


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ectly bound and activated by the G protein G beta gamma subunit.
2 y a weak interaction with lipids without the beta gamma subunit.
3 lated to a decrease in hydrophobicity of the beta gamma subunit.
4  the rate of alpha subunit dissociation from beta gamma subunits.
5  that involves conformational changes in the beta gamma subunits.
6  but had little effect on the stimulation by beta gamma subunits.
7 sitol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) or by G protein beta gamma subunits.
8 ta 2, respectively) for lipid bilayers and G-beta gamma subunits.
9 ng facilitation by cumulatively sequestering beta gamma subunits.
10 d by the alpha q family of G proteins and by beta gamma subunits.
11 gamma S was dependent on agonist (GRP) and G beta gamma subunits.
12 o) proteins may depend on the actions of the beta gamma subunits.
13 the conformation of the alpha but not of the beta gamma subunits.
14 tified protein(s) which can substitute for G beta gamma subunits.
15 r a cell-permeable peptide that sequesters G beta gamma-subunits.
16 o GTPgammaS and block the enhancement due to beta gamma-subunits.
17 bits the mating signal by binding to its own beta(gamma) subunit.
18 ptor or directly via coexpressed G protein G(beta)gamma subunits.
19 onstructs that interfere with signaling by G(beta)gamma subunits.
20 onstituted by activated Galphai/o, but not G beta gamma, subunits.
21 ls by molecules as different as Na+ or the G[beta][gamma] subunits.
22  phosphoinositide 3-kinase is regulated by G beta gamma subunits and is particularly abundant in phag
23 ression of alpha-transducin scavenges free G(beta gamma) subunits and, furthermore, that free G(beta
24 eceptor, the G proteins including the alpha, beta, gamma subunits and the effector.
25 o aa 312 or 392 abolishes the binding of the beta/gamma subunits and dramatically increases protein e
26 es G proteins by dissociating G alpha from G beta gamma subunits, and GTP hydrolysis by G alpha subun
27 segments, achieved by keeping the transducin beta gamma subunits apart from the alpha subunit.
28                                              beta gamma-Subunits applied to the permeabilized cells r
29 east Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the G protein beta gamma subunits are essential for pheromone signalin
30 but it is not known whether the G alpha or G beta gamma subunits are responsible for modulation of Ca
31                        Our data suggest that beta gamma-subunits are components of the pathway of act
32 f AC activity attributable to interaction of beta gamma subunits at either of the two sites was block
33     While alpha-subunits are without effect, beta gamma-subunits at concentrations >10(-8 )M enhance
34 ha subunit (alpha t) of transducin (Gt) from beta gamma subunits (beta gamma t) and thus produce exce
35 i2, alpha i3, and alpha o) and six different beta gamma subunits (beta1gamma1, beta1gamma2, beta1gamm
36                       We recently identified beta gamma subunit-binding peptides that we proposed bou
37                              The G-protein G(beta)gamma subunit blockers suramin (8,8'-[carbonylbis[i
38 her these domains laterally associate with G-beta gamma subunits bound to membrane surfaces using flu
39 t simply compete for alpha interactions with beta gamma subunits, but actively promote subunit dissoc
40 YG-to-SYG mutation (i) is not activated by G beta gamma subunits, but instead shows constitutive acti
41       GIRKs are activated primarily by the G(beta)(gamma) subunits, but a paper by Peleg et al. demon
42                        Here we report that G beta gamma subunits can modulate Ca2+ channels.
43      Unlike the small GTPases Rac and Cdc42, beta gamma-subunits cannot induce secretion in the absen
44 ivity, whereas cotransfection with G-protein beta gamma subunits caused a constitutive activation tha
45                            Transfection with beta gamma subunit cDNAs did not affect dopamine stimula
46  in cells concomitantly transfected with the beta gamma subunit cDNAs than in cells not transfected w
47 l binding to GTP-Gs alpha) and the G protein beta gamma subunit complex (preferential binding to GDP-
48 a with phospholipase C-beta 1, the G protein beta gamma subunit complex, or m1 muscarinic cholinergic
49 n greatly reduced its affinity for G protein beta gamma subunits, consistent with the newly determine
50 ells has been shown to be mediated by free G(beta gamma) subunits derived from G(alpha i/o), the acti
51                                     However, beta gamma subunits do not seem to directly activate typ
52 ndicate that phosducin binding to transducin beta gamma subunits facilitates transducin translocation
53 n intracellular calcium and the release of G beta gamma subunits from heterotrimeric G proteins, play
54 activation via a pathway requiring G-protein beta gamma subunits (G beta gamma) and many of the same
55 l, IKACh, is directly activated by G protein beta gamma subunits (Gbeta gamma).
56 els are gated by direct binding of G protein beta-gamma subunits (Gbetagamma), signaling lipids, and
57 amma) available through sequestration of the beta gamma subunits (Gt beta gamma).
58 -bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2] and inclusion of G-beta gamma subunits had little affect on their membrane
59  PLC isoforms beta 2 and beta 3 by G-protein beta gamma subunits has also been reported.
60    Activation of PLC beta 3 by G alpha and G beta gamma subunits has been fairly well characterized,
61 uire (i) pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein beta gamma-subunits, (ii) a staurosporine- and genistein
62         To investigate the role of G-protein beta gamma subunits in delta-opioid signal transduction,
63 at sequestration of heterotrimeric G protein beta gamma subunits in intact cells strongly inhibits cl
64 ined the part played by endogenous G-protein beta gamma subunits in neurotransmitter-mediated inhibit
65      Similarly, injection or expression of G beta gamma subunits in sympathetic ganglion neurons indu
66 nvestigate the distribution of G alpha and G beta gamma subunits in the rat exocrine pancreas which i
67 gment that inhibited signaling by Gi protein beta gamma subunits in these cells had no effect on DOR1
68 d that delta-ENaC is co-expressed with alpha beta gamma-subunits in cultured human lung (H441 and A54
69  First, we have demonstrated that transducin beta gamma subunits interact with phosducin along their
70 Indirect activation of the type VI enzyme by beta gamma subunits is a novel mechanism contributing to
71                       The enhancement due to beta gamma-subunits is mediated largely through interact
72                                   Therefore, beta gamma subunits liberated after activation of inhibi
73 channel-PIP2 interactions, suggesting that G[beta][gamma] subunits may gate the channel through PIP2.
74 or-kappa B (NF-kappa B) by a PTX-sensitive G beta gamma subunit-mediated pathway.
75 nhibitors of nucleotide release, such as the beta gamma subunit of a heterotrimeric G protein, bind s
76 c receptor kinases that are regulated by the beta gamma subunit of G proteins with that found in aqua
77 Ins3P 4-K can be regulated negatively by the beta gamma subunit of heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein
78                                          The beta gamma subunits of both G proteins activate PLC-beta
79          Similarly, the presence of purified beta gamma subunits of G proteins did not alter the memb
80 nsidered to be the putative scavenger of the beta gamma subunits of G proteins, suppressed the stimul
81 -specific protein known to interact with the beta gamma subunits of G proteins.
82 pleckstrin homology (PH) domain [PtdIns(3)P, beta gamma subunits of G proteins] and the COOH-terminal
83 in with its G protein (Gt) by binding to the beta gamma subunits of Gt and preventing their associati
84 roteins are activated either by G alpha or G beta gamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins.
85 entify the region on ACI that interacts with beta gamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins.
86 to membranes containing phosphoinositides or beta gamma subunits of heterotrimeric GTP binding (G) pr
87 and other factors: agonist-stimulated GPCRs, beta gamma subunits of heterotrimeric GTP-binding protei
88 t it cannot be replaced by G alpha(i) or the beta gamma subunits of the heterotrimeric G proteins.
89                                          The beta gamma-subunit of Gi mediates mitogen-activated prot
90 gate of the K(+) channels controlled by the (beta)gamma subunits of G proteins at the pore-lining bun
91  sequences involved in interactions with the beta-gamma subunits of G proteins, we prepared a number
92 hydrolysis for gating by sodium ions or the [beta][gamma] subunits of G proteins.
93 es showed that G[beta][gamma] subunits (the [beta][gamma] subunits of GTP-binding proteins) caused a
94 ated activation involves direct effects of G(beta)gamma subunits on GIRK channels, but mechanisms inv
95 egg activation since inhibition of G protein beta gamma subunits partially inhibits sperm-induced cel
96                 We next investigated whether beta gamma subunits play a role in the sensitization of
97 amma) subunits and, furthermore, that free G(beta gamma) subunits play a role in opioid-mediated PLC
98 isoforms and regulators, G-protein alpha-and beta,gamma-subunits, protein kinase A subtypes and the p
99                                            G(beta)gamma subunits selectively mediated IGF-I-dependent
100  channel-PIP2 sites that are stabilized by G[beta][gamma] subunits shared with those that are affecte
101 es that we proposed bound to a "hot spot" on beta gamma subunits, stimulating G protein dissociation
102 eotide-dependent engagement of the alpha and beta gamma subunits that regulates their interaction wit
103 estingly, Huang and colleagues showed that G[beta][gamma] subunits (the [beta][gamma] subunits of GTP
104 not sufficient for inhibition of activity by beta gamma subunits, the presence of both of these regio
105 reatment does not interfere with delivery of beta gamma subunits to detergent-insoluble domains, sugg
106                 We applied G protein-derived beta gamma-subunits to permeabilized mast cells to test
107 kout animals the translocation of transducin beta gamma subunits was affected to a larger degree than
108 r, when recombinant hPTH1R, G alpha(s)-, and beta gamma-subunits were reconstituted in phospholipid v
109             PLC beta 2 can be activated by G beta gamma subunits, whereas PLC delta 1 can be activate
110 ivity, we co-expressed rat ENaC cRNA (alpha, beta, gamma subunits) with syntaxin 1A or 3 cRNAs in Xen

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