


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              beta-gal cDNA-transduced keratinocytes did not demonstra
2                                              beta-gal staining in all lines followed a similar patter
3                                              beta-gal+ cells in TIE2-LacZ vessels grafted to Balb/c m
4                                              beta-gal-positive cells expressing mesenchymal markers a
5                      Interestingly, 35+/-19% beta-gal+ cells were found in arterial segments allograf
6  C57BL/6 mice that rejected congenic C57BL/6 beta-gal transgenic skin were tested in enzyme-linked im
7 se DOME homo-dimerisation, we have applied a beta-gal complementation technique that allows the detec
8         Using this substrate, we developed a beta-gal activity assay method.
9 row cells, a proportion of cells displayed a beta-gal+ staining.
10 ells of microvessels within allografts had a beta-gal+ staining in the media at 1 week and in the neo
11  and p75, on intact mammalian cells, using a beta-gal protein-protein interaction system.
12                        In nucleus accumbens, beta-gal was expressed in several major subpopulations o
13 ical markers of senescence, including acidic beta-gal staining, induction of p16INK4a, and p15INK4b e
14  a significant increase of mature and active beta-gal and its C-terminal fragment.
15  showed intracellular accumulation of active beta-gal.
16 adenovirus expressing beta-galactosidase (Ad-beta gal)-transfected macrophages and produced elevated
17 r LEW kidneys were perfused with Ad-HO-1, Ad-beta-gal, or PBS, stored at 4 degrees C for 24 h, and tr
18 e groups [group 1: no treatment, group 2: Ad-beta-gal, group 3: AdvIL-10, group 4: CsA (10 mg/kg), an
19 tio at day 7 was elevated in both PBS and Ad-beta-gal, as compared with the Ad-HO-1 group (12.0 and 9
20 val advantage when compared with PBS- and Ad-beta-gal-treated controls, with median survival of 100,
21 ovirus that expresses beta-galactosidase (Ad-beta-gal) was used.
22 vIL-10 (Ad-vIL-10) or beta-galactosidase (Ad-beta-gal) were derived from adenovirus type 5.
23 and glomerulosclerosis was more severe in Ad-beta-gal group at all time points.
24 val of liver grafts increased from 50% in Ad-beta-gal untreated controls to 100% after Ad-IL-13 gene
25 red either adenovirus Ang-1 (Ad-Ang-1) or Ad-beta-gal systemically immediately after ligation of the
26  Ad-p53 or Ad-p21, but not control virus (Ad-beta-gal), induced G(1) accumulation, up-regulation of p
27 plant in the Ad-HO-1 group, compared with Ad-beta-gal controls (P < 0.05); tubular HO-1 expression wa
28 as 16 +/- 5 episodes per h (n = 6) in the Ad.beta gal group, 22 +/- 6 in the Ad.PV group, and 4 +/- 2
29 coding for SCF (Ad.SCF, n=9) or beta-gal (Ad.beta-gal, n=6) into the infarct border area.
30 Ad.Kv4.3) or the beta-galactosidase gene (Ad.beta-gal).
31 eatment (Ad.SCF, 55.5+/-11.6 mm Hg versus Ad.beta-gal, 31.6+/-12.6 mm Hg, P=0.005), indicating enhanc
32 ely (P<0.05) in AS myocytes infected with Ad.beta-gal compared with sham myocytes.
33                     AS rats infected with Ad.beta-gal developed cardiac hypertrophy compared with sha
34 y density compared with pigs treated with Ad.beta-gal was found at 3 months and suggests an angiogeni
35 ed by 4.2% (P=0.004) in pigs treated with Ad.beta-gal.
36 odified fiber protein and infection with Ad5.beta gal.Delta F, an E1-, E3-, and fiber-deleted adenovi
37 nsgenes for either beta-galactosidase (adeno-beta-gal, n=11) or the human beta(2)-adrenergic receptor
38 ene expression among animals receiving adeno-beta-gal.
39  DTH response and proliferation assays after beta-gal immunization.
40                                          All beta-gal-positive cells exhibited abundant cytoplasm, a
41 ve cells within injured lungs was nearly all beta-gal-positive, indicating epithelial cells as the ma
42 vel, in the central nucleus of the amygdala, beta-gal was found in cells both with and without mu opi
43  binding inhibited receptor dimerization and beta-gal complementation.
44 th methylprednisolone and antibodies, EA and beta-gal were detected, and replicating virus was recove
45  not differ between the FGF-2-fibroblast and beta-gal-fibroblast groups.
46 roblasts, we implanted FGF-2-fibroblasts and beta-gal-fibroblast into the striatum of rats but did no
47 nd isolated cells were evaluated for GFP and beta-gal as well as expression of alpha-smooth muscle ac
48  from untreated liver expressed both GFP and beta-gal with a fibroblast-like morphological change but
49 s never showed double-positivity for GFP and beta-gal.
50  the pattern of X-gal staining in the OE and beta-gal-ir axons in the OB closely resembled that of un
51 -associated heterochromatic foci (SAHF), and beta-gal staining.
52 ssessed the retinal location of ANT and ANT1-beta-gal reporter protein, mitochondrial activity with c
53 rocessing and presentation using an antigen (beta-gal) that was either applied to or expressed in RPE
54 chimeric receptor dimerization detectable as beta-gal enzymatic activity.
55 ted open reading frames (ORFs) translated as beta-gal chimeras are selected as a candidate pool of po
56 ding growth arrest and senescence-associated beta-gal (SA-beta-gal) activity.
57  active AMPK increased senescence-associated beta-gal activity, whereas infection with an adenovirus
58 egative AMPK decreased senescence-associated beta-gal activity.
59 al tolerance was assessed by placement of B6 beta-gal transgenic (tg) and third-party skin grafts.
60 y prevented the induction of tolerance to B6 beta-gal tg skin grafts.
61 in chimeric mice expressing GFP or bacterial beta-gal or harboring the male Y chromosome exclusively
62  innocuous or self-specific knocked in BCRs, beta-gal was preferentially expressed in pre-B cells fro
63 ic factor (BDNF)LacZ mice reveals that BDNF (beta-gal) and trkB colocalize, mainly in type III taste
64 f, reveal an unambiguous correlation between beta-gal activity and the solubility/folding of the targ
65 d a marked increase in cells expressing both beta-gal, indicating bone marrow origin and Tie-2 expres
66 were >100-fold higher than those afforded by beta-gal- B cells following adoptive transfer to naive h
67  in awake, alert animals were not altered by beta-gal or wtGi.
68 actoside conjugate, must first be cleaved by beta-gal before it can be catalyzed by firefly luciferas
69 galactopyranoside (DDAOG), can be cleaved by beta-gal to produce 7-hydroxy-9H(I,3-dichloro-9,9-dimeth
70 d to the inhibitory molecule daunorubicin by beta-gal.
71 t loss of endothelial cells was evidenced by beta-gal staining for vein grafts in transgenic mice exp
72 pyranoside (OFPNPG) is readily hydrolyzed by beta-gal with a corresponding decrease in the 19F-NMR si
73 yte-derived cells are permanently labeled by beta-gal and type I collagen-expressing cells are labele
74 ic manipulation primed a population of CD4+, beta-gal-specific, TGFbeta-producing T cells.
75 ease in the number of double-positive cells (beta-gal, isolectin B4) on the luminal surface in caroti
76 din-2-one) (DDAO), is not only a chromogenic beta-gal substrate but that the cleavage product has far
77                            Using chromogenic beta-gal substrates, HCMV was detected during MK differe
78  Akt gene, or with the control vector Ad.CMV-beta-gal, which expresses beta-galactosidase.
79          Using this technology, constitutive beta-gal activity in engineered cells and inducible tiss
80                                  Conversely, beta-gal+ cells were observed on the surface of vein seg
81 sistent with our model of opiate dependence, beta-gal expression increased in the LC, but decreased i
82 pe controls, which coincided with diminished beta-gal+ endothelial cells on the surface of vein graft
83  In contrast, LECs do not present endogenous beta-gal in the context of MHC-II molecules to beta-gal-
84                            Mice that express beta-gal in the retina and various control mice were imm
85  some tubular cells also appeared to express beta-gal as assessed by X-gal staining, but following su
86 of twelve founder mice were found to express beta-gal in podocytes (33% penetrance).
87 pproximately 20% of secondary AFCs expressed beta-gal.
88 of twlve NPHS2 mouse founder lines expressed beta-gal exclusively in podocytes (100% penetrance).
89 VTA and DRN the majority of cells expressing beta-gal were nonmonoaminergic.
90 that were previously made tolerant to female beta-gal tg skin were rapidly rejected, however, suggest
91 ssion and generated a fusion protein (FGF14N-beta-gal) containing the first exon of FGF14 and beta-ga
92                       Strikingly, the FGF14N-beta-gal chimeric protein was efficiently transported in
93 g mice producing CD4(+) T cells specific for beta gal (beta galTCR).
94 s did not occur in mice double deficient for beta-gal and ganglioside synthase, beta-gal-/-/GalNAcT-/
95  of the P2 OR subtype via immunostaining for beta-gal and concurrent OMP or GAP-43 expression in P2-I
96 ne week after the lesion, immunostaining for beta-gal and olfactory marker protein was virtually elim
97 of RPE with resting CD8 T cells specific for beta-gal.
98 ion experiments showed that the newly formed beta-gal(+) SMC were not derived from circulating bone m
99                                 Furthermore, beta-gal expression demonstrates a lineage relationship
100 c (Tg) for expression of beta-galactosidase (beta gal) on the retinal photoreceptor cell arrestin pro
101 A2a or the reporter gene beta-galactosidase (beta gal) or parvalbumin (PV), as early as 48 h before a
102 sion of genes coding for beta galactosidase (beta-gal), enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), va
103 ly engineered to produce beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) (n=8) or FGF-2 (n=8), at two sites in the righ
104 of senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) activity and increased p16INK4a expression.
105  expression by assessing beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) activity in vivo.
106 ed the ability to detect beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) activity on the basis of 19F NMR chemical shif
107 0.09-fold (n = 4) higher beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) activity than N. meningitidis 5'lst::lacZ fusi
108 for in vivo detection of beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) activity.
109                          beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) and beta-glucuronidase (beta-glucur) are both
110 in transplant model with beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) as a minor transplantation Ag.
111 or an irrelevant protein beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) as the control, induced to undergo apoptosis,
112  into the procedure with beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) as the detection enzyme.
113 ruitment domain (ARC) or beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) cDNA into the pTAT-hemagglutinin bacterial exp
114 denovirus containing the beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) cDNA, triacylglycerols in the liver and plasma
115  deficiency of lysosomal beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) characterizes the neurodegenerative disease GM
116  to weakly complementing beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) deletion mutants were expressed in cells in cu
117 o HC-Ad vectors encoding beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) driven by a TetOn system containing the rtTAS(
118 for EMT, mice expressing beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) exclusively in lung epithelial cells were gene
119 ogenous Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) expressed through a retinal arrestin promoter.
120  and cellular mapping of beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) expression during naltrexone-precipitated with
121  mice were generated and beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) expression was analyzed.
122 sion of an axon-targeted beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) from such vectors supports mapping specific co
123  used to release endemic beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) from the bound bacterial cells; (3) the releas
124 murine VEGF gene and the beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) gene from a retroviral promoter were implanted
125 n of HCMV containing the beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) gene.
126                          beta-Galactosidase (beta-gal) has been widely used as a transgene reporter e
127 se animals, staining for beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) identifies cells in which NF-kappaB has been a
128           In these mice, beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) immunoreactivity is an indicator of cells that
129 lubilize heat-aggregated beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) in the absence of the Hsp70 system.
130                          beta-Galactosidase (beta-gal) is commonly used as a reporter gene in biologi
131 We demonstrate that when beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) is expressed in LECs, beta-gal-specific CD8 T
132 nant adenovirus encoding beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) or alpha(s)* was applied to arterial segments
133  cells, which are either beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) positive or beta-gal negative.
134 g the SM22alpha promoter-beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) reporter transgene were crossed to apolipoprot
135 he M9PROM was fused to a beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) reporter.
136 t the enhancer showed no beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) staining whereas those harboring latent virus
137 roduced progeny in which beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) was permanently expressed in B cells of the GC
138 th adenoviruses encoding beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), activation-deficient Akt (AA-Akt), or constit
139 e expressing ROSA26 stop beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), albumin Cre, and collagen alpha1(I) green flu
140 ith hen egg lysozyme and beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), demonstrating adaptive immune responses again
141  CMV promoter expressing beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), eNOS, SOD1, or vehicle.
142 novirus (rAd.A20) or rAd.beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), implanted, harvested 4 weeks after transplant
143 r early antigen (EA) and beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), respectively.
144 control group expressing beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), respectively.
145 th adenoviruses encoding beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), wild-type Galpha(i2) (wtGi), or constitutivel
146 challenged mice with the beta-galactosidase (beta-gal)-expressing tumor cells, C25.F6, vaccinated the
147 e, and the prevalence of beta-galactosidase (beta-gal)-positive cells was determined, indicative of C
148  blastocysts with p63+/+ beta-galactosidase (beta-gal)-positive ES cells, we show that secretory cell
149 lowed by the addition of beta-galactosidase (beta-gal)-specific CTLs.
150 lacZ operon encoding for beta-galactosidase (beta-gal).
151  deficiency of lysosomal beta-galactosidase (beta-gal).
152  and omega- fragments of beta-galactosidase (beta-gal).
153 ce were made tolerant to beta-galactosidase (beta-gal).
154 sses the omega-domain of beta-galactosidase (beta-gal).
155 duces protein fusions to beta-galactosidase (beta-gal); non-annotated open reading frames (ORFs) tran
156            Dlx2/tauLacZ [beta-galactosidase (beta-gal)]-expressing cells populate the central SVZ, wh
157              Lysosomal beta-D-galactosidase (beta-gal), the enzyme deficient in the autosomal recessi
158 n increased expression of beta-galactosidase(beta-gal) plasmid in rat brain tissue in comparison to t
159                                       TAT-HA-beta-gal was also transduced into cells in all regions o
160                       Transduction of TAT-HA-beta-gal was detected by X-gal staining.
161  proteins, TAT-HA-beta-galactosidase (TAT-HA-beta-gal), TAT-HA-myocilin, and TAT-HA-myocilin-EGFP.
162 tor and/or upon boosting with a heterologous beta-gal-carrying virus.
163 nly if prepulsed with cognate peptide, or if beta-gal-expressing RPE was pretreated to induce upregul
164                         The ability to image beta-gal expression in living animals would further exte
165 long with beta-galactosidase-immunoreactive (beta-gal-ir) axonal processes in the OB after short (1 w
166                                           In beta-gal chimeras, some tubular cells also appeared to e
167 in endogenous protein and mRNA levels and in beta-gal activity.
168 d that IRF4 transcripts were up-regulated in beta-gal(+) pre-B cells.
169 ol place conditioning, we observed increased beta-gal staining in the nucleus accumbens (NAC) shell a
170 bone marrow transplantation showed increased beta-gal activity in different brain regions and reduced
171            In addition, withdrawal increased beta-gal expression in the continuum of the extended amy
172             The endogenous and phage-induced beta-gal was detected using the electrochemical method w
173 l as bone marrow macrophages, showed intense beta-gal histo- or cytostaining in adult noggin+/- mice
174                               Interestingly, beta-gal+ cells were evenly distributed on the surface o
175  (2) release of the endogenous intracellular beta-gal from E. coli following infection.
176 IkappaB alpha gene was replaced with a lacZ (beta-gal) reporter complementary DNA (cDNA; IkappaB alph
177                                       In LC, beta-gal expression was induced predominantly in tyrosin
178 lactosidase (beta-gal) is expressed in LECs, beta-gal-specific CD8 T cells undergo deletion via the P
179 ypomorphic mice expressing a promoter-linked beta-gal reporter to show that inflammatory colitis supp
180 hicken gamma globulin showed that long-lived beta-gal+ B cells exclusively contained somatically muta
181          We cloned VLRB binders of lysozyme, beta-gal, cholera toxin subunit B, R-phycoerythrin, and
182                                  Second male beta-gal tg grafts placed onto female recipients that we
183 lowing suppression of endogenous (mammalian) beta-gal, no tubular cells could be found that stained w
184     In the tongues of adult BDNF(LacZ) mice, beta-gal (BDNF) is present in long slender taste cells,
185 aracterized by a large flat cell morphology, beta-gal staining and irreversible loss of regenerative
186            Application of alpha(s)*, but not beta-gal containing adenovirus, inhibited formation of n
187 R T cells in mice with retinal expression of beta gal and inhibited the ear-swelling assay for delaye
188 go senescence as indicated by the absence of beta-gal activity and p16(INK4a) tumor suppressor expres
189                   A substantial advantage of beta-gal as a bioluminescent probe is that the enzyme re
190  the properties of FLuc to the advantages of beta-gal permits bioluminescent imaging applications tha
191             The RF scar area and the area of beta-gal staining were measured and normalized to LV are
192 ndicated that in vivo real-time detection of beta-gal activity is possible by fluorescence imaging te
193 t vessels displayed a unique distribution of beta-gal+ cells on the surface at 3 days, 1 week, and 4
194 h level of expression of the omega-domain of beta-gal in the model K12 strains allowed us to detect,
195 r the N-terminal or the C-terminal domain of beta-gal resulted in the synthesis of correctly sized po
196  response increased with increasing doses of beta-gal-carrying vector and/or upon boosting with a het
197 lt of this complementation-an active form of beta-gal-was detected colorimetrically, and the high lev
198                     Intravenous injection of beta-gal induced true immunologic tolerance to beta-gal
199 and underlying media showed complete loss of beta-gal activity in advanced atherosclerotic lesions.
200                              The majority of beta-gal+ cells present in the allografts exhibited fibr
201 otid artery of wild-type mice, the number of beta-gal+ cells were reduced at 3 days and disappeared c
202 evealed a 2.9-fold increase in the number of beta-gal-positive cells per square millimeter appearing
203 the ability to trigger the overexpression of beta-gal during the infection of E. coli.
204 etection of E. coli by (1) overexpression of beta-gal in E. coli during the specific infection and (2
205  neurospheres recapitulated the phenotype of beta-gal-/- cells and activated this pathway by depletin
206 hanges from yellow to red in the presence of beta-gal.
207 pulmonary PW1(+) cells and the proportion of beta-gal(+) vascular SMC were increased, indicating a re
208 he bound bacterial cells; (3) the release of beta-gal was detected using chlorophenol red-beta-d-gala
209   Our results suggest that the C terminus of beta-gal is an essential domain of the catalytically act
210                                 Treatment of beta-gal-infected endothelial cells with an inhibitor of
211 eporter assay system for the wide variety of beta-gal systems currently in use.
212    As a result, luminescence is dependent on beta-gal activity.
213 adenovirus encoding for SCF (Ad.SCF, n=9) or beta-gal (Ad.beta-gal, n=6) into the infarct border area
214 ure was found, which showed beta-gal/CD31 or beta-gal/von Willebrand factor double positivity.
215 cence with antibodies against GFP, DsRed, or beta-gal using the method of immunolabeling-enabled thre
216 the groups that received a burr hole only or beta-gal-fibroblasts at weeks 2 and 3 following lesionin
217 er beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) positive or beta-gal negative.
218 unchanged after gene transfection of SOD1 or beta-gal in arteries from diabetic or normal rabbits.
219 sites of diverse enzymes from the peptidase, beta-gal, and nucleotide synthase families.
220 ccessful implantation of myoblasts (positive beta-gal reaction product) in 6 of 6 surviving experimen
221 on to beta-gal96-103 significantly prolonged beta-gal transgenic skin graft survival, confirming its
222 prevented the decrease in SM22alpha promoter-beta-gal reporter transgene expression, including in cel
223  myosin heavy chain, or a SM22alpha promoter-beta-gal reporter, we collected arteries 7 and 14 days a
224          LacZ gene expression of the protein beta-gal was demonstrated as early as 1 hour, with expre
225 llowing isolation, using R26R-EYFP and R26R (beta-gal) reporter mice, respectively.
226  levels in nontransduced, and rAd.A20 or rAd.beta-gal-transduced human SMC cultures after cytokine tr
227 lt, antibodies conjugated to the recombinant beta-gal enzyme can be used to detect endogenous cells a
228                   After 3 weeks of recovery, beta-gal-containing axons appeared to target many of the
229 t mice expressing a cardiomyocyte-restricted beta-gal reporter gene.
230  of CD25(-) beta galTCR T cells into retinal beta gal Tg mice on the Rag(-/-) background led to regul
231 y CD3(+)4(+)25(+) T cells from naive retinal beta gal(+) donors.
232                           Endogenous retinal beta-gal expression depressed the DTH response and proli
233 Senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA beta-gal) activity was observed in lymphomas from Emu-my
234 senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA beta-gal) activity, apparently irreparable genomic DNA b
235  p16(Ink4a), p21, senescence-associated (SA) beta-gal activity, and SA secretion of proinflammatory c
236 rs of cellular senescence, p16(Ink4a) and SA-beta-gal.
237 ed bone marrow progenitor cells expressed SA-beta-gal and senescence-associated proteins p53 and p21(
238 is and senescence, tested as staining for SA-beta-gal, also expressed p16(INK4A).
239 escence induction, tested as staining for SA-beta-gal, in reoxygenated progenitor cells was closely c
240 rrest and senescence-associated beta-gal (SA-beta-gal) activity.
241 senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal) activity and production of intracellular react
242 senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal) activity but an increase in adenosine triphosp
243 en species (iROS), SA-beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal) activity, and autofluorescence (AF) was assess
244 ameter) anti-PECAM/SA-beta galactosidase (SA-beta-gal) conjugates bound selectively to PECAM-expressi
245 ed as staining for SA-beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal), of bone marrow progenitor cells.
246 senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal).
247        With age, NSCs exhibited increased SA-beta-gal activity and decreased proliferation and pool s
248 ditions and significantly decreased iROS, SA-beta-gal, and AF normally induced by hyperoxic condition
249  enhanced expression of senescent markers SA-beta-gal, PML, and p16(INK4a).
250 over, inhibition of ATM signaling reduced SA-beta-gal positivity but increased apoptosis of reoxygena
251 us containing the enhancer continued to show beta-gal staining for long periods, extending to at leas
252 llary-like structure was found, which showed beta-gal/CD31 or beta-gal/von Willebrand factor double p
253              Blue X-gal staining, signifying beta-gal activity resulting from transduction, was obser
254 xpression was also confirmed both by in situ beta-gal staining and quantitative enzymatic activity as
255                                       Sorted beta-gal(+) pre-B cells showed increased levels of vario
256 gineered cells and inducible tissue-specific beta-gal expression in transgenic mice can now be visual
257  senescence (OIS) was demonstrated by strong beta-gal staining and absence of Ki-67 expression.
258 cient for beta-gal and ganglioside synthase, beta-gal-/-/GalNAcT-/-, which do not accumulate GM1.
259 t germ agglutinin (WGA) and an axon-targeted beta-gal supports mapping both specific projections of t
260                                          TAT-beta-gal and TAT-ARC readily transduced into perfused he
261                                          TAT-beta-gal and TAT-ARC were conjugated with Texas Red and
262 r to produce genetic in-frame TAT-ARC or TAT-beta-gal fusion proteins for use in cell culture and in
263 lt hearts were perfused with recombinant TAT-beta-gal or TAT-ARC (20 nmol/L) for 15 minutes and then
264               These results demonstrate that beta-gal complementation provides a rapid, simple, and s
265 t studies in chimeric mice demonstrated that beta-gal+ cells of microvessels in transplant arterioscl
266 polymerase chain reaction, it was found that beta-gal(+) cells were mainly expressing CD31 and CD144.
267                   Specifically, we show that beta-gal-expressing 9L gliomas are readily detectable by
268                     Our results suggest that beta-gal-expressing bone marrow (BM)-derived cells selec
269                 Experiments that removed the beta gal(+) retina by enucleation showed that subsequent
270                                          The beta-gal catalyzed PAPG to an electroactive species p-am
271                                          The beta-gal/DDAOG assay method should provide a fluorescent
272                                          The beta-gal/DDAOG assay method was also tested in transient
273                  An optimized buffer for the beta-gal/DDAOG assay was also formulated.
274 ) promoter (COL1A2) cloned upstream from the beta-gal reporter gene were injected with carbon tetrach
275                                       In the beta-gal group, cardiomyopathy worsened over time.
276 revealed a mild reduction in rotation in the beta-gal-fibroblast group compared to the burr hole only
277  peptides that spanned a 94-aa region of the beta-gal sequence.
278 eart transplant resulted in migration of the beta-gal+ cells into the lesions of chronic rejection in
279 same number of myoblasts expressing only the beta-gal gene.
280                     Here, we show, using the beta-gal gene as a reporter, that amber, ochre, and opal
281 memory CD8+ T cells are contained within the beta-gal-marked CD8+ T cell population.
282      M9PROM activation was localized through beta-gal staining.
283 depressed development of immune responses to beta gal following systemic immunization with beta gal.
284 (19.6 vs. 12 days, P<0.001) when compared to beta-gal transfected controls.
285 rAAV5betagal intrastriatal injections led to beta-gal-positive parenchymal cells, but, unlike rAAV2be
286 ta-gal in the context of MHC-II molecules to beta-gal-specific CD4 T cells.
287   Provision of whole beta-gal, as opposed to beta-gal peptide, gave no evidence of T-cell activation.
288 cluding highly sensitive 19F NMR response to beta-gal activity (Deltadelta=9.0 approximately 9.4 ppm)
289 ta-gal induced true immunologic tolerance to beta-gal tg skin in wild-type but not in B-cell-deficien
290                   Importantly, LECs transfer beta-gal to dendritic cells, which subsequently present
291 f total cells in the lesion-prone areas were beta-gal positive in apoE(-/-) with apoE(-/-)/TIE2-LacZ
292                           Provision of whole beta-gal, as opposed to beta-gal peptide, gave no eviden
293 eta gal following systemic immunization with beta gal.
294 lurp1(-/-)) created by replacing exon 2 with beta-gal and neo cassettes.
295 MAPK staining in the intima as compared with beta-gal-treated vessels.
296  This polypeptide was found to copurify with beta-gal and protective protein/cathepsin A from mouse l
297 ondary AFCs showed a strong correlation with beta-gal expression, suggesting that nonmutated B cells
298 and various control mice were immunized with beta-gal and tested for immune responsiveness by the ear
299 ng tumor cells, C25.F6, vaccinated them with beta-gal-carrying viral vectors, and used quantitative R
300 ased cell migration in cells transduced with beta-gal, whereas AA-Akt blocked VEGF-induced cell locom

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