


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 of this recalcitrant substrate to maltose by beta-amylase.
2  and the parameters were optimized to enrich beta-amylase.
3 ased after the predigestion of starch with a beta-amylase.
4 n or with inhibition of starch hydrolysis by beta-amylase.
5 h content or in the activities of alpha- and beta-amylase.
6 enes, Ee-BAM1 and Ee-BAM2, could encode this beta-amylase.
7  beta-maltose liberated from maltoheptose by beta-amylase.
8  was not observed for any of the other eight beta-amylases.
9 uence showing high similarity to other plant beta-amylases.
10      This involves the synergistic action of beta-amylase 1 (BAM1) and alpha-amylase 3 (AMY3)-enzymes
11                                  The reduced beta-amylase 1 (ram1) mutation lies in the gene encoding
12 n in vitro was achieved when both AtAMY3 and beta-amylase activities were present, suggesting that th
13                       Starch concentrations, beta-amylase activities, and beta-amylase mRNA levels we
14                               Starch levels, beta-amylase activities, and beta-amylase transcripts we
15  mutation results in almost complete loss of beta-amylase activity in rosette leaves and inflorescenc
16 var. Columbia with greatly reduced levels of beta-amylase activity is reported here.
17      These results suggest that little to no beta-amylase activity is required to maintain normal sta
18 ur results show no clear association between beta-amylase activity or transcript abundance and starch
19 ram1 mutation is responsible for most of the beta-amylase activity present in these tissues.
20 r, total amylolytic activity, and alpha- and beta-amylase activity were measured.
21 e germination-related enzymes alpha-amylase, beta-amylase and beta-glucanase varied by a factor of tw
22      The enriched enzyme was identified as a beta-amylase and its molecular weight was 60.1kDa.
23                       The great abundance of beta-amylase and its unexpected patterns of gene express
24 the main starch-degrading enzymes alpha- and beta-amylase and limit dextrinase.
25 Y8 RNAi plants, consistent with the roles of beta-amylase and maltose in transitory starch metabolism
26           However, expression differences of beta-amylases and GLUCAN-WATER DIKINASE1 were not statis
27  Starch degradation in chloroplasts requires beta-amylase (BAM) activity, which is encoded by a multi
28  (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome contains nine beta-amylase (BAM) genes, some of which play important r
29 ant BZR1-BAM transcription factors contain a beta-amylase (BAM)-like domain, characteristic of protei
30 Here, we report successful immobilization of beta-amylase (bamyl) from peanut (Arachis hypogaea) onto
31                   It has been suggested that beta-amylase (BMY) induction during temperature stress i
32 sativa L.) roots contain large quantities of beta-amylase, but little is known about its role in vivo
33               We studied this by isolating a beta-amylase cDNA and by examining signals that affect i
34                                          The beta-amylase cDNA encoded a 55.95-kD polypeptide with a
35                                The fact that beta-amylases degrade starch in vitro suggests that they
36  of Abrus precatorius were used to extract a beta-amylase enriched fraction.
37             A purely exo-acting thermostable beta-amylase from Clostridium thermosulfurogenes (CTB) w
38 es, expression of a specific Euphorbia esula beta-amylase gene (Ee-BAM1) increased 100-fold after gro
39     Furthermore, increased expression of the beta-amylase gene in leaves and storage roots also accel
40       Thus, polysaccharide hydrolases (e.g., beta-amylase) generate the largest rate enhancements tha
41 opsis genome contains nine known or putative beta-amylase genes, the fact that the ram1 mutation resu
42                                              beta-Amylases have also been suggested to prevent the ac
43                                              beta-Amylase immobilization onto GO-CNT (bamyl@GO-CNT) a
44  lies in the gene encoding the major form of beta-amylase in Arabidopsis.
45                                   Therefore, beta-amylase induction and the resultant maltose accumul
46  C and cold shock at 5 degrees C showed that beta-amylase induction correlated with maltose accumulat
47        A number of studies have demonstrated beta-amylase induction in response to abiotic stress.
48             Southern analysis indicated that beta-amylase is present as a multigene family in alfalfa
49 g several starch-degrading enzymes including beta-amylase, isoamylase 3, and alpha-amylase was also r
50 concentrations, beta-amylase activities, and beta-amylase mRNA levels were measured in roots of alfal
51 meters affecting immobilisation of Fenugreek beta-amylase on chitosan coated PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
52 nalyses, the biological function(s) of plant beta-amylases remains unclear.
53 he activity of endo-amylase (alpha-amylase), beta-amylase, starch phosphorylase, maltase, pullulanase
54 on reserves, as documented through increased beta-amylase transcript levels and associated starch hyd
55                Alfalfa roots contain greater beta-amylase transcript levels compared with roots of sw
56                                              beta-Amylase transcript levels increased in roots betwee
57                                              beta-Amylase transcript was high in roots of intact plan
58  Starch levels, beta-amylase activities, and beta-amylase transcripts were reduced significantly in r
59                                          The beta-amylase treatment significantly increased the compl
60 e starch complexes with linoleic acid when a beta-amylase treatment was applied to acetylated and deb
61           A significant stabilization of the beta-amylase was observed up to 65 degrees C.

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