bond of benzene is one of the archetypal transformations of orga
163 between Naph(+*)(Pyr) and Bz(+*)(Pyr) (Bz is benzene) is understood by energy decomposition analysis.
164 H, H3BTTri =1,3,5-tris(1H-1,2,3-triazol-5-yl)benzene)), is found to be highly selective in the adsorp
165 hing features from its carbonaceous isostere benzene: its ability to serve as an NH hydrogen bond don
166  iodine(III) reagent, [hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo]benzene (Koser's reagent), has been developed.
167                                 Linear alkyl benzenes (LAB) are global chemicals that are produced by
168 tered radicals has been achieved by treating benzene-linked allene-ynes with aryldiazonium tetrafluor
169 ](H2O) (L = 1,2,4,5-tetrakis(phosphonomethyl)benzene, Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd) have been synt
170  of phenol only accounted for 30%-60% of the benzene lost in the presence of O2.
171 Flash vacuum pyrolysis of 1,3-bis-iodomethyl-benzene (m-C8H8I2) produces m-C8H8 in gas phase; we used
172 s, molecular units of alpha-graphyne ('carbo-benzene' macrocycles) can be inserted between two anilin
173 ecent victories in the C....._ C cleavage of benzene made possible by a four-pronged iridium gig that
174 pies for these compounds and caffeic acid in benzene, methanol, and water were used for thermodynamic
175  (alkenes, alkynes, benzene, and substituted benzenes), miscellaneous inorganic ligands, and biologic
176 ine/3,3',5,5'-tetrachloro-1,4-bis(pyridyloxy)benzene model of HCC.
177  in saturation of a one-dimensional stack of benzene molecules by enumerating the partially saturated
178 or the irreversible desolvation of entrapped benzene molecules.
179 an convert polycrystalline or single-crystal benzene monomer into single-crystalline packings of carb
180 of terephthalaldehyde and tris(4-aminophenyl)benzene monomers on top of a poly(ether sulfone) (PES) u
181 zation of prochiral 1,3,5-tris(3-bromophenyl)benzene (mTBPB) directly on the surface using an Ullmann
182 racterization of p-dialkyl-tetraphenyl-carbo-benzenes (n = 2, 8, 14, 20) are thus presented and compa
183 n of (iii) cumene from its major impurities (benzene, n-propylbenzene, and diisopropylbenzene) highli
184 examples like molecular nitrogen and oxygen, benzene, naphthalene and their azaderivatives, porphyrin
185 ril tetramer backbone and terminal aromatic (benzene, naphthalene) sidewalls, to act as solubilizing
186 diene, indene, azulene, cycloheptatriene, or benzene, new families of porphyrin-like macrocycles were
187  urban enhancement emission ratios of TEX-to-benzene on a seasonal basis, two potential source signat
188 duced cyclization of 1,2-bis(2-phenylethynyl)benzene on Au(111) using scanning tunneling microscopy a
189 avity surface openings large enough to admit benzene on timescales congruent with known rates for ben
190 elaxometry experiments demonstrate that pure benzene or xylene confined in isoreticular metal-organic
191 hermore, the yields of two major products of benzene oxidation, i.e., phenol and aldehyde, were posit
192 e reactivity of soluble Fe(III) toward known benzene photooxidation products that include fumaric (tr
193 ature mediated by [bis(trifluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene (PIFA) and N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) using cyanam
194 es linked by eight 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)benzene pillars.
195 for two complementary PyC molecular markers, benzene polycarboxylic acids (BPCAs) and polycyclic arom
196 rsistent organic pollutants: polychlorinated benzenes, polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated dib
197 t each of the four possible positions of the benzene portion of the 3-(3',4',5'-trimethoxyanilino)ben
198 ials, here we show that by using 1,3,5 silyl benzene precursors, the connectivity of a silicon atom w
199 n product is also obtained in the absence of benzene, presumably from a tricationic intermediate.
200                                              Benzene, pyrimidine, and pyridazine derivatives exhibit
201 hrough the carbonization of hypercrosslinked benzene, pyrrole, and thiophene.
202 ric efficiency, as determined by the loss of benzene relative to the loss of persulfate, approached t
203  study introducing an Aspergillus strain for benzene removal and these results highlight that the dev
204 activity, substitutions at position 4 of the benzene ring A were associated with higher transcription
205 reas a new pathway yielding oxidation of the benzene ring after the cleavage of the piperazine ring (
206  model and an archetypal example of the para-benzene ring and are shown to be robust under a weak dis
207 5 to strengthen the interaction between this benzene ring and the agonist's quaternary ammonium (QA)
208  on the organic chemistry of an eta(2)-bound benzene ring are explored using the complex TpW(NO)(PMe3
209 arley straw adsorbent and pi* carbon atom in benzene ring attached to fluorine of levofloxacin was in
210 c transformations which include instances of benzene ring contraction to cyclopentadiene or the forma
211 ped coronene derivative in which the central benzene ring has been replaced by a borazine core is des
212 roxide might whiten HA-AAAs by oxidizing the benzene ring in AAAs.
213  chiral open-shell hydrocarbon, in which one benzene ring is fused to [5]helicene, forming a phenalen
214  Introduction of a para-nitro group into the benzene ring of the diene enabled separation of the Z,E
215 on conditions, the central and most strained benzene ring of the p-terphenyl systems was susceptible
216 ion and excited state antiaromaticity of the benzene ring should be reflected in its photochemical re
217 a deamination reaction at position C4 of the benzene ring to substitute the amino group with an hydro
218  how heteroaromatic ring substitution of the benzene ring will change the odour percept of acetopheno
219 of aryl rings in the linkages to the central benzene ring, coupled with the presence of only one meso
220 the porphyrins are arranged around a central benzene ring.
221 O)6 complex bonded to the para position of a benzene ring.
222 hat noncovalent interactions with associated benzene rings (a simple model of aromatic amino acid sid
223                                    Replacing benzene rings in arenes by thiadiazoles thereby provides
224 ndings demonstrate that directly linking the benzene rings of PIs with a single C-C bond is a viable
225 al calculations to explore how the fusion of benzene rings onto aromatic chameleonic units represente
226 rd pi-quartets or octets, enabling the outer benzene rings to adapt closed-shell singlet Clar pi-sext
227 somers with linear connectivity of the fused benzene rings to those with cis- or trans-bent connectiv
228  an even number of carbons (22, in six fused benzene rings), it is not possible to draw Kekule-style
229 irst examples of direct pi-stacking of carbo-benzene rings, with inter-ring distances very close to c
230 ally decorating functional groups on the two benzene rings.
231 rbon nanotubes that consist of n para linked benzene rings.
232 y for the detection of odorants that contain benzene rings.
233 tuted triangulene that consists of six fused benzene rings.
234 ssure were shown to have dramatic impacts on benzene's partitioning behavior.
235 markably reactive, hydroxylating methane and benzene selectively at low temperature to form methanol
236                                              Benzene showed the lowest processing factor (15%), where
237 mined to be 0.05 wt % 1,4-bis(2-methylstyryl)benzene singlet fluorophore and 0.28 wt % Ir(3+), respec
238                                       When a benzene solution of 5 is allowed to stand, clean convers
239 activity studies indicated the importance of benzene substituted as 2- or 4-methyl, or 4-fluoro, and
240 s of ATX derived by lead optimization of the benzene-sulfonamide in silico hit compound 3.
241 nsive structure-activity relationship of the benzene-sulfonamide scaffold that yielded a series of hi
242 mmon constituents of detergent (linear alkyl benzene sulphonate).
243 and 3,3',5,5'-tetrachloro-1,4-bis(pyridyloxy)benzene (TCPOBOP).
244                         One sample contained benzene that could be from a surface release associated
245 or the formation of phenol from oxidation of benzene (the *OH probe used), but a value of about 10 kJ
246                                  Relative to benzene, the phenyl radical has a substantially larger C
247  of the first pnictogen-silicon congeners of benzene, the triarsa- and the triphospha-trisilabenzene
248  The bis(arylethynyl)arenes were composed of benzene, thiophene, or thieno[3,2-b]thiophene moieties,
249 ing reaction between 4-fluoroiodobenzene and benzene through an outer sphere electron transfer pathwa
250 ar triangle (T) [L1 = 1,4-di(4-pyridylureido)benzene; tmen = N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethane-1,2-diamine]
251 ctivity toward 1,2-addition of a C-H bond of benzene to form 3.
252 position of 1,2,4,5-tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)benzene to form supramolecular heterostructures.
253 ,N-diethylaniline, naphthalene, and even [D6]benzene to yield the compounds [Re2(CO)8(mu-H)(mu-eta(1)
254          Anthropogenic activities contribute benzene, toluene, and anisole to the environment, which
255 roxies for oxygenated aromatics derived from benzene, toluene, and anisole) react at the air-water in
256 elta(2)H) of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene (BTEX), and
257 matic compounds, including the BTEX mixture (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the regioisomers of
258 tream in a production plant for detection of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the three structural
259 ative to methane were determined for hexane, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX compoun
260 atic hydrocarbon content (largely made up of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX)) was a
261  (PN) (over 5.6 nm); black carbon (BC); NO2; benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX); carbo
262 land sediments caused by the introduction of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and e
263  exposed to vehicle emissions, with combined benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) conce
264 ds emissions between PFI and GDIs, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX).
265 nd volatile organic compounds (VOCs, such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes, or BTEX), a
266                   We advanced LUR models for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, p-xylene, m-xylene, o-xy
267 um (crude oil/fuel) often involve monitoring benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX), and styr
268                       The presence of BTEXS (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes and styrene) in
269 urements of CO2, CO, NOx, black carbon (BC), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene-xylenes (BTEX), and size-
270 ganic compounds (four aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and styrene), six C2-C5 vola
271                It is further demonstrated by benzene TPD studies that the sensitivity of the REMPI-TO
272 works by auxiliary DCDPS/TCPP linkers (BTB = benzene tribenzoate, DCDPS = 4,4'-dicarboxydiphenyl sulf
273 OF consisting of Cu(II) centers connected by benzene-tricarboxylates (BTC) is prepared by thermoinduc
274 nyl-3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-1H-2-carbonyl)benzenes ulfonamide (30) exhibited a remarkable inhibiti
275 irm that benzaldehyde does indeed degrade to benzene under heating conditions, and especially in the
276 ion of the alkene and ortho cyanation of the benzene unit.
277      The AI confirms Clar's rule of disjoint benzene units in many cases, but corrects it in those ca
278 tic strategy starting from ortho-substituted benzene units to construct five-membered rings in this w
279 nvolves a change in the distance between the benzene units, which is common for azobenzene derivative
280 purposes, a comparably high contamination of benzene (up to 4.6mug/L) has been detected in cherry-fla
281 atistatin and (+)-7-deoxypancratistatin from benzene using an enantioselective, dearomative carboamin
282 ns, a sequence for the photocarbonylation of benzene using CO2 as the feedstock was constructed and d
283 a benchmark concentration limit of 0.205 ppm benzene using DO mice.
284   The synthesis of the first tin-bridged bis(benzene) vanadium and trovacene sandwich compounds and t
285  paternal exposure, in studies that assessed benzene versus all solvents, and in studies of gestation
286 icating that SO4(*-) preferentially oxidized benzene via pathways involving fewer hydroxylation steps
287                                              Benzene was always at lower concentrations than MCB, wit
288                                              Benzene was detected at low concentrations (<0.15 mug/L)
289 groundwater ages >2500 years, indicating the benzene was from subsurface sources such as natural hydr
290 s ranging from 0.64 for p-xylene to 0.70 for benzene were mainly driven by traffic-related variables
291                   Methacrylic acid and vinyl benzene were used as functional monomers.
292                              All alkyl-carbo-benzenes were also found to be highly crystalline.
293 es with a volatility equal to or lesser than benzene when employed in conjunction with TFME membranes
294 s was developed for efficient degradation of benzene, which can overcome the potential risk of leakag
295 ule published his theory of the structure of benzene, which he later reported had come to him in a da
296 luding a 2,000-fold decrease in emissions of benzene, which lowered health risks for response workers
297                Substitution of a CH group in benzene with nitrogen has a little effect on its aromati
298 tion metal-catalyzed persulfate oxidation of benzene with pure iron- and manganese-containing mineral
299          These reactions produce the n-alkyl benzenes with regeneration of the calcium hydride.
300 ctions were affected by the concentration of benzene, with rates of S2O8(2-) decomposition increasing

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