


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 o MSSA when compared with prophylaxis with a beta-lactam antibiotic.
2 m or vancomycin plus 1 other antipseudomonal beta-lactam antibiotic.
3 ased tolerance to ceftazidime, a widely used beta-lactam antibiotic.
4  (AKI) compared with vancomycin plus 1 other beta-lactam antibiotic.
5 d ceftaroline, a recently approved anti-MRSA beta-lactam antibiotic.
6  toward increased activity with a variety of beta-lactam antibiotics.
7 le acylation of an active site serine by the beta-lactam antibiotics.
8 udied to determine their susceptibilities to beta-lactam antibiotics.
9 cterial dd-peptidases are the targets of the beta-lactam antibiotics.
10 g with the ability to manifest resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.
11 ardicin biosynthesis, a family of monocyclic beta-lactam antibiotics.
12 olecule strategies to overcome resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.
13 arrested cells and restores vulnerability to beta-lactam antibiotics.
14  of the GdpP PDE greatly sensitized cells to beta-lactam antibiotics.
15  aureus with a central role in resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.
16 irectly by acylation of the sensor domain by beta-lactam antibiotics.
17 yme effectively, restoring susceptibility to beta-lactam antibiotics.
18  enzyme superfamily and is the target of the beta-lactam antibiotics.
19 oteins (PBPs) covalently inactivated by four beta-lactam antibiotics.
20 le in bacterial cell division and lysis with beta-lactam antibiotics.
21 ereby conferring resistance to virtually all beta-lactam antibiotics.
22 n synthesis and is covalently inactivated by beta-lactam antibiotics.
23 l biosynthesis and are the lethal targets of beta-lactam antibiotics.
24 ause bacteria have evolved resistance to the beta-lactam antibiotics.
25 l biosynthesis and are the lethal targets of beta-lactam antibiotics.
26 of these kinases in regulating resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.
27 er resistance to an ever-broader spectrum of beta-lactam antibiotics.
28 cture and susceptibility to cell wall-acting beta-lactam antibiotics.
29 erial cell walls and are the targets for the beta-lactam antibiotics.
30 ynthesis of peptidoglycan in the presence of beta-lactam antibiotics.
31 l changes that are required for acylation by beta-lactam antibiotics.
32  S. aureus does not experience inhibition by beta-lactam antibiotics.
33  are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of beta-lactam antibiotics.
34 es to the intrinsic resistance of E. coli to beta-lactam antibiotics.
35 h continuous versus intermittent infusion of beta-lactam antibiotics.
36 has evolved two mechanisms for resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.
37 rease in the level of resistance to all four beta-lactam antibiotics.
38 a-Lactamases enable resistance to almost all beta-lactam antibiotics.
39  to the action of all commercially available beta-lactam antibiotics.
40 of S. aureus in the face of the challenge by beta-lactam antibiotics.
41 y the beta-lactamase-catalyzed hydrolysis of beta-lactam antibiotics.
42 to its resistance against a wide spectrum of beta-lactam antibiotics.
43 hydrolyze and inactivate a broad spectrum of beta-lactam antibiotics.
44 e mechanisms to combat the lethal effects of beta-lactam antibiotics.
45  mechanism derives from its dissimilarity to beta-lactam antibiotics.
46 at is central to the bacterial resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.
47 for Gram-negative bacteria resistance to the beta-lactam antibiotics.
48 portant component of bacterial resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.
49 or inhibitors of resistance determinants for beta-lactam antibiotics.
50 -lactamases, bona fide resistance enzymes to beta-lactam antibiotics.
51 tors of resistance or susceptibility against beta-lactam antibiotics.
52 splays a high susceptibility to lysozyme and beta-lactam antibiotics.
53 s organism extremely difficult to treat with beta-lactam antibiotics.
54 e bulges and lyse, resembling treatment with beta-lactam antibiotics.
55 singly widespread resistance of pathogens to beta-lactam antibiotics.
56 tamases are bacterial enzymes that hydrolyze beta-lactam antibiotics.
57 tance mechanism adopted by bacteria to fight beta-lactam antibiotics.
58 cokinetic point-prevalence study including 8 beta-lactam antibiotics.
59 ing Bla to the periplasm where it hydrolyzed beta-lactam antibiotics.
60 n-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains to beta-lactam antibiotics.
61 eat to the use of almost all clinically used beta-lactam antibiotics.
62 r ability to act on virtually all classes of beta-lactam antibiotics.
63 -lactamases, a group of enzymes inactivating beta-lactam antibiotics.
64 p. carotovora (Ecc), the biosynthesis of the beta-lactam antibiotic 1-carbapen-2-em-3-carboxylic acid
65 d IV vancomycin plus 1 other antipseudomonal beta-lactam antibiotic, 157 patients (8.2%) had antibiot
66 patients were more likely to have received a beta-lactam antibiotic (25% versus 9%; P = 0.02).
67                 Continuous administration of beta-lactam antibiotics achieved higher plasma antibioti
68                                          The beta-lactam antibiotics act through their inhibition of
69 ould effectively inhibit PrkA and potentiate beta-lactam antibiotic activity to varying degrees.
70  there was no difference in outcomes between beta-lactam antibiotic administration by continuous and
71 lack of specificity against a broad range of beta-lactam antibiotic agents.
72 following inhibition of specific PBPs by the beta-lactam antibiotics amdinocillin (mecillinam) and ce
73  in the clinic, such as an extended-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and a
74 ed in presence of other structurally related beta-lactam antibiotics (amoxicillin, oxacillin, penicil
75 t-translational level, susceptibility to the beta lactam antibiotic ampicillin, and is necessary for
76 conjugates, hereafter Ent-Amp/Amx, where the beta-lactam antibiotics ampicillin (Amp) and amoxicillin
77                                          The beta-lactam antibiotics ampicillin, amoxicillin, cephale
78 C-DAD) for simultaneous determination of the beta-lactam antibiotics, ampicillin (AMP), benzylpenicil
79 Ps, which are susceptible to modification by beta-lactam antibiotics, an event that leads to bacteria
80 t of M. tuberculosis with a combination of a beta-lactam antibiotic and clavulanate may lead to rapid
81                   Beta-lactamases inactivate beta-lactam antibiotics and are a major cause of antibio
82 he main bacterial mechanism of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics and are a significant challenge
83 -beta-lactamases (MBLs) hydrolyze almost all beta-lactam antibiotics and are unaffected by clinically
84 enzymes involved in antibiotic resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics and biosynthetic assembly of cel
85 x from the Henry-Michaelis complex formed by beta-lactam antibiotics and CBL.
86 apes of E. coli under selection by different beta-lactam antibiotics and demonstrate that the emergen
87 a-lactamases catalyze the hydrolysis of most beta-lactam antibiotics and hence represent a major clin
88              Carbapenems are the most potent beta-lactam antibiotics and key drugs for treating infec
89 tential as neuroprotective agents, including beta-lactam antibiotics and minocycline.
90      beta-Lactamases (BLs) able to hydrolyze beta-lactam antibiotics and more importantly the last re
91 thetic OMVs that were capable of hydrolyzing beta-lactam antibiotics and paraoxon, respectively.
92 class A beta-lactamase, are resistant to all beta-lactam antibiotics and pose a major public health t
93 que selective resistance-modifying agent for beta-lactam antibiotics, and it may be further developed
94 to explain the resistance of some strains to beta-lactam antibiotics, and the search for the missing
95  a large spectrum of peptidomimetics such as beta-lactam antibiotics, antivirals, peptidase inhibitor
96           Episodes treated with a parenteral beta-lactam antibiotic appear to have a more favorable o
97                                              Beta-lactam antibiotics are a commonly used treatment fo
98                               The targets of beta-lactam antibiotics are bacterial DD-peptidases that
99 of the bacterial SOS response, indicate that beta-lactam antibiotics are extracellular stimuli of thi
100                                              beta-lactam antibiotics are ineffective against Mycobact
101                                              beta-Lactam antibiotics are often coadministered with in
102                                              beta-Lactam antibiotics are one of the most important an
103 gs and nutritionals, we discovered that many beta-lactam antibiotics are potent stimulators of GLT1 e
104                                              Beta-lactam antibiotics are the cornerstone of our antib
105                                              beta-Lactam antibiotics are the most commonly prescribed
106                                              Beta-lactam antibiotics are vital weapons in the treatme
107      Bacterial dd-peptidases, the targets of beta-lactam antibiotics, are believed to catalyze d-alan
108 ween development of a retinal detachment and beta-lactam antibiotics (ARR, 0.74 [95% CI, 0.35-1.57])
109                                 The use of a beta-lactam antibiotic as initial empirical therapy for
110                         The rate of use of a beta-lactam antibiotic as initial empirical therapy for
111 r ceftriaxone heralds the possible demise of beta-lactam antibiotics as effective treatments for gono
112                      Rates of prescribing of beta-lactam antibiotics as initial empirical therapy for
113  PBP2a effectively discriminates against the beta-lactam antibiotics as potential inhibitors, and in
114         Interactions of different classes of beta-lactam antibiotics, as mimics of the acyl-D-Ala-D-A
115  received ceftriaxone (intraperitoneally), a beta-lactam antibiotic believed to increase GLT1 express
116                     Cleavage is induced when beta-lactam antibiotics bind the extramembrane sensor of
117 zinc enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of beta-lactam antibiotics but are also able to function wi
118 nB mutant exhibiting enhanced sensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics but not to other classes of anti
119  with intermittent dosing, administration of beta-lactam antibiotics by continuous infusion in critic
120 aureus can display substantial resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics by enclosure within a shell comp
121 sis for the broad clinical resistance to the beta-lactam antibiotics by methicillin-resistant Staphyl
122 ring the minimum inhibitory concentration of beta-lactam antibiotics by up to 64-fold.
123            Class D beta-lactamases hydrolyze beta-lactam antibiotics by using an active site serine n
124                                Resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics can be mediated by metallo-beta-
125          Thus, the drug resistance of GNB to beta-lactam antibiotics can be rapidly assessed.
126  use have marked effects on T-cell behavior; beta-lactam antibiotics can function as immunomodulators
127              Erwinia carotovora produces the beta-lactam antibiotic, carbapenem, in response to a quo
128  beta-lactamases hydrolyze the "last resort" beta-lactam antibiotics (carbapenems) used to treat mult
129  form and covalently linked to two important beta-lactam antibiotics, carbenicillin and ceftazidime.
130   A general mechanism for the formation of a beta-lactam antibiotic-CBL acyl-enzyme complex is elicit
131 bited a slight increase in resistance to the beta-lactam antibiotic cefotaxime.
132              Moreover, administration of the beta-lactam antibiotic ceftriaxone, which promotes synap
133 ons in synaptic contact were reversed by the beta-lactam antibiotic ceftriaxone.
134  proteins is absent in mice treated with the beta-lactam antibiotic, ceftriaxone, during cocaine with
135 eltadacA mutants are highly sensitive to the beta-lactam antibiotic cefuroxime.
136                   A screen for growth on the beta-lactam antibiotic cephalexin afforded a unique p-ac
137 mal cassette mec (SCCmec) element conferring beta-lactam antibiotic class resistance and a putative p
138 l strains under the evolutionary pressure of beta-lactam antibiotic clinical use.
139 with vancomycin plus 1 other antipseudomonal beta-lactam antibiotic combination (adjusted odds ratio,
140 lactamases are involved in interactions with beta-lactam antibiotics connected with both antibacteria
141 unding variables, previous administration of beta-lactam antibiotics containing an oxyimino group (ce
142 uct complex crystal structures of KPC-2 with beta-lactam antibiotics containing hydrolyzed cefotaxime
143                     Widespread resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics currently limits the treatment s
144  is a membrane-bound receptor/sensor for the beta-lactam antibiotics, devoid of catalytic competence
145 ted peptidoglycan cross-linking to different beta-lactam antibiotics differed as a function of its pa
146                              Optimization of beta-lactam antibiotic dosing for critically ill patient
147                We aimed to determine whether beta-lactam antibiotic dosing in critically ill patients
148 ant Enterobacteriaceae are resistant to most beta-lactam antibiotics due to the production of the Kle
149 required to accommodate peptide substrate or beta-lactam antibiotics during acylation.
150 ed of patients prescribed oral macrolide and beta-lactam antibiotics during the study period.
151           Resistance of S. aureus strains to beta-lactam antibiotics (eg, oxacillin) depends on the p
152 athways that have evolved to the three other beta-lactam antibiotic families: penicillin/cephalospori
153 hylaxis was administered in 1610 cases and a beta-lactam antibiotic for 20,939 cases.
154             Ceftaroline, a recently approved beta-lactam antibiotic for treatment of infections by me
155              The hydrolysis of cephalosporin beta-lactam antibiotics generates dihydrothiazines which
156 ative bacterial pathogens in the presence of beta-lactam antibiotics, gentamicin/penicillin, and vanc
157  were investigated, including sensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics, growth on large sugars, and sen
158 m by which class A beta-lactamases hydrolyze beta-lactam antibiotics has been the subject of intensiv
159              Resistance to extended-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotics has led to a greater reliance up
160  years, the use of successive generations of beta-lactam antibiotics has selected successive generati
161                                              beta-Lactam antibiotics have been used effectively over
162                                          The beta-lactam antibiotics have long been a cornerstone for
163    In the 80 years since their discovery the beta-lactam antibiotics have progressed through structur
164 kinetic-pharmacodynamic assessments indicate Beta-lactam antibiotics have time-dependent killing, var
165 ) for catalysis and substrate specificity of beta-lactam antibiotic hydrolysis.
166 e the isolation and characterization of nine beta-lactam antibiotic-hypersusceptible transposon mutan
167                  In S. aureus not exposed to beta-lactam antibiotics (i.e. not acylated by antibiotic
168 r conditions of induction of resistance to a beta-lactam antibiotic identified two signaling muropept
169 tified that reversed intrinsic resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in a manner distinct from beta-l
170 amases are enzymes that confer resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in bacteria, and there is a crit
171 tly hydrolyze and thereby inactivate various beta-lactam antibiotics in clinical use.
172 g continuous versus intermittent infusion of beta-lactam antibiotics in critically ill patients with
173  for the confirmation and quantitation of 10 beta-lactam antibiotics in fortified and incurred bovine
174 e, the pauA2 mutant became more sensitive to beta-lactam antibiotics in human serum.
175 epair and the manifestation of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in many Enterobacteriaceae and P
176 d one compound which selectively potentiates beta-lactam antibiotics in methicillin-resistant S. aure
177 ed to selectively potentiate the activity of beta-lactam antibiotics in multidrug-resistant methicill
178  responsible for the intrinsic resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
179 ions of which afford inducible resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in S. aureus.
180 is the first one capable of determining nine beta-lactam antibiotics in samples of Manchega ewe milk.
181 encoding resistance to methicillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics in staphylococci, mecA, is carri
182            These genes mediate resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in staphylococci.
183 Staphylococcus aureus senses the presence of beta-lactam antibiotics in the milieu and transduces the
184 Staphylococcus aureus senses the presence of beta-lactam antibiotics in the milieu and transduces the
185                                        Thus, beta-lactam antibiotics in wide clinical use have marked
186 ones displayed additional reactivity against beta-lactam antibiotics including oxacillin, cloxacillin
187                         Various conventional beta-lactam antibiotics, including penicillin-G, amoxici
188 munity settings by deactivating conventional beta-lactam antibiotics, including penicillins, cephalos
189                                              Beta-lactam antibiotics inhibit penicillin binding prote
190   Acylation of the sensor domain of BlaR1 by beta-lactam antibiotics initiates signal transduction to
191 r the introduction of this second generation beta-lactam antibiotic into clinical practice.
192 The inability to contain MRSA infection with beta-lactam antibiotics is a continuing public health co
193                          Reported allergy to beta-lactam antibiotics is common and often leads to unn
194                                   The use of beta-lactam antibiotics is compromised by resistance, wh
195 hat their capacity to increase resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics is dependent on the presence of
196 bility of most Bacillus anthracis strains to beta-lactam antibiotics is intriguing considering that t
197                      The carbapenem class of beta-lactam antibiotics is known for its remarkable pote
198 of bacteria to the normally lethal action of beta-lactam antibiotics is largely due to the production
199 RSA resistance to all commercially available beta-lactam antibiotics is the acquisition of the gene m
200                                The target of beta-lactam antibiotics is the D,D-transpeptidase activi
201 primary contributor to its ability to resist beta-lactam antibiotics is the expression, following det
202 , the most common cause of resistance to the beta-lactam antibiotics is the production of beta-lactam
203                              The efficacy of beta-lactam antibiotics is threatened by the emergence a
204                      Ceftriaxone, one of the beta-lactam antibiotics, is a stimulator of EAAT2 expres
205 fer resistance to almost all clinically used beta-lactam antibiotics, its presence within an easily t
206  (CPP), we determined whether ceftriaxone, a beta-lactam antibiotic known to increase the expression
207 withdrawal, we tested whether ceftriaxone, a beta-lactam antibiotic known to increase the expression
208 ideromycins utilizing the carbacephalosporin beta-lactam antibiotic loracarbef and the fluoroquinolon
209         The high sensitivity of M. luteus to beta-lactam antibiotics may result from the presence of
210 , containing the gene encoding resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics (mecA), into its C terminus.
211 nding conventionally determined MICs for the beta-lactam antibiotics (median values: aztreonam, >128
212                                Resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics mediated by metallo-beta-lactama
213               Recent work has suggested that beta-lactam antibiotics might directly affect eukaryotic
214 letion mutants) that are hypersusceptible to beta-lactam antibiotics might reveal novel genes involve
215 Tipper-Strominger hypothesis stipulates that beta-lactam antibiotics mimic the acyl-D-Ala-D-Ala moiet
216 agnostic evaluation of allergic reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics, mimicking real-life situations,
217 m Aeromonas hydropila and its complex with a beta-lactam antibiotic molecule (biapenem) are simulated
218                            We considered two beta-lactam antibiotics, namely, cephalothin and aztreon
219 ng labor and delivery, common etiologies are beta-lactam antibiotics, natural rubber latex, and other
220 iating evidence for the molecular mimicry by beta-lactam antibiotics of the peptidoglycan acyl-D-Ala-
221 ere, we studied the effects of commonly used beta-lactam antibiotics on rodent and human T cells in v
222 ucer proteins, which experience acylation by beta-lactam antibiotics on the cell surface and transduc
223 ect of different subcutaneously administered beta-lactam antibiotics on the establishment of gastroin
224 ng of pharmaceutical dosage forms containing beta lactam antibiotics or combinations of the four firs
225 uct, penicillin binding protein 3, by either beta-lactam antibiotics or genetic mutation induces SOS
226 a an active process and was inhibited by the beta-lactam antibiotic oxacillin, which slowed inactivat
227 yzes the central step in the biosynthesis of beta-lactam antibiotics: oxidative cyclization of the li
228 ants have increased susceptibilities to most beta-lactam antibiotics, particularly the penicillins.
229 genum is the main industrial producer of the beta-lactam antibiotic penicillin, the most commonly use
230 increased resistance against seven different beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillin G, ampicillin, cepha
231 netic parameters for interactions of several beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, an
232 A major mechanism of bacterial resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, ca
233 erant and hypersensitive patients taking the beta-lactam antibiotic piperacillin and the threshold re
234 ld include a prolonged course of intravenous beta-lactam antibiotic plus metronidazole.
235 every new user of an oral fluoroquinolone or beta-lactam antibiotic prescription with at least 24 mon
236 tration, while treatment with ceftriaxone, a beta-lactam antibiotic previously shown to increase GLT1
237 o sub-lethal concentrations of quinolone and beta-lactam antibiotics primarily through proteins that
238   The nocardicins are a family of monocyclic beta-lactam antibiotics produced by the actinomycete Noc
239        One of the reasons for the failure of beta-lactam antibiotic regimens appears to be mediated b
240                                     However, beta-lactam antibiotics remain the best treatment choice
241 e bacterial enzymes hydrolyze and inactivate beta-lactam antibiotics, rendering the host cell resista
242                                              beta-lactam antibiotics represent one of the most common
243 the specific detection and quantification of beta-lactam antibiotics residues in milk, which was acco
244 omal AmpC beta-lactamase is a major cause of beta-lactam antibiotic resistance in the Gram-negative b
245 colocalize Bla into the periplasm and confer beta-lactam antibiotic resistance to cells.
246     Here we show that the protein conferring beta-lactam antibiotic resistance, penicillin-binding pr
247 ns are a common route to clinically relevant beta-lactam antibiotic resistance.
248 osynthetic genes (ponA2 and pbpX) may encode beta-lactam antibiotic-resistant enzymes proposed to be
249                                              Beta-lactam antibiotics restrict bacterial growth by inh
250                       Our data indicate that beta-lactam antibiotics should be included in the treatm
251 m molecule, opens an unprecedented realm for beta-lactam antibiotic structure-based design.
252 served among those individuals who receive a beta-lactam antibiotic such as cefazolin.
253  the most widespread resistance mechanism to beta-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillins and cephalo
254 ta-lactamases confer bacterial resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillins.
255 tructurally complex members of this class of beta-lactam antibiotics, such as thienamycin.
256 nd stability were sensitive to low levels of beta-lactam antibiotics, suggesting that a functional ce
257                                          The beta-lactam antibiotic temocillin (6-alpha-methoxy-ticar
258                                          The beta-lactam antibiotics tested were as follows: deacetyl
259 ant was also significantly more sensitive to beta-lactam antibiotics than Schu S4.
260            Lactivicin (LTV) is a natural non-beta-lactam antibiotic that inhibits penicillin-binding
261  can resensitize several MRSA strains to the beta-lactam antibiotics that are widely used in the clin
262 cis contains the genes necessary for sensing beta-lactam antibiotics, the B. anthracis sigP and rsiP
263 e herein the discovery of a new class of non-beta-lactam antibiotics, the oxadiazoles, which inhibit
264                   In bacteria susceptible to beta-lactam antibiotics, the transpeptidase activity of
265 ta-lactamases (MBLs) are a serious threat to beta-lactam antibiotic therapy, the CLSI currently does
266                           In the presence of beta-lactam antibiotics these altered cell-wall segments
267 n enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of the beta-lactam antibiotic thienamycin.
268 erfamily involved in the biosynthesis of the beta-lactam antibiotic thienamycin.
269 fford the active side-chain component of the beta-lactam antibiotic thienamycin.
270 ms of resistance, and the development of new beta-lactam antibiotics through side-chain modification
271 t differences in the permeation of sugars or beta-lactam antibiotics through the wild type or PIB var
272 herapy with vancomycin and 1 antipseudomonal beta-lactam antibiotic throughout the first week of hosp
273 sion of beta-lactamase in the absence of any beta-lactam antibiotic, thus indicating that they serve
274                  The ability of an anti-MRSA beta-lactam antibiotic to stimulate allosteric opening o
275 art responsible for the decreased ability of beta-lactam antibiotics to combat infections.
276  (CLSI) lowered the MIC breakpoints for many beta-lactam antibiotics to enhance detection of known re
277 catalyzes the hydrolysis of a broad range of beta-lactam antibiotics to provide bacterial resistance
278                    beta-Lactamases hydrolyze beta-lactam antibiotics to provide drug resistance to ba
279 hancing toxin production, inadvertent use of beta-lactam antibiotics to treat methicillin-resistant S
280 tial to be used in combination with approved beta-lactam antibiotics to treat multi-drug resistant (M
281 cs, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, and beta-lactam antibiotics) to inhibit OAT1 expressed in Ch
282 end to biochemical behavior in inhibition by beta-lactam antibiotics, to the existence of an alloster
283 demonstrate that bacterial persisters, under beta-lactam antibiotic treatment, show less cytoplasmic
284 mbetals) confer broad-spectrum resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics upon host bacteria and escape th
285 l disturbance, severe neutropenia, and prior beta-lactam antibiotic use.
286 onorrhoeae is the major molecular target for beta-lactam antibiotics used to treat gonococcal infecti
287   The paper card can also detect substandard beta lactam antibiotics using an iodometric back-titrati
288 acterized by low level activity with several beta-lactam antibiotics was constructed and employed as
289     The T-cell protein that covalently bound beta-lactam antibiotics was found to be albumin.
290              Additionally, resistance to non-beta-lactam antibiotics was significantly associated wit
291  presence of subinhibitory concentrations of beta-lactam antibiotics was used to determine the effect
292 roteins (PBPs), which are proven targets for beta-lactam antibiotics, we developed a high-throughput
293 rthermore, the kinetics of interactions with beta-lactam antibiotics were evaluated, a process that e
294 occus aureus upon exposure to four different beta-lactam antibiotics were investigated as a function
295 hermore, the mutants are hypersusceptible to beta-lactam antibiotics when grown in the absence of DAP
296 rigger enables synergy between two different beta-lactam antibiotics, wherein occupancy at the allost
297 taphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics, which inhibit bacterial cell wa
298                               Ceftizoxime, a beta-lactam antibiotic with high selective affinity for
299 y (53.1%) could have received an alternative beta-lactam antibiotic with in vitro susceptibility to t
300  imparted S. aureus with broad resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics, with the resultant strain desig

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