


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 creased the proportion of chitin attached to beta(1-6)glucan.
2 ry chitin chains from chitin synthase III to beta(1-6)glucan.
3 and in the lateral wall, attached in part to beta(1-6)glucan.
4 the remainder attached to beta(1-3)glucan or beta(1-6)glucan.
5 nase activity was induced in the presence of beta-1,6-glucans.
6 ly implicated in cross-linking beta-1,3- and beta-1,6-glucans.
7 ailable acceptor sites for the attachment of beta-1,6-glucans.
8 eotypic receptors proliferate in response to beta-(1,6)-glucan.
9  20% chitosan, 5% beta-(1,3)-glucan, and 70% beta-(1,6)-glucan.
10 ecific interaction between the collectin and beta(1-->6)-glucan.
11 ressing stereotypic BCRs highly specific for beta-(1,6)-glucan, a major antigenic determinant of yeas
12            The former was mostly attached to beta(1-6)glucan and the latter to beta(1-3)glucan.
13 r by a decline in beta-1,3-glucan-associated beta-1, 6-glucans and, within several generations, a fiv
14 n provides a characteristic "fingerprint" of beta-1,6-glucan and the fine structure of the oligosacch
15 ysaccharide constituents being alpha-mannan, beta-1,6 glucan, and beta-1,3 glucan.
16        Together, these studies indicate that beta-1,6 glucans are present in the P. carinii cell wall
17                                              beta-(1,6)-glucan binding depended on both the stereotyp
18 E6 and KRE1, two other genes involved in the beta-1,6-glucan biosynthetic pathway, disappear in the a
19 ich are large molecules composed of a linear beta-(1,6)-glucan chains with beta-(1,3)-glucosyl side c
20 wth phenotype and 75% reduction in cell wall beta-1,6-glucan, characteristic of the cwh41Deltakre1Del
21 onents of the cell wall, beta(1-->3)-glucan, beta(1-->6)-glucan, chitin, and mannoprotein are linked
22 otein incorporation, whereas the beta(1-->3)-beta(1-->6)glucan complex was synthesized at almost norm
23 t the cell cortex, the area where the chitin-beta(1-6)glucan complex is found, was greatly enhanced a
24  Finally, SP-D showed reduced binding to the beta(1-->6)-glucan-deficient kre6 yeast mutant.
25                        In addition, isolated beta-1,6 glucan fractions from Pneumocystis elicited vig
26  particular those reacting with beta-1,3 and beta-1,6 glucan (GG).
27  kre6Deltaskn1Delta contained less cell wall beta-1,6-glucan, grew slowly with an aberrant morphology
28                                          The beta(1-->6)-glucan has some beta(1-->3)-linked branches,
29 a gene involved in the assembly of cell wall beta-1,6-glucan, has recently been shown to be the struc
30 d that cross-reactive proteins are linked by beta 1,6-glucan in the cell wall of each non-albicans Ca
31 ge of chitin to beta(1-3)glucose branches of beta(1-6)glucan in the cell wall of budding yeast.
32       Accordingly, we sought to characterize beta-1,6 glucans in the cell wall of Pneumocystis and to
33 mline configuration reduced the affinity for beta-(1,6)-glucan, indicating that these BCRs are indeed
34 ogether, these observations demonstrate that beta(1-->6)-glucan is an important fungal ligand for SP-
35                 Finally, the reducing end of beta(1-->6)-glucan is connected to the nonreducing termi
36                      In the yeast cell wall, beta(1-->6)glucan is linked to both beta(1-->3)glucan an
37 s-links, we have found that chitin linked to beta(1-6)glucan is diminished in mutants of the CRH1 or
38                           The polysaccharide beta-1,6-glucan is a major component of the cell wall of
39  I (Cwh41p) in the biosynthesis of cell wall beta-1,6-glucan is indirect and that dolichol-P-glucose
40 ngs on the linkage between mannoproteins and beta(1-->6)-glucan, it is concluded that the latter poly
41 er of addition in vivo is beta(1-->3)glucan, beta(1-->6)glucan, mannoprotein.
42 es and motifs consistent with linkage to the beta-1, 6-glucan of C. albicans cell walls have provided
43  other organisms support important roles for beta-1,6 glucans, predominantly in mediating host cellul
44 rma harzianum is utilized to release all the beta-1,6-glucan present in the wall.
45 ne receptor protein than cyclic beta-(1-->3),beta-(1-->6)-glucans produced by wild-type B. japonicum.
46 atographic pattern of endoglucanase digested beta-1,6-glucan provides a characteristic "fingerprint"
47    It contains wild-type levels of cell wall beta-1,6-glucan, shows moderate underglycosylation of N-
48 ion of a functional P. carinii kre6 (Pckre6) beta-1,6 glucan synthase in Pneumocystis that, when expr
49                         Recently synthesized beta-1,6 glucan synthase inhibitors decreased the abilit
50 a new gene (ndvC) involved in beta-(1--> 3), beta-(1-->6)-glucan synthesis and in nodule development.
51 ate that KRE5, KRE6 and SKN1 are involved in beta-1,6-glucan synthesis, maintenance of cell wall inte
52 KRE family, which are putatively involved in beta-1,6-glucan synthesis.
53 out 100 kDa in apparent size, is attached to beta(1-->6)-glucan through a remnant of a glycosylphosph
54 on of label into cell wall mannoproteins and beta(1-->6)glucan was observed.
55 direct role of Cwh41p in the biosynthesis of beta-1,6-glucan, we constructed a double mutant, alg5Del
56                 The most abundant polymer is beta-(1,6)-glucans, which are large molecules composed o
57 roteins act by transferring chitin chains to beta(1-6)glucan, with a newly observed high activity in

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