


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 acterial activity and mediation of bacterial beta-lactam resistance.
2  vitro and exhibits altered pigmentation and beta-lactam resistance.
3 ides the major mechanism of plasmid-mediated beta-lactam resistance.
4 ction, detoxification and aminoglycoside and beta-lactam resistance.
5 pGpp from antibiotic tolerance to high-level beta-lactam resistance.
6 idase activity of PBPs and to broad-spectrum beta-lactam resistance.
7 AmpC beta-lactamase is a common mechanism of beta-lactam resistance among clinical isolates.
8  of transcription factors, also controls non-beta-lactam resistance and multiple virulence mechanisms
9                Tn4555 is an MTn that encodes beta-lactam resistance, and it is efficiently mobilized
10                           In such organisms, beta-lactam resistance arises principally from beta-lact
11 eus strain did not precipitate a decrease in beta-lactam resistance as observed for fem (factor essen
12 resistance gene mecA caused complete loss of beta-lactam resistance but had no effect on the expressi
13  other enterobacteria, E. coli cells acquire beta-lactam resistance by ampD mutation.
14  lead to antibiotic resistance; for example, beta-lactam resistance by L,D-transpeptidase activities.
15  of PBP2 of S. aureus prevents expression of beta-lactam resistance, despite the presence of the low-
16 in-binding protein 2a (PBP2a) is the primary beta-lactam resistance determinant of methicillin-resist
17 peptidoglycan transpeptidases, including the beta-lactam resistance determinant PBP2a, from MRSA.
18 nal linkage between specific determinants of beta-lactam resistance (e.g. beta-lactamase) and redox p
19 s reaction regulates gene expression for the beta-lactam resistance enzyme, beta-lactamase.
20               Transposon inactivation of the beta-lactam resistance gene mecA caused complete loss of
21                                   Similarly, beta-lactams resistance gene ampC was more prevalent in
22                   We assume that these novel beta-lactam resistance genes have evolved in concert wit
23           Functional metagenomics identified beta-lactam-resistance genes in treated and untreated so
24 nd the PBP5 synthesis repressor (Psr) to the beta-lactam resistance, growth, and cell autolysis of wi
25   Importantly, this protein is essential for beta-lactam resistance in community-acquired, methicilli
26 ttention to carbapenem and expanded-spectrum beta-lactam resistance in Escherichia coli, Klebsiella p
27 aluated for identification of PBP2a-mediated beta-lactam resistance in human and animal clinical isol
28 ves was screened for the ability to suppress beta-lactam resistance in Mycobacterium smegmatis.
29 ession of ospR alters pigment production and beta-lactam resistance in P. aeruginosa via a PA2826-ind
30 f laboratory testing to detect mecC-mediated beta-lactam resistance in Staphylococcus aureus Kriegesk
31 e of mecA, the determinant of broad-spectrum beta-lactam resistance in Staphylococcus aureus was rece
32 idate a prediction model for the presence of beta-lactam resistance in VGS causing bloodstream infect
33 strate viability, the PAD was used to detect beta-lactam resistance in wastewater and sewage and iden
34        The results were then compared to the beta-lactam resistance mechanism determined by biochemic
35                         This article reviews beta-lactam resistance mechanisms in staphylococci, curr
36 s linkage suggested to us that selection for beta-lactam resistance might coselect for capsular trans
37 starvation and stress responses provoke ampD beta-lactam resistance mutagenesis.
38  used in mutagenesis studies accumulate ampD beta-lactam resistance mutations independent of Lac reve
39 an assay system for studying enterobacterial beta-lactam resistance mutations using the well-develope
40 lation of PBP5 synthesis and consequently in beta-lactam resistance or in the regulation of cell auto
41 ovel genes involved with other mechanisms of beta-lactam resistance, peptidoglycan assembly, and cell
42 ne mecA gene, the genetic determinant of the beta-lactam resistance protein PBP2A, had the opposite e
43 T software to search specific databases, the beta-lactam-resistance protein database of A. baumannii
44 ession of poxB in Escherichia coli conferred beta-lactam resistance to the host.
45     To better define the role of sigma(M) in beta-lactam resistance, we characterized suppressor muta
46 e that sigma(M) is responsible for intrinsic beta-lactam resistance, with sigma(X) playing a secondar

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