


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              beta-TrCP and SKP2 are two well-studied F-box proteins,
2                                              beta-TrCP binds to IkappaBalpha only when the latter is
3                                              beta-TrCP F-box protein mediates ubiquitination of phosp
4                                              beta-TrCP function is essential for the induction of nuc
5                                              beta-TrCP thus plays a critical role in both canonical a
6                                              beta-TrCP ubiquitinates EZH2 and Jak2-mediated phosphory
7                                              beta-TrCP ubiquitinates LPCAT1 at an acceptor site (Lys(
8                                              beta-TrCP, the substrate recognition subunit of SCF-type
9  SCF complex, a heterotetramer (Skp1, Cul-1, beta-TrCP [F-box protein], and ROC1) involved with ubiqu
10 e presence of HPV-16 E7, including cullin 1, beta-TrCP, Aurora A, and Polo-like kinase-1 (PLK1).
11                                            A beta-TrCP mutant lacking the F-box inhibits the signal-i
12  augmentation was also inhibited by Vpu in a beta-TrCP-dependent manner.
13 entified PHLPP1 as a proteolytic target of a beta-TrCP-containing Skp-Cullin 1-F-box protein (SCF) co
14                       We focused on SNAT1, a beta-TrCP-dependent Vpu substrate.
15 f beta-TrCP reduced the expression of Sp1, a beta-TrCP substrate, which, in turn, reduced Skp2 gene e
16 CG12 to mimic glucose starvation to activate beta-TrCP-mediated Sp1 degradation has translational pot
17 ay is Siah2 and APC dependent, but GSK-3 and beta-TrCP independent.
18 howed increased cytosolic levels of Axin and beta-TrCP and decreased phosphorylation of glycogen synt
19 wn to act as a scaffold for beta-catenin and beta-TrCP and thereby to potentiate beta-TrCP-mediated b
20                  Endogenous beta-catenin and beta-TrCP could be coimmunoprecipitated from mammalian c
21 odulating the expression of beta-catenin and beta-TrCP, suggesting the translation potential of using
22  correlated during cell cycle with FBXW2 and beta-TrCP/SKP2 being high or low, respectively, in arres
23 ated PD-L1 forms a complex with GSK3beta and beta-TrCP.
24 SP1 proteins to target IRF3, IRF5, IRF7, and beta-TrCP for degradation.
25 nately regulated by Pak1 phosphorylation and beta-TrCP-dependent ubiquitin-proteasome pathways.
26 IkappaB kinase-dependent phosphorylation and beta-TrCP-dependent ubiquitylation of the N-terminal sig
27 first time that interaction between PRLr and beta-TrCP is less efficient in human breast cancer cells
28        Moreover, we determined that Skp2 and beta-TrCP are mutually regulated, providing a feedback m
29 hysical association of Cdc25A with Smad3 and beta-TrCP.
30 n of Mcl-1 with the E3 ligase beta-TrCP, and beta-TrCP then facilitates the ubiquitination and degrad
31 d to be required for maximal binding between beta-TrCP and phosphorylated I kappaB alpha.
32 ncogenic REST-FS mutant, which does not bind beta-TrCP.
33  stable REST mutant, which is unable to bind beta-TrCP, inhibited Mad2 expression and resulted in a p
34 -TrCP degron sequence that was found to bind beta-TrCP.
35  in lymphoma pathogenesis are unable to bind beta-TrCP.
36 nsistent with their proposed role in binding beta-TrCP.
37               Microtubule inhibition blocked beta-TrCP-mediated proteasomal processing of Gli2 in ost
38  E1A in virus-transformed cells reduced both beta-TrCP and ubiquitination of nuclear REST.
39 sults indicate that the turnover of Mcl-1 by beta-TrCP is an essential mechanism for GSK-3beta-induce
40 s ubiquitination dependent and controlled by beta-TrCP.
41 dependent proteasome degradation of PD-L1 by beta-TrCP.
42 t of the phosphorylation sites recognized by beta-TrCP.
43 G motif whose phosphorylation is targeted by beta-TrCP E3 ligase during interphase.
44 yses indicate that cyclin D1 was targeted by beta-TrCP through an unconventional recognition site, (2
45 first evidence that cyclin D1 is targeted by beta-TrCP.
46 eventing proteasomal degradation of Twist by beta-TrCP.
47 SK-3beta and then cannot be ubiquitinated by beta-TrCP, is much more stable than wild-type Mcl-1 and
48 ppaB to the nucleus by sequestering cellular beta-TrCP, a protein required for the degradation of the
49  required Vpu's ability to bind the cellular beta-TrCP-E3-ubiquitin ligase complex.
50                   DMRT1 contains a consensus beta-TrCP degron sequence that was found to bind beta-Tr
51                       We found two conserved beta-TrCP recognition motif (DSGVVYS and DSGSIVVS) in th
52 to target the latter for degradation by CRL1(beta-TrCP) and so inhibit origin firing.
53       Two ubiquitin ligases, the Skp1-cullin-beta-TrCP (SCFbeta-TrCP) complex and the anaphase-promot
54    Stabilized ATF4 mutants exhibit decreased beta-TrCP degron phosphorylation, beta-TrCP interaction,
55 ion of either binding site in Nrf2 decreased beta-TrCP-mediated ubiquitylation of the transcription f
56 ak2-mediated phosphorylation on Y641 directs beta-TrCP-mediated EZH2 degradation.
57 8-facilitated beta-catenin ablation, ectopic beta-TrCP expression enhanced the degradation.
58 e Sp1 degradation, suppression of endogenous beta-TrCP function by a dominant-negative mutant or smal
59 n of PHLPP1, whereas knockdown of endogenous beta-TrCP has the opposite effect.
60 ull-down analysis with bacterially expressed beta-TrCP.
61                             This facilitates beta-TrCP binding and ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of
62 ylation within a canonical phosphodegron for beta-TrCP docking and site-specific ubiquitination.
63 her, our findings demonstrate a key role for beta-TrCP in controlling the level of PHLPP1, and activa
64  LPCAT1 is the first lipogenic substrate for beta-TrCP, and the results suggest that modulation of th
65 tion of Gsk3beta ubiquitination and Gsk3beta-beta-TrCP binding.
66  monoubiquitination of Gsk3beta and Gsk3beta-beta-TrCP interaction.
67 ased monoubiquitination of Gsk3beta/Gsk3beta-beta-TrCP association suppressed beta-catenin recruitmen
68 n accumulation requires Wnt-induced GSK3beta/beta-TrCP interaction; the current study revealed that p
69 ng axis composed of p38 MAP kinase-MK2-Hsp27-beta-TrCP may promote AUF1 degradation by proteasomes an
70            In this study, we have identified beta-TrCP as the ubiquitin ligase for lysosomal degradat
71 a specific recognition site for E3RS(IkappaB/beta-TrCP), an SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, thereby exp
72                     Moreover, immunopurified beta-TrCP ubiquitinates phosphorylated IkappaBalpha at s
73 novel SCF(beta-TrCP) substrate and implicate beta-TrCP as an important negative regulator of PRL sign
74 ation of cells, and deletion of the F-box in beta-TrCP abolishes its ability to ubiquitinate IkappaBb
75            Heterozygous deletion of Dmrt1 in beta-TrCP-deficient spermatogonia increased meiotic cell
76 s showed intracellular accumulation of FN in beta-TrCP siRNA-treated cells without showing much alter
77 tion dysfunction and alleviates mucositis in beta-TrCP-deficient mice.
78 cumulation of DMRT1 at the Stra8 promoter in beta-TrCP-deficient testes.
79 idative modification of cysteine residues in beta-TrCP.
80  dependent upon the WD40 repeat sequences in beta-TrCP and on phosphorylation of the GSK3beta sites i
81      It is noteworthy that this drug-induced beta-TrCP up-regulation was accompanied by the concomita
82                         Smad3 siRNA inhibits beta-TrCP-Cdc25A interaction and Cdc25A degradation in r
83  and the concurrent down-regulation of known beta-TrCP substrates examined, including Wee1, Ikappabet
84  appears to inhibit binding of the E3 ligase beta-TrCP and prevents beta-catenin ubiquitination and d
85  the association of Mcl-1 with the E3 ligase beta-TrCP, and beta-TrCP then facilitates the ubiquitina
86 and substrate of the SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase beta-TrCP (FBXW1).
87 owing for binding of the E3-ubiquitin ligase beta-TrCP and consequently ubiquitylation.
88 ctive recruitment of the E3-ubiquitin ligase beta-TrCP to phospho-IkappaBalpha proteosomal degradatio
89 a Delta F-box mutant of the ubiquitin ligase beta-TrCP, which serves as a specific substrate trap for
90 that although small interfering RNA-mediated beta-TrCP knockdown protected cells against STG28-facili
91 ruction box ((727)DSGAGS(732)) that mediates beta-TrCP recognition and encompasses a glycogen synthas
92                                    Moreover, beta-TrCP expression was up-regulated in response to STG
93 ssion of wild-type but not DeltaF-box mutant beta-TrCP leads to decreased expression and increased ub
94 CP to a specific site, and dominant negative beta-TrCP blocks phosphorylation-dependent degradation o
95  by forced expression of a dominant-negative beta-TrCP mutant suppresses growth and survival of human
96            However, the action of Ras/NORE1A/beta-TrCP is substrate-specific because IkappaB, another
97       Specifically, cellular accumulation of beta-TrCP reduced the expression of Sp1, a beta-TrCP sub
98 K1 or IKKbeta) also leads to accumulation of beta-TrCP.
99 e C terminus of REST critical for binding of beta-TrCP and targeting of REST for proteasomal degradat
100                 We found that the binding of beta-TrCP to beta-catenin was direct and dependent upon
101 quitin ligase activity as well as binding of beta-TrCP to phosphorylated I kappaB alpha was decreased
102 ggested that the NSP1-induced degradation of beta-TrCP is an uncommon mechanism of subverting IFN-bet
103                                 Depletion of beta-TrCP reduced FAF1-mediated beta-catenin polyubiquit
104                                 Depletion of beta-TrCP stabilized AUF1.
105 small interfering RNA-mediated knock-down of beta-TrCP enhanced and protected against STG28-facilitat
106               Although ectopic expression of beta-TrCP enhanced the ability of OSU-CG12 to facilitate
107 itutive processing of p100 is independent of beta-TrCP but rather is regulated by the nuclear shuttli
108 rocessing of p100 mutants was independent of beta-TrCP.
109 s not required for JNK-mediated induction of beta-TrCP.
110                   In addition, inhibition of beta-TrCP augments the antiproliferative effects of anti
111              Here we show that inhibition of beta-TrCP either by RNAi approach or by forced expressio
112                           The involvement of beta-TrCP in beta-catenin degradation was also corrobora
113                                 Knockdown of beta-TrCP expression inhibits the ubiquitination and deg
114 ce an increase in the steady state levels of beta-TrCP mRNA and protein levels in human cells.
115                            The mechanisms of beta-TrCP induction via stress and its role in NF-kappaB
116               In contrast, overexpression of beta-TrCP enhanced ubiquitination and degradation of AUF
117                            Overexpression of beta-TrCP induced the ubiquitylation and degradation of
118 ation suppressed beta-catenin recruitment of beta-TrCP, leading to long-term inhibition of beta-caten
119 cular determinant of GSK3beta recruitment of beta-TrCP.
120 motif of TRIM9 and the WD40 repeat region of beta-TrCP prevented beta-TrCP from binding its substrate
121 itor or by siRNA-mediated down-regulation of beta-TrCP.
122                 We have examined the role of beta-TrCP (beta-transducin repeat-containing protein) in
123       To appreciate tissue-specific roles of beta-TrCP, we studied the consequences of inducible abla
124       RNA interference-mediated silencing of beta-TrCP or inhibition of Jak2 results in EZH2 stabiliz
125 ubstrates, Vpu leads to the stabilization of beta-TrCP substrates such as beta-catenin, IkappaBalpha,
126 (NF-kappa-B inhibitor), a known substrate of beta-TrCP, was rescued by Src, suggesting a wider effect
127                          AUF1 is a target of beta-TrCP, the substrate recognition subunit of the E3 u
128  by Src, suggesting a wider effect of Src on beta-TrCP substrates.
129 -catenin is destabilized and is GSK-3beta or beta-TrCP independent.
130  decreased beta-TrCP degron phosphorylation, beta-TrCP interaction, and ubiquitination, as well as el
131 enin and beta-TrCP and thereby to potentiate beta-TrCP-mediated beta-catenin ubiquitination and degra
132 he WD40 repeat region of beta-TrCP prevented beta-TrCP from binding its substrates, stabilizing Ikapp
133 ecruits the ubiquitin ligase adapter protein beta-TrCP to a specific site, and dominant negative beta
134 nd by interacting with F-box-binding protein beta-TrCP, undergoes ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis.
135 nd Ser33 are recognized by the F-box protein beta-TrCP, a component of a ubiquitin ligase complex tha
136 t REST is an interactor of the F-box protein beta-TrCP.
137 lation and did not require the F box protein beta-TrCP.
138 ependent interactions with the F box protein beta-TrCP.
139 s beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP) and mediates proteasomal degradation of CD4.
140 t beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP) E3 ubiquitin ligase is required for Gli2 degr
141 f beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP) expression represents a cellular response in
142 e beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP) is required for FAF1 to suppress Wnt signalin
143 t beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP) targets Sp1 for proteasomal degradation in re
144  beta-transducin repeats-containing protein (beta-TrCP) ubiquitin-protein isopeptide ligase.
145 f beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP), a component of the SCF ubiquitin ligase comp
146 e beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP), a component of the Skp-Cullin-F-box-containi
147 f beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP), an F-box component of the Skp1-Cul1-F-box pr
148 , beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP), and occurs only in the cytoplasm, the consti
149 , beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP), that polyubiquitinates LPCAT1, thereby targe
150 r beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (beta-TrCP), which acts as a substrate receptor for the S
151  (beta-transducin repeat-containing protein [beta-TrCP]).
152 iates with the SCF (Skp1-Cul1-F-box protein)-beta-TrCP complex.
153 via a mechanism involving the F-box protein, beta-TrCP (SLIMB in Drosophila).
154 ex containing the F-box/WD40-repeat protein, beta-TrCP, a vertebrate homolog of Drosophila Slimb.
155  beta-Transducin repeat-containing proteins (beta-TrCP) serve as substrate recognition component of E
156 Beta-transducin repeats-containing proteins (beta-TrCP) serve as the substrate recognition subunits f
157 beta-transducin repeats-containing proteins (beta-TrCP)-mediated degradation due to phosphorylation b
158 ta (GSK-3beta) phosphorylation that recruits beta-TrCP docking within the enzyme.
159  liver triglyceride content, through reduced beta-TrCP-mediated degradation of the Akt phosphatase, P
160 n this regulatory pathway is to create a SCF(beta-TrCP) E3 ubiquitin ligase binding site for beta-cat
161 etween phosphorylated I kappaB alpha and SCF(beta-TrCP) but no change in the composition of the SCF(b
162 new gene (RING) E3 enzymes SCF(Cdc4) and SCF(beta-TrCP) work with the E2 Cdc34 to build polyubiquitin
163 e association between I kappaB alpha and SCF(beta-TrCP).
164 vidence that the distinct Cullin-1 based SCF(beta-TrCP)complex regulates beta-catenin stability, our
165 rylated PRLR undergoes ubiquitination by SCF(beta-TrCP) in vitro.
166 kp-Cullin 1-F-box protein (SCF) complex (SCF(beta-TrCP)) E3 ubiquitin ligase in a phosphorylation-dep
167 igase Skp1-cullin-F-box protein complex, SCF(beta-TrCP).
168 tination of I kappaB alpha and decreased SCF(beta-TrCP) ubiquitin ligase activity.
169 n and degradation of a target of the E3- SCF(beta-TrCP) ubiquitin ligase, the NF-kappaB inhibitor Ika
170 itination, a process catalyzed by the E3-SCF(beta-TrCP) ubiquitin ligase.
171               Lipopolysaccharide-induced SCF(beta-TrCP) ubiquitin ligase activity as well as binding
172 egraded by means of the ubiquitin ligase SCF(beta-TrCP) during the G2 phase of the cell cycle to allo
173 t are recognized by the ubiquitin ligase SCF(beta-TrCP), since deletion or mutation of either degron
174 cyclin D1 by up-regulating the E3 ligase SCF(beta-TrCP), we hypothesized that beta-transducin repeat-
175 ng their ubiquitination by the E3 ligase SCF(beta-TrCP).
176 These data indicate that PRLR is a novel SCF(beta-TrCP) substrate and implicate beta-TrCP as an impor
177 at allows for the specific regulation of SCF(beta-TrCP) targets.
178 imulate the ubiquitin ligase activity of SCF(beta-TrCP) toward its target beta-catenin, resulting in
179 ic because IkappaB, another substrate of SCF(beta-TrCP), is not sensitive to NORE1A-promoted degradat
180 hosphorylated IkappaB via recruitment of SCF(beta-TrCP)-Roc1 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex.
181 he Src tyrosine kinase as a regulator of SCF(beta-TrCP).
182 ed motifs present in other substrates of SCF(beta-TrCP).
183 r beta (TGF-beta)-Smad3 pathway promotes SCF(beta-TrCP)-mediated Cdc25A ubiquitination.
184                    Here we show that the SCF(beta-TrCP) binding site created by phosphorylation of be
185 ild-type APC protein is recruited to the SCF(beta-TrCP) complex, ubiquitin conjugated, and degraded.
186  but no change in the composition of the SCF(beta-TrCP) complex.
187 s a substrate recognition subunit of the SCF(beta-TrCP) E3 ubiquitin ligase.
188 nstead, we found that Src attenuates the SCF(beta-TrCP) E3-ligase activity in blunting Taz proteasoma
189 at these residues by PP2A eliminates the SCF(beta-TrCP) recognition site and blocks beta-catenin ubiq
190 e substrate recognition component of the SCF(beta-TrCP) ubiquitin ligase complex.
191               Multiple components of the SCF(beta-TrCP)-based claspin degradation machinery were foun
192 volves deregulation of components of the SCF(beta-TrCP)-based claspin degradation machinery.
193                                    Thus, SCF(beta-TrCP)-dependent degradation of REST during G2 permi
194  Plk1 kinase activity and is mediated by SCF-beta-TrCP.
195 t interacts with the Plk1 kinase and the SCF-beta-TrCP ubiquitin ligase.
196                              By sequestering beta-TrCP away from other cellular substrates, Vpu leads
197                                    This Skp2-beta-TrCP-Sp1 feedback loop represents a novel crosstalk
198  reasoned that the human homologs of Slimb - beta-TrCP and its isoform beta-TrCP2 (KIAA0696) - might
199 sphorylation of Ci and mediation of Ci-Slimb/beta-TrCP binding.
200 d for recognition by the F box protein SLIMB/beta-TrCP and proteasomal degradation.
201 ducin repeats-containing protein) (SCF(Slimb/beta-TrCP)) as the E3 ubiquitin ligase complex responsib
202 and genetic data strongly suggest that Slimb/beta-TrCP is the specificity determinant for the signal-
203                                    Targeting beta-TrCP to Cdc25A requires phosphorylation of serines
204 l cancer as well as prospective of targeting beta-TrCP as a means of anticancer therapy are also disc
205 rovide the proof of principle that targeting beta-TrCP might be beneficial for anticancer therapies.
206         Evidence indicates that Skp2 targets beta-TrCP for degradation via the cyclin-dependent kinas
207                             We conclude that beta-TrCP is a component of an E3 ubiquitin ligase that
208                 Our studies demonstrate that beta-TrCP has an important role in controlling H3K27 tri
209                          We demonstrate that beta-TrCP interacts specifically with IkappaBbeta, and s
210 interference technique, we demonstrated that beta-TrCP is essential for NIK-induced p100 ubiquitinati
211       Therefore, these results indicate that beta-TrCP plays a critical role in the activation of NF-
212         Collectively, our data indicate that beta-TrCP regulates the transition from mitosis to meios
213 icantly, our pull-down assays indicated that beta-TrCP binds a phosphorylated version of DSGIS more t
214 vide an explanation for the observation that beta-TrCP can act as a tumor suppressor or an oncogene i
215                           Here, we show that beta-TrCP, the substrate recognition component of an E3
216                   These results suggest that beta-TrCP is an essential component of NIK-induced p100
217                                          The beta-TrCP-deficient male germ cells did not enter meiosi
218 ssociated with Cdc25A phosphorylation at the beta-TrCP docking site (DS82G motif) and physical associ
219 V3 was post transcriptional, mediated by the beta-TrCP ubiquitin E3 ligase and occurred via an endoly
220 ubsequent processing of p100 mediated by the beta-TrCP ubiquitin ligase and 26 S proteasome, respecti
221               Cysteine 308 in Blade 1 of the beta-TrCP beta-propeller region was found to be required
222                         Transcription of the beta-TrCP gene is not required for JNK-mediated inductio
223 chanism for TRIM9-mediated regulation of the beta-TrCP SCF complex activity but also identifies TRIM9
224         Collectively, our data show that the beta-TrCP-FBXW2-SKP2 axis forms an oncogene-tumour suppr
225                In addition, we show that the beta-TrCP-mediated degradation requires phosphorylation
226 ins, which promotes CHD1 degradation via the beta-TrCP-mediated ubiquitination-proteasome pathway.
227 nd 2-deoxyglucose, we demonstrated that this beta-TrCP accumulation resulted from decreased Skp2 expr
228     Moreover, we obtained evidence that this beta-TrCP-dependent degradation takes part in controllin
229 catenin-associated E-cadherin levels through beta-TrCP-dependent stabilization of the transcriptional
230 ha and GSK3 promotes beta-catenin binding to beta-TrCP, leading to beta-catenin degradation through t
231 nics, effects that were overcome by siRNA to beta-TrCP and GSK-3beta or LPCAT1 gene transfer, respect
232  binding substrate, cdk2, can be tethered to beta-TrCP, ubiquitinated, and effectively degraded.
233 tified DSGIS(338) and DSAPGS(378) as the two beta-TrCP-binding motifs in Nrf2.
234                The ability of one of the two beta-TrCP-binding sites to serve as a degron could be bo
235                  Overexpression of wild-type beta-TrCP in mammalian cells promoted the downregulation
236                        Mechanisms underlying beta-TrCP regulation and their aberration in human and a
237  degradation in general, since the unrelated beta-TrCP target Snail is also stabilized by ORF61.
238 iquitination and degradation by upregulating beta-TrCP.
239 rolled at the level of protein stability via beta-TrCP-dependent, ubiquitin-based proteasomal degrada
240 rmore, USP47 deubiquitinates itself, whereas beta-TrCP promotes USP47 ubiquitination through interact
241 A forms a direct, Ras-regulated complex with beta-TrCP, the substrate recognition component of the SC
242 d an increased association of cyclin D1 with beta-TrCP, whereas no specific binding was noted with ot
243                             Interaction with beta-TrCP is also necessary for ubiquitination of Ikappa
244  that partly depends on its interaction with beta-TrCP, a substrate adaptor for an SCF (Skp-Cullin 1-
245 on in Bora and promotes its interaction with beta-TrCP.
246 er demonstrate that SVV ORF61 interacts with beta-TrCP, a subunit of the SCF ubiquitin ligase complex
247 loss of the known interaction of Rassf1 with beta-TrCP that usually mediates degradation of beta-cate
248 cells increased specific binding of Sp1 with beta-TrCP.

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