


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rodimer by various isoforms of its alpha and beta subunit.
2  membrane by virtue of the membrane-embedded beta subunit.
3 y increasing coupling between the BH and the beta subunit.
4 cond highly conserved His residue within the beta subunit.
5 e opening, with conformational change in the beta-subunit.
6 ," passing between parts of the preassembled beta-subunit.
7 l stabilization effect of the GTP cap in the beta-subunit.
8 bunit roles was necessary for folding of the beta-subunit.
9 to transfer PEB to the host phycobiliprotein beta-subunit.
10 es, partly based on the metal content of the beta-subunit.
11 alpha-subunit to serve as a chaperone to the beta-subunit.
12 ERA1), that encodes the farnesyl transferase beta-subunit.
13 orce takes when applied through the integrin beta-subunit.
14 pha1A subunit with auxiliary alpha2delta and beta subunits.
15 ransmembrane receptors composed of alpha and beta subunits.
16 d upon depletion of other integrin alpha and beta subunits.
17 nsist of different combinations of alpha and beta subunits.
18 in are heterotrimeric complexes of alpha and beta subunits.
19 scription factor TFIIE consists of alpha and beta subunits.
20 ns of the different domains of the alpha and beta subunits.
21 channels containing intracellular regulatory beta subunits.
22 nels are highly dependent on associated KCNE-beta subunits.
23  ion-conducting alpha subunit and associated beta subunits.
24  receptors consisting of different alpha and beta subunits.
25 lyRs are likely to be composed of alpha2 and beta subunits.
26 ated by RNF138 and auxiliary alpha2delta and beta subunits.
27 l surface as pentamers composed of alpha and beta subunits.
28 ors (GlyRs) composed primarily of alpha1 and beta subunits.
29 (sGC) is a heterodimer composed of alpha and beta subunits.
30  an Actinobacteria-unique insert of the RNAP beta' subunit.
31 pecifically to the coiled-coil region of the beta' subunit.
32       The ETF is a heterodimer of alpha- and beta-subunits.
33 cate to the interface between the alpha- and beta-subunits.
34 ore RNAP that is mediated by the beta and/or beta' subunits.
35 o our knowledge, GNB3 encoding the G-protein beta subunit 3 (Gbeta3) has not previously been implicat
36 erase reporter construct containing the AChR beta-subunit 3'UTR, caused an increase in luciferase act
37                   GNB5 encodes the G protein beta subunit 5 and is involved in inhibitory G protein s
38 subunit) to the NDP-binding site (within the beta subunit), a distance of 51 A has to be bridged.
39 on heat exposure postautocatalysis, Psd1(ts) beta subunits accumulate in protein aggregates that are
40 ionic/quinonoid intermediate analogue in the beta-subunit active site of the PLP-requiring enzyme try
41 (Hb) tetramer dissociates into the alpha and beta subunits (alpha- and beta-Hb), which are then separ
42 g a carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) in the beta-subunit (AMPKbeta) capable of attaching AMPK to gly
43                                    Ancestral beta-subunit (Anbu) is homologous to HslV and 20S protea
44 eptors composed of one alpha subunit and one beta subunit and are involved in cellular growth, differ
45 ese activities are strictly dependent on the beta subunit and the promoter sequence.
46 ed in Escherichia coli in the absence of the beta subunit and the protein displayed F-actin capping a
47 examining both the iron loading into the RNR beta subunit and the RNR catalytic activity in yeast mut
48 al spectrin cytoskeletons consist of diverse beta subunits and alphaII spectrin.
49 e heteromeric proteins built up by alpha and beta subunits and are further divided into different sub
50 pha) form dimers with their stably expressed beta subunits and control the transcription of downstrea
51 a2 was homogenously distributed, and the two beta subunits and gamma2 showed faint immunostaining.
52 remental shifts in BK gating produced by 1-4 beta-subunits and adds a new layer of complexity to the
53 ation of KCNQ1 with different accessory KCNE beta-subunits and different modulators, but also seems l
54 th other binding partners, such as alpha and beta subunits, and further assemble into pentameric rece
55 oes an endoproteolytic cleavage into a large beta-subunit, and a smaller alpha-subunit, which harbors
56 ce that lack all four specialized proteasome beta-subunits, and therefore express only constitutive p
57 t Gbetagamma subunit inhibitors (GRK2i and a beta-subunit antibody) abolished Kv7 channel currents in
58  coassembly of these alpha subunits with the beta subunit appears to occur to a lesser extent than in
59                  In contrast, recombinant F1 beta-subunit applied exogenously to the purified c-subun
60          Voltage-gated calcium channel (Cav) beta subunits are auxiliary subunits to Cavs.
61              Mutations in the genes encoding beta subunits are linked to a number of diseases, includ
62                         In addition, certain beta subunits are targeted into the nucleus, where they
63 potassium (BK) channels and their modulatory beta-subunits are able to dampen or stop excitatory stim
64                                         Four beta-subunits are encoded by four different genes with m
65                                   Regulatory beta-subunits are one of the mechanisms responsible for
66 ubunit to the GAFa domains of the alpha- and beta-subunits are revealed, providing insight into the r
67 he ligand-binding pocket, and the alpha- and beta-subunits are well separated with their cytoplasmic
68 lity genes, including the KCNE2 K(+) channel beta subunit, are expressed in multiple tissues, suggest
69 GluClR assemblies having three alpha and two beta subunits arranged in a counterclockwise beta-alpha-
70 or HIF2alpha, and a constitutively expressed beta subunit, aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear transloc
71                                         KCNE beta-subunits assemble with and modulate the properties
72                                         KCNE beta-subunits assemble with and modulate the properties
73                                   KCNE1 (E1) beta-subunits assemble with KCNQ1 (Q1) voltage-gated K(+
74 r an iron-containing hemoprotein (SiRHP, the beta subunit), assemble to make a holoenzyme of about 80
75 CNE4, a voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel beta subunit associated with human atrial fibrillation,
76                                          The beta-subunit associates with the alpha1 pore-forming sub
77 CP1 complex binds oligonucleotides with TCP1-beta subunit being a nuclear PS-body component and sugge
78  biophysical properties of the skeletal DHPR beta subunit beta1a Removal of the intrinsically disorde
79 th a sequence analysis showing that the AP-2 beta subunit (beta2) of higher fungi lacks a clathrin-bi
80 led that two cytoplasmic Cys residues in the beta subunit, betaCys-43 and betaCys-557, are Cys-palmit
81 rmed by the alpha-subunit beta-propeller and beta-subunit betaI domains.
82 ide the alpha3beta3 headpiece and causes the beta subunits' binding sites to cycle between states of
83 ugh NMR and bioforce-probe analyses that the beta-subunit binds pMHC using Vbeta complementarity-dete
84 hin the hydrophobic core of individual cross-beta subunits but has a clear effect on the motions at t
85 ity maps indicative of Asp(E11) formation in beta subunits but not in alpha subunits.
86  facilitates formation of the human lutropin beta-subunit by two mechanisms.
87     Tissue-specific expression of accessory (beta) subunits causes these channels to generate current
88 roteins bind to voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel beta subunit (Cavbeta) subunits in vitro, but the necess
89                            Expression of the beta-subunit (CaVbeta) is required for normal function o
90 ked to a compromised expression of the IL-2R beta subunit (CD122) by old CD8+ T cells.
91                                     The TCP1-beta subunit co-localizes with PS-ASOs in distinct nucle
92       Here we show that disruption of the BH-beta subunit contacts by amino-acid substitutions invari
93 recordings, indicates that heteromeric alpha/beta subunit-containing receptors underlie both synaptic
94 nsmembrane receptors consisting of alpha and beta subunits; crucial integrins in the kidney collectin
95     The colony-stimulating factor 2 receptor beta subunit (Csf2rb), which codes for a receptor implic
96 sed by activation and thiol deprotonation of beta-subunit cysteines.
97 e alpha-subunit potentiates formation of the beta-subunit cystine knot, and second, contacts between
98 ive selection express specialized proteasome beta-subunits different from those expressed by all othe
99                                          The beta subunit differentially regulates maturation, traffi
100 d, and enabled identification of a "missing" beta' subunit domain.
101 hibitor of apoptosis) or COP (COPI coatomer, beta subunit) dsRNA silenced their target genes and caus
102                          The 5 human (h)KCNE beta subunits each regulate various cation channels and
103 cation and characterization of ETF alpha and beta subunit encoding genes (ETFA and ETFB) and ETFDH en
104 anched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase E1 beta-subunit-encoding gene (NaBCKDE1B) in the trichomes
105 line deletion of the KCNE2 potassium channel beta subunit exhibited NAFLD as early as postnatal day 7
106  of the interaction of this segment with the beta subunit explain the necessity for a second highly c
107 subunit loop 2 and a hydrophobic tail in the beta-subunit facilitate formation of the seatbelt latch
108 ted Na(+) channel complex) that includes the beta subunit family.
109 te (the VGSC complex) that includes the VGSC beta subunit family.
110 w mechanism for membrane anchoring among the beta-subunit family that also sustains slowed inactivati
111  of the complex, Fas2, when its partner, the beta-subunit Fas1, is absent.
112 ata are consistent with a model in which the beta subunit fine tunes RNAP elongation activities by al
113 ltaneously to facilitate the assembly of the beta subunits for forming immunoproteasomes.
114  In all CPs characterized to date, alpha and beta subunits form the active heterodimer.
115                             In the class I-c beta subunit from Chlamydia trachomatis, a heterodinucle
116      Numerous pairings of class II alpha and beta subunits from the wide range of haplotypes and isot
117 f which are heterodimers specified by unique beta subunits (FSHbeta/LHbeta).
118 s and regulates follicle-stimulating hormone beta-subunit (FSHbeta) gene expression in pituitary gona
119                                              beta subunits function in VGSC and potassium channel mod
120               Here, we report that G protein beta subunits (Gbeta) bind to DDB1 and that Gbeta2 targe
121                                The G protein beta subunit Gbeta5 uniquely forms heterodimers with R7
122 e knocked out the mitochondrial ATP synthase beta subunit gene in the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmo
123                        Parasites lacking the beta subunit gene of the ATP synthase generated viable g
124                        Ookinetes lacking the beta subunit gene of the ATP synthase had normal motilit
125                            Disruption of the beta subunit gene of the ATP synthase only marginally re
126 ostsynapses via a tight interaction of their beta subunits (GlyRbeta) with the scaffolding protein ge
127          The stoichiometry between alpha and beta-subunits has been controversial with studies report
128 dentify the transmembrane (TM) protein Sec61 beta-subunit homologue 2 (Sbh2) as a Doa10 substrate.
129                            The IL-2 receptor beta subunit (IL-2Rbeta) serves in this capacity and is
130 tabilized by interactions with the two other beta subunits in the completely closed state.
131 s regulate the hormone-specific gonadotropin beta subunits in vivo, we deleted Dicer in gonadotropes
132 ivation of STAT3 regulates the expression of beta subunits, in particular PSMB5, and the catalytic ac
133  effects are influenced by the type of alpha/beta subunits incorporated into the functional receptor.
134 f-chaperone refolding mechanism, whereby the beta-subunits independently refold, thereby templating t
135  are implicated in interaction with the core beta subunit, indicating that ComW may act to facilitate
136       To investigate the mechanisms by which beta-subunits influence Nav channel function, we solved
137                         Co-expression of its beta subunit inhibits misfolding and thus allows secreti
138 imulations, we show that the nucleotide-free beta subunit, initially in the open, low-affinity state,
139 ment of Nun interacts with the RNAP beta and beta' subunits inside the RNAP active site cleft as well
140 show no significant opening of the ATP-bound beta subunit; instead, we observe that mechanical energy
141 btained from molecular modeling of the alpha-beta subunit interface and suggests that in alpha3betaGl
142                               It targets the beta subunit interface involved in the tubulin longitudi
143 he photooxidation of FnY356 within the alpha/beta subunit interface occurs within the Marcus inverted
144  binding sites and at the noncanonical delta-beta subunit interface.
145 ne domain with high affinity to the gamma(+)-beta(-) subunit interface site with negative energetic c
146  that its binding site may be at the alpha + beta- subunit interface.
147 B3(D120N, E180G, Y302C) mutations located at beta+ subunit interfaces reduced whole cell currents by
148 GABRB3(N110D) and GABRB1(F246S) mutations at beta- subunit interfaces produced minor changes in whole
149 acellular protease treatment, which suggests beta subunit involvement.
150 31 of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) beta subunit is a part of RNA binding domain in transcri
151                       In subclass Ib RNR the beta-subunit is denoted NrdF, and harbors a manganese-ty
152             In human choriogonadotropin, the beta-subunit is folded before the subunits dock, and the
153        Here, we show that the human lutropin beta-subunit is not folded completely prior to its inter
154 p (SC), also known as the DNA polymerase III beta subunit, is an emerging antibacterial target that p
155              Meprin A, composed of alpha and beta subunits, is a membrane-bound metalloproteinase in
156 s in the KCNE2-encoded voltage-gated channel beta-subunit, is limited.
157 ha2, or alpha3) associated with an auxiliary beta-subunit isoform (beta1 or beta2).
158 and (75)Cys, a unique feature among the four beta-subunit isoforms.
159 fold, recruiting both vFLIP and the IKKalpha/beta subunits, it has been proposed that binding of vFLI
160  Kv4.2 and Kv4.3; co-expression of cytosolic beta subunit KChIP2, which regulates Kv4 channels in car
161 Kv4.2 and Kv4.3, together with the accessory beta-subunit KChIP2.
162                                Kv7.1 and the beta-subunit KCNE1 form the cardiac IKs channel that is
163 d potassium channel that is modulated by the beta-subunit KCNE1 to generate IKs, the slow delayed rec
164                           Assembled with the beta-subunit KCNE1, Kv7.1 conducts the slowly activating
165 ic voltage-gated ion channel, KCNQ1, and its beta-subunit, KCNE1.
166   We crossed the self-infertile ATP synthase beta subunit knockout parasites with a male-deficient, s
167 f the voltage-gated potassium (K(+)) channel beta-subunit (Kvbeta) Hyperkinetic (Hk).
168 ripheral glia results in accumulation of the beta subunit (LanB1), leading to distended endoplasmic r
169 ically associates with channel proteins in a beta-subunit-like fashion.
170 ork will help to form a model reflecting the beta-subunit location in a Nav channel complex.
171                                          The beta subunits mainly gather in the insect betanu group e
172  in the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of AChR beta-subunit mRNA.
173 As, predicted in silico to bind gonadotropin beta subunit mRNAs, were suppressed in purified gonadotr
174 st-transcriptional events in regulating AChR beta-subunit mRNAs and point toward a central role for H
175  causes an increase in the stability of AChR beta-subunit mRNAs in denervated muscle.
176 -transcriptional events indeed regulate AChR beta-subunit mRNAs in response to denervation.
177 y assays revealed that the half-life of AChR beta-subunit mRNAs was increased in the presence of dene
178 hosphorylation by ULK1 was dependent on AMPK beta-subunit myristoylation, metabolic stress associated
179 f a catalytic alpha-subunit and a regulatory beta-subunit (Na,K-beta) that also functions as a motili
180           In addition, mutations in the RNAP beta' subunit near the upstream end of the transcription
181 f-function mutation in atp1b1a, encoding the beta subunit of a Na,K-ATPase pump, causes edema and epi
182 gm, the signal peptide of ruminant CD18, the beta subunit of beta2 integrins, is not cleaved and henc
183 opment of VTA afferent connections using the beta subunit of cholera toxin (Ctbeta) as a retrograde a
184 ions by means of retrograde transport of the beta subunit of cholera toxin.
185 tilocus sequence analysis of gyrase B of the beta subunit of DNA topoisomerase (gyrB), and 16S rRNA a
186 cl-xL), leading to its dissociation from the beta subunit of F1Fo-ATP synthase.
187                             GNB3 encodes the beta subunit of G protein heterotrimer (Galphabetagamma)
188                            The non-catalytic beta subunit of glucosidase II (GIIbeta) is encoded by P
189   Hepatocystin functions as the noncatalytic beta subunit of Glucosidase II, an endoplasmic reticulum
190 t serve as a structural subunit, much like a beta subunit of heteromeric nAChRs, providing only compl
191  CYP11A1, PTGS2, EREG, and the intracellular beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCGbeta) a
192 3)(-) regulatory T cells in vitro, such that beta subunit of IL-27 (Ebi)(-/-) (ie, IL-27-incompetent)
193 on encoding the rifampin binding site on the beta subunit of RNA polymerase (rpoB).
194 lar function for Sequence Insertion 1 in the beta subunit of RNA polymerase and significantly advance
195 h encodes the canonical rifampin target, the beta subunit of RNA polymerase.
196  for understanding how a mutation within the beta subunit of RNAP (G1249D), which is far removed from
197 urification strategy, we have identified the beta subunit of the AP-3 adapter protein complex, AP3B1,
198                       These genes encode the beta subunit of the G-protein complex (STE4), the pherom
199  consequence of the activation of the common beta subunit of the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimul
200                     GNB5 encodes an atypical beta subunit of the heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins
201                               It encodes the beta subunit of the non-classical major histocompatibili
202 ro] and c.559G>T [p.Asp187Tyr]) encoding the beta subunit of transcription factor IIE (TFIIEbeta).
203  Hb Toms River (gamma67(E11)Val --> Met) and beta subunits of adult Hb (HbA) Bristol-Alesha (beta67(E
204 solved, it is clear that both the alpha1 and beta subunits of DHPR are essential for this process.
205                 GNPTAB encodes the alpha and beta subunits of GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase, and mutati
206 two putative alpha subunits and two putative beta subunits of Rab-GGTs have been annotated in the Ara
207 cleotide reduction (NrdE and NrdF, alpha and beta subunits of RNR; NrdH and TrxR, a glutaredoxin-like
208 decreased the mRNA and protein levels of the beta subunits of the 20 S core complex in DU145 cells.
209                       Although the alpha and beta subunits of the GPCRs are the first intracellular m
210 the mechanisms involved in the regulation of beta subunits of the mammalian proteasome.
211 t with protein kinase CK2: (a) the alpha and beta subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors w
212                                          The beta subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels regulate
213 ains of topoisomerase I (TopoI-CTDs) and the beta' subunit of RNA polymerase of M. smegmatis in the a
214  genome encodes distant homologs of beta and beta' subunits of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP).
215 neously interact with the catalytic beta and beta' subunits of the bacterial RNAp and inhibits transc
216                    The identification of the beta-subunit of archaeal TFE enabled us to reconstruct t
217                                          The beta-subunit of core binding factor (CBFbeta), that hete
218 ecific methyltransferase that methylates the beta-subunit of electron transfer flavoprotein (ETFbeta)
219  the specific binding of the antibody to the beta-subunit of Fsh to block its action.
220  involving a positively charged patch on the beta-subunit of MoFeP.
221 mice, rd1-Thy1, that carry a mutation in the beta-subunit of phosphodiesterase 6 and a fluorescent pr
222                Five copies of nrdB, encoding beta-subunit of ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), a critic
223                      The Cngb1 locus-encoded beta-subunit of rod cGMP-gated cation channel and associ
224      X-ray crystal structures of the unusual beta-subunit of the acyl-CoA carboxylase (YCC) responsib
225 r HEY2, which uncovered KCNIP2, encoding the beta-subunit of the channel underlying the transient out
226                           As shown here, the beta-subunit of the electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF)
227 s between the reduced dehydrogenases and the beta-subunit of the ETF by trimethylation of lysine resi
228 ligonucleotide-mediated exon skipping of the beta-subunit of the high-affinity IgE receptor (Fcepsilo
229 based purification scheme, we identified the beta-subunit of the mitochondrially localized electron t
230       A polyclonal antibody that targets the beta-subunit of the pituitary hormone follicle-stimulati
231 urce of latent catalytic potential using the beta-subunit of tryptophan synthase from Pyrococcus furi
232                               The alpha- and beta-subunits of ATP synthase, AtpA and AtpD, are transl
233 cross-links between Psb28 and the alpha- and beta-subunits of cytochrome b559, an essential component
234 alpha-subunit (Cga) and the hormone-specific beta-subunits of gonadotropin.
235 that HCV interacted with both the alpha- and beta-subunits of the mitochondrial trifunctional protein
236 tations locating to the essential alpha- and beta-subunits of tryptophan synthase.
237 dy explored the impact of the CK2 regulatory beta-subunit on platelet biogenesis and activation.
238          The trace activity of the wild-type beta-subunit on this substrate was enhanced more than 10
239 unit palmitoylation has a dominant role over beta subunit palmitoylation in modulating ENaC gating.
240 unit palmitoylation had a dominant role over beta subunit palmitoylation in regulating ENaC.
241 Cs 1, 2, and 14 still activated ENaC lacking beta subunit palmitoylation sites.
242                                              beta subunit palmitoylation was increased by ENaC co-exp
243 to modulating sodium and potassium currents, beta subunits play nonconducting roles as cell adhesion
244                                              beta-Subunit point mutations as a common feature of acqu
245 x active Y's, a stable Y radical (Y.) in the beta subunit (position 122 in E. coli), and three transi
246 gy profiles, we find that the isolated empty beta subunit preferentially adopts the half-open conform
247 snorkeling' lysine at the TM/CT interface of beta subunits, previously proposed to regulate alphaIIbb
248 lted in profound suppression of gonadotropin-beta subunit proteins and, consequently, the heterodimer
249 tically active mutants of the 20S proteasome beta-subunit, reminiscent of PSMB5 mutations identified
250             These genes encode the alpha and beta subunits, respectively, of the ion channel conducti
251 tion in 241, which encodes an RNA polymerase beta subunit, revealed that without this subunit, no oth
252 opsis Rab-GGT alpha subunits RGTA1/RGTA2 and beta subunits RGTB1/RGTB2, but only RGTA1.RGTB1 and RGTA
253                     Defected SCS ADP-forming beta subunit (SCS A-beta) is linked to lethal infantile
254           Co-expressing KCNQ1 with the KCNE2 beta-subunit shows that both KCNQ1 mutants increase curr
255          Voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) beta subunits signal through multiple pathways on multip
256                 The mechanism by which KCNE1-beta subunits slow the kinetics of KCNQ1 channels is a m
257                                Although VGSC beta subunit-specific drugs have not yet been developed,
258  chromophores to Cys-155 of phycobiliprotein beta-subunits, suggesting that PhiCpeT may also help ass
259 alpha1(-26') and reciprocal mutations in the beta subunit suggests that this subunit remains relative
260 ially forms encounter complexes on the MoFeP beta-subunit surface en route to the ATP-activated, ET-c
261            Crystal structures showed how the beta-subunit surrounds a part of the alpha-subunit, and
262 s the protein into a large membrane-anchored beta subunit that noncovalently associates with the smal
263 e have termed mod2B, composed of homodimeric beta subunits that contain amino acid sequences from the
264 tif that separates the enzyme into alpha and beta subunits that remain non-covalently attached and ar
265 ng of an alpha-subunit and a ligand-specific beta-subunit that confers their unique biological activi
266 otential targets for regulation by auxiliary beta-subunits that are expressed together with the alpha
267 its, an identical alpha-subunit and a unique beta-subunit, that form noncovalent heterodimers.
268  the alpha subunit containing the BC and the beta subunit the CT and BCCP domains, and it is believed
269                                   Unlike the beta subunit, the CP alpha subunit of the apicomplexan p
270 e-TCR alpha (pTalpha) subunit and a variable beta subunit, the latter of which is incorporated into t
271  receptors (nAChRs) assembled from alpha and beta subunits, the alpha9alpha10 receptor is an atypical
272 d in a groove between the integrin alpha and beta-subunits; the basic Lys or Arg side chain hydrogen
273 ia transmission of movement of the auxiliary beta subunit through intermediate filament proteins.
274 y-Asp binds the integrin betaA domain of the beta-subunit through a divalent cation at the metal ion-
275 e actin flow with their cytoskeleton-binding beta-subunits tilted by applied force.
276 s to their cellular destination requires the beta subunit TMEM30A proteins.
277               These subunits assemble with a beta subunit to form a subtype of GABA(A) receptor invol
278 he individual contributions of the alpha and beta subunits to the fundamental process of ATP synthesi
279 ted potassium channels coassemble with KCNE1 beta-subunits to generate the IKs current, an important
280 chemical energy (ATP hydrolysis in the alpha/beta-subunits) to mechanical energy and torque (rotation
281    Importantly, HuR binds to endogenous AChR beta-subunit transcripts in cultured myotubes and in viv
282 ding to an increase in the stability of AChR beta-subunit transcripts.
283  set of mutations of the tryptophan synthase beta-subunit (TrpB) from Pyrococcus furiosus, which mimi
284    We found that thyroid-stimulating hormone beta subunit (tshb) and type 2 deiodinase (dio2) are coe
285  is a heteropentamer consisting of alpha and beta subunit types, with yet unknown subunit stoichiomet
286 C1 sequesters precursors of immunoproteasome beta subunits via PRAS40.
287        The EGF-induced concerted increase of beta subunits was blocked by inhibition of the EGF recep
288 various HLA-class II isotype-mixed alpha and beta subunits was dependent on the groove binding sectio
289                     A wide array of integrin beta subunits was detected in betaTC3 and NIT-1 insulino
290 quired only when the hydrophobic tail of the beta-subunit was present.
291 leven integrins including six alpha and five beta subunits were cloned and characterized from silkwor
292                                     Although beta subunits were originally termed auxiliary, we now k
293 of the gamma-subunit, but not the alpha- and beta-subunits, were decreased by injury, an event associ
294 present in luteinizing hormone, and a unique beta subunit, which is transcriptionally regulated by go
295  the hydrophobic interface between the cross-beta subunits, which has been previously found to be wat
296  the hydrophobic interface between the cross-beta subunits, which is defined by Met-35 contacts.
297 on of class I ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) beta subunits, which self-assemble dimetal cofactors wit
298 ur KCNQ1 alpha-subunits and up to four KCNE1 beta-subunits, which are thought to reside within extern
299 oupling the extreme conformational states of beta subunits within the alpha3beta3 hexamer and therefo
300 chanism limits the association of up to four beta-subunits within the IKs complex.

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